HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-09-01..RESIDF\TIAL.. APPLICAT] U/PERIIIT 225 Notth Sth Street Sprtngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diui,s'Lon onn -nr-/ zo-o / oo Job Locaticn:b Receipt ! SPFIINGFIEI-D lzzEo , Assessore Map #/1a 3t 4 Subdiuision: Otmer: Tas Lot # VaLue You? CiW Desigr.ated Job Nunber Is made after a Laticn WOODSTOVE: arrpleted. After installation is o/Seo Addzess: City: s-?rt ?r-W zip h,v Additicn Remod.eL Signed:?-r-CS Geneyal ELeetnicaL Consttugllon__Lender Date of it ie the fron the ,*Euil.ding ?esponsibility of tle permit holdet to aee that-all inspeetions at,e nad.e at the p?ope" tine, that eaeh adltess is z,eadab-,est/'eet' and that the oermit ea-vd is Loeated qt.th-g front'of the propettgDi tt i c io n appt' o "^ e d p Lan shcll " "^a.i." bi- thZ B"nLar.nL' s: ii "-'rt-' i-L L' t t^n " . P;n!:E:!:up4 lo\ ryspEcrrow;cALL 726-3769(tecordet,) state vou! citg desigrated job?equested a,;d' ahen uou uiLL be ready for inspection, contz,actoi"- r" anne"s nc,ne and. p?nne ,**iLL be nade lhe s&e dag, i"siil_":_^[d" oitn z,oo'^ ail.t n) .na" the necL:,tar!,_i.ng- day, rutraber, job aCiress, tyoe of inspee:icti nu-,bet,. P.equests z,eceii;ed befcre- Z:0C c:; ffi11r I I l SNE INSPECTION, eecauation, but forms. GE: trenches. ?o be rnade afterprior tc set up of SEqER to W*uotk is cotsered. FCPTING ! F)UNDATTCN: To be naCealxer tyenches a?e etcaoated and fotns- are erected, but ptiot, topoutiztg ccncrete. t,equtred oapor batrie?s dre in place but--befcre any Lath, g7pslon bca C oz,tnLL.couering is applied, and beforeotg insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSP\C?I)N: ?c be nadeafter aLL fugualL is in plnee, but prior to any taping. MAS)NRI: SteeL Location, bond beans, grouting or uerticals inaccotdotce LJith U.B.C. Secti.on -l a:toyprr"oa! prunruc a rurctnnrc,qt, --r '1'o be nade pricr to installation offloor insuLation or deckinq. -l posy 4J!l amu: To be nad.e prioz, toI installatian of floon insulation ordecking. --1 R)ttcH pLatBrrlc. ELEC?RICAL & r,tECH_I ANT:AL: ao aoy,kE li bc co"^iiiZ-until these inspections haue been_ made and. approued. I FIPEPL.ACE: ptior to placir1 fccinqI materlals and. before froning inspeZ_ti.on. --1 fn$:fnc.- ttust be ?equested afterI approual of rough plwrbing, eiecty,i_cal & neclnnical. ALl- noofingbraeing I ehinmeys, ete. nltst- becotrpleted. no ulcrk is to ii cZi_,.eealed until this inspectton lns'been nade anC apg,o.*eZ. CURB & APPRCAC]I APP.ON: are erecteC but otion After formsto pcurittg STDEWALK & DRf\rEWAy: Fo? aLL eon_ cz,-ete paoing uithin stneet right-of-ucA, to be maCe after aLL "exca_ uating compZete & forn uoz,k & eub- base material in place. conc?ete IENCE: P.U,E. Wen conplate -- prouiCe or nouable sections through ] FruAL plut4Brnc ) rrnar, t4ECHAtrcAL ) rmar, ELECTRTIAL l - - --:- ALL pnoiect conditions' such as the i.nstall.ation of street trees, co:roletion of tierequited Landseaping, etc.' nust be satiified o"fii"n-iin-ifibiuc FrltAL ean be requested. FrNAL BUTLDTNC: The Final Building rnspection mtst be t,equestec aftet, the linal plwnbiryElecttieaL,andMectunicaLInspectiio;;i;;;-;;;;^"aZ"",trT,w,i,a. T DEIIOLITIO!] OR Sani.taty serser capped ct propertg Line Septic tank pu,:ped ard filled uri,th Eta;sel linal - hrlten abcue .Ltens are ccrnpleteC and uhen Ce:nclition is eonplete by strue-ture maued and. prenises cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking and Set-up Plunbing eonnections -- sa))e? and watet, Electrieal Connection - Bloeking, aet-us and_ plwnbing connections m.st bb a.pprc;;'ed befor e requesting electrical insp ee:ion Aecessory BuilCing _pct ekes, skirting, decks,Ftrnl - Afteretc. ate comp Pe,;e 1 of 2 *ALL ILANH?LES AND cLEAN1urs MUS? BE A11ESSTBLE, ADJUSTIEi, To BE I,TADE .4? lIO CSST TO CI?Y Descr"ibe llotk: CL q0)' T T \\ Phone: JOB NO. Lot Faces -Enerq?l Sources Titoe Ileat Df House Caraqe Access Water lleaterNoltth FirepLace South llood.stou"e West LC? TWE _ Interiot, _ Co?ne? _ Panlnnd.Le CuL-de-sac CESS REQ.-c*SOLAR A L-CO Bedtoons:Grc Lot Sq. Ftg. % of lct Caerage_ # of StorLes TotaL Height Iopography -- Fees -- This pemnLt is granted on the erpz,ess cottd.ition tlnt the said eonstzaction slwll-, in all r-espects, eonform io the ordinznce adopted 6y the City of Springfteld, i-neluding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnsttucticn arzd use of buildings, otd may be suspen"d.ed or reookeC at cn7 time upon oic- Lation of anA prcuiaions of said }rdinances. Value TOTAL VALUE F?G x Building Vqlue & Permit S.D.C. 1.5 c ITEM l"lain Building PermLt Total Clnrges State $trcharge Signed: Receipt #: Date Paid: Cheek Eee: Plumbing Permit No person sVnT-L construct, instal'!., altet or ehange anA nev cr ecisting plwnbing or drainage sAsten in uhole or in patt, unless sueh person is the Legal possessoz, of a oalid plwnberts License, eacept that a pelson nay do plunbing aork to property uhich is o,,med, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. P L'Jmb1,na ,uPal?.Lx NO ILL CHARGE * Sani Seuer Resil.ential (1 bath) Electricol Permit tlhe?e state Lau requires t'lut the electrieal uotk be done bg an Eleetrical contractot,, the elect?ical portion of this pemnit sltaLl not be ualic until the Label lws been signed by the Electu'ical Contt'actot. Permit Nert/EctenC Circuits Sentice NC FEE ! Mechqnicol Permit Wcodsto;le Vent Eel bhanst HooC ETUIS PermLt Issucnee Mec?wnicaL Penntt -- ENCROACHI4ENT -- Secar-L Curbcut Sideualk LabeL Mobile llone Plant Erantnet'Date t f HAW CAREFULLL EXAILfNED the completed application for perTnit, and do i"iiay iitlfy that aLL infornatiZn het'eoi^ is true ard' eoz'rect, anc r fur:th"e, certi"fy that any ard aLL uo.tk pe^r,fotmed stnll be done in aceot'- 'din e ,,yLth th-e" Ordinanc"es of the Cita bf Springfield, an'C th-e La;;s of the state of oregon pettaining to the uork cescribed herein, cnd t71o.t N0 occu- zuiCy ":ttt bL ma'de of any" stluetu?e uithout permissi,on of the Buildtng D.t- tision. I further cet'tifi that only eontractot's ar;d enpLcyees dho are Ln conpliance uith CRS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this pz'oject -lq r--7/- tri 5-o o TOTAL AM)tlIlT DUE: *5 * Sto!,aae