HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-06-01-- RESIDIftTIAL .- CO},!BINATION/A.PPLICATION PERMII SPRTNGFIELD CI?:I O! SPRI|ICFIELD 225 i:CilH STH S!?EET SPRI1I1FIELD, 1RECON 97477 tsuildirg Dioisio':l 726-57 S3 robLoation \1\S-\ n3B*n lf\a0r, F.ECEI?T T ,N 3bc \S to0 r0,40 tll 1+_M1 aD teo tl Agent Subditti sicn: !.sgos0o?e I'bD #?e tot I Anne"Cil €A,A,U* sfAddxse I 2_ S"f PTwne { 71 /-/o1 3 7 7aci Deecvibe ,lotk r--l llet AdCitionnSanodel e9 ) Contructors !l@?e Addwsa Li sci ErY;.res Plone # Ceneral lleetria,L Itechozie,L Cottstztrction Letd.et REQUIRSD INSPECTIONS It is tho rcsponsibility of the prnnit holder to see th3t a.l,l irspeetions are made at the praper ti.nc, that each address is readabte frcrn thc street, and tha: the perrdt car.d is located at the front of the properry. * Alt oanholes and cfeanouts ar6 tc be adJustsd at no cost to the CIty SfTE IIISPECTICN: To bc nade afterErcaviffiffi prior to set up of fon:s. EIREPLACE: Prior to placiag facing tuterial.s and beforq fi:aning inspec- tlon. HOODSTorES: After installation, I-orn-*-tea UIIDEP.SLAB PLUI.IBING, ELgCT.D,ICAL € HECHAilICAL: ?o be made before anyGiEiffivered. FRAI{IITG: E!-0"-al lfust be rcquested afteli of rough plurabing, electri- CURB 6 APPROAC:| APPON: After forrrs ca], 6 mcchaaical. A11 noofing, bracing t chinrneys, etc. nust be ccnpleted. No work ls to be con- ccaled rJntil this inspectioa has b6€n tnade and approved. are erected but prior to pcuring concrete. FOOTIIIG 6 EOUIIDATION: To beffi-:rcavated fonras ane erected, but pricr pouri.ng concretc. U}ID'ERGROUND P]:WE IHG. SEI{E8, made aed to tA18', To be rnade after a.I]. insulation and required vapor: bariers are in pJ.ace SIDEHALK 6 DRIVE,{AY: For all con-An-;C-pffiIiiffi street right- of-way, tc be r::ade after a.LJ. exca- rrating campletc 6 forra work 6 sub- base BBterial in place. DRAII{IGE: To be made prior to fil- ling trenches. but before any La or @'to be rnade pri.on to instaliation of floor insulatj.on or decking. *aI1 covcriag is : may bc nequiredany insuJ.ation is concealed.Building Code, to be indicateC in ;1ars or by no- tice from Building fnspector. POST t BEAH: instaLlaticn or Ceeking. !o be nade prior to of flcor: insulation DRYIIAI.L INSPECTICN:i@.s To be nsde in place, but prior to any taping. ROUCH PLUMBING ELECTP,ICAL 6 HECI{-!!AS0NRY: Ste€I location, bond Effiglouting cr ve::'ti.cals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2$1s. AllCfl\L: t{o Hork is to be covered i6-ti1 these inspections have been nadc and approveC. FINAL PLUMBING A1L p:roject eonditions, such as the installation of street trees, co8tpletion of the required landscaping, etc.' rmlst be satisfied before the BUILDING FfNAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Electrical, and Mechanieaf Building Inspection rmrst be reguested after the Final PJ.umbing Inspections have 5een made ard apprcved. FINAL ELECTRICAL EINAL MECHAI.IICI.L llo occupancy of the premises can be made until the Final Building fnspection has been rnade and approved, anC a CERTIFICATE 0F 0CCUPANCY HAS BEEII ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DM- SICN A}ID POSTED ON THE PREMISES. PROCEDURE FoR INSPECTIoN REQUEST: CaIl 726-3769 (reccrder)state your City designated job ;ffier;-itb adiress, typi of -nspection requested and when you will be ready for inspec- tion, eontr:acto?s or 0wners name and phone nunbers. Requests received before 7100 a.m, will be nade the same day, requests made aften 7: day' youR crry DESTcNATED JoB NUI.IBER rs be next rorking00 U-e I 't\\chN\-UCPtNq, K/\\.f Page 1 of 2 P:.ge 2 JOB I'IU}IBER REFIIRENCE NIIIBERS L-COC !! OCCLIPANCY CROUP TYPE/ CONSTRI'CTION BEDROO},!SZONE Lot Faces DT House 'ia"a(e lt-ceeSS llo?th 5otlth llest Lot Sqt4re ?tg. :i cJ' Lot Cooered ;; of Stortes ?otd,L ltetght loVogrqhy Setbacke 0thet bt fiJ?e fntetior Ccne" Sq. Ftg. 51@cge Sq. itg. Cqor! Thls perttit is grwtted on the ezp"€as c.ndi:ao4l thct the aaid co?tstraction shall, in ali'tesVecte, confcr to tie M,inq.cee adopted by the C!;g o;' Spt-)ngfield, inckding the Zoning Minoee, reqtlat')ng :1e ccn- str,l.Lction otd. uee of buildings, oti tay be etapzrd,ed, op "qJoked at ozg tine upott rtiolaticn cf @Ti ?"oui-aiona of etid 1rditwcea. BULLDIL|C VALW /PER!,!fi PLqt Oeck ?ee # Date Paid Sane? No pereon shall co>tsttuot, inetell, zltet ct choqe dry nelt or ec-atittg plmbing or drdnage sgl2ai in uhole o" in pat, tmlese sueh pereoti ia lhe )egal poaaeaao? of a talil. pl*nberte Licerae, ezce?t tlat a pe"son nag dc plwnbing uotk to p"o?etA utach ie ottned, Leased o" ope"ated bg the qtlicert. PLI]MBIIIC PMMIT SUWANl TOTAL CHARGES State Suteltoge lleu ot Cdtot?ue2ion Vhere Stale La,r reqtiree tlqt the e'tecticai uotk be dana bg d, Ezect?:eal Conttdcto", the eleeL*Jcai pot- tton cf thia permit alall not be uaiid untii ."he la- bel ha,e been sigaed by the ilectriccl Cc4fueto?. The EZectrtcal Safefu hl doee not rcquire i ?elsonlto obtai,tt a Licettse d,s dt alect?tsiqt arl/ot elec- Lrica! contractc" b nake a electrlcal ina::Llattcn on pra?e"tr! ahich is cuvd bg hinaeii ot a -.atbet of kis *Medicte larrlly uhieh is ttot izlencad ;':r aale, Leaee ct rent. SLECARICAL PERI,II ClIA,RGES Hood Vent Fot llood AECflA^IIC.4L PfrMTT SAB?O7AL ElICROACHNElIT i.laincnore Petnit AltoullT D!!E 5ldeddLk ltectrieal L,a.bal AT4OAilT DUE PL@L E@t-1ef Date f AW C.4REEALLY EXAMINED the eornpleted qplieation for perwit, otn do henebg certify that aLL inforrnation heteot is true otd, cottect, qtd, fftotlet cdt:f! tltat otg ovl aLL wrk petforned stlall be done in atcot- danee odh the ondinoteee of the city of Spritqfield, and the Lais of theStuta of )regor pertaining tc the wk deee?ibed hetein, @d that NO OC- CW4frCA viLL be rmda of @aJ ettuctu"e urLtlout penries:Lon of tlu BuilditrgDi,sieion. I f,trther ee"tif| tlnt otlg eontractora and erployeeE atto atbin canpliance vtth ORS ?01,055 trill be tsed on this project. Diuisi.on qpro,ted plat slull tqein on the Building at aLLtinee. ? TOTA' C&ARCES