HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-04-14tt. RESID-\TIAL.. APPLTCATI0N/PERt[r? 225 North ith Street Springfield, 0t egon 97477 Building Dioision 7 26-37 53 , tb Locaticn:€45 Nl eoeeoore Map ll lAA3tL/( SP'IItvGFTELD O\O lbdiuision: Asner:H Address: 3.+ city: ?68 lot # Phone: zip: llot k: Value lrll3 Pfalz q t-t LTNel,t f o*rrr", RenoCeL cq-/rct Date: Date of GeneraL Mecha:ieal PLtottoing ELectrical Remircd I^t b ths rcepo8ibi-Li? of -tlg penrit lplda to aee that atl itapectione oe nad.e at ttte pro?e:F time, tl,.at ecch .ai,l-eas is vsazn'ni"fran tlu atreet' atd tlat the p*nrit catl. ia located at the frpnt'of the orooettu-tBuiaing Ditticbn aw?w^ed pl..ot shcll remain on tiu Bunlding sitc Lt att'ilhis." H?)CflUPE Fo\IyS?EnI1It.El=0ry57;CALL726-3769(reeordet) stdte gou? City designated job nw;ber, job aC;-ess, tgpe of inspeeliatr-equ.eated ari.utten 3;ou uiLL be ready fol inspcctzon, cont?dctors o7 Anters ncme Lnd plane mtr,tber.- p"qrn"r" releii|ed tZfcri Z:00 e,I.ILL be nade the eone dcg, tequelts naie aftez, ?:00 oi viLL be nnde the nezt tnrking daE. @3r(lote Citl Deeigr,ated Job Nutabey Io:ticns SIIE fNSPECTI1I:: ?o be rmcie after escaoation, but pt tot tc set up of fotns. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER ITISPEC?TOil :lo be nade aftet, aLL insulati.cn e.d, required oapor borie?a @e in pla.cebtt before ory kth, Wpstun bcarC ot tnLL cooeting is appli.ed, otd before oty insulation is concealed. DEI.IOLITIO!! OR :.:OW3 BUILDI;:CS Soiley eetser capped fi propentA Lit:e Septic tork pqed ant fi.Lled ttth gra;te: UNDERSLAB PLU\,BTNG. ELECTRICAL & I,ECH{:IICAL: To be matie before any ttork ie cooeted. ?O)T|NC 4 FOUNDATfCN: ?o be rnCe ;f;A xlerlcGs a"e e.eauated and. forns ote erected, but prior topuring ccnctete. - u NpsRcpourD pLb,E_LA!,_ ;lwir_wAFLJLirq xrenehee. 1 uao*rLooR qLUIETNG E I4ECIANTcAL:tof' floor ineulation or decking. DRWALL rilSPE1I)N: Ic be made after aLL ctyuall is in pla.ce, but prior to any taping. I.|ASONRL: Steel Loeati.on, bond beons, 4routing oz, teyticals in aceordozce utith U.B.C. Section 2415. V00DST),,tE: empTet;a. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON: Aftet formsee erecteC but prior to pouz.ing conc?ete. SfDEilALX & DRf|EWAI: For aLL eon- crete paving uithin street right- of-rxA, to be maCe after all etca- oating canplete & forn r'tot k & sub- base material in place, Final - l{hen abcue ite:'ts are ccnpleted and uhen Catolition is conolete o" at"uJ- tuye mooeC ard. prerrises cleaneC up. e Ecmes Blocking od, Set-up Plunbing connections -- aa)e? otC ualet l I POST AND BEA|4: To be nade prior to instalLaticn of floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLIJ!.IBII]C, ELETPICAL fr I,I\C!!-4!1!&: llo uork is to be eouereduntil these inspectiotts haoe been FIIIAL PLUI|IBIIICr4 FII]AL I.{ECHANICAL Electriccl Ccmnection - Blocking, eet-uc anC plumbing conneetions m;st be appr*ec before nequesting eleclrtcal inspec:iot Aecescot-; BuilCing trud.e and. approoed. 7 rntetacti fuLor to olccira fceino| il;;ials and before'frotinlg inspeii- tior:. 7 fut:tt:C: l,lust be neouested af.-er ) "ppr"u"L of rough plunbing, eieetni-cal & nechanical. AlL roofing bractng E chinmcye, etc. mast be i eontpletcd. llo wk ie to be eon- ...-.oealed until thia inspeetton lae'been nanie anC approoed. Pinal - After etc. are coirD pcrekes, akirting, decl<s, lr I l IENCE: h4tez conplete -- PnooiCe gate6 o? mooable sections through r.u.L. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of slreet trees, eonolction of tia requited lntdsecpitg, etc., nrast be eatisfied before the BUfLDfilG PilIAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDIITG: The Ftnat Builditq Inspection mtst be requested after the Fittat PlunbitrS \J Eleetrical, od Meclur.ieal Inspectl,ons hauc been nade ard approveC. FINAL EL,CTRICAL .ALL i,IAI:HCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSAIE:I! TO 3E I."4DE I.T IIO C?ST TO CI!!Page 1 of 2 6q) /.,/ u tr tr tr Zot'te : Lot Sq. Ftg Z of Lot Canterage_ fl of StorLes lotal Eeight Topogryhy Building PenrLt State ?otal Charyea nE[! Plzutbfng Perrit State ?otal Vent Fat l,/codsto;te Permit'issuo.ee Meelnnicel Pe?ttt -- Eitcft2Acflt'lEltr -- Main Pcrmtt Cnc Curbat! SiLa,nlk Mobile Hane SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Gtt _ Interiot _ Corilef _ Panltand.le _ CUl-de-sac * 40. =^: .V Mechonicol Permit L-CO G+ Bearoof;ls Lot Facea - lieat Ran$e LACe -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penntt is granted on the er?ress eondition tlnt the said.constntetiat alnll, in aLL respects, conform to the Ordirnnce edopte,T by the Ci.ty of SpringfieLd, inelud.ing the Zoning CYdinance, regulcting tlie ccnstrtcticn otd use of buildings, otd mty be euspend.ed or reuokeC at c-n! tine upon oic- la,tion of oly prcuisions of said 1rciir.ances. Date Paid: Reeeipt #: bLd?ied: Plumbing Permit No person s?nll constntet, instal!, alter ot, change Gny neu cr e:isting plwnbing ot, drainage syst€-n in uitole or in patt, unless auch person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunber's License, eceept th.dt d Dersonray do plunbing uork to propett! uhieh is omeC, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit I'lhere Stz.te Las teauires tha.t the eleetricaL uork be done by an Eleetrieal Contpdcta?, the electy'Lcal portion of this pernit sl@LL rot be oali.C, wttil the Label |os been sigte<i by the ElectrLcal Cont"acto?. PLan Exaniner Uate I EAW CAREFULLy |XLAINED tle conoleted application for oermit, and do hereby certify that aLL itifo:mation hereon is t"ue anC cowect, otC. f further eertify that any ard. aLL uork penfotned sl",all be tiote it aecor- <iance ttth the Ordinances of the City of Sprlngfield, and thc La;s of the Stdte of 0regcn pertainino to the utotk Ceseribed herein, cnd. tlat NO OCCU- PI.NCY trill be nade of any structure uithout permission of the Builtiing Di-vision. I furthen certif'g tlat only cont?acto"s at;.d. enplcyees uho ate in canpliance uith ORS 701.055 utLL be used on this project I 1s; JOB NO. Df Houae Cdraoe Aceess. North East Sor;th l,leet I!EN X Value I',3.in Cfracc C@Dcrt Aceessottl TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. I.5 r LilEULFEE Fthures Resilential (1 bath) Sarzitatu Sa,ter tlctey iaEt;: Res. So. ftc N.7J/E terld Cireuits Iatpcr@y Service hcntee PTUTS Ezltant llooC /s.m6 TAIAL A]!CU1IT DUE:. ? tl lttt a