HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-12-04# , llu4* \7,(/1 CO Date: GeneraL ELeetrieal Constmrcttoa Lendet Reottirerl I-t is tta rcepontibi_Lity of tle penrit holla to aee tlnt alt inspections ee nade at the pto?e" time, th,at eaeh aildress is reaCqhie fnan tla atteet' and tlnt the pamtt catd ia Located dt the frcti of the orooetbt.*suildiry Diuicion approted plan shcll remain on tla Bualding site'at aLL' tikes." PR01EDUPE, F04 IYSPECTI2N .EE-9\JEST:CALL 726-3769 (yeeorder) state your City designated job tequested ard, ahen you uiLL be ready fo-t inspection, Conttaetars olr 0,mers rntne Lnd pTone ., ?tiLL be nade the sane dag, "equests made after ?:00 on urLLL be made tke nest :nrki$ d.ay. ntnbet,, job aCitess, type nutnber. P.equests receit;ed of inspecti,cn befcre 7:00 cn You" CitA Desigr,ated Job Nwnbe" Is .. RES')ENTIAL.. 22s North sfi, s;trnlPPLrdATr,N /PERt[rr Spn'[ngfield" )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPHINGFIELDI. Job Locaticn:.?5 & 0aAeseesors Map #?c,z lot #3 subdiuision: 0tmer: Addtess Phone:2 T Date of App Value Hork: T Uaa Additian RenoCel Mechanical Page 7 of 2 SI?E INSPEC?ION: eocatlation, but Io be nade aftet, pr"ior. tc set up of INFULATION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTION:OR Sanitary sa;er capped et Wopetfui Line Septic totk p"tlTped and filled vith gz,a;;el Pinal - h4ten abcue itens oye ecnaLeted ayid uhen denolition is cornplete Zt stuuc- ture moued od. ptenrtses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- eane! ord. ualer Electrieal Ccmnection - Blocking, set-up and. plunbing connections mtst be apprcued before requesting eleetrical inspecliol Accessory BuilCing Fitnl - After pcrches, ekirting, decks, etc. are cornpleted. forne ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRICAL & MECHI-IIICAL: To be nade befoz,e ang .wrk ie eouet,ed. FOOTINC & FOUNDA?ICN: lo be na.Ce @i6enctrs at,e eacaated. and forms ate erected, but ptior to ?ouving ccncrete. ANDgRGROUTID PLUMDING. SEWEP,, W,4TER. DRAIIIAGE: ?o be made pr"iot, to fil- @Trenchee. AilDERFL)1R PLUI'ENC & MECI(ANICAL : o1 floor inauktion or decking. P1€L1AL BEAM: To be made prior toffiMdof floot insulZtian ov decking. ROUGH PLANBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & I,IECTI- ANICAL: No uotk is to be co"*et,edutil these inspections hatse been nad.e and approoeC. FIPEPL.4CE: Pt'tot to plaeirq faeingmaterials and before franri.ng inspeb- tton. ?RA|.!ING: ltust be requested aftet, apptoual of rough plwnbing, electyi-a.l & nechanical. ALt roofing btacing & chinrneys, etc. tmtst be . completed. Ilo ucrk is to be con- . cealed unti.L this inspeetion las'been made anC apptooed. Io be made after aLL insulaticn a:ld required oapor buriers @e in place but before ang Lath, gypsurn baatC oy taLL couering i.s applied, and beforeay insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECTT1N: Ic be nade@a-dT@tTts in place, but prior to any tapirq. MAS1NRY: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or uerticals in aceoydotce LlLth U.B.C. Section 24L 5. After installation is 32emp CURB & APPROACH APPON:e,. e;;;tA-il;ndot After formsto pourtng corlc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRfWilAf : For aLL eon- cz,ete paoittg uithin street right- of-teA, to be made after aLL esea- oating conplete & fonn uork & sub- base matertal in p'l.a.ce. IENCE: gates P.U.E. hhen conplete -- fuotsiCe or motsable sections through The Final Building Inspection rmtet be requested aftet the Final Plwnbing Mec?nrical fnspections hale been made and appt'oued. - --- ALL pnoject cond;-tions, such as the i.nstallation of stteet trees, conpletion of the required Landseepirq, etc., tmtst be satisfied befote the BUILDINC FLNAL can be z'equested.PTilAL PLUMBITIG EIIIAL MECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDTNG: Electrical, ard.r *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I|US? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!{EN! TO BE I44DE /.T NO CCST ?O CEY 7 ,rouorn ro^n 5 Lisc. #Cont?actors Ad.d.t,ess J Fu-aL I 'lo?z{r T Z JOB NO SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-cL-CO Bedtoons Df House Lot Faces -Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cooeraga I of Stortes Total Height Topogrqhg fntericr Corner Panlnndle Cltl-de-sac LOT TWE -- Fees -- This perrrtt is granted on the etpt,ess corldition thot the sail-constntction s?nLL', in aLL rZspects, confonn to the Ordirnnce adopted tiy the City o-f Springfield, incl,uding the Zoning CYdiltance, negulating the ecnstraeticn od uie of buildtngs, otd may be suspended ot le\okeC at cnA tine upon oic- Lation of etA prcuisions of eaid ovdinances. TOTAL VALUE ITEM FTC x Va Signed: Date Paid. Building Pendt Total Chargea State Building Vqlue & Permit Plumbing Permit No petson slnll consh''uct, inetal!' altet or eltange any nea cr e*isting plmbing or dtainage syetan in uhole or in pa.rt, unlees such person is the legal pbssessor of a ,talid plwtber's Lt)cense, eteept tlut a pelson na'g do plmU'tng uork to p"ope"tA uhich is ovtned, Leased ot operated by the tppli- cant. N0. * ?i.stut ee Resid.ential (7 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Pen'it State Electricol Permit Wlere State Lau reqtires th.a.t the eleetrlcal uork be done by an Eleetrical Contractot, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be oaliC unt'il the LabeL lns been eigned by the Electuical Conttacto?. L State Na,t/Ettend. Citeuits Seriee -->(? NC FEE CIlARCE I a .60 , Mechcrnicql Permit Eahanat Hood Ilcodstooe Vent ?@t Pevmit Issuanee Meclwnical Pernrtt Seq,*ity Deposit Storage Mainternnce Pentrtt - Ctttbeut Sida,talk !ence Electrical Label Mobile Horne ?otal PLan Ebonlner uate f HAW CAREFULLy EXAILINBD the cornpleted application for perrnit, and do heteby certify tlnt aLL information hereon is true and eorrect, and. I fatker eer+-ify that any ard aLL uork perfonned slnll be done in aceor- dance tith the Ordinanees of the City of Spr"tngfield, and, thz Las of the State of Onegon pertaining to the wrk Ceecribed herein, d,nd tlat N0 1CCU- PANCy uLLL be rrud.e of any sttactu?e vtthout pernission of the Bui\ding N-oision. I further eertify that only eonty'actors acd enplcyeee uho are in eornpliance dith 1RS 701.055 ut)LL be used on thia project LJ TOTAL A|40UNT DUE: *c ?5 Signed Date S.D.C. 1.5 c rTEM FEE Ualot t.