HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-05Job Locaticn:-'*) Toa Iot #Aesesoora Map t $tbdioision: A.mer: Phone:DAddtess ci Zaerfru=7Lf*Dr@ca A fiorzaaa Descr"ibe l,lot'li:.A aaValue 1 Date of App Liceticn Additicn CS Reeei #..RESIDF\TIAL APPLICAThjN/PERIIIT 225 North ith Street Springfield, )negon 97477 Building DiuLsion 7 26-37 53. aa SPFINGFTET.D /fa{6 frFr91-- "mA Date General P lurnb ing Elec cr ca c lanElec E t:rv1€iLSUD Dill)Lrrrclt 0R BUILDIi]CS Sanitarg saser eapped at propetfil lire Septic tank pwrped ard ftlled vtth gra;tel ?inal - hlten abooe itens ane ecnrpleted and uhen Cenolition is canrplete oP stt'u'l- ture mooed and pt'etri,aes cleaneC up. e Hcnes Blocking old Set-uP Plwbing connectione -- a€1tev otd. uater Eleetrical Conneetion - Bloektng' eet-up and plurnbing connectione mtst .be apprct;ed befoie requbating eLeelrical inspeeti.ott Accessor.g Bui.Ldi.ng ekirting, deeks,'pcrehes, leted. Pi:aL - After etc. ate conP Page 1 of 2 SIIE INSPE:?I1N: to be tmde after Aauatlo",-6; prtor tc set uP of forns. IJNDERSLAB .'LUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHINICAL: To be rade before anY6f iiAZ',,ered. POO?INC & |'OUNDATICN: lo be tade It ia the reepansibility of tlo permit lotd* bo aee that aLL inapec^tions a.te nade at the p?oper tine, that each addrees fran tlv atreZt, arll il1at the penrit aard ia Lxated at.!h,e. frcnt of ,tle.property'laritdiw D.luisiot approu*ed plan slnll nenain on tlp Building Sitc at aLL times. You? citA Designted Job Nwnbet Is:B 9,za;5- is read.abie of inspee'-ior befcre 7:00 cnpRocEDuRqFo\rtspEc'rror.Eg=eyESriCalU726-3769(yecotdet) state aoux,city Cesignated iob nuttbet', iob aCdtess, type requeated and utten liou 1LLL be ready yar tnspection, Contracto*" o", Otmers'nane Lnd phoie numbet'. Requests receh;ed tiLL be nade th.: sane dcg, reqtests-nade aftet, ?:00 on utill be made the nett uotking day. INSI]LATION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : i;Ae ,rnCe afte" aLL insulaticn ad requi,red oapor buriera @e in Place bui belore any Lath, WPswn boarC or tnLL covering is applied' and before org insulation is concealed. after trent:hes a?e and. forns ate .rected' but Prior to Wuv'tng cct,.et,ete. u\pg4cRoutl : PL|IMBTNG| ssry.ER, w.\L!;!' DRAINAGE: To be made PrLor to tLL-7fr-li6n";.es. I]NDERFLOOR PLUI,IBIIIG & MEC!]ANICAL : To be nade prio! to LnstaLLatlon oJ floor ineu'|ation or decking. POST AND BI:AM: To be nade Pri-ot to ffiTTatl"n of floo* insulation or decking. ROUCH PLUII,II['1G. ELECIRI?AL & MECH- ANTCAL: N , uork is to be coL^et'ecl ffiil--tho "., inspeeti ons hans e been rude and. a;-tptorled. Priov, to Plccirg cnd before frailngtion. FRAlltlg: i.tust be nequeated aftet ffit o"' r,ough plwrbing, electni- dL & nec?:^:nieal. ALL roofing btacing & <:hitrrneys, ete. rmtet be . contpleted. Ito ucnk i,s to be con- ' ceCled unt !-L this inspectton lae 'been nad.e t:nC approtted. FIIIAL PLUI,I.3IIIC FINAL MECH,INICAL FINAL ELEC.:RICAL DRYWALL INSPEC?I)N: tc be made ifte"-ffiEyuiTTte in plaee, but pnior to any taPirq. MASINRI: Steel Location, bond Eiffilgrouting ot' uerticals i,n accotdance Lrith U,B.C. Section 2415, WOODSTOVE: cc^pGTA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APRON: ate er."iAEt pfro" Aften fortnsto pouring concrete. SIDEWALX & DRfVEVAY: Fon aLL con- cr,.tenffiil;ffi etreet fight- of-txy, to be nade after aLL exca- oating conPlete & fotn wrk & sub' base natertal in Place.?I9EPLACE: ,natefiAG faeing i.nepec- lV Ytuct: When conPlete -- PtouiCe V) @C or nooable sectiane throttgh P.U.E. ALL pt,oiect conditions, such as the instll-Lation of street t!?n-:-'- conpletion.of the ;;qr7";A-i;rrd;,icpirg, Lto., ,*"t be eatisfiid befiire the B1ILDINI FIiAL ean be requested' fiNAL BUILDTN|: The Final Building rnapection mtet be requested after the Final Plwnbing E L "; ;i"i;;l:-' cnd u e char.i c aL r n s p e c tions'hqo e b e en nade atd appr oo ed' *AI , I,IANIICI,ES AND CLI\ANOUTS IIIJST BE ACCESSIBI,D, ADJUSTIIENT TO BE TI.4DE /.T I]O C1ST TO E'TTY T tr T tr T JOB NO.SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Gtc Bedrooms ilco,+ 4r^4>Dtfe f HAW CAREEULLy EXAMINED the eonpleted application for pert:,:|.t, and do hereby cettify that aLL infotnation hereon ie true and eorrc:t, cnd. f futther eertify that ang ard aLL uork petforned slall be done in aeeon- danee rrtth the 1rdinanees of the City of Springfield, and th: Laas of the State of Oregon pertaining to the wrk Ceacribed herein, cnc tlat NO OCCA- PANCI uill be rrude of any structute uithout permission of the Bui.lding DL-oiaion. I further certifg that only aontractore and enplcyecs uho arb in canpliance uith ORS 701.055 wiLL be uaed on thia pnojeet Lot Faces -Enerctu Sources Tuoe Setbacks lleat P, L,House Caraqe Aceesg.llatet, lleatet,North East FirepL<zce South Dloodstou'e Iat Sq. Ftg. Z of lot Cooeraga IOI TYPE _ fnterior _ Cornet, _ Panhandle Cul-de-sac # of Storiee Total Height ?opography I,/eet -- Fees -- ITEM FTG Y VaLue Building Volue & Permit This pertntt is granted on the espress cotrdition tlnt the satd consttuotionslnll, in atl rbepeets, conform 1o the hdi.rnnce adopted \iy the City of Springfield, inoluding the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulating the ccnstructicn and. use of buildtngs, and mag be suspend.ed ot, reuokeC at at1 tine upon oic- l.a.tion of anA prcttisione of said OrCinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c * Building Perwit Etate Date Paid: {, ?otal Clnrgea ,( Signed: NO,FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No person sltall constract, inetall, altet ot clange cnA neu cn eaisting plunbing or drainage syetan in uhole or in part, unless euch petson ie the Legal poseessor of a ualid plwnber,'s Licenae, eccept that a oerson nay do plwrbing uork to p?operty uhich is orsned, Leased or. opetatec by the appli- cant. Firtutee Reaidential (1 bath) Seuer Pltnbing Pernit State Electricol Permit Where State Lan requires tlat the electrical uork be dane bg an Electrieal Contractor,, the electrical pottion of this perrnit slwll not be ualiC until the Label lns been signed by the Electuical Contractor,. Neu/Extetd Circuits Sem;ice CIIARCE I * Sec,ri Mechqnico! Permit Eshanat HooC Vent F@t PermLt Issuance Mechanieel Perrrtt Storage lulaintenance Permit Ctubeu! SideuaLk Penoe *oo Eleetrical Ia,bel Mobtle Hone TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *7- cr> * Signed /o IT!M FEE llcodstote Total Chanaes Stata -- ENCROACHMENT -- *