HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2000-10-20OBEGO'VCITY OF SPRIN\--'IELE, DEVELO PM ENT SERVIC ES DEPABTM ENT Octobsr 20, 2000 CERTIFIEDLETTER 225 FIFTH SIREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-s689 Re: Notice and ffier to Comply *ith The Springfield Building Safe* Code Administmtirie Code Rclativc To Thc Unsaft And S$standard Buildings at 1197 38tr Shcct, Springficl4 Orcgon DcarMr. AndMs. Ogan: As a result of a recent inryectioq the City of Springfield Community Servies Divisioq Building Safety, has determined that &e stnrctures located at the abore referenced location, also known as Iane County Asressors Map #flA23043, Tax Lot 04300, for reasons below, subsandard and unsafe buildings as dcscribcdinthcSpingficldBuildingSafttyCodcAdministrativcCodc. IancC-ounsAsscssmentand Taxation records reveal that you are the orvner ofthis property. Soction 203 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code classifies structures which are sfiucturally inadequate or dangerous to human life as unsafe. Section 1001 of the Springfield Housing Codc spccifics oonditions constituting substandard buildings. Thc following conditions includc but arc not limited to conditions existiag at the sEuctures identified above, classifying them as s$standard and unsafe buildings. 1. The property is not currently served wi& water senrice. The Housing Code requires that each rcsidcncc shall bc providcd with hot and cold nrnningwatcr. 2. The property is not currently sen'ed with electrical service. The Housing Code requires that each residence shalt be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a rtl.om temperature of 68 degrees F. at a poift 3 feet abve tlre floor in aU habitabte rooms. The Code further states that *,hsrc thcrc is clcclrical powcr ayailablc within 300 fect of thc prcmiscs of the building such building shall be connected to such electrical power. 3. Each dwelling shall be provided with a water closet lavatory, and a bathtub or sho*er. Although these fixtures are installed in tlre dwelling the lack of water service produces inadequate and unsanitary scwagp and plumbing facilities. Section 204 O) of the Administrathe Code provides procedures where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies reprEsent an immediate bazard.to life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants. Notice is hereby served that the property is being posted to be vacatcd by 5:00 p.m. Octobcr 23,2000 duc to thc potcntial hazards to thc occupanb rcsulting from thc above cited mnditions. If you, or your tenants do not vacate the premise rrithin the time frame specifid the City will wk mmpliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal reoourse, which may include Municipal Court proceedings. JohnRandPaula S Ogan 8349a PapcnfusRoad Pkasant Hill, Oregon 97455 JohnRandPaula S Ogafl 1197 38e Shcct October 20, 2000 Page 2. Onoc &c ptopcrty has bccn racarcd, oocupanqy may not takc placc until thc abovc mortioncd unsaft and substandard conditions are corrected and approred by this office. Any person havingany record, title or legal inteffit in tbebuilding may appeal from this Notice ard Order to the nuilding Board of Appeals, provided that he appeal is made in writing and fil€d with the Buildhg OfEcial within thirtj. (30) da,,s from thc darc of scrvicc of this Noticc and Ordr. Failurc to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrati\re bearing and determination of this metter. Your articipated courtesy and oooperation is appreciated. If you harrc any questionq you may contact me at726-363. DaveCsdomski Electrical Inryedor Dave Puent, C-ommunity Services Manager Cynthia Pappas, Dorclopmcnt Scrviccs Dircctor Tom lv{arx, Building Inspector CodeEnforcement Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Joc Lcahy, City Attornrys Officc cc: RLID Detailed Property Report Site Address: 1197 38TH ST Map & TaxLot#: 17023043 4300 A & T Account #: 116200 X-Coord:1350318 Site Add rms,s lnfmrrnati**r House Suffix Predir 1197 Mailing City SPRINGFIELD Create Date: 1 998-06-29 Land Use a*c Zoning Land Use Code and Description Use Code and Description: Parent Zone 1'. Zoning Jurisdiction: Zone Acres: i;ic: r: - ** rv i r:fu r:-i:at !.:-: General lncorporated City Limits: Urban GroMh Boundary: Fire Protection Providers: Plan Designation: Census Tract: Block Group: Year Annexed: Annexation #: Transportation Analysis Zone: Approximate Acreage: Approximate Square Footage: Environmental Findings Willamette Greenway: Metro Flood Hazards: lVetro Wetlands: Soil Map Unit Number: Schools Page 1 of3 LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE $pecial lnterest Code l@,pEil Site Address State Plane froordinates Y-Coord: 880709 Street Name PostDir. Street Type Unit Type Unit 38TH ST State Zip Code Zip+4 Carrier Route oR 97478 5616 c030 Update Date: 1998-05-29 f autionrE.:::'r+ z,rning *ii4,or liiftci -== inlornra?lr.n contilineG i:-! thia, tfiiilurt n'riiy nct r=;iccrrrate P5+=ge i:o r :f r rm z* ::ir g inf or maii* * rvri.i' lh= i;r:a l rrlr JSi rcii* r Code: Description: 1150 MOBILE HOME - NOT tN MOBILE HOME PARK X MOBILE HOMES LOW DENSIW RESIDENTIAL spr 0.21 LOW DENSITY RESI DENTIAL Code Name SPR SPR L 1902 3 1 960 o41 .22 9583.2 76 http.//www.rlid.org/cfdocs/rlid/reportsAvlain_report.cfm?Map:17023043&LoF04300&ac.. 1012012000 RLID Detailed Property Report PageZ of 3 District: 19 SPRINGFIELD Elementary School: 372 YOLANDA Middle School: 505 BRIGGS High School: 668 THURSTON Service Districts LTD Service Area: YES LTD Ride Source: Y Ambulance District: Emerald People's Utility District: Political Districts Election Precinct: 102402 County Commissioner District: 2 State Representative District: 42 City CouncilWard: SP4 EWEB Commissioner District: [,.;*rrr. flryumtt],' ;*.nsess:r#;.'*. *]if tqtry ! Ac***;:t I-i;-:=.=*+r: tr"fl#]*!{! Property Owner Ownerl Name: OGAN JOHN R & PAULA S OwnerAddress: 83494 PAPENFUS RD SPRINGFIELD PLEASANT HILL City Taxpayer Taxpayer Name: Taxpayer Address OREGON State UNITED STATES Country Section lmprovement Value RealMarket 640 630 630 OGAN JOHN R & PAULA S : 83494 PAPENFUS RD PLEASANTHILL oREGON City State Remarks: Gonverted Record Fnmprurty L",nga [ ffiulsc11=€E** Township: Range: Subdivision Type: Subdivision Name LoUTract/Unit Number: Subdivision Number: Recording Number: Frop*lt'ty VeEiue flfld Taxes Land Value RealMarket 1999 17,920 1998 15,720 1997 10,540 97455 Zip Code 97455 Zip Code Quarter: Division/Phase: TotalValue RealMarket Assessed 18,560 13,909 16,350 13,406 11,170 8,935 http://www.rlid.orglcfdocs/rlid/reportsAvlain_report.cfm?Map:77023043&Lot:}4300&ac.. 1012012000 UNITED STATES Country RLID Detailed Property Report 1 995 12,590 13,808 Taxable Value 790 0 Exempt Property Value (EPV) Page 3 of3 13,380 13,380 0 Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) 0 Exemption Amount Regular (EAR) 1999 228.36 Tax Year Certified Tax Amount Account Status o Active o Taxable t3 Locally Assessed c Pending Seg/Merge c Delinquency c Delayed Foreclosure c Bankruptcy c Code Split lndicator Land Gharacteristics Code DescriPtion Generallnformation Proper$ Class: 101 Account Type: RP Category: LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS Mortgage Company Name: Total Acreage for this Account: O.22 Fire Acres: Tax Code Area (Levy Gode): 01900 City of Springfield Lane Community College Lane County Lane County Education Service District (E.S.D.) Lane Gounty Metropolitan Wastewater Service District School District No.19 / Springfield Willamalane Park and Recreation District View Taxing District lnformation from Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation's site. Sales lnformation Sales Date Sales Price Grantor lnstrument # 03-04-1997 27,OOO OGAN, JOHN R & PAULA S H&W 97-01509900 Man ufactu red Stru ctures ModelYear: Make: SerialNumber: Plate Number: New Propertv Search Model: IVlain lVlenu Search Results http://www.rlid.orglcfdocs/rlid/reports/lVlain_report.cfm?Map:17023043&LoF04300&ac.. 1012012000