HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-25.. RESIDENTIA[.. zis North sth streelPPLrcArr2,r-iRMrr Springfield, 1negon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 lob Iocaticn: SPFT'NGFIELD e. Aosessors MdP ll Anter: Ias lpt # Phone Desct"ibe h'ork: 7"1 I tt p DytO tr1/ lf a heTh w tTh Wb I tL tfil dlcrS2T * ST?tP?L lddition Date of D<] L €:3->Value --fifua*2. t# / /1'p res l2 aorsa General Plurnb t l-caI.lec Electr a c ]-anElec t rSu 0R !.!owD Sanitary saser eapped et pt'opentg Line Septic tank p,trtped and filled ttith gnattel Final - hthen abcoe itens axe canpleted and uhen Canolition is eornplete ot' sttac- tute moued and prertrtses cleaneC up. Iulobile Hcnes Blocking otd Set-uP Plumbing connections -- sate! otd uatet Eleetrical Connection - Bloelci-ttg' eet-up and plwnbinq conneetions mtst be apptoued befire neqieeting eleelrical inspeetion Accessot"g fuilding Final - Aftet pcrekes, ekirting, decks, etc. are canpleted. Page 1 of 2 It ic the reepo,tsibility of tle perottt ho-lle? to aee that aLL inapae-tions ate nade at the p"ope? jii-tii-rtilZt, "rra ttitine p&wit oasl ia Located at.!hg froqt of thg-proPentA. 7's;d{"s-t;tilr'ior- apprixed pl'an,alnll remain on the Building ?it: at aLL times' pRocEDUpE FOR r^:tspEffroN REQUEST:GALL726-3769 (teeotdet) state you? City cesignated iob nwnbet'. requested and u,ten yo;ffi*ay-io1 iryriootion, contl'aetors oi asners nane and plane nwtber' tiLL be nade th: ,rn" i"y, riquests-nZde afier 7:00 an utill be nade the nert wtking day' gIrE INS!!:!fPN: To be rmde after &caoati;n,-1ut pt'iot' tc set uP o fortne. UNDERSLAB 'LUMBING. ELECTRICAL & t'acitttticlt. To be nade before any ffi'li-i6,,ered. POONNLJ,-gtWWttt ?o be rmCe ;fter t?erun;s a?e escauated and forns are t*ectedl but Prior to pout ing ccnerete. UND\RGPAU!].1 PLUMETNC, SSWER, W.4.TER' oFnttuct: To ae ,niie prior to fil- TIS-TiZnc;Les. 71 utomrr,oop pLU.tErNG 4 MEct!-4Nrc,AL: ^l-) To be nade pnior to instaLLatlon oI floor ineu'-ation or decking. PlST AND B:AM: To be nade Priot to ffif,dTG€f,rTof floot' insulation or decking. ROUCH Pr,U!:tlitc. ELECTR!?AL ffi -*I-Ah ti.' 'iork is to be coDered. ffilTthe",, inspect'ions Lw.te been nade and an;protled. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISIECTION-: To be maCe aften aLL inaulaticn and required oapor bat'r'ie?a @e in place bui be|ore any Lath, gApsun b,oarC oz' tmLL couering- is applied, and before oty insulation is concealed. l-1 DRY\\ALL INSPEtrI)N: Tc be nade I Al ;n* afWrts .in plaee,u but pt'ior to cnY taPing. Iour City Desigr"ated Job Nunber Ia MAS0NRI: Steel Location, bond Siffilgrouting ot' oerticals in accordance ui.th U.B.C. Section 24L5. UOODSTOVE: After instaLlation is ccnrpleted. time, that ecch aldtees is t'eaCabie , iob aCdt'ees, tAPe of insPeelicn Requests recei"*ed befcne 7:00 an 'f B tr B tr @ CURB & APPROACH APRQN: After forns at e e;"ct;AEt p;lo" to pouring eonctete. SIDEWALX & DR|VE\IAI: For all con- "r"t"n"u6 ulffi etneet right- of-tna, to be nade aftet' aLL etca- oating conPlete & font ttoz'k & sub- base nwterial in Place-faeing inepec- tion. FRAI.INQ: itust be nequeated after app6it o"' tough plwrbing, 3lectri-dl & neclurnieal. AIL roofing bracttq E cfi,Tasys' ete. rntst be . completed. lto t'tork is to be con- .cecled unt'"L this inspeetion lae "been made ctnC approtted. PIPEPLACE,ar;i;G FIIIAL PLUM.7INC PINAL MECH,iilTCAL FINAL ELEC:RICAL ' Pv,iot, to pl,acirq cnd before fnotring !\NCE: When conPlate -- ProtsiCe fitZi or nooable sections through P. U. E. ALL pyoiect conditions, such ae the i.nstallat'ton of elreet t1ee3,- cot'tPletion-of the nnqrZnnld Landsecping, Ltc., mtat be eatisfied befoye the B11ILDING fIt'lAL can be nequested' FINAL BUILDfNG: The Final BuiLd,ing Inapection mtst be tequested aften the Final Plwnbing Electiical, and Mectanical Inspectlons llqoe been nade ard appt'oued' *AT,T, MANIICLES AND CT,EANOUTS MET BII ACCES,;IBLIi, AD,IUSTIIEIII ?O BE I,I. DE !1.T IIO CCST TO CT?Y q2 Address: 2494 Nth 37t'h Date: n JOB NO.SOLAR ACCESS REQ'- Zone: I-ot Sq. ftg.?, t S7_ Inr twE % of Lot Cooerage){lf-_)l tntetior # of StorLes I Corner Panhattdle CuL-de-eac t L-CO C':l Bedrooms: Lot Faees - Total Height Topography tou-e AccesS.House CaraaeP. L, North East South West ITEM SQ. FTG x Value Main P2 /ot Geaae Carport Aeeessoru ?O?AL VALUE /2t5aa I S.D.C. 7.5 o 5o lcot" poiitq--71 u. Signed: Building Volue & Permit This permtt is granted on the erpress eondition tlat the sa';.d constntctton slnll-, in all r:espects, eonform to the Ordirance adopte,T 6iy the City of Springfi.eLd, incLuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ecnstracticn and use of buildirqs, and may be suspended ot reuokeC at cni time upon ui..c- Lation of dty pncoisiona of said Oydinances. * * Building Permtt Total Clnrgea State N9 pereon oltall eonsttuct, install, alter or charqe cny neD cr eaisting glutnling or drainage sgetalt in uhole or in patt, unlese sueL, person is- the Legal poseessor of a ualid plutnbet's Lieensb, eseept that a pbtson fla! do plunbi,ng uork to ptope?tA uhich is oaned, Leased or opetatei by the appli- eant.. Plumbing Plunbing Penxit FEE a State Permit CIlARCE Fistures Residential (1 bath) Seuen at, Electricol Permit I,lhere State Lau requires th,at the electrical uork be done bg an Eleettical Conttaetoy, the electrieal pottion of thie permit slnll not be uali.C. untilthe l^a,bel has been signed by the Electti.cal Contractor,. ?2-Fo State Neu/Extend Cincuits Set uiee ETD CIIARCE , Mechqnicol Permit Echanat ilood. llcodetooe Vent Fan Permtt fseu@lce Mechanieal Pertrtt .- EIICROACHMENT -- Secarttg Depgsit Stoz,age tiaintettanlee C:urbcut - Sida,talk .qence .?a Mobile llane TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *//6- 16 1 7\) Da l') l'L?er. a Total Chnroes Stato Pernit EleeLrieal r.t"t-F 2 f HA,W CAREFULLy EXAI,IINED tle eornpleted applicati.on for pernit, and do hereby certify tlnt aLL infonnation hereon ie true and eorreet, and. f futther eertify that ang ard aLL wrk perfanred elnll be done in accor- dance vtith the Ordinanoee of the City of Sptingfield, and thc Lcaa of tha* State of 1regon pertaining to the utork Cescribed herein, eni tltat NO OCCU- PANCY wi.LL be nade of any ot"ueture uitltout pernisaion of the Building N-Dieion. f further cet tify that only cont?actore otd anplogees uho are in eo,plianee uith 1RS 701.0ss utLL be used on thie project #.. RESIDE''ITIAL.. APPLICATTWPERI'TIT 225 Nov,th Stli Street SprLngfield" )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 General Plumb nical F ectr Srr El-ec tr c 1an SPTINGFTEL.D after 7:00 an urill be rnade the nest rtorking Iour City Desigra.ted Job Nunber Is: Date: 26-3769 (recordet,) state your Citg destgntted job nwnbet', inspection,conttactors or asnet's- ttcnte -and plnne nw''tbet'. ( It ia the tesponeibility of the penrit hold* to aee that aLL inapeetiotts ee nade at the ptoPer time, thdt eceh ailrees is req4ahie ftottt tlu at?eet, atd tlnt the Pqfiit cati ie Located at the front of the WoPe?tY.*Buitdiw bivicipl apptw^ed plan shcll remain on tlte Buildi.ng Sitc at aLL tines. PR)1SDUPE FoR INSPEc1I1N REQUEST:CALL7 eady for ,'viLL be tade the sane dcg, r,equeets made iob ol.iress, type P.equests receited of inspeelicn befcre 7:00 crt*'gq Remti-ned Tn sn petl',cns Mobile Hcmes Blocking otd Set-ttp Plwnbing connectione -- sare! qtd. uater Electrtcal Ccmneetion - Bloeking, set-uc and plwnbing connecti.ons mtst be apprc,^ed before requesting electrLcal inspection Accessot i BuilClng Pirnl - After pcrekes, slirting, decl+s, etc. @e cornple!,ed. Pa-ce 1 of 2 Job toeaticn: ?as Lot #Aesessors Map # svbditision: Asner: Ph,one:q4^\Addtess: e-q-Date of AppL Descr'"bet-t Na) VaLue Addition RenoCel 71 u*osncpoatD pLtrMBrNG. SEWP. w.ITER,J Lirq trenches. ,71 awmrtooR PLULEfiG & InEIHANTzAL:ltof floor inau1a.tion or decking. POS! AND plA!,|: To be tr,ade prtoz, to ffiTiTffilo-{o f ftoot, insul,ation ot' SI?E INSPEC?ION: 7o be nade after a.a1n;lorbffi pz,ior tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & I'DCE4-ilICAL: To be na.de before anyffit7i-ihtercd. POOTING & FOUNDATICN: To be TmCe after trerches a?e e.scaated and. forns ee erected, but ptior to WurLng ccncrete. deckitq inspections haue- been nad.e and. approoed.. !I$EP!AQE: Pz,Lor to placi.rg facingmat;AaG and befot'e froning inspeL- tion. FRAI'IING: Wst be requested after approual of rough plur,bing, eleatri- a.L 8 nechanical. ALL toofing bractn4 & ehitrmeys, ete. rrust be eonrpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- . cecled until this inspection hns 'been nade anC appro"-ed. FTilAL PLUI4BIIIC INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : To be made after aLL insulaticn and tequired oapor but'ie?s @e in place but before oty Lath, Wpsun bcavC or rnLL couering is dpplied, atd before oty irtulation is eoncealed. DRWALL INSPECITON: lc be \Inde afier-nTT@ndTts in place, but pnior to any ta?ing. IIAEQ!!-RY: Steel Location, bondGffijgtouting or oertibals in aceordorce tith U.B.C. Section 24L 5. ilO1DST)VE: After i,nstallation ie arnpleted. OR BUILDI;ICS Sani.*arg saser capped at pt'opetfu Line Septic totk y.t'ped ann filled trith gta:sel Pinal - h4ten abcoe itms are conpleted and uhen Cq,rolition ia conplete o" st?uc- ture moued od. prer,rLaes cleaneC up. t;g(rmm LTECHANTcAL CURB & APPRCACH APP,ON: Aftet fornsd,e ;;;;i;AE, pni to poumns con^trete. SIDEIIALK & DRITWAI: Fot aLL con- c"eteVil@Effi street fight- of-r.Ey, to be made after al.L ezea- oating canplete & fortn ttoz'k & sub- base ncterLal in place. IENCE: h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe gatee or mooable seetions throzgh P, U.E. ALL projeet corditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conoletion of the required Landsccping, ete,, rmtst be satisfied before the BUfLDINC FIIIAL can be nequested. IINAL BUILDIttc: The Einal BuiLdiW fnspection mtst be tequested after the Fi.nal Plunbing Electrical, anC Meclnnieal fnspections haue been nade and approoeC. FINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL T4ANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASTltEtlt ?O BE I.IADE /.T ll0 CSST T0 CITy ! tr r soLAR ACCESS REQ.- -- Fees -- L-co c BedroonsG, Ipt Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooetage # of Stotzes ?otal Height ?opography Iotal _ fnterior _ Cotner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac Lot Faces - Ileat Receipt #: PLan Erariner uate I HAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED tle eornpleted applieation for pennit, cnd dolereby cettify that aLL infoxrnation hereon is tmte and. cowect, cnC f further certifr- that any ard aLL uonk perfotned sVnLL be done in aeeor- dance 'rith the )rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the State of )r,egcn pertaining to the utork Cesu,ibed here|n, cnd tlnt N0 OCCU- PI.NCY t'fitl be naCe of any st?uctu?a uithout permission of the Suilding N-oision. f furthen eertify that otly contractot,s a.d enplcgees aho are in canpliance Dith oRS 701.0ss utLL be used on this project /L / 44 1.1.\--2 7 JOB NO.I DT Aeeess.House Not,th East South llest I?8i,l SQ, FTG x Value TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c D-+^ D-.'). Building Volue & Permit This pertrt,t is granted on the etp"ess condition thnt the said eonsttwction s_|wLL, in,a-ll -respects, gonform to the Czdinance edopted 6y the City ofspryrqfield' includ.rng the zoning ctdinance, r.eguLating thZ ecnstta-etibn ord .use o-f buildings, urd mey be suspended or rbuokec'ot "*y time upon uic-'La.tion of otA prcoiaions of iaid Ordirances. Building Pemrrt ?otal Clnrgea State Plumbing Permit Ng pereon slnll constract, instalT-, alter or elnnge a/LA nea cr exlsting g.L*\lrrS or drainage s7st*lt in uhole or in part, utless such pet,son is- the Legal -possessor. of a ualid plunbet,,s Licensb, eccept that a p'erson nay doplunbing uork to prope?ty uhich is or,med, Leased or opetated by ttze "ppli-cant. Signed N0.FEE CHARGE Fi.ctutes Residentia.L (L bath) Seuer Plunbing Penrit State Electrico I Perm it Vhere State Las reqtites tlnt the eleetrical uork be done by an Electri.eal Contraeto", the electrical portion of this permit e\&LL not be ualiC untilthe Label lu.s been sigted by the Elecfi,ical Contyactor. Permit lotal FEE N ett,/Eot end C it c.ui t s Serlsice IISM NC FEE CIlARCE { Mechqnicol PermitPTUIS khanet HooC Vent F@t to{e Meclwnieel Pentrit Issuotce -- ENCROACHMENT -- 9ean itg Deposit Storage I,laintenance Penrrtt Cvrbcut Sida,:alk lenee Electrieal ta.bel Mobile Hane TOTAL Ai.lOUil? DIJE:' bLgnet ,L Ca?aae ttlll PLan Cheek Fee: lJetet /z: