HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-01-26APPLICA 225 North Sth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision /ZO-Ot/DO .. RESIDENTIAL..SPFIINGFTELD )N/PERMTT l'cr to!: ll ,lob Locaticn: Aesessors Map ll Subdiuision: Otmer:p L (a-;qtPlionc: I Address Nea Value7 Descri.be 6'ovP;)ttb t 3'lorql CLr*1' S''-'' '' t ln Date of App Licaticn ontrilc or Addi.ti.cn IlecE.rir:a 1 s llr);l t'(rl-!l l,l:r r r General Plumbi. 11 tCa S trperv ln lil e<'t r 0 z/q )L7 c ( 1:l l1 J It ia the responsibilitg of the permit holder to see that alt fron the stree nspections are nadc at 21t,: i t,tif.tzt1 f.inc, thct acch ad.dresc is readable *Buildino Diui t, anC that the:ion approxed p -pernrit cand is Loeated at the front of thc: ,Lan sfu:Ll remaitt on tlp Duiklutg Si.i;; at aLL DropePtu PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTION 4&UEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorde.y) sLate your CiLy ,lesi-,-lt,zted ,i,:t: nunber, ,iob ad":.i,csc, type of inspec:ict, iiZL be nade the sone dcy" "equests mcde after, T:00 oil uitl be nade thc ncrt :-tcrJti.rt"j c7a:! . tines Ioun City Desigtated Job Nunbcr fs Reati.ra,4 fncnonf i ancrSITE INSPECTION: ?o be nnde after e.ocauation, but; ptior tc set up of forme. ANDERST,AB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL,$ MECilIIIICAL: To be made before any uotk i.s cooered. P))TINC & F)UNDATICN: ?o be nwCe;fier tr;n ies are elcaoated and. forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. UNDERGROUI]D pLUMerNC, Sgt"tER, {,1.11',0R, DRAI\IAGD: To be rnade prior to fil-Lirq trenchee. UN DERFLOOR PLUI,EING & I,IECIIANI CAL : oy floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade pnior to TiiTiTTatlan of floot, insulation or decking. RO!-ICil PLUIIBITlC. ELECTRICAL ,'i T,IECII. ANICAL: No aork is to bc couere,T ffiiT-these inspec.!;ions hanse be,zn made and approoed., EIPEPLACE: Prior to placirq facingmaterials and. before fratning inspec- tion. FRAl.lItlC: l"lusL be requected after apptoual of rough plunbing, electri-cal & nec?wnical. ALL roofi;tg bracing E chinmeys, etc. tntst be eornpleted. lto uct k is to be con- cecled until tllis inspeetion lns been made anC approxed. FTilAL PLUI,IBIIIG FINAL I4ECHANICAt, FINAL ELECTRICAL I N S I t L AT T O N / V APO R It,4 R R I E R I il 5 | f i', t r.t ;l_: To be made afte-r aLl insul-,;ti.cn o::,7 rcquired uapor ban,iers arc tn p/.11:11 but before any LaLlt, gllp$utn ltt:atri. rtt unLL coueting i.s applied, arul befittc ot11 insulation i,s concealcrT. DRYWALL INSPICTT)N: Tc be nade i$er.ZtTVryu"lt-ts in plac e, but pr.ior to cny taping, MAS)NRI: Steel. Local:iort, bottd \1frilgrouting or uertiacT:t irt accordance uLth U.B.C. Sectt'.oti 2415. WOODST)VE: After instalT.ati.on is ccnp'Leted. CURB & APPRCACI| AP!?ON: Afte:, fonnsat. .r.ctedltutV;l;; to pcuriitg conc?ete, SIDEI,IALK & DRI|'EI|Ay: Fot aLL con- crete pauing uithin strect r'igltt- of-txzy, to be maCe after aL!. etr:o- oating conplete & fona t,nt'k ,t sub- base naterial in place. ,';tini.:,,;J' / ;r,';.rq:,r' -:12;r:,1,.J .;t pl'operty Lirrz ':,,; t i., .'.,..r;.i: i';,'--- ..i .::ri .iil lt,l uiLh j)'r'-'j.- l'trtL;i. - h'lrcn ab;t:c i.';cns atr: ccnpleteii .i1iLi xlicn .;enr:'i i.titt: ie conE;Lete ol. sila..'- l,u:,': r;;i;r:.7,zr;: pr'.:'r2i5..5 cleanei up. I ,I rr- i ir.,.' il7.tt,::ki.rti arul Sec-;t1: l'l.tu;l;'!.tg c()nneciaons -- sa)er anl. uafer li/ c,: |.ri.c,:i Cctt:,:e tion - Blockin;t, se l-;r:- titt.i ltlunlti.n,i e,:tLr,ecti.;tts rn';sL te apprl::;.:' lnf,tt,; t'ecte:;l . tt,t p-le ,'!t"ical inspec!io:: /lIf rr';;rr.tl]', 3tt ii,::tt't ii.tt,t|. - All.;:r ;orcl:es, si:.;.rttng, decl:.s, e l.i . at e acnpic :t:,:i. iENCE: hrhen conplate __ [ifl)1.,ii.: gdtes or motsable scc!;iottt; l;|u'oull; P. U.E. ALL pro;jeat conditions, :;ua!': as Llrc !.nst.ttLloLi.,.tt oJ' ;;1,1+',1t fr,,-:ar;, ,,.r:-l'7,:Li,tn ct! Lie required Landsecping, ctc., mtst lte saLt:;i'iad b,:iorL" l:l:e EIIILDIiIt) I'[;;,lL ::an be r,equcstcd FINAL BUILDINC: The linal Building Ins;,er:tiort riirct b,t requested ti'tcr tlie Final Plmbin: \J Elecbrical, anC Mechaniaal fnspccLtons ltu.Dc been n,t,!c aru| a!,rrouc.i., Pr:1;e I oJ' lr fM.o", rc I Pcga 2 7, cf Lct Ccuerage _ L(_\',|": '! ,' :: I ntet'i,ct' _ i,'ottiler i'Luthlull...' i-'ul-dc'srt:: Lot Sq. Ftg ll o!' Stories 'Iotal Height Topography l1'[;M )7ir.' SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO.L-CO GII Bedt'ootts Lot Faces - !teat 1,. L llouse Accesa RerKie LaceFL th l,/ rt:i t -- Itces -- ,r Valuar'!x!.1 Ca t ,lcc TOT,1T, VALU\i S.D.C. 1' 5 x PLan Date Paid: Signed: This petmt-t is gnanted on the exprless condition tlnt the, saidrconsttwction slntt', in all iespects, conforn'bo the Crdintmce edop.teiL biy the C:ty 2f ip,t"gi;nla, inclluding' the 2oning Cvdinanc.e, r'egulating tl'te ccnstmettcn and ,isL of LuiLdings," ond ^ry be suspended ot, r,euokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of any prcuisions of said Ordinances' ,{ Euilding Pernrit Total lln:'11tt; State Building Volue & Permit t;llAl';rlL;t r_f- Fittw,es Residential (1 bath) SdnL Seaer Plumbing Permit No t)p-pson stn|.L consttact" instal!' alter ot'clnnge anlJ neD-ct1 existi.ng - it**'li'"" iilii.gL systZy in uhoie or. in part, unless such person is the ingoL p"oou"""on o1"o vlolLi pt*rtnt,ts lic-ens'e, eagept that a peyson may {o- plLnbiitg uork to p*opnity iti.t, l" otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Tctal ChcrQas Pltutrbing Pernit State Surchan.qe N au/Llstend Cincu-i. ! :; Set uice 7?3Ic< & Electricol Permit hrhere State La,t requires tt",at the electnical uork be done by -an Electt'icaL Con.by,a.tot,, the el)ettical po*tion of this _pewnit shall not be ualiC until the Label -Lns been signetl by the Electrical Conltraatot" Total t')lxu'ce:; Stete Sttt':.t t'!E C!!AIICEI'I'x"M ,s Ezhanst HooC Vent Fcn llcodstope Mechq nicol Permit Permtt fssuence Medmnical Petilit -- L:NCRCACHI'IENT -- tSe<:ut"i Permit Cuvbcut Sida,talk lllec Molvtle Hcne Rece'ipt ll uoxeP Lant l',lxr:nruttet' IHAVECAREFULLy\XAMINEDthecompletedapplicationfo-t,perrnit,anddo i";:;L;J "irll.fa-init aLL-information heteoi^is true and carrect, anC r lrrti'nr certiiy that any ar.d aLL uo?k perfotmed slnll be done in accor- ion.n wtth th'e" Otdinanc"es of the Ctty 'of bpningfield, and the Lats of the Slili "f Or"gcn pertaining to the aoik Cesctibcd herein, cnd tlnt N0 9CCU- UnCy ,Ltt b"e rnade of any'structut,e uithout perTnissi-on of the Building D.i'- oision. r fzu'ther certii;1 that only conlv'aciot's and enplcyees Dho are in conplianae'rlU, ans 701.-0-55 uiLL be used on this pt'oiect TotaL 'i)'t'Al, AtloultT DUli: * Signed Date Storaqe Ma i-ni: ennn- e !r'tz:e t!/ ..RESIDFNTIAL"SPRINGFIELD zz5 North r"t" s"onffPLrcATt ""l/P,Rllrr Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Dioi.sion 7 26-37 53 Elec t r:clan Date D t Su erv It is the fron the stBuilding etca0a fotms responaibility of the petmi t^r.ee.t,. and, that the penn tutDlcion appro-"-ed plan shcl that-all incpsasisn, are nade fri,.r\T"f "rTt,"[r'2"rroi1f^Zi!r. t hoUet to aeecard is Loeated L renain on the at the propep tine, that each adrtness is t,ea)abie 26-3769 (z.econd.er) "r.1r_n -y-o\n City ,iesigrtated job nut;ber, iob aCi.ress, tgpe of inspecti6ll?i",o.i'i;3;'J'fiiy"iyili, ?il;{i,i7,1;ffrgz"";:ru:;:' ',2:*:2," ,el"riza LLr"iz,Tioo *, 0 5q 4 ?o be ?o be made to o? been Iou" City Desigrtzted Job Nwbar fs: after aL After formsto pouring : Tobe pt iot tc nnde aftet, ' set up of anucouered. !?oryNc_r F?uNpA?rg!,t: ro be rmCeuJ Ler D?enches a?e etcauated and, I?:r". *" ereeted, but prior toWu"Lng ccnc?et€. t", 7toot, tnsulation or decking, P?ST A\D BEAM: LnstaLLation of decking.fLoor DRYWALL=I,NS4ECTION: ?c be nad.ealxer aLL dryuall is in plaee,but prior. bo any tapirq. UASONRY: Steel Location, bond.be@ns,- grouting or oerttZals tn ln"r1i*"" ttith u.B.c. section Ir?2D.QrqvE: After instaltation isecrnpLeted., CURB & APPRCACH APPON,ate erecteC but prioiconerete. SJDEI,.ALY q. DRfLlEti!,y: For aLL con_.^y:.:^ p"yi"q uith-tn street right_oI-,YA, to be naCe after alt Zrea_uatlng ynql41 & fotn uork & aub_oase naterial in place, IENCE: h4ten conplete __ proutCe eool,n2 o, nooable sections through ALL w'oject conditions, suck as the instJla:'14, "i"yi.",z,rti-rirr"-required Landsecpits, atc., nass-6" J"ziin"a b"f;;"";Lz';r;;;"ri, FrilAL ca, be requested. [iyi,i'"::r:m ,#:*X::i ,,x:l*y*:;,,,;32-uZ#";i",ffi,,yr;izX,t,.n the pinal plunbins M ETPEPL.AC=E: prior to plaeirg faeinq i7::.:'"'" and before f,*,tin ;;;;;Z- I*PI: t"lust be requested. aften zffi' 1" :i "'["i:":rr:, ]ff ,;", .i n.i,r. - !!":rq. & ehttrmeys, etc. ryast" 5.. eompLe-ted. llo uork ie to be eoi_.eecled unttt this inspection tui.ibeen made anC appz,oued. un these made and.approueC. FNIAL PLIJI|BINC FINAL MECHANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL ?-Dr S.T: 5Job Location:f\' Aocessor.c Map ll \Toa, Lot ll Subdirtision: ({l t2 Otmer Address 2;)(---C Phone: u-tq$rr"tCIj- t^:o(- Gd_ Describe h,onk Renod.eL Date of Applieaticn t VaLue BGeneral Plurnbing L-L ca Llechan ca1 BU I,DEtt0LrTI0tl AR Sanitoty se"tet capped et pt,operty Line Septic tank p,o;tped and. filled. uith gra;tel Final-- Wen abcue i,tens are conpletedand uhen C-enolition is eornplete Z"-;;;"_tut,e noued and prenises "tZ"i"a;p.""*- Ittobi llcmes Blocking and Set-;tp Plunbing connectiona __ salrey otd. uatet Ele.ctrtecl Ccnneetion _ Bloeking, set,_upiil ^o_lwno tns c onne c t ion s,* " 1 i-r',ii " "iiaoei or c reques ting elec|z_t cal L"rpnZZi"i" Accessory- BuilCing llyl - After-pcrekee, skirting, decks,ete. a?e conpl,eted. Pege 1 of 2 *ALL MANIICLES AND CLDANOIJTS TIUS? BE tccES,IBLE, ADJUSTilEilt To BE N.4DE AT N0 cgsT ?O Cffy ,tdditicn SOLAR ACCESS REQ..L-COG*JOB NO. AccessHouseP,L t Lace8,.; I,lest Z cf Lot Ccoeraqe # of Stortes Total Height TopograPhY LOT TYPE * Interior Conner - Ponhondl" - Cul-de'sac t: Lot Faces - Crou Int Sq. Ftg. Zone -- Fees -- ValueXITEM TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1 .5 x Da te Pa':.d ReceiPt #: Si.gned: Building Volue & Permit This pcnnit is granted-on the erpress cond.ition tLat the said'consttaction stnl.L. in aLL respecti, 9o'1on1 -to ^the ordL^|o)cn 'dopt"d biv the Ci'tv of :tot,irl(trtctd, i.ncluding the'!,.oning cvdinanc-e,*'r-eg"1i77"g thb cc-nstmtcticn - anl us'L oJ'buil.irq.s'.'";:;";';";;;" """plii"ai' rZuokec at cnv t;'me upon u'tc- Latiort of any prcl)Lslons o!' said Ordinances' Building Perwtt TotaL Clarges State CHARGET LL Fi.stutes Residen tial (1 bath) SeuerSani Tctal ES cant. Plwnbing Pem:it State Sw'eharge +Nau/Ertend Circuits Set"uLce dJ l,there State Lou nequires that the e '; ;7;r""";;", \i'e eL i e tm " aL P ot' t i' on the Label lrLs been st'gned iY the EL Lectt'ical uork be do-ne of thi.s Pernit slnLL no .ictt'i.cal Contractor' tImrePocrtceIE ELectticalanby Lunti.be oaLi.Ct State lotal CIIARCEF ['t'NC ,s Eslwgt HooC Vent Fot PermitMechq nicol Me ehanical Pcrmit Pennt t Issuantae Permit dsbcut Sideualk IL MobiTe Home Uate VadlErcminer ri*xoli**!****irW;#,w,: Tt';:t'" -.7- ;r;'gcn pet't-a" anu st?uctut " ,ithort' i'ril1,""i"i Lr the Building^ Di- PI,NCY oil.L be rmCe o1 rision. L fu*bhet ""ili!1'"in2.\".211i "^'1t11JtZi' ""a enplcvees uho ate tn cmpliunce ,lith cts iol"bis ai'LL be'used on thie projeet V TOTAI, ATIOIJIIT DIIE: ^Lr3 \D Date tq E1 ltF'ns t llSot;th l Bedrooms: