HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-09-15..RESIDtrNTIAL.. 22s North sttt streey?PLrcArr,N/PERMrr SprLrqfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGF'ELD .a,ecetct I Job Locaticn: ?os Lot #Aesessore Map # Subdi,uision: Atner: PtoneAddtess: Date of Applicaticn- Descr4be I'lot'l<:l-l llan \licl!-\ot\\Addixicn GeneraL i.lecharicaL )Ei.!0 Soti:a4 s*^er capped at properfil Line Septie tank Va:-oeci ant ilLLeC uith gratel Final - ith.en abcue itens ate ccttplete<i qzci uhen Cet:cl:,tion is ccmplete a? st:\.c- tute notteC od. pre:r,i"aes cleaned up. Le Hcnes cannecziotts -- aane? al. uater Ccnnection - Blocking, se',-1,tc plwnbing eozneetions m;st be qprcted before requesttng eleelrical inspectlo;: pctekes, skirting, deeks, etc Aceessot"; BuilCirtg LoekLna cnlt 521-uD L - After Consimrg?icn_!endg!_ It ia the respoas'ibility of tla penrit lotden to see that aLL inopectiona de nade at the propet t*ne, that eceh cdlress ts tea)abie 1'ran the at?eet, and tlnt the per.mit card ia Located. at the fzofi of tle propet,fu.*9uilding Dbiciot c(ptou^ed glan siull:temai.n on the Building Stte at tLL tines. PROCIDUPE FAR Iil1PECTION R11WST.'CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state !ou" City Cesigrated job nunber, job aC&ess, type_ oi insgee--icn @bireonafor.irlspectlon'cont"actarscrOune:srtanecndphpnenw,tbel,'Pequestsrecei"-edbefcre7:00an'-4LL be rrude the sane dcg, requests ncde aft* 7:00 an vtLL be noi.e the nert:,nrkinq C,z;;. TA\q I il Si?g INS?IC?I)N: To be rmde af+-er escaltattcn,SG prtar tc set up of foztns. A$DERSLAB PLUMBING, SLEC?RICAL & |ECI!.A.1IICAL: 7o be nade before any .wrk is eottated. F)1TTNC 1 FOANDATICN: ?o be rmde @iffiTe.ccauated and. fotns ate erected, but prior to pottting ccnctete, UND1RGROUTID P\UMEIIIG, S9WP..'{,4T!R, DRAIIfu|E: lo be naCe prtoz, to fil- @-Gnches. UI|DEPELAjR ?LUt,tB lll G't lltC1A,Nf CAL :@oifloor insuT.ation or decking. P1S! AND BEAM: To be nad,e prior to -^- instaLlaticn of fZoor insulatioa oz, deeking. ROI'CH PLA!(EI:IG, ILEC?RICAL & I,,IEC,1- ANICAL: llo uork is to be ccuered ffilTthese insoectians haue been nade attd apprcoeC. !IPE?LA|E: Prtor to pkcirg facingffi& and. before f"*,lr.s inepeL- tion. FRr',L'lfilG: ltust be req-uested af5et approual of z'ough plur,bing, eleetr.i- a.L & neehodeal. ALL rooftng braciry E chinneys, etc. rrust be . conqleted. llo ucrk is to be con- , cealed ,*rttl this tnspeetion itas "been nad.e anC approoed. PI]IAL PLUMBINC FIIIAL WCilMICAL FIilAL SLEC?RICAL Ycu" CitA Deeigra,i;ed iob Nwrber Is: INSULA?ION/VAPOR EARRER IIISPICTION : ?o be rmde after aLL insulaticn c:^ti raquired udpo? b@Yiers @e in place irut before ory kth, Wpsurl bcatC or unLL couering is qplied, ad beiore ay iwulation is concealed. DRYTALL INSPIC?IC;I: io be naCe after aLf, CtyuaLL is in plaas, but prior bo crq taping. IUSONRYt Stee| Location, bonC beans, grouting ot uerticals ln accoydatce vith U.B.C. Secti-on 241 5. .4ftet instalLation is CURB & APPRCACH APP1N: Aftet lornsoe erecteC but pr")or to pcur,.ng cofiE?ete. SIDEilALK & DRT-,EWAY: lor aLL con- cl,ete p@i;iffi street right- of-txy, to be naCe after aL! eaea- ,tating eonplete & forn ,"prk & sub- itase matertal in place. WOODSTA'/E:er,pTffi, ufvnq.h4ten eonpLate -- PyotsiCe ar noaable eections ilwough ALL projeet cor.ditions, suek as the ti.nstallaticn of street trees, ccnolea)on of tie required Landscqirg, atc., nust ce satislied before the E\ELDI:IG II.\AL ccn be reqtestei. ?INAL BAfLDIN}: The Final Buildtttg Inspection nt,tst be requested df'-er the lit'-tl Plmbing Electrical, od. Mecltaniccl fnspeettons haua been nade and approuei. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOATS MUST BE ACCES,TBLE, ADJASTEXI iO 3E !,L4DE /.? $A CCST rC Cff:I Pzce 1 of 2 71 ,,ouor" ,o^u r 2 JOB NO.soLAR A ESS REQ.-L-co c Zone:tsedtooma: bt 5q. tt€. % of Lct Cooerage _ Inter-iot _ Corner _ Panhand,Le CUL-de-sac Lot Faces - P Aceess# of Stories ?otal 1eight ?opogra?fu Lace r?EM F?G x Building Volue & Permit This perntJt is granted on the eqress cord.ition tlat the said eonettactionslnll, ^in-all .tes-pe.c.ts, eonfcrn :o the Crditwlce zdocteC b,1 tke 1:.ty ofSp"tng"'!el{, :,nclud.tng =he 3oning Crriinance, r.egulcting the ecnstrtcticnoui.use of buildirqs, oui nay be susoet^d.eC or rbuokei it "r1 t-.ne upcn uic-Lation of arry prcuisions of aaid CrCirances. TOTAL VALUE Euilding Pernr[t Fee: State ?otal Chargea Signed: N0 CIIARGE liett*es Plumbing Permit N9 pereon slwll ccnsh-.uct, install, alter ot eltonge an! nel) cr esistin4 qlum2ina or dtainage systad in ulole oz, in patt, inless such person is- th,e Legal.possessor of a ualid plwtberts Licensb, eccept tlat a oZtson nay dopltmbing uork to prope?fu uhich is otrned, Leased or operated ly tte aipli,-cdtt. Resid.enti.al (1 baxh) Sani Seaer I Pluninng Pezwit State Electrico I Perm it lllere state Lan requirea that the electrical utork be done by an Electrica| Cont?acto?, the electrical portion of thia permit sllall 4ot be tal.iC untilthe l,abel ius been aigt.ed by the Electrical- Contractot. u Nat/Ecterd, Cireuits Setoice State Total r?!t4 att n DaF htu-^- )OlltQ khalet Hoo,L Vent Pot 'tlcodstooe -- ENCRCACE!4aIIT -- lecar|fu Deposit qtgdSe Maintenance Permit .- Si.deualk lence Electrical Label ,&) ,Vobile Honte 35oz ?OTAL A}'!OUT|? DUE:' Mechonicql Permit ?ertrut Issu,o@e Mechanicel Pemtt P LdL gi@n1,ne? I EAW CAREFALLY SXfi{fNgD the conrpleted cpplication for permit, @td dciereby cettify that aLL il.fornation herecn is tmte anC ecz,reet, cnC f f"L"thet certify that otg ard aLL uork performed slall be done in accon- dance trith the )rdina.ees of the City of Spmngfield, and. tha Laxe of theState of )r,egon pertainina to the aork Cescribcd herein, ctui tilat NO OCCA- FllIICy lrill be naCe of ctlA st"ucttue urtthout permission of the guilding N-tision. I further eettifE thtt o:,tLy contaaeto?s o-d erplcyees aho arZ tn eanrpliance atth CRS 707.055 aiLL be ueed on this project Enerau Soutces Ttne Sethaeks leat douse Caraae t?Jntar tl Dn+on North Snef ,outil Hoodstote 'lest itate Sweheoe lotal 1naraes bIs {. TG--