HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-06-08.. RESID'NTIAL.. 225 North str, stn"nAtPPLr CArr1N /PERlEr Springfteld" Oregon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 s3 Receiot ! SPRINGFTELD l\l * oyt ,r?l I .4-b'\g Date: Conttmrctiotr Lendet l' i' !1L reapotts'ibilila .of -ttc pernit l'otd* to aee that aLL inapectiotts oe nad.e at tte ptope, tine, th.at eeh ddreas is vsa)ahl tBuitding Dioicinn approxed plbt stu,Ll remain ;;-lt, til.\ai"b' iiic at aLL ttmes. : PRocsDUPE PoR rfisPEoroV llay1srtCall 726-3769 (veeordet) state aou? city designtted. job ntmbet,, job a,2iress, tgpe of inspecti.cnfayested and uhen'gou uiLL be t'eady for inspection, coi*o.1"""-; a,sners nane Lnd. p,hone nur.ber,. pequests receixed. befcre ?:00 cfr':L be nade the aante dcg, requests-made afi* z:00- an titi uL roa. tn"iit-n"ii.i"E"ary. Job Iocaticn: o ?cs Lot # OAoseoaors uap # / Subdioieion: 4pAsner: Phone:Address:.+14., q Descrtbe llork: {kruoea-/ftpa/vo/O rO erusrtrJQ Be?Zaz2o', GenetaL n eValue L Date of eppri.oti"n 6 -I-88 Additicn SOc) forma. : Io be rmCe are andate ereeted, but prior topourtng ccnc?et€.?r))b to ailDEtPFLO1R pLULEIilG & \|EC4ANTCAL :@; after aLL YEN2E: hhen conplete -- ProuiCe gatea o? motsable sectians through P,A.E. 80#l DEi,!OLITIO!] Sani:o4 sa.tet capped at propere; lite Septic totk Voped and, fi.Lted rtth gtate tequired uapor berie?s are in place but before ory lath, Wpsum bcarC orrnLL couering i.s appli.ed, ard. beforeoty insulation is concealed. 'OnYVAU, fiSPenlOnt Ic be mad.eafter aLL drguall is in place, but priot to anA taping. MAS1NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beanc, gtouting ot, oerticals in accordotce ttth U,B.C. Section 24L 5. WOODSTO,IE: Aftet instalT.ation ie cctnpLeted. CURB & APPROACH AppON: After formsd.e eC;;Aautnio" to pourtng conc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRf',EllAY: For all cott- erete patsing uithin stteet tight- ef-txy, to be nol.e aftet aLL eaca- oating canplete & fotn" utork & sttb- base naterial in place.' !ou? Cit!Job.fs,' UI,IDERSLAB PLUIETNG, ELECTRIC,IL &wcus.;ttclt@nywrk is eaez,ed. QTOC TileD=^htn^t. ezcanlation, but ANICAL: No .ffiiT-these nnd.e otd. approoeC. EIFEPLACE: ncterials FTilAL PLUI,IBTilG FINAL MECHANTCAL FINAL EWARTCAL u/1 To be ttade afterprtot tc set up of of lt Ittobi e Hcmes Blocking old. Set-tp Plunbing connections -- sare? otd uater Electz,ieal Ccmneetion - Bloeking, eet-up and plunbing connections nust be qptcxZ. before requesting electytcal inspectiot Accessory BuilCing Final - tthet obcoe .ttans are ccnpleted and when Cenclition is canplete bt etnlcture nooed od. prenrLses clewteC up. Pinal - After pcrehes, ekittitq, declcs,etc. @e eonpleted. insu1,c.tion or decking. P)S? AND BEN|: To be nade pr.Lot toinstallation of floor insuT.ation ot, deckitlg.)1l,k uork to irapeetions haue been PrLot to plccirg and befone fradng facing inepee- \er PRA.MtlC: l,tust be requested afterapproual of rough plurbing, electti-q,L E neelanieal. ALt roofing braclng E ehinmcys, etc. nttst be i anpleted. llo uork is to be eon-. cecled until thio inspection las?been nsd.e anC approoed. AIL project conditions, sueh ae thetequired landsecpirg, etc., mtst. be installation of street trees, conpletion o! tie aatisfied. before the BUILDIIIG FINAL can be requested' EII'IAL BarLDfilc: The Fi.nal Building. fnepection mtet be requeoted altet the Final PlmbirqElectrical, otc Meclunical rnspeetlona 'lrqta tn"n ii"- ord'"pprooed. b 'ALL |'qANHCLES AND CLEAilOU?S MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSayEilt ?o BE ttADE AT NO COS| rO CE!Pcge 1 of 2 \ q I tr T Lot Sq. Etg. Z cf Lct Ccoenagz_ # of Stortes Total Height F?C X Va Topogqhg LCT TWE fnterict Cor.ne? Panhandle CUL-de-sac AccessDfHouse Iat Faces -\- tla,in Qnacc Caroort Aceessortlw\\ \ \\,-\\ \!-i ir\ TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. I.5 r LeI]lu' \i f., a. -1.J CHARGE \\c\3 Siqred: ITEI'I N0.FEE Ei.ztutes Residential (1 bath) Sdniti?u Saner llctet' :io. Res. So. fta. Nau/Mend Cineuits ?aworcy Selice )'2.'o-) \ tD \ -1, -\ \r:r Ji.-,. .). NC,FEE htnzee ETU'S Ezhanet HooC Vent E@t llcodstote ?enal UI\ -- EIICROACHMENT -. Sectritu Dzposit Stotaqe Llaintenan=e Pcrmit Cttrbcut Sida,talk Fenee Electrical L,obel l,lobile Hone JOB NO SOLAR ACCESS REQ..\{eL-COG' Beitoqs:\ r )\/Gr{'\_i Lace -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pennt is gtanted on the esp"ess condition that the sail.constmtction "iiilf, i" aLL r"espeets,- ioi'lo^'to the ordinance adopted \iy the city o.f Springfield, inctuding- the Zoning Crd|.nance, regulating the ccnstructicn ail use of buildirqs, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Tntion of any pncuisione of said 1rdinances. Building Pe"wLt State ?otal Chatgea Plunbi.ng Penit State Totdl PentrLt Issuorce Mechanical Penrtt + -q Cheek Fee Date Paid: b -a - Receipt #: / /, Electricol Permit Were State Lan ?equi"es tlnt the electrieal uork be done bg an ELect:*aL Cont?acto", the eleetrLeal pontion of this permit sltalL rot be tali,C. uf;til the Label lns been signed bg the Electrical conttaeto?. Y 55 Plumbing Permit No person slall construet, tnstal!, altet ot clonge cnA nea cr e:isti.ng plutnbin4 or dtainage s7lten in uhole or in part' unless such person is the legal pbssessor of a t:alid pltnber"s License, eseept that a pe?son naV d9 plwtbing uork to property uhich is otsned, Leased or operated by the qPLi-- cant. Mechonicol Permit ?_- f HAW CAREFULLy EXAIvIINED th.e eornpleted application fot permit, a:nd' do hereby certify that aLL infomation hereon is ttwe anl. correct, onC I futthbr certify that any ard aLL aork penfotned slnll be done in accor- dance ttth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Ldns of the* State of 1regcn pentaininq to the wrk Ceseribed het'ein' cnd that No oc1a- PAIlcy ;tL bb ,mZe of any" structure vithout permiseion of the Building N- oision. f further certifs- that otly contracto?s od enplcyees uho are in eonpliance uith 2RS ?07.055 uiLL be used on this ptoiect TATAL AMOUI,I? DUE:'qs W\O X tute , ! \4,-_ Totaf. Cltrn,aes SPFIINGFIFT rr I // yus. RL5IDIN IIAL.. -' ' APPLTCATT1N/PER\,Ir 225 North ith Street Springfteld, 0r,egon 9747? Buildtng Ditsision 7 26-37 53 Job Iacaticn: Aasessot s Map # H svbdiuision: A.mer: Addtess: ?os Int t Phone: zip: Desez.Lbe Hork:t--t Neu "l/Ulil urL) U<r,^f o L h,!rbl additicn RanoCel j ,r**0, CC l, Date of Applieaticn .Yalue GeneraL Plwnbing ELectt"Leal 14eclta:icel C o rylyet i on_! endg!__ __ rt i8 the responaibility of-the permit PU* to aee that atl inspeetiotts ee nad,e at the p?ope" tine, thrlt ss4h :,i,tas6s ,ts r,sa)a'nie{ffi,**'fr?,1!*%*"'!3#T;r:r*^zi,T,"if *ri2L[Zi""L'yrran*y: - r PI?OCIDUIPE lOR INSPE1II1il ptOWST :CAtequested ari uhen uou uiLL be readu'*iLL be tatie the sde dcy, ?equests LL 726-3769 (tecordet) state your City designated job ntm,ber,, iob aCfuefor inspection, Cont?actors or Atteys none cnd pTnne nunber Requestsmade aftet ?:00 on mLLL be trude the nect :.nrking day tss, tApe of it.soee--icn receit;ed befcre 7:00 cl Yow CitA Desigr,ated Job Nutnbet fs:*"DVq I --1 SITE TNSPEC?ION: I esccuation, but - foms. -1 UIIDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIEAL E)w"uuo?K La cooeted. I pc-ormc a pounoarrcn: ?o be np.Ce1 after ttenches are eceaoated and forns ate ereeted, but prior topour.tng ccnereta. -l uNDERGpoulD 4LLIMDTNG. slwEp. w.4TER- I IJ L_I Lirq trenchee. 1 uuomrrcon pr,unnc a arcsnnrcm,I To be mad.e ptiot to installation of' floor insu1,ction or decking. I P1ST AHD BEAM: Io be made orLor toJ i;sdTT;;lcn of ftoor insutation ot deckinE. -l La!!!_tLllgrrlc, ELE:T?TCAL & i{ECH-l ivtctt: noffi1-,urtil these inspeetiors lnue been nad.e ard aponoued.. I FIPWZ,{C=E: Pr.tot to plccit:g lacingI ma.te?LaLs and. before franing inspee_tion. 1 fnnllnc: Ltust be requested aftet,I approoal of rough plwr,bing, eleetni-cal & meclwnical. ALL roofing .' btaeing & chinmeys, etc. rrust bei cotnpleted. tlo r,tork is to be eon- ......cecled until this inspectton lue ? been ttod.e anC apptooed. TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTION : ?o be made aftet, aLL insulaticn e"d. required uapor betie?s @e in plaee but before ory lath, gypsml boarC ottnLL cotsering is applied, aztd beforeary insulation is eoncealed. OR !.10W' BUILDIiICS Sani*ag seser capped ct ptoperts^ Lit:e Septic totk p;,tzped and. fnlled trtth gta;sel ?inal - tt4'ten abcoe .itens are cclnpleted and uhen Cqtclition is canpletetbr etzttc- tuye motted ord. prenrises cLZat'eC up.'/- I '-/ ted. ' To be nwde after pt-tor tc set up of QRYWALL fNSPEtrfON: Ic be made;fn;-AT@Afrs in place, but priot to c.ng taping. MASONRI: Steel Locatiott, bond beans, gtouting or uert.ieals in aceotdance LlLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. ilOODSTOI|E: en7T;TA. After instalT-ation i,s CURB & APPROACH Ap.pov: Aftet fornsee ereeteC but prion to pouring conc?ete. SIDEWALX & DRIIryWA!: Fot, aLL eon-ctete pauing uithin stteet right-gf-mg, to be naCe aftet aLL erea- oating conplete & fotn uork & sub- base naterLal in place. lAgL: hhen conplate -- tuotsiCe gates ot notsable sections thtough P.A.E. lIII FITIAL PLUMBITIG PIT'IAL MECHA]IICAL FIIIAL ELECARICAL ALL proieet conditions, such as the installation of street trees, co:mletion of tie required landsccpir:g' etc., ttwst be eatisfied before the BUfLDING FIiAL ean be neques n Fr-NAL BUTLDTN|: The Pi.nal Building rnspection mtst be requested after the Fi.nal plunbiry \J Electrical, od. t'leclunical Inspections h4De been made atd'approoed. l'lobile Hcnes Blocking od. Set-up Plunbing conneetions -- seue! od. uatet I Electrical Conneetion - Bloekittg, eet-up and plwnbing eonnecti.ons tn;st be apprcabC before requesting eleclrLcal inspectio;z Aeeessory BuitCing Fital - Aften pctekes, skirting, decl<,s,etc. @e compleled. Page 1 of 2^ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S ttUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?ltElll fO BE I'IADE A? No cCS? TO CIly 7 ,rouorn ro u trr JOB NO. Zonc: Lot Sq. Ftg. I cf Lct Caterage t of Stortes Total Eeight Topography ITEM .TTEI,I Nal/Eztend. Circuits Semsice Perwtt fssuowe Meclanicel Permit State -- ENCROACHMENT -- qt l'ULAX AUUE5) KEV.- Gro"c - L.COG- Beiroqts: I{'T ?WE Inter.tot Lot Faces - Corqter Panh.andle CUL-de-sac Reeeipt #: Mechqnicql Permit P^ {"Lf'lr V { PLcn EDotrune? Peririt C'utbeu! Sidaidlk l,lobile llane ?OTAL A},IOUTO DUE:' f flAW CAREPULLY EXAI:4INED tle cotnpleted application for penntt, and do het,eby certtfy that aLL infoxmation hereon is ttue and correct, amC f furthet eertify that anA atl aLL uork perfomred slnll be bte in accot- dance rtith the hdinsrces of the CitA of Springfield, a:nd, the Las of the* State of 1regon pertaining to the twk Cescribed herein, cr1d. tlvt N0 1CCU- PANcy VLLL be naCe of @1A sttacture uvttlaut permtsaion of the Building DL-oision. I further eertif'g thct otly cont?acto?s a.d. erployees uho are in catpliance trith 1RS 701..055 uill be used on this project ) roa( { lieat P. L.House -- Pees -- r?1N I Va ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Plan Cheek Date Paid: Building Volue & Permit This penrLt is granted on the eup?eas eondition tlnt the sciid consttactiottshall, in all rbspects, confonn to the Orditwnce adopted 6y the City of Springfield, includ.ing the Zoning CYdincnce, regulating the ccnstmtcticn otd. use of bui,Ldings, otd may be suspend.ed or teuokeC at dry time upon oic- lation of dLA ptcoisione of eaid )rdinances. * * Building Per,,rit ?otal C|ntges State FEE UruEUL Eistures Resid.entia.L (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Permit No petson shall cansttact, install., alter or change anA nel cr e:isti-ng plunbing or drainage sgstdt in alole or in part, unless such pet,son is the Legal poseessoz, of a oalid phnber's L'Lcense, ercept tlat a pe?son mag do pltnbing uork to p?ope?ty uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the dppli- cant. * Plunbing Perntt State Electricql Permit l{hete State Lan requires ttat the electrLcal uork be doae by'dn Eleetrtcal Contraetor, the electrical portion of this permit slnll rat be oaliC until the Label lws been signed bg the Electrical Contracto". Stcte Total il!M fu A DaF bllanat HooC Vd,t Fdt llcodsto;te c@ s t .-lI 1s.7s Signed ila 6 /ou uate Cataoe NO?tn Eosf tt FineoLace cuth tt Woodstote tl .. RESIDF'ITIAL.. 22s North stt, stoeffPLrcArrbft /PERMrr Springfteld" }regon 9Z4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Reeeipt # SPFIINGFIELD Lo I tttt L-aq v{Date: Meclwtieal Cons*uetton_ledet_ rt ic tlu teepons'ibi-lila of-ttc penrtt l1o?4a' to see ttnt aLL inspecttons ee nad,e at the pro?en tine, that s44ft .=d,tosss ,i,s vsazahigty:-t!r etree.t, @ld tlrat the pqtnit catl. ia Located at the froni of the wope"tgtBuiaing Noicipn apprw*ed plbr sltcll remain on-trte g"l.ld"b's'iie at aLL tines. P.PocEDt/P4 FoR. IySPECtIoN.EY'AyESTTCaU 726-3769(t,ecotdet) state your Citg designated. job ntmbet,, job aCCTess, type of inspec--icn ::f"?!"! ard,,uhen gou -uiLL be readg for iropection, cont?actor" oi a,mers"ncme L"i pn"l. "*rti.' R;A;;i ".;eiiLa tLlcte' ?:00 sl'*LLL be ttade the sane dcg, "equests nade aftet, ?:00 Gn tiLL be nnd.e the nest:nrki{ day. ffio#l SnE INSPEC?I1N: To be nade aftet' ezca)ation, but priar tc set up of forne. .||iLDFRSLAB ?LAMBINq. E LECTRI CAL & MECHIIIICAL: To be nade before anyLnrk ie couered. Iour Desigr,ated Job Nwnbez, fs: ?o be maCe d t equired oapor boz,ie?s @e in pl,ace but before ory Lath, Wpsltn baotC ot, tnLL couering is qplied, and beforeay insulation i,s concealed. DEIIOLruIOII OR :.!OW' BUILDI\ICS Sanilarg seuer captped ct pt,opetfi1 Lire Septic tank p.oryed and filled trith gravel { & FOUNfrATI1N:?o be naCeAFa= z. e nc nGez c ao a t e d and foxms are etected, but ptior topout'ittg ccnerete w.4 to 7o or decking. To be Final - htten abcue itetns ee ccnaleted and uhen Cerplitiot is conplete'ot strae- tuye noued otd. pt,enrLses cleaneC up.but prior to any tapirq. IIAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uetticals in accordotce Llith U.B.C. Section 241 5. WOODSTOI,IE: enpTeteA. After installatioa is uete pao@dEffi street tight-of-tny, to be nade after all ecca- oating canplete & forn wt k & sub- fu,se nutetLal in place. ll Ic be nadein plaee, r LE HCMES Blocking od. Set-up Plwttbing connections -- aaue! dd. uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing eonnections rn;st be apprcoed befoz,e tequesting eleclrical inspection Aecessory Bui.tding Final - Aftar pcrches, skitting, decl<s,etc. oe cotpleted. fLoot of made prLor to insulation or2) t\ CARB & APPROACH APPON: After formse,e e"eciAE nffi to pourtng cotl:yete. SIDEILALK & DRfIWA!: Fot aLL cott-ANfCAL: No ffilTthese made and,appr.ooeC. FIIIAL PLUABING FINAL MECHANICAL ?INAL ELEC?RICAL \-{4 uotk to inspeetions haoe bean FTP.EPLACE: naterials Pt'Lor to plaeirq faet"gand befot,e franring inspee- FRA|IING: I"tust be nequested aften approttal of rough pLurnbing, electri-cal & neclnnieal. ALL roofing bracitrg & chinnega, etc. mtst be , arnpleted. llo uonk is to be con- ' cecled until this i.nspectLon lwstbeen nade anC approued. b IENCE: gates P.U.E. h4ten complete -- Prouide or mooable aections through ALL project eonditione, suel, as the installation of stteet trees, conpletion of the required Landsccpirg, etc., rmtst be aatisfied befote the BUfLDING FINAL can be requested. ?rNAL BtlrLDfNG: The Pinal Building Inepection mtet be reqtested after the Final PlunbinS Electrical, o'rd Meehanical fnspectione haoe been made atd apptotsed. Job I'ocaticn: Aasessors Map # ,/a Tac lat. # O Subdiuision: 4,,uAnaet:Zr ,1/.zhi-Addtess:Ph,one ci vZip: q Descrtbe Woyk:{knoeau/4tznzot) -Td €rucrttk AEerze'7) L uoouo, 6 'g -# 'oDatef ValueApP Additian GeneraL Page 7 of 2*ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTI{EII! TO BE WDE AT NO COST IO CPY Vt'\ n of \ lr I--l 1 I 2 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d BedtootnsG.Zone JOB NO tote Lot Fd.ces - P.L I-at Sq. Etg. Z of Lot Cooerage # of Stories Total Height Topogrqhg LCT ?WE _ fnterior _ Carile? _ Panhardle CUL-de-sac -- Fees -- I?EM FTG X Va Building Vqlue & Permit This pernnt is granted on the eEp?ess cond.-ition tlat the said.constnetion shall', in all ,Zspects, conform to the 7rdirwnce adopted q:y the Ci'ty 2f ipiLng1ln6, incllding'the 2oning CYdinanc-e, r'egulat;Lng the ccnsttaeticn ira ""oL of Luildings,' otd mey be suspen.ded oy reuokeC at cng time upon oic- T.ation of attA prcoisione of said )tdir'ances. TOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 1,5 x \) Building Pe"trit -t Date Paid:b -a "E€ State ?otal Clargea q3 Signed: ITEM NO FEE tdA DrD Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll constntet, install'- alter oz' eltange,any /'et)-cv e*isting -iliiii or drainage syste.n in ahole or in part, znlesg such pe,son is the i"gil p"o""n""o, o1'o rriolid plr^bnt's Lic-ens-b, es-cept that a pe"son nag Qo^ ptfiO;,.ig uork to prope,ty ihiot, i." ottned' Leased on opet'ated by the dppli- eant. Fi.ztutes Resid.zntia.L (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Pernrit State Electricql Permit Where State La requires that the electrical uot'k be done by an ELectrieal cont?aeto", the electrLcal portion of this permit sltall not be talil unt'tl the Lobel tns been signed by the Electrical Contractor, €c -l I ?otal C- Nau/Ettend Circuits Serice -- ENCROACILMENT -. I?9M NC.FEE CIIARCE d Mechqnicql Permit bhanst Eood. Vcodsto;se Vent Fot PetmLt Issuaflee MechaniceL Penmt Ejgrgn Iulaintenanee Permtt Ctttbcu! Sida,talk .qenae Electrical Inbel Mobtle Horne Lace #:/ TotaL * State of )regon pertaining to the uot'k Cescribed here'ln, cttd. tlnt N0 )CCU- PANCY ?,vLlL be nade of any structur,e uithout pernission of the Building N- oision. f fw,ther certify tlnt ottlg eontractors and anplogees uho are in conpliance oith oRS 701..055 uiLL be used on thie proiect X f HAW CAREEULLY gxAl,lINED the eornpleted application for pernit, cnd. do herebg cetti.fy tltat aLL itformation hereon is trae and. eorrect, anC f furtker certify that any ard aLL aork perfor-aed slull be done in accot- dance tith the 1rdinances of the City of SprLngfield, and the Las of the ? TO?AL A},IOUN? DUE: *q5,{o Date E6t2ffi 7 h0Laee PTII'S UI\ State Swchntqe Total Charaes Seeuritu Deoosit