HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 6462 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ORDINANCE NO. 6462 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY (VACANT PARCELS IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR'S MAP 18-02-04-00, TAX LOT 1511 AND ASSESSOR'S MAP 18-02-04-42, TAX LOT 1300, AND PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY FOR AN APPROXIMATELY 560-FOOT LONG SEGMENT OF LINDA LANE, THE INTERSECTION OF LINDA LANE AND MT. VERNON ROAD,AN APPROXIMATELY 750-FOOT LONG SEGMENT OF MT. VERNON ROAD, AND THE INTERSECTION OF MT. VERNON ROAD AND SOUTH 57T" STREET) TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT; WITHDRAWING THE SAME TERRITORY FROM THE WILLAKENZIE RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT; ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by Springfield Development Code (SDC)Article 5.7.100 and Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Chapter 222 to accept, process, and act upon annexations to the City; WHEREAS, in accordance with SDC 5.7.125(A), the City Council initiated annexation of publicly-owned property and public rights-of-way by Resolution 2023-13, adopted April 3, 2023; WHEREAS, the territory to be annexed is identified as Assessor's Map Township 18 South, Range 02 West, Section 04, Map 00, Tax Lot 1511; Assessor's Map Township 18 South, Range 02 West, Section 04, Map 42, Tax Lot 1300; an approximately 560-foot long segment of Linda Lane; the intersection of Linda Lane and Mt. Vernon Road; an approximately 750-foot long segment of Mt. Vernon Road; and the intersection of Mt. Vernon Road and South 571h Street; all of which property is generally depicted and more particularly described in Exhibit A to this Ordinance; WHEREAS, in accordance with SDC 5.7.125(B) the City has caused to be prepared the annexation application attached hereto as Exhibit B to this Ordinance; WHEREAS, the territory proposed for annexation is within the Springfield Comprehensive Plan Urban Growth Boundary and is contiguous to the City limits. (SDC 5.7.140(A)); WHEREAS, the annexation is consistent with the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan— Urbanization Element requiring annexation to the City of Springfield as the highest priority for receiving urban services; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Springfield has determined that the provision of City services to the subject area is necessary to facilitate urban density residential development; WHEREAS, in accordance with SDC 5.7.150(A), upon annexation the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) will cease to apply to the property and the underlying R-1 Residential District zoning will be retained; WHEREAS, a Staff Report (Exhibit C) was presented to the City Council with the Director's recommendation to concurrently annex the subject territory to the Willamalane Park and Recreation District, as this special district is a service provider for the City (SDC 5.7.140(B)), and to withdraw the subject territory from the Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District as the Cities of Eugene and Springfield will provide emergency response services directly to the area after it is annexed to the City; WHEREAS, this action is consistent with the intergovernmental agreement between Lane County and Springfield regarding boundary changes dated May 21, 2008; and WHEREAS, on October 2, 2023, the Springfield Common Council conducted a public hearing and is now ready to take action on this application based on the recommendation and findings in support of approving the annexation request as set forth in the aforementioned Staff Report to the Council, incorporated herein by reference, and the evidence and testimony presented at this public hearing held in the matter of adopting this Ordinance, NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby approve annexation of the following described territory to the City of Springfield and Willamalane Park and Recreation District, said territory being generally depicted and more particularly described in Exhibit A to this Ordinance. Section 2. The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby approve withdrawal of the following described territory from the Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District, said territory being generally depicted and more particularly described in Exhibit A to this Ordinance. Section 3. The City Manager or the Development & Public Works Director or their designee shall send copies of this Ordinance to affected State and local agencies as required by SDC 5.7.155. Section 4. Severability Clause. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereof. Section 5. Effective Date of Ordinance. This Ordinance shall become effective 30 days after signature by the Mayor or upon the date of its filing with the Secretary of State as provided by ORS 222.180, whichever is later. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, this 16th day of October , 2023, by a vote of 6 for and 0 against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 16th day of October , 2023. Mayor ATTEST: w City Recorder REVIEWED&APPROVED AS TO FORM KYlht�s� '�Y'GL(X/J DATE: �ur°r=K2'.3 SPRINGFIELD CITY ATTORNEYS OFFICE Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit A Page 1 of 4 anch "ENGINEERING. Since 1'977 May 11, 2023 civil - transportation structural - geotechnical SURVEYING LEGAL DESCRIPTION ANNEXATION APPLICATION TM 18-02-04, TL 1511 TM 18-02-04-42, TL 1300 Branch Engineering Inc. Project No. 22-362 Situated in the East 1/2 of Section 4, Township 18 South Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, and described as follows: Being Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat Number 2020-P2943 as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Partition Plat Records, together with public street right-of-way and other lands; the perimeter of the entire area being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly margin of the Mt. Vernon Road right-of-way as dedicated in that Warranty Deed recorded January 28, 1997 as Instrument 9706170 on Reel 2259R in the Lane County Oregon Official Records, being a point lying 29.53 feet (9.000m) right of I-R-Station 14+76.38 (0+450.000m), said point also lying West 408.39 feet and South 35.88 feet, more or less, from the southwest corner of S. D. Gager DLC 61; THENCE along said southerly margin the following one course.- 1. South 52'23'25" East 43.49 feet (13.257m), more or less, to a point lying 55.91 feet(17.042m) right of IR-Station 15+10.96 (0+460.540m), said point being on the westerly margin of the Linda Lane right-of-way as described in that Resolution recorded January 12, 1960 as Instrument 88093 on Reel 146D in the Lane County Oregon Official Records; THENCE along said Linda Lane right-of-way margins the following three courses: 1. South 538.16 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of that Bargain and Sale Deed recorded August, 26, 19 76 as Instrument 7644332 on Reel 809R in the Lane County Oregon Official Records; 2. Continuing along said westerly margin South 01'06'48" East 913.81 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of said Bargain and Sale Deed; 3. Along the southerly margin of said Bargain and Sale Deed North 89'44'30" East 30 feet, more or less, to a point on the westerly boundary of the aforesaid Parcel 3; THENCE along said boundaries of Parcel 3 the following I I courses'. 1. South 00'12'11" East 932.66 feet, more or less-, 2. North 89'54'45" East 871.90 feet, more or less; EULINA VYWINGFIELD PWOM,A]FIll 310 511,Street,Spiingfield,OR 97477 V p 54 1.746.0637 V "vvwbiaii(:liengitieeiing.cotii Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit A Page 2 of 4 Legal Description - Annf,,xaflon Mav11,2023 3. North 00'03'23" East 1182.]8 feet, more or less; 4. North 00'20'18" West 542.28 feet, more or less; 5. North 7 5'113 2" West 112.87 feet, more or less 6. North 83'00'45" West 530.05 feet, more or less; 7. South 01'06'23" East 209.00 feet, more or less-, S. South 88'53'37" West 30.00 feet, more or less; 9. South 01'06'23" East 206.00 feet, more or less; 10.South 88'53'37" West 195.00 feet, more or less-, 11.North 01'06'23" West 447.00 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of Parcel I of said partition, also being the southeast corner of the aforementioned Resolution; THENCE along the easterly margin of the aforesaid Linda Lane, right-of-way the following one course'. 1. North 547.42 feet, more or less, to a point on the southerly margin of the aforesaid Mt. Vernon Road right-of-way as dedicated in those Warranty Deeds recorded May 28, 1997 as Instrument 9735920 on Reel 2299R, January 8, 1997 as Instrument 9701381 on Reel 2253R, and April 22, 1997 as Instrument 9727039 on Reel 2286R, all in the Lane County Oregon Official Records, said point lying 45.79 feet (.13.9 58m) right of LR-Station 15+70.91 (0+4 78.813m); THENCE, along said southerly margin the following eight courses: 1. North 51'33'38" East 26-01 feet (7.929m), more or less, to a point lying 29-53 feet (9.000m) right of LR-Station 15+91.21 (0+485.000m); 2. South 85'13'18" East 251.47 feet (76.650m), more or less, to a point lying 29.53 feet (9.000m) right of LR-Station 18+42.68 (0+561.650m); 3. South 85'13'18" East 41.93 feet (12.781m), more or less, to a point lying 37.15 feet (11.322m) right of LR-Station 18+77.14 (0+5 72.15 2m.); 4. North 87'39'17" East 54.38 feet (16.574m), more or less, to a point lying 42-65 feet (13.000m) right of LR-Station 19+39.45 (0+591.145m); 5. South 85'12'14" East 74.60 feet (22.737m), more or less, to a point lying 49.21 feet (I 5.000m) right of LR-Station 20+13.76 (0+613.794m); 6. South 84'05'21" East 23.74 feet (7.237m), more or less, to a point lying 52.49 feet (16.000m) right of LR-Station 20+34.12 (0+620.000m); 7. North 75'29'17" East 63.86 feet (19.465m), more or less, to a point lying 45-93 feet (14.000m) right of LR-Station 20+89.43 (0+636.857m)-, Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 3 Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit A Page 3 of 4 Legal Description - Annexation May H,2023 8. North 69'26'13" East 68-78 feet (20-963m), more or less, to a point lying 29-53 feet (9-000m) right of IR-Station 21+65.09 (0+659.920m); THENCE leaving said southerly margin North 74'02'5 1" East 49.99 feet, more or less, to a point lying 16-00 feet (4-877m) right of LR-Station 22+13.22 (0+674.588m) being a point on the southerly boundary of Golden Terrace Subdivision as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; THENCE along the southerly and westerly boundaries of said Golden Terrace Subdivision the following two courses'. 1. North 89'59'43" West 308.76 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly plat corner-, 2. North 00'01'30" East 41.01 feet, more or less, to a point lying easterly, and on a line perpendicular to the westerly plat boundary, of a point lying 53.95 feet (16.445m) left of LR-Station 18+70.91 (0+570.254m) of the. aforesaid Mt. Vernon Road; THENCE leaving said westerly boundary North 89'58'30" West 40.18 feet, more or less, to a point on the northerly margin of said Mt. Vernon Road as declared in that Final Order of Alteration 00-9-27-7 filed October 4, 2000, in Book 164, Page 721 to 729, in the Re-cords of the Board of County Commissioners of Lane County State of Oregon, said point lying 53-95 feet (16-445m) left of LR-Station 18+70.91 (0+570.254m); THENCE along said northerly margin the following two courses'. 1. South 36'26'24" West 32.25 feet (9.830m), more or less, to a point lying 29.53 feet (9.000m) left of LR-Station 18+42.68 (0+561-650m); 2. North 89'44'02" West 366.31 feet (111.650m), more or less, to a point lying 29.53 feet (9.000m) left of LR-Station 14+76.38 (0+450.000m); THENCE leaving said northerly margin South 00'15'5 8" 'West 59.06 (18.000m), more or less, RETURNING to the POINT of BEGINNING. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DIGITALLY SIGNED OREGON NOVEMBER 30, 2007 RENEE CLOUGH 69162LS RENEWAL DATE: 12/30/237 Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 3 of 3 Ordinance No. 6462 V N 0 p 4 O N r N d �QO Q o w cwa O> C/a z C7 0, `` t c 6i7 ^,�7 w co —� w w m LIJ x !Z7 o ro. mw J omw p a = O fIV4tT hll7111?I�A T.% ti ��< �. Lt7f iq w w V) �`4 y15 1� p 00 61 !!7 Zr7 til + � d �x w r ©�Fc ^� `3EG��g F rn y o u r v rn v ° 0) Q� + �fl dC Y`Y x +c f +cr +cc W+ + N Off- opt 4� vs NILnu rn ° "U© moo q© �s J F,. 6 F.. ipM1 pLU AVM QI?I.wId LL p p� C < kr. WW O Y N w Q W < 4 Q h-z 50 M S6 7 � C aWZ C3 z oos y h t ✓✓ f v m w x!!' Z Z ✓ f 1 r r C"� ✓�y e a c��+o�:� / W W S q. fig: _ M r� �Y`yY� ,f � ��^! Xd( F 4 C71. { CV Z , C C2 ZE ;ff � �� ✓'� oazol � sa ^� }x 3� x 06401 �l ��- oz"'' ' (;v t 47 ) x 4 dVA 7VtiIfNt7AP � )) C t 00, u r M r00 ry q�qpp ^ o p u ,f OOFI 11 n w h V c4 t4 V' zz d Yam! 'Rj 00d1 TL z w w w w CAS %^ f 'OOOI 71 006 TL q t ee�� qGf p�f o $ $ i7S i7i DOO STRAUAl R PARKWAY m d� r f C K MV FL�3.9 Y�t g f Ai oti LINDA LANE vo i z�c�a � a G SXt.3ww PIV Iq:9 uoz/"I I/5 6'p,opp P-1 ul opuil up P1.0. s zqc--u\z -evZ OOP' 1 'ro-to-si dv�r xvl lsJdaw s,dOSS3SSV Exhibit B Page 1 of 24 City of Springfield SPRINGFIELD Development & Public Works 3 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Annexation do try do I Annexation licatoc Pre-Submittal: Annexation A licatiion Submittal: Prqi' er CITY OF SPRINGFIELD;ATTN:JEFF PASCHALL P.E, Phone: !41-726-1674 C7►wn......er: _ e �PASC_A L„P.F. AddreS'S.: 225 5TH STREET,SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Fax: jpaschall Springfield E-mail: all Springfield Owner If'rr '4digna{.uri.+Y pc� ��.� "' „bw. b owner Signature: Agent Name: DREW STROUT, EIT �............._.................................................."....P.ho.ne...�._, 54..1...-746-0637..................�........� �,_.... 'E d- T 9T„-E�[T ----- �.�....�....... �7 =� 'ci�m ny: BRANCH ENGINEERING F.ax........�......... �..�......� 310 5TH STREET,SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 andrews@branch Address: � , ..3105TH S�SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 r-mail engineenng.com A nature: If the applicant is ether than tl ' Asa;`` :,:_j r n pp ereby grants permission for the apl)licant to act in his or her behalf, except where signatures of the owner of record are required, only the owner may sign the petition, ASSESSOR'S MAP No. _ 04 _.� TAX Lo ASS T No S : 1511 Property Address: Area... of Request: Acres: 35.05 Square Feet. _._...... Existing Use(s) VACANT AND ROADWAY of Property: VAC"AMT AN° OADWAY--. .... � ..... Proposed Use VACANT AND ROADWAY of Property: -........... VAGANT--ANG-ROADWA. CReviewed By: ase No.: drat ° " � ... �„ Till .... Initlr]l'S stage Fee. Total Fe Applicatlor Fee: T e: Revised 4J8114 BJ P 8 of 17� dRiinance No. 6462 Exhibit B Page 2 of 24 City of Springfield SPRINGFIELD Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Annexation Application Type IV Annexation Application Pre-Submittal: ❑ Annexation Application Submittal: e a w Pro ert Owner: LANE COUNTY Phone: 541-682-6990 Address: 3050 N DELTA HWY„ EUGENE, OR 97403 Fax: E—mail: Rdliejbaxicock@garieewntym.gov Owner Signature: Owner Signature: A ent Name: DREW;TROUT, EIT Phone 541-746-0637 Com an : BRANCH ENGINEERING Fax: 310 5TH STREET, SPRINGF'IELD,OR 97477 andrewus@branch Address: E-mail engineering.com Agent Signature: If the applicant is other than the owner, the owner(hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his or her behalf, except where signatures of the owner of record are required,only the owner may sign the petition, ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 1 16-02-04-42 TAX LOT NOS 1300 Property Address: Area of Request: Acres: 0.63 Square Feet: Existing Use(s) VACANT of Property: Proposed Use VACANT of Property: is =Jki� I "IN l�i Case No.: 7 date: Reviewed By: initials Application Fee: Postage Fee: 7 Total Fee: Revised 4/8/14 BJ Pj0Ln@rgej1jo. 6462 Exhibit B Page 3 of 24 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City a necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: Signature Print Revised 4/8/14 BJ Pj0Lngr9ej1jo. 6462 Exhibit B Page 4 of 24 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: x-e .eo,4 Date: 12/22/2022 Signature Kellie Hancock, Property Manager Print Revised 4/8/14 BJ Pj0Lngrj9e11jo. 6462 Exhibit B Page 5 of 24 APPLICANTS SHOULD COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING STEPS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION. APPLICATIONS NOT HAVING ALL BOXES CHECKED WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT AND WILL THEREFORE DELAY THE APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS. X Application Fee [SDC 5.7-125(B)(15)1 Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. Fees are based upon the area of land being annexed. Copies of the fee schedule are available at the Development & Public Works Department. Fees are payable to the City of Springfield. X Petition/Petition Signature Sheet [SDC 5.7-125(B)(2)1 To initiate an annexation by consents from property owners as explained below, complete the attached Petition Signature Sheet (refer to Form 1). (Photocopies maybe submitted @ Pre- Submittal, with original copies @ time of application submittal). Consent by Property Owners rORS 222.170(1)1 If the proposal is to be initiated by the owners of at least one-half of the land area, land value, and land ownership, complete Form 2. To give consent for a particular piece of property, persons who own an interest in the property, or who are purchasers of property on a contract sale that is recorded with the county, must sign the annexation petition. Generally, this means that both husband and wife should sign. In the case of a corporation or business, the per-son who is authorized to sign legal documents for the firm may sign the annexation petition. Please provide evidence of such authorization. To ensure that the necessary signatures are obtained, please complete the attached worksheet (Form 2). (Photocopies may be submitted @ Pre-Submittal, with original copies @ time of application submittal). X Certification of Ownership [SDC 5.7-125(B)(5)3 After completing the attached Petition Signature Sheet (Form 1), have the Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation certify the ownerships within the proposed annexation area. (Photocopies may be submitted @ Pre-Submittal, with original copies @ time of application submittal). X Owners Worksheet Information on the Petition Signature Sheet can also be found on Form 2, Owners and Electors Worksheet. (Photocopies may be submitted @ Pre-Submittal, with original copies @ time of application submittal). a Supplemental Information Form [SDC 5,7-125(B)(1) and (11)] Form 3 (attached) provides additional information for the proposed annexation that is not requested on the Annexation Application Type IV form, such as special districts that currently provide services to the proposed annexation area. (Photocopies may be submitted @ Pre- Submittal, with original copies @ time of application submittal). X Copy of the Deed (required at application submittal) X Copy of Preliminary Title Report (required at application submittal) Title Report has to be issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. Revised 4/8/14 BJ pPjgiTMrj9ej1jo. 6462 Exhibit B Page 6 of 24 X Annexation Description [SDC5.7-125(6)(9)] A metes and bounds legal description of the territory to be annexed or withdrawn must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or a compatible software program. A legal description shall consist of a series of courses in which the first course shall start at a point of beginning. Each course shall be identified by bearings and distances and, when available, refer to deed lines, deed corners and other monuments. A lot, block and subdivision description may be substituted for the metes and bounds description if the area is platted. The Oregon Department of Revenue has the authority to approve or disapprove a legal description. A professionally stamped legal description does not ensure Department of Revenue approval. X Cadastrall Map [SDC5,7-125(B)(10)J Three (3) full-size paper copies and one (1) digital copy (in pdf format) of the Lane County Assessor's tax map that shows the proposed annexation area in relationship to the existing city limits. If Digital Copy (in.pdf format) is not available, Nine (9) full-size paper copies and one (1) reduced size redline map at 8 112 x 11 are required. Paper copy maps must be printed to scale. On all submitted maps the annexation area shall be outlined in redline with survey courses and bearings labeled for cross-reference with the metes and bounds legal description. If the annexation area extends across more than one tax map, sufficient copies of each affected tax map must be provided. Please be aware that annexation redline closures must avoid creating gaps or overlaps, and may not necessarily correspond with the property legal description. Caclastral maps can be obtained from the Lane County Assessment and Taxation Office. X ORS 222.173 Waiver Form [SDC 5.7-125(B)(8)] Complete the attached waiver (Form 4). The waiver should be signed by each owner within the proposed annexation area. X Public/Private Utility Plan [SDC 5.7-125(B)(12)] A plan describing how the proposed annexation area can be served by key facilities and services must be provided with the Annexation Agreement. Planning and public works staff will work with the applicant to complete the Annexation Agreement. X Written Narrative addressing approval criteria as specified below. All annexation requests must be accompanied with a narrative providing an explanation and justification of response with the criteria stated in the application (also stated below). [SDC S.7-125(6)(13) and (14)] A. The affected territory proposed to be annexed is within the Cityfs portions of the urban growth boundary and is contiguous to the city limits or separated from the City limits only by a public right-of-way or a stream lake or other body of water; B. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Metro Plan and in any applicable refinement plan or Plan Districts; C. The proposed annexation will result in a boundary in which the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan can be provided in an orderly efficient and timely manner; and D. Where applicable fiscal impacts to the City have been mitigated through a signed Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City Council. XThree (3) copies of the previously required information. ALL PLANS AND ATTACHMENTS MUST BE FOLDED TO 81/2" BY 11" AND BOUND BY RUBBER BANDS. Revised 4/8/14 BJ pPjgiT�r19e11Jo. 6462 Exhibit B Page 7 of 24 anch "ENGINEERING..- Since 1'9'77 December 22, 2022 civil transportation structural - geotechnical SURVEYING PROJECT NARRATIVE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ANNEXATION Branch Engineering Inc. Project No. 22-362 This annexation proposes to incorporate Parcel 3 of land Partition Plat 2020-P2943 (TM 18-02-04; TL 1511), a 30-foot strip of land west of Parcel 3 (TM 18-02-04-4 2; TL 1300), the Linda Lane right-of-way from its southerly terminus to its intersection with Mt. Vernon Road, and that portion of the Mt. Vernon Road right-of-way that falls within its intersection with Linda Lane. The exact locations of all these portions of land can he found on the map submitted as part of this application. The following describes how this annexation complies with SDC 5.7-12 5(b)(1 3) and (14): A. The affected territory proposed to be annexed is within the City's Urban Growth Boundary, and is 1. Contiguous to the city limits; or 2. Separated from the City only by a public right-of-way or a stream, lake or other body of water. The property is contiguous 144th city limits along its easterly edge. B. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Metro Plan and in any applicable refinement plans or Plan Districts; The property is currently zoned as R1 in the City of Springfleld's zoning map which is consistent with the EugenelSpringfleld Metro Plan. C. The proposed annexation will result in a boundary in which the minimum level of key urban facilities and services, as defined in the Metro Plan, can be provided in an orderly, efficient and timely manner', and All utilities, including water, electric and sanitary are located 10thin the annexation area or are directly adjacent to the annexation area, within dedicated public right-of- way. See the PubliclPrivate Utility Plan submitted i0th this application for additional details. D. Where applicable, fiscal impacts to the City have been mitigated through an Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City Council. If required, an Annexation Agreement or other City approved mechanism i0ll be obtained prior to annexation. EULINA VYWINCHELD 310 511,Street,Spiingfield,OR 97477 V p 541.746.0637 � "wwbianchengineei ing.com Ordinance No. 6462 qJ u ru V) th 4,4� 4� fu OL 'IT u 'Tr z C14 C14 E < >� 0 Qc) 4- 'IT CO0 Q 00 tJS 0 C3) (o 30 m (3) c o cu Q) (a L- C: a k m E m cu-4-J 6 rl4 L- - �c N 0) 4,1 x 0) c a w 0 �: >, �c -0 - 0 -00 -0 Cy U) X 0 2 9 0 u CD c 9 21 E (n 0 -0 M 0 C cU c UE T-3 q) 0) ro ru c u ui �A 4J m Q) 0 a) t 473 c ri. - Q) C) ro M (D CL U 0 E Qj IR -0 rj fu u < > N C: 0 Z>— Z_ �Q) n 41�� u U) C: u fn 0 o c V) 4-) Q) a M 4J 0 ro Lr) u w >< rj CL Q) 0 Cr 0 '� ra E C: fu Lo, 0 < u C) 'ri 0 C) 0 4- IL- I- C) cv ro V) ro 'ra .2 4-j 41 rzh 4-j M a m Via ` (V C: -0 cn C: 0 cu ut (A o 41 4-1C?: 0) to C) > LU 0 0 >* CL Q) 0 t c U) 4-1 (1) — 0- 0 EL Q - 0 4' L- 4� z E 0 Nck- D a 0, $ C: 4-�� 1 (cam.. tm Ia. 0) m W a) 0 0 ex cu c C: 4-1 lu V) cn 0 u o 0 0 M _0 C 0 r: 2 Q Q C A c 0) 0 Q) toc , LL C m 2 c (A r) 0 u 4�1 X =0 (1) (11 0- L� 6 c u 41 4 r4 4 ui 0 Z3 m U 0 Z ro 4.J 4-1 C\j C\j E 0 co CL 0 >< 'IT 4-- E u co 70 z (U cuT30 Sc 2 CL n ro �o k- ro C: 4-j cu C: -C r) mV) -c N 4-4 x C: Z> 0 0 4-j 70 c a) v.- t N V) E KLD Nt L- 4 0 V) to 0 -0 CL E C: m m co "s-- �E x tn 0 0 oj 0 w U 'C3 w fu V) qr U Ln Qj �c c: tA ra fu > 4-j w V) Qj U 0 ru -0 <re E E c 4-j u C: V) �. -0 F 0 0� 41 70 0 V) Q) 0 C 4-J kA 4-J C: u 4.j .(A 1= Q) ,t— r-, CU o (J) 4- 4-1 rr,3 Lf) w >t o0 ,0 CL its "0 4-J Ln 0 Z u q) 10 0 -a Q) 0 Lnb a4j 0 0 cu 0 w Qj x-6 C 0 > C7 CT ZO ru ro m x aj- 4-J ro 0 0 0 0 .6j Q) 0 C: 4..l > CL E Lu 0 L-0 4-4 Lp CL c 4. 4-4 cj a) CL 0 0 "0 :3 0 u E LL 4— m x4 0 V) c 0 t: N 4.J cp M CL fu Di 0 V) ra c >W roQL u o U) 0 c� ro tl3 = C) V) o 7 C. f- -. ro ,.0- o c (D 4-j qj 4�J fo :i LL -F 0 c 0 0) ill ru Z J�q -W OL u 4-1 Q) u 4-J 14 r4 r4 q in 0 Z LU (A Exhibit B Page 10 of 24 FORM 2 OWNERSHIP WORKSHEET (This form is NOT the petition) (Please include the name and address of ALL owners regardless of whether they signed an annexation petition or not. OWNERS Property Designation Assessed imp, signed Signed (Map/lot number) Name of Owner Acres Value Y/ N Yes No 18-02-04-00-01511 City of Springfield 34.10 $306,939 N x 18.02-04-42-01300 Lane County 0.63 $500 N X Right-of-way 0.9" TOTALS: 35-68 $307,439 TOTAL NUMBER OF OWNERS IN THE PROPOSAL 2 NUMBER OF OWNERS WHO SIGNED 1 PERCENTAGE OF OWNERS WHO SIGNED 50o/. TOTAL ACREAGE IN PROPOSAL 35-68 ACREAGE SIGNED FOR 3410 PERCENTAGE OF ACREAGE SIGNED FOR 96% TOTAL VALUE IN THE PROPOSAL $307,439 VALUE CONSENTED FOR $307,439 PERCENTAGE OF VALUE CONSENTED FOR 100% Revised 4/8/14 BI 14 of 17 Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit B Page 11 of 24 FORM 3 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM (Complete of the following questions and provide all the requested information. Attach any responses that require additional space, restating the question or request for information on additional sheets,) Contact Person: Andrew Strout E-mail: andrews@branchengineering.com Supply the following information regarding the annexation area. • Estimated Population (at present): tt • Number of Existing Residential Units: 0 • Other Uses: N/A • Land Area: 36.40 total acres • Existing Plan Desig nations): LDR • Existing Zonings): R1 • Existing Land Uses): VACANT AND ROADWAY • Applicable Comprehensive Plans): METRO PLAN • Applicable Refinement Plans): N/A • Provide evidence that the annexation is consistent with the applicable comprehensive plans) and any associated refinement plans. The lands in this application are within the Urban Growth Boundary and the Eugene/Springfield Metro Plan designates the land as R1 - Low Density Residential.This application is the first step in effeciently implementing the adopted plans • Are there development plans associated with this proposed annexation? Yes No x If yes, describe. • Is the proposed use or development allowed on the property under the current plan designation and zoning? Yes x No • Please describe where the proposed annexation is contiguous to the city limits (non-contiguous annexations cannot be approved under 5.7-140, Criteria). The proposed annexation is contiguous with the city limits along its easterly side where it is adjacent to existing subdivisions. Revised 4/8/14 BJ Page 15 of 17 Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit B Page 12 of 24 Does this application include all contiguous property under the same ownership? Yes X No If no, state the reasons why all property is not included: • Check the special districts and others that provide service to the annexation area: ❑ Glenwood Water District ❑ Rainbow Water and Fire District ❑ Eugene School District ❑ Pleasant Hill School District ® Springfield School District ❑ McKenzie Fire & Rescue ❑ Pleasant Hill RFPD 0 Willakenzie RFPD El EPUD El SUB ❑ Willamalane Parks and Rec District ❑ Other • Names of persons to whom staff notes and notices should be sent, in addition to applicant(s), such as an agent or legal representative. Drew Strout (Name) (Name) 310 5th Street (Address) (Address) Springfield, OR 97477 (City) (zip) (city) (zip) (Name) (Name) (Address) (Address) (City) (zip) (City) (zip) Revised 4/8/14 BJ Page 16 of 17 Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit B Page 13 of 24 FORM 4 WAIVER OF ONE YEAR TIME LIMIT FOR ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO ORS 222.173 This waiver of the time limit is for the following described property: 18-02-04-42­01300 Map and Tax Lot Number Street Address of Property (if address has been assigned) ONE WAIVER OF TIME LIMIT FOR EACH PARCEL, PLEASE We, the owner(s) of the property described above understand the annexation process can take more than one year but desire to annex to have City services. Therefore, we agree to waive the one-year time limitation on this petition to annex established by Oregon Revised Statutes 222.173, and further agree that this contract shall be effective [x] indefinitely or until Date Signatures of Legal Owners Please print or type name Si nature Date Signed Kellie Hancock 12/2112022 LGOG L Wa 2006 BOUNCHANGE TRA,NSITIONd APPLICA TION FORMS SPRIAGFIEL&VO-03-CS UPDATED FORMS PRE-SUBMrTTAL ANNEXATTON APPLICATION I 0-07-aS,DOC Last Saved: January 19,2016 Revised 4/8/14 BJ Page 17 of 17 Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit B Page 14 of 24 FORM 4 WAIVER OF ONE YEAR TIME LIMIT FOR ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO ORS 222.173 This waiver of the time limit is for the following described property: 18-02-04-00-01511 Map and Tax Lot Number Street Address of Property (if address has been assigned) ONE WAIVER OF TIME LIMIT FOR EACH PARCEL, PLEASE We, the owner(s) of the property described above understand the annexation process can take more than one year but desire to annex to have City services. Therefore, we agree to waive the one-year time limitation on this petition to annex established by Oregon Revised Statutes 222.173, and further agree that this contract shall be effective [x] indefinitely or until Date Si natures of Legal Owners Please print or type name Signature en Date Signed LCOG: L:W�k2OO8 8OUNCHANGE TRANSMONWPLIC4TION FCdRMSYSP6ktNGEIELG7Y 10-03-68 UPDATED FORMSCPRE-SUBMITTAL ANNFXA T70N APPLICATION I D-07-DS.DOC Last Saved: 3anuary 29,2016 Revised 4/8/14 BI Page 17 of 17 Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit B Page 15 of 24 anch "ENGINEERING. Since 1'977 February 16, 2023 civil - transportation structural - geotechnical SURVEYING PUBLIC/PRI'VATE UTILITY PLAN CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ANNEXATION Branch Engineering Inc. Project No. 22-362 The annexation area is located immediately west of the City of Springfield's city limits in South 5711, Street. The annexation area has approximately 800 feet of frontage along the westerly margin of S 57111 Street. The proposed annexation area consists of Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat 2020-P2943 (TM 18-02-04; TL 1511), A 30-foot strip of land west of Parcel 3 (TM 18-02-04-42; TL 1300), the Linda Lane right-of-way from its southerly terminus to its intersection with Mt. Vernon Road, and that portion of the Mt. Vernon Road right-of-way that falls within its intersection with Linda Lane. The exact locations of all these portions of land can be found on the map submitted as part of this application. Wastewater Serxrices/Sanitary Sewers The annexation area is bisected by an 18" sanitary sewer running east to west from the intersection of Mineral Way and S 5711, Street. All the developable area within the annexation area has direct access to this sanitary sewer. Stormu,ater Services The neighborhood to the east of the annexation area has a fully developed stormwater conveyance system; however, the system currently outfalls into the annexation area. No other stormwater systems or facilities exist nearby. All stormwater runoff caused by development will need to meet the City of Springfield's Stormwater Management Manual for detention and treatment. If any wetland impacts occur with the development, the stormwater design will also need to meet the SLOPES V standards as enacted in the Endangered Species Act. The ability of Jasper Meadows Phases 5-7 to accomplish stormwater detention and vegetative treatment is testimony to the reasonable potential of this site to meet the standards. Solid Waste Management The annexation area is within the service area of private waste disposal services. Water Services Springfield Utility Board has service connections located within S 5711, Street and at the Linda Lane and Mt. Vernon Road intersection EULINA VYWINCHELD 310 511,Stteet,Spiingfield,OR 97477 V p 54 1.746.0637 � "wwbianchengineei ing.com Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit B Page 16 of 24 Annexation Public/Povate Littlav Plan Feb u ai V 16,2023 Fire and Emergency Medical Services The annexation area is within 4-6 minutes from Eugene Springfield Fire Station 14 located at 4765 Main Street via adequately accessible access roads. Currently, the annexation area is within the Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District, but at the time of annexation, will be withdrawn. Police Protection Currently, the City of Springfield police provide police services to the areas within the city limits adjacent to the annexation area. After annexation, the City of Springfield police will provide police protection to the annexation area. City wide Parks and Recreation Pro rams Willamalane Park, and Recreation District will provide park, open space, and recreation services to the annexed property at the effective date of annexation. Electrical Services The Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD) provides electric services to the area to be annexed. EPUD already has connection at the intersection of Linda Lane and Mt. Vernon Road, and the subdivision to the east of the site. Land Use Controls The annexation area is within the Urban Growth Boundary for Springfield. After annexation the city will administer land use controls. Communication Facilities Wired and wireless communication services are provided to the Springfield portion of the Metropolitan Area and the annexation area can generally receive service from these private providers. Public Schools Springfield School District 19 provides the City of Springfield K-12 educational needs. The existing district's public schools that will serve the annexation area are Riverbend Elementary School, Thurston Middle School, and Thurston High School. Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit B Page 17 of 24 anch "ENGINEERING. Since 1'977 May 11, 2023 civil - transportation structural - geotechnical SURVEYING LEGAL DESCRIPTION ANNEXATION APPLICATION TM 18-02-04, TL 1511 TM 18-02-04-42, TL 1300 Branch Engineering Inc. Project No. 22-362 Situated in the East 1/2 of Section 4, Township 18 South Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, and described as follows: Being Parcel 3 of Land Partition Plat Number 2020-P2943 as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Partition Plat Records, together with public street right-of-way and other lands; the perimeter of the entire area being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly margin of the Mt. Vernon Road right-of-way as dedicated in that Warranty Deed recorded January 28, 1997 as Instrument 9706170 on Reel 2259R in the Lane County Oregon Official Records, being a point lying 29.53 feet (9.000m) right of I-R-Station 14+76.38 (0+450.000m), said point also lying West 408.39 feet and South 35.88 feet, more or less, from the southwest corner of S. D. Gager DLC 61; THENCE along said southerly margin the following one course.- 1. South 52'23'25" East 43.49 feet (13.257m), more or less, to a point lying 55.91 feet(17.042m) right of IR-Station 15+10.96 (0+460.540m), said point being on the westerly margin of the Linda Lane right-of-way as described in that Resolution recorded January 12, 1960 as Instrument 88093 on Reel 146D in the Lane County Oregon Official Records; THENCE along said Linda Lane right-of-way margins the following three courses: 1. South 538.16 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of that Bargain and Sale Deed recorded August, 26, 19 76 as Instrument 7644332 on Reel 809R in the Lane County Oregon Official Records; 2. Continuing along said westerly margin South 01'06'48" East 913.81 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of said Bargain and Sale Deed; 3. Along the southerly margin of said Bargain and Sale Deed North 89'44'30" East 30 feet, more or less, to a point on the westerly boundary of the aforesaid Parcel 3; THENCE along said boundaries of Parcel 3 the following I I courses'. 1. South 00'12'11" East 932.66 feet, more or less-, 2. North 89'54'45" East 871.90 feet, more or less; EULINA VYWINGFIELD PWOM,A]FIll 310 511,Street,Spiingfield,OR 97477 V p 54 1.746.0637 V "vvwbiaii(:liengitieeiing.cotii Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit B Page 18 of 24 Legal Description - Annf,,xaflon Mav11,2023 3. North 00'03'23" East 1182.]8 feet, more or less; 4. North 00'20'18" West 542.28 feet, more or less; 5. North 7 5'113 2" West 112.87 feet, more or less 6. North 83'00'45" West 530.05 feet, more or less; 7. South 01'06'23" East 209.00 feet, more or less-, S. South 88'53'37" West 30.00 feet, more or less; 9. South 01'06'23" East 206.00 feet, more or less; 10.South 88'53'37" West 195.00 feet, more or less-, 11.North 01'06'23" West 447.00 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of Parcel I of said partition, also being the southeast corner of the aforementioned Resolution; THENCE along the easterly margin of the aforesaid Linda Lane, right-of-way the following one course'. 1. North 547.42 feet, more or less, to a point on the southerly margin of the aforesaid Mt. Vernon Road right-of-way as dedicated in those Warranty Deeds recorded May 28, 1997 as Instrument 9735920 on Reel 2299R, January 8, 1997 as Instrument 9701381 on Reel 2253R, and April 22, 1997 as Instrument 9727039 on Reel 2286R, all in the Lane County Oregon Official Records, said point lying 45.79 feet (.13.9 58m) right of LR-Station 15+70.91 (0+4 78.813m); THENCE, along said southerly margin the following eight courses: 1. North 51'33'38" East 26-01 feet (7.929m), more or less, to a point lying 29-53 feet (9.000m) right of LR-Station 15+91.21 (0+485.000m); 2. South 85'13'18" East 251.47 feet (76.650m), more or less, to a point lying 29.53 feet (9.000m) right of LR-Station 18+42.68 (0+561.650m); 3. South 85'13'18" East 41.93 feet (12.781m), more or less, to a point lying 37.15 feet (11.322m) right of LR-Station 18+77.14 (0+5 72.15 2m.); 4. North 87'39'17" East 54.38 feet (16.574m), more or less, to a point lying 42-65 feet (13.000m) right of LR-Station 19+39.45 (0+591.145m); 5. South 85'12'14" East 74.60 feet (22.737m), more or less, to a point lying 49.21 feet (I 5.000m) right of LR-Station 20+13.76 (0+613.794m); 6. South 84'05'21" East 23.74 feet (7.237m), more or less, to a point lying 52.49 feet (16.000m) right of LR-Station 20+34.12 (0+620.000m); 7. North 75'29'17" East 63.86 feet (19.465m), more or less, to a point lying 45-93 feet (14.000m) right of LR-Station 20+89.43 (0+636.857m)-, Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 3 Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit B Page 19 of 24 Legal Description - Annexation May H,2023 8. North 69'26'13" East 68-78 feet (20-963m), more or less, to a point lying 29-53 feet (9-000m) right of IR-Station 21+65.09 (0+659.920m); THENCE leaving said southerly margin North 74'02'5 1" East 49.99 feet, more or less, to a point lying 16-00 feet (4-877m) right of LR-Station 22+13.22 (0+674.588m) being a point on the southerly boundary of Golden Terrace Subdivision as platted and recorded in the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; THENCE along the southerly and westerly boundaries of said Golden Terrace Subdivision the following two courses'. 1. North 89'59'43" West 308.76 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly plat corner-, 2. North 00'01'30" East 41.01 feet, more or less, to a point lying easterly, and on a line perpendicular to the westerly plat boundary, of a point lying 53.95 feet (16.445m) left of LR-Station 18+70.91 (0+570.254m) of the. aforesaid Mt. Vernon Road; THENCE leaving said westerly boundary North 89'58'30" West 40.18 feet, more or less, to a point on the northerly margin of said Mt. Vernon Road as declared in that Final Order of Alteration 00-9-27-7 filed October 4, 2000, in Book 164, Page 721 to 729, in the Re-cords of the Board of County Commissioners of Lane County State of Oregon, said point lying 53-95 feet (16-445m) left of LR-Station 18+70.91 (0+570.254m); THENCE along said northerly margin the following two courses'. 1. South 36'26'24" West 32.25 feet (9.830m), more or less, to a point lying 29.53 feet (9.000m) left of LR-Station 18+42.68 (0+561-650m); 2. North 89'44'02" West 366.31 feet (111.650m), more or less, to a point lying 29.53 feet (9.000m) left of LR-Station 14+76.38 (0+450.000m); THENCE leaving said northerly margin South 00'15'5 8" 'West 59.06 (18.000m), more or less, RETURNING to the POINT of BEGINNING. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR DIGITALLY SIGNED OREGON NOVEMBER 30, 2007 RENEE CLOUGH 69162LS RENEWAL DATE: 12/30/237 Branch Engineering, Inc. Page 3 of 3 Ordinance No. 6462 N p 4 O Fi N r N is V' CY w v C7 a> � H Q m w X } a cU LJJ c jr E 6i7 w cn —� w w m lJJ ro- s w w J w O CZ7 o am = X y LC7° y ° o V) w flV{YtT i1If11Qm jx 6 Lj a o w00 61 J CC7 ZY7 0 � + a o u r v v w I) Q� f�4 av 'M rnN �� e Dui + w'° �fl +cr +9�' uN,i o7+ cvC".0 o is J F,. C) F.. ipLLI r ri p �At N LL 77 WW O Y N w Q W < z oorg Ms6 7 C r Oda "�a CZ, C3 oos y h t ✓✓ f v m a "� Z Z ✓ � 1 / W w.W M1I.1P. f O W 1+9j ip a. 53 ,rccY F 4 C71. { CV Z C d2 r rn ca rf Y � ,�0f�401 �l 47 ) x 4 d�dt 7Vti`�IfNt7 F � )) C t oaz u 9 l �� r rry qqpp ^ o dp u ,f oazl M m w h V c4 t4 V' zz YN! 00i�11�� TL d- 006I u 1±�1" f��.,4C Fv «w�. ;!'a "+� pqa !'! ;•,�v a ,u�i oq, D66 TL q n ao 1� o I z .400, 7 cq PA Dp0 STRAU6 PARKWAY m cC� n x Ai oti LINDA LANE i z�c�a � a G SXt.wwf PIV 10:9 uoz/"I I/5 6'rdopp Z9C-a\ZZo-evz OOP, 71 *C-W-si dy" xvl lsJdaw s,dOSS3SSV ------ ------ ZZtZ6'dO'(1131JDNI'ddS o 8 Z 3NV-I VCINII VO I IS L 101 XV -M-8 L :dVIN XVi: -L L (11313DN111dS AO AID 0 u o NOA A3AdnsSNO111(1NOD DMISIX3 ------------ Iis 9 UVOU N0 aA IN tA, a 6-2 hn .............. 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CC I)cd of>C)O rJ (J Exhibit C Page 1 of 8 LLOREGON I L TYPE 4 -ANNEXATION STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION r File Name: Linda Lane Annexation I Case Number: 811-23-000149-TYP4 " y Proposal Location: Vacant parcels at the south end of Linda Lane (Map 18-02-04-00, Tax Lot 1511 and Map 18-02-04-42, Tax Lot 1300); and segments of public rights-of-way for c , Linda Lane and Mt. Vernon Road. Current Zoning& Comprehensive Plan Designation: R-1 /Low Density Residential(LDR) �: Applicable Comprehensive Plan: Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Application Submittal Date: City Council resolution 2023-13 adopted April 3, 2023 Public Hearing Meeting Date: October 2, 2023 Associated Applications: 811-23-000007-PRE (Development Initiation Meeting); 811-23-000030-PRE (Pre- submittal Meeting) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Project Manager Planning Andy Limbird 541-726-3784 Transportation Planning Engineer Transportation Michael Liebler 541-736-1034 Public Works Civil Engineer Streets and Utilities Clayton McEachern 541-736-1036 Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon 541-726-2293 Building Official Building Chris Carpenter 541-744-4153 Review Process(SDC 5.7.115): The subject annexation request is being reviewed under Type 4 procedures,without Planning Commission consideration. Development Initiation Meeting (SDC 5.7.120): A Development Initiation Meeting(DIM)is required of all public agency and private landowner-initiated annexation applications,unless waived by the Director. Finding: The City held a Development Initiation Meeting on January 31,2023. Subsequently,a completeness check meeting for the annexation request was held on April 11, 2023 (File 811-23-000030-PRE). Conclusion: The requirement in SDC 5.7.120 is met. Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit C Page 2 of 8 Annexation Initiation and Application Submittal (SDC 5.7.125): In accordance with SDC 5.7.125(A) and ORS 222.111(2), an annexation application may be initiated by the City through Resolution of the City Council. Finding: The City Council adopted a Resolution 2023-13 at the regular meeting on April 3,2023,to initiate annexation of the subject property. Finding: As directed by the City Council, City staff prepared and submitted the requisite forms and documents for an annexation application. The application materials are included herein as Attachment B to the Ordinance. Finding: The subject property is owned by the City of Springfield and Lane County. The requested annexation is by Resolution of Council, which establishes the consent to annex the City-owned property (Tax Lot 1511). Lane County has signed an annexation application that provides consent to annex the parcel on Linda Lane(Tax Lot 1300). Conclusion: The application requirements in SDC 5.7.125 have been met. Site Information: The subj ect annexation area consists of a vacant, City-owned parcel that is approximately 35.05 acres in size (Tax Lot 1511). An adjoining 0.63-acre linear parcel owned by Lane County is also proposed for annexation(Tax Lot 1300). The properties have frontage on Linda Lane at the northwest corner and the City-owned parcel abuts the Jasper Meadows neighborhood along the eastern edge. The subject parcels are inside the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and are contiguous to the City limits along the eastern and northeastern boundary. Concurrent with annexation of the subject properties, an approximately 560-foot long segment of Linda Lane, the intersection of Linda Lane and Mt. Vernon Road, an approximately 750-foot long segment of Mt. Vernon Road, and the intersection of Mt. Vernon Road and South 57' Street are proposed to be annexed. The purpose for annexing the parcels and public rights-of-way is to: facilitate future residential development in the area; conserve existing, high-value wetlands on the City-owned parcel; and accommodate existing and planned urban utilities and transportation facilities serving the properties. Current zoning for the properties and road rights-of-way is R-1 Residential District (R-1) with an Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) applied. After annexation the OF-10 overlay will be removed and the subject properties and public rights-of-way will remain within the R-1 residential district. Existing public services are provided to the annexation area as follows: police (Lane County Sheriff), schools (Springfield School District),roads (Lane County and City of Springfield), and Fire (Eugene-Springfield Fire under contract with the Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District. Emerald People's Utility District (SPUD) provides electrical service to aportion of southeast Springfield that is located south of the Mt.Vernon Road alignment. There is no rural water district providing service to this unincorporated area of Springfield. The Jasper trunk sewer line passes through the City-owned parcel so there is existing sanitary sewer capacity within the proposed annexation area. Springfield Utility Board(SUB) Water has water service on the eastern edge of the annexation area near the intersection of South 57' Street and Mineral Way and at the northern terminus of South 57' Street where it abuts Tax Lot 1511. Upon annexation, the City of Springfield will be responsible for all urban services (excepting electricity),including sanitary sewer,water(through SUB),transportation and police/fire response to the subject area. Notice Requirements (SDC 5.7.130): Consistent with SDC 5.7.130,notice was provided as follows: Mailed Notice. Notice of the annexation application was mailed September 6, 2023, which is more than 14 days prior to the public hearing date to owners and occupants of properties located within 300 feet of the perimeter of the proposed annexation territory; affected special districts and all other public utility providers; and the Lane County Land Management Division, Lane County Elections, and the Lane County Board of Commissioners. The list of recipients of the mailed notice is included with the Affidavit of Mailing for this annexation application and is retained as part of the public record for Planning Case 811-23-000149-TYP4. Newspaper Notice. Notice of the October 2, 2023 public hearing was published in the print version of The Chronicle on September 14 and 21, 2023. The notification meets the requirements of SDC 5.7.130(B) for two consecutive notices in the two-week period before the hearing. Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit C Page 3 of 8 Posted Notice. Notice of the October 2, 2023 public hearing was posted in four physical places in the City: on the eastern property boundary at the intersection of South 57' Street and Mineral Way; at the intersection of Linda Lane and Mt.Vernon Road; on the western property boundary along Linda Lane; and on the Public Notices bulletin board in the lobby of City Hall. The public hearing notice was also digitally posted on the electronic display in the foyer of the Development&Public Works office and on the City of Springfield website. Finding: Upon annexation of the subject territory to the City,the underlying R-1 residential zoning will be retained, but the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) will no longer apply. Due to this change, the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) was notified of the annexation proceedings prior to the public hearing. Notification to DLCD regarding the proposed annexation was sent on August 15,2023,which is 48 days prior to the initial public hearing on the matter. Conclusion: Notice of the public hearing was provided consistent with SDC 5.7.130. Recommendation to City Council (SDC 5.7.135): The Director shall forward a written recommendation on the annexation application to the City Council based on the approval criteria specified in SDC 5.7.140, which are provided as follows with the SDC requirements, findings, and conclusions. The Director's recommendation follows SDC 5.7.140, Criteria. Criteria(SDC 5.7.140): The application may be approved only if the City Council finds that the proposal conforms to the following criteria: A. The affected territory proposed to be annexed is within the City's urban growth boundary; and is 1. Contiguous to the city limits; or 2. Separated from the City only by a public right of way or a stream, lake or other body of water. Finding: The subject annexation territory is located within the acknowledged urban growth boundary(UGB) of the City of Springfield (see additional discussion in Subsection B below). The property requested for annexation is contiguous with the City limits along the eastern and northeastern boundary. The rights-of-way proposed for concurrent annexation are contiguous with the City limits along portions of the northeastern boundary. The proposal meets the requirements of SDC 5.7.140(A)(1) for contiguity to the current City limits. Therefore, this annexation application meets the statutory definition of contiguity as found in ORS 222.11l(1). Conclusion: The proposal meets and complies with Criterion (A)(1) of SDC 5.7.140. B. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Metro Plan and in any applicable refinement plans or Plan Districts; Finding: The Metro Plan was acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC)in August 1982 and has been subsequently amended. The original Metro Plan UGB encompassed both Eugene and Springfield,with I-5 being the acknowledged boundary between Eugene and Springfield. With the passage of House Bill 3337 in 2007 and adoption of Ordinance 6268 in 2011, a separate and distinct UGB was created for Springfield using a tax lot by tax lot delineation. Springfield's UGB as delineated by Ordinance 6268 was subsequently revised and expanded upon adoption of Ordinance 6361 in 2016. The revised and expanded UGB is delineated on an individual tax lot basis and has been acknowledged by LCDC. Territory within the acknowledged UGB ultimately will be within the City of Springfield. Finding: In December 2016, Springfield adopted the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan- Urbanization Element as a component of Springfield's comprehensive plan in compliance with Statewide Planning Goal 14, Urbanization. The Urbanization Element explicitly retains the Metro Plan's long-standing urbanization policy criteria for approving annexations. The Urbanization Element has been acknowledged by LCDC. Finding: The territory requested for annexation is within an area that is zoned R-1 which is consistent with the Low Density Residential plan designation. The adopted elements of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan apply to areas within the Springfield UGB, particularly the Urbanization Element adopted by Ordinance 6361. Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit C Page 4 of 8 At present, there are no proposed changes to the zoning or plan designation for the property, although the Urbanizable Fringe (UF-10) overlay will be effectively removed upon annexation. Finding: The continued annexation of properties to the City of Springfield is consistent with Policy 29 of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element which specifies annexation as the preferred mechanism for provision of urban services to properties within the UGB, which will result in the elimination of special districts within the ubanizable area. Finding: More detailed discussion of Public Facilities and Services in the Metro Plan (Section III-G) and the Eugene-Springfield Public Facilities and Services Plan(PFSP)—arefinement plan of the Metro Plan—contemplates eventual elimination of special service districts within each city's UGB as annexation occurs incrementally. Policy G.9 of the Eugene-Springfield PFSP states that Eugene and Springfield and their respective utility branches,Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) and Springfield Utility Board (SUB), shall ultimately be the water service providers within their respective urban growth boundary. The requested annexation is consistent with this adopted policy. Finding: The territory requested for annexation is currently within the service area of the Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District. The Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District has a contractual service arrangement with Eugene-Springfield Fire Department for provision of fire response to unincorporated areas of southeast Springfield. After the public hearing and Council adoption of the annexation Ordinance, the annexation area will be withdrawn from the Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District consistent with ORS 222.520 and 222.524 and the City of Springfield will provide fire and life safety services to the annexation area via the consolidated Eugene-Springfield Fire department. Approval Standard: In accordance with Policy 33 of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element, SUB is the exclusive water service provider within the Springfield city limits. Finding: There is no rural water service district in this area of southeast Springfield. Therefore,upon annexation, the City by and through the Springfield Utility Board will provide water service to the annexation area. Finding: In accordance with Policy 34 of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element,when unincorporated territory within the UGB is provided with any new urban service, that service shall be provided by one of the following methods in this priority order: a)Annexation to City; or b) Contractual annexation agreements with City. Finding: In accordance with Policy 35 of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element, the City shall not extend water or wastewater service outside City limits to serve a residence or business without first obtaining a valid annexation petition, a consent to annex agreement, or when a health hazard abatement annexation is required. Finding: The requested annexation is to conserve high-value wetlands on Tax Lot 1511 and to facilitate future residential development of the remainder. Because there is an existing sanitary sewer trunk line passing through the property,this key service will be immediately available upon annexation to the City-which is consistent with Policy 34. There is no proposal to extend sewer or water to a non-annexed area. Conclusion: The proposal meets and complies with Criterion B of SDC 5.7.140. C. The proposed annexation will result in a boundary in which the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan can be provided in an orderly efficient and timely manner; and Approval Standard: In accordance with Policy 29 of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element, annexation shall continue to be a prerequisite for urban development and the delivery of City services in accordance with the Springfield Comprehensive Plan and Springfield Development Code. Approval Standard: In accordance with Policy 31 of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element,key urban facilities and services are defined as wastewater service;stormwater service;transportation;solid Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit C Page 5 of 8 waste management; water service; fire and emergency medical services; police protection; citywide park and recreation programs; electric service; land use controls; communication facilities; and public schools on a districtwide basis. Approval Standard: In accordance with Policy 32 of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element,urban services provided by the City upon annexation to Springfield include storm and sanitary sewer;water; transportation systems; police and fire protection; planning, building, code enforcement and library services; and public infrastructure maintenance of City owned or operated facilities. Finding: The territory requested for annexation is contiguous with the City limits line along the eastern boundary. Additionally, there is a partial-width street(segment of South 57' Street)within the Jasper Meadows neighborhood that abuts the eastern boundary of the annexation area. The proposal meets the contiguity requirements for the purpose of advancing this annexation request. Urban utilities including water, sanitary sewer and electricity, have been extended along adjacent public streets and are available within or on the periphery of the annexation area to serve the subject property. Therefore, the urban service delivery systems are already available and in place or can be logically extended from points on the periphery to serve the subject property. The following urban utilities, facilities and services are either available or can be extended to this annexation area: Water—The Springfield Utility Board operates the public water utility system within incorporated areas of southeast Springfield. As noted above, SUB is the exclusive water service provider for properties within the City limits. SUB operates a 12-inch water line that runs along Mineral Way and is stubbed-out at the eastern boundary of Tax Lot 1511 at the intersection with South 57' Street. A second, 16-inch water line runs north-south within South 57' Street along the eastern boundary of the annexation area. The South 57' Street and Mineral Way water lines are available for provision of water service to the property. Upon annexation, the property will be eligible to receive SUB Water service. Electricity — SUB owns and operates an overhead electrical transmission line that runs parallel with and just outside the southern boundary of the annexation area. Emerald Peoples Utility District provides domestic and commercial electric service to areas of Springfield located south of the Mt. Vernon Road right-of-way. Underground power is available along the eastern edge of Tax Lot 1511 where it abuts the Jasper Meadows neighborhood. Overhead power is available along the Linda Lane frontage of the property near the northwest corner of Tax Lot 1511. Existing electrical system infrastructure within the public rights-of-way and easements will continue to be maintained by the affected utility provider. Police Services—Springfield Police Department currently provides service to areas of southeast Springfield that are already inside the City limits. The annexation territory is currently within the jurisdiction of the Lane County Sheriff's Department. Upon annexation, this area will receive Springfield Police services on an equal basis with other properties inside the City. Fire and Emergency Services —Fire protection is currently provided to the annexation area by Eugene-Springfield Fire Department under contract with the Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District. Upon annexation, the Eugene- Springfield Fire Department will directly provide fire and emergency services to the subject territory. Emergency medical transport(ambulance) services are provided on a metro-wide basis by the Eugene-Springfield Fire Department. The annexation area will continue to receive this service consistent with the adopted ambulance service area (ASA) plan. Mutual aid agreements have been adopted by the three regional ASA providers to provide backup coverage for each other's jurisdictions. Parks and Recreation—Park and recreation services are provided within the City of Springfield by the Willamalane Park & Recreation District. The park district operates several indoor recreation facilities, such as the Willamalane Park Swim Center,Lively Park Swim Center,Bob Keefer Center for Sports and Recreation,and Willamalane Adult Activity Center. The park district offers various after-school and other programs for children at schools and parks throughout the community. Also available are pathways and several categories of parks,including community parks, sports parks, special use parks, and natural area parks. Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit C Page 6 of 8 Concurrent with annexation to the City of Springfield,the subject property will be annexed to the Willamalane Park & Recreation District consistent with City policy, an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Springfield and Lane County, and the adopted Willamalane Comprehensive Plan. Library Services —Upon annexation to the City of Springfield, the subject area will be served by the Springfield Public Library. Schools — The Springfield School District serves this area of southeast Springfield. Tax Lot 1511 is currently vacant but has the potential for future residential development. For this reason, it is expected that the annexation territory will sustain permanent residents and could generate a school-age population in the future. The Springfield School District has capacity to serve the annexation area in its current configuration, and in the event the property redevelops in the future. The School District owns a vacant parcel on the east side of Bob Straub Parkway that is currently developed as Quartz Park. The property has been identified for future school development as the population increases in this area of Springfield. Sanitary Sewer — The annexation territory contains a segment of the Jasper trunk sewer line that runs east-west along the Mineral Way alignment between South 57' Street and Linda Lane. The trunk sewer line is designed and sized to accommodate future sanitary sewer flows from buildout of southeast Springfield,including Tax Lot 1511. Upon annexation, City sanitary sewer service is available to serve residential development on the property. Stormwater — The subject annexation territory is not currently served by apublic stormwater management system. Piped stormwater facilities are available on the eastern edge of Tax Lot 1511 where it abuts the Jasper Meadows neighborhood. Within Tax Lot 1511,existing high-value wetland areas and open watercourses are proposed to be retained and conserved. Future residential development on Tax Lot 1511 will be required to manage stormwater on individual lots and limit runoff as required under the city's stormwater development regulations. Use of the existing watercourses for stormwater discharge following treatment is another available option. Streets —The eastern boundary of the subject annexation area(Tax Lot 1511) abuts South 57' Street, which has been developed as a partial-width City street with paving, curb, gutter, sidewalks,underground utilities and street trees. The western portion of the partial-width street is to be developed within Tax Lot 1511. Along the western boundary of the annexation area, Linda Lane is a Lane County local access road that is not developed to urban standards. Linda Lane would need to be paved and upgraded to accommodate increased traffic associated with future residential development on Tax Lot 1511. Linda Lane is proposed to be annexed concurrently with Tax Lots 1511 and 1300 to facilitate future transportation improvements that meet City standards. The City will dedicate public rights-of-way for future transportation improvements prior to, or as a condition of, selling or developing the developable portion(s) of Tax Lot 1511. Solid Waste Management—The City and Sanipac have an exclusive franchise arrangement for garbage service inside the City limits. Upon annexation, solid waste disposal service would be provided by Sanipac. Communication Facilities—Various providers offer both wired and wireless communication services in the Eugene- Springfield metropolitan area. Existing providers and those entering the market have the capability to provide service to this area. Land Use Controls — The annexation area is within Springfield's urban growth boundary. Through an intergovernmental agreement between Lane County and the City of Springfield, the City already has planning and building jurisdiction for unincorporated areas of Springfield. The City will continue to administer land use controls after annexation. Finding: The minimum level of key urban facilities and services, as outlined in the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element are immediately available to the site, or can be provided at the time of development. Conclusion: The proposal meets and complies with Criterion C of SDC 5.7.140. Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit C Page 7 of 8 D. Where applicable,fiscal impacts to the City have been mitigated through an Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City Council. Finding: The area proposed for annexation is already owned by public agencies, including the City of Springfield and Lane County. Annexing the property has several benefits including ensuring it can be provided with public safety services,providing property for the logical extension of streets and public utilities,and promoting future urban development and use of the property. In addition,annexation allows future land division of Tax Lot 1511 to establish the wetlands that are under a conservation easement on a parcel separate from the remaining Linda Lane property that may be developable for urban uses. There are no fiscal impacts to the City associated with annexation unless or until the City decides to sell the developable portions of the property. In that circumstance, the City Council can condition the sale or transfer of the property to appropriately mitigate the fiscal impacts of development on the City. Conclusion: The proposal meets and complies with Criterion D of SDC 5.7.140. City Council Decision (SDC 5.7.145): City Council approval of the annexation application shall be by Ordinance. Finding: The City Council gave first reading of the Annexation Ordinance and held aPublic Hearing on October 2, 2023 for the subject annexation request. One person provided written testimony in advance of the meeting and one person testified at the public hearing meeting. The written testimony objected to the annexation on the grounds that the City would be acquiring portions of the respondents' property for public right-of-way purposes, which is neither an accurate statement nor a relevant criterion of approval for annexations. At the public hearing meeting,staff addressed the respondents' comments by explaining that the Linda Lane right-of-way already exists and is sufficiently wide to accommodate a finished road. No additional right-of-way dedication was being sought from any fronting properties along Linda Lane through the annexation process. Instead, the right-of-way was being incorporated into the Springfield City limits to facilitate future improvements, including extension of utilities and paving. The verbal testimony expressed concerns about secondary access to the Linda Lane parcel and the configuration of the annexation boundaries for Mt Vernon Road as depicted on the site map. Adequate transportation facilities available to serve the territory at time of annexation is a valid criterion of annexation and staff explained that the property has frontage on Linda Lane to the west and South 57' Street to the east. This would provide for secondary access to the area upon completion of a street connection across the property. The articulated configuration of the annexation boundary is a legacy of multiple annexations of adjacent territory that left an angular, "knife blade" portion of unannexed Mt Vernon Road at South 57' Street. At the public hearing, staff explained that the purpose of annexing the segments of Mt Vernon Road and Linda Lane was to clean up and clearly define the City limits lines in that area. Based on the staff analysis and recommendations, and on testimony provided at the Public Hearing, the City Council may now take action to approve, modify, or deny the Annexation Ordinance at the October 16,2023 meeting. Zoning(SDC 5.7.150): The area requested for annexation is zoned R-I residential district(titled"LDR"at the time the application was submitted)and is designated Low Density Residential in accordance with the Springfield Zoning Map and the adopted Metro Plan diagram. Properties that are outside the City limits have the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) applied to the zoning. Upon the effective date of the annexation, the OF-10 overlay will be automatically removed and the property will retain the R-I zoning. Effective Date and Notice of Approved Annexation (SDC 5.7.155): The subject annexation request was presented to the City Council for consideration at an initial public hearing on October 2,2023. Second reading and potential adoption of the annexation Ordinance is scheduled for October 16,2023. Therefore,the annexation and special district withdrawal will become effective 30 days later on November 15, 2023, or upon acknowledgement of filing with the Secretary of State—whichever date is later. Withdrawal from Special Service Districts (SDC 5.7.160): Withdrawal from special districts may occur concurrently with the approved annexation Ordinance or after the effective date of the annexation of territory to the City. The Director shall recommend to the City Council for consideration of the withdrawal of the annexed territory from special districts as specified in ORS 222. In determining whether to withdraw the territory, the City Council shall determine whether the withdrawal is in the best interest of the City. Notice of the withdrawal shall be provided in the same manner as the annexation notice in SDC 5.7.130. Ordinance No. 6462 Exhibit C Page 8 of 8 Finding: The annexation area is within the delineated service territory of SUB Water and Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District (contracted fire response). The Cities of Eugene/Springfield will directly provide fire and emergency services after annexation. Consistent with SDC 5.7.160,notice was provided for the public hearing on October 2, 2023. Withdrawal from the Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District concurrently with annexation of the territory to the City of Springfield is in the best interest of the City. The withdrawal from the Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District is necessary to implement Policies 31 and 32 of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element whereby annexation is prioritized for the City of Springfield to provide urban services to its incorporated territory, and existing special service districts within the City's UGB are to be dissolved over time. DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION: The proposal complies with the annexation criteria of approval listed in SDC 5.7.140, and Council is within its authority to approve annexation of the subject territory to the City of Springfield and Willamalane Park and Recreation District and withdrawal of the subject territory from the Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District. Ordinance No. 6462