HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-06-304tu .. REsrD-EruilA1.. C OMB IN AN ON APPLI C AT TO N /PEPJLII 225 North ith Street Spm.n4fi,eU, 2regon 97477 Bttlding Diuision 726-37 53 SPRINGFIEU' Receict * Date: ,w 5Oo 4?o ,?D rP ?% zo 5.co ,/070 Aaseeaots rtbp I \la r.ot # iob Subdiuision: Anpr: mone: -?4k OUIz-E 9eec-ribe 'lork: Date of Aplilz:tian_ AddLticn I Value D It i.a tlte respowibil,ity of tlr panntt fuAe b $. tlut all inspectiona coa nad.e at lhe ptqet tune, tlat eah .16-sss ia rsns-1..i" J'roi tlu at?eee, dd, tlax the p*nix cani ia Laated ab the ftottx ol' xie propetan.-tBuildi,W Noictbn agtoted plbz shc,Ll rlerlolin on ttp AEHtfr Site bt aLL' dkee.' PRocEDwE PoR IfrfiEaIoN E;uESa: caLLHJ'3".rr"*) etatc your city ceai4u+ed, iob amber, job aidteee, twe of itagec:icn requeated cd,u!".en you ttill be rady fot itapectlot, Contracta?s ar A,rna"a tuae,td, ptorc rut&o. Pequasxa teceixed befcre 7:00 st "tiLL be nub thc aone dag, teqlnate nods afta 7:00 ott viLL be nad.s tLa ne.ct wking da!. IotE Citl Detqnatd, Job lhtnber fs:. Smitag aanet cq9ei =t p=opetQi iile Septie totk Vaqed c,:. filied, tith gzanel littal -,|'/hen abcue itzns ,ne curpletedcd uhet Cattclitt cn ia cornleta o? stno- ape noocti o.t cte:triaaa c|eanei up. Blocki.trg od. Sat-tp Pltoibttrg canvcticne -- sa)@ d, uatet Electticcl Cctneetion - Blcckirq, set-uo od. pltnbing :onnections r,;st 'ce before requzst:.tt4 ele:=rieal )rspec=iot Final - After pcrehea, skirting, decks, etc. @e canpT.ated. Accessory EuiUzn4 SIT9 IflS?EQIOI|: *amatton, but fottrr. ?ITIAE PLUABINO FINAL ITS'IANICAE afntt ?7nffit^r? lo ba aft*prtot tc act 14 of I-1 TNfl]UTruN/V/IPOR 9ARRJ3R IISPiC?IOII :t)oqor b**tela ae in piacc UNDERSUB PLUI'IBTfrO. SLEARICAL & NECHAIIfCAL: ?o be nade before angffiie*d. FVAfiTC 1 F1AfiDATTCN: To ba nsl.e after trenchee are aacavafud od fotma ee etected, htt priot to pouma ccnc?ata. ANDNGP,OUIID PLAMgI:IIC. SWER. UATER. DRAfilAGE: lo be a,le pdot to fil-Litq trenchea. UIIDEPETOOR PLUTIB ITIG 2, i.|ECEANTCAL :@orfTar insuktiot or deckittg. POgl AND tsEAM: lo be npd.e prior to --- instalkx'tcn of floor insuh;ion on deckittg. SOLIM PLAEI1IC. I1EC|RICAI 9 WCA- un theEe i,nsoecriovs iuoe beqt flafu ed, qrcueC. FTPEPLACE: *ion to pzccirq fasiqnctertala od befote froftittg ittspec- FEAltllG: Llust be reorectd aftat @al of rough plir.bing, electrt- a,L & nechoti.eal. ALt toofitt4 bzzciq & ehi,nvgs, etc. ilaat becaoleted. !!o uprk is to be con- cealed, until thio insoectian ,as been rade od agpzooeZ. btt bef*e oq l,ath, WpEn boa4 otull av*ing ie qplied,, od. befote ool insulation ie coicu,Ld. DRlttNL IIIS?EC!!1N: lc be twd,e aft* aLL dtVtELL ia in pLace, but p?io" to ang tqing. llAS1flRI: Steel Locatiol, bo?ld. b.ois, gfritting or oertiu,La in accoTdone ?,tith U.B.C. Secttbn 2415. |,/000570W: After instalLa,tiott ie etqLeteti. CURB e APPR1ACE APWN: Afta fornaoe erecteC but prior b pot*ittg conaete. SIDEIJALK & DRTIETIAI: ?oI aLL ean. crete pattitq trithin etteat rtght- of-uag, to be teCe ai'ter aLL ezca- ttating cawlete E fovl wk E cub- fuse tderial in pl,a.ce. gates tthen anplate -- ?raoil,e ot nouable secti.ans throt4h Dil? K ?/'"^6*'6t LoaP ALL project eondiflone, s:ueh aa tlu installat{on of sa6et t?6es, cc:n|;tiott of ie nequired ?,and.scqirq, etc. , iilat be satisfied befote tl,e tsUILDI;C ?!)lAL :ot be reoues'"ed. fiilAL ilILDINC: The Final tsuildlng Inslection mtst be recTueotel af)er 2he !;-na,L ?l-unbing Electt'Lcal, otd llecizsical fnspeet'tons hanto beet nade od approved.tl E E *ALL |,|ANECLES AND CLEAI|CWS MUS? BE .4CCESSIBLE, ADJASTIEN! ?0 3E t44DE !.? NC C0S7 ?C :ry L-r- - aJ . 7 ,rorrr" r^"N il r trtrr tr _l Jcb Nwnber:,/ Lot Sq. Etg. % c! Lct Couetaga_ # of Stories total Eeight ,lopogrqltg State TotdL Refero,ee llwnbet,s: Bedrooms: LOT TWE _ Intet'ict _ Cormer _ Pmlratdle _ Cul-de-eac Electricql Permit Where State Lan reqtites flwt'Tf*electttcal uork be done bg an ET,ectrtcal Contm.ctor, the elictyical pottion of this penrtt elall rot be oalid until the Label has been. signed by the ELecLrLcaL Cont"dcto". * Access.Df House Lot Fac* - JQ.rju x Value l"lain Gedce C@Do?t Acceaao?u ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x S C) lcot" eoid,:ol #: Building Volue & Permit Ihis pernn t ia granted cn the eswesa condition th^t the sail. constmtction sttall-, i.n aLL z,espects, confotmt to the }r&inanee adopted by the City 2fSprtngfield, tnct ding the'Zoning Cwi'lnoee, regalating the cc1etnrcticn orn use of buildings, and mag be suepended or reuokeC at azA tine uporz oic- latLon of dry prctsi.siona of aaid Ordir,srzces. Duildirry P&rLt lotal Clurges State Plumbing Permit No petson slall conatz'trct' instdll' alte" o? clroqe -cttg rleD -c? e.ci.sti.ng pl&tbing ot dta'Lna4e sAstal in ahole ot- in patt, unleae auch peteon is the iegal pbsseaeor oia o:alid plrmb*'s Licenab' e-ryeet tlat a P?"8o1 twv q- ptinting uork to propetty itrLch is ooed, Leaaed. ot operated by the appli- ent. oo FEE ?.o ,..>o Fi-rtzoes Residetttial (1 bath) Saner Pluttbiry Petmit State iTEIt NO.FFP CHARGE Res. So. ftq. Na,t/Extetd. Cireuits Tatrporey Semsiee E*hanst Hood Mechonicol Permit Vent Fdt 'tlcodstooe Pefidt fssuotce Mecltoticcl Penrit f EAW CAREFULil SXAMINED t?E eompleted application for penfit, atd do hereby cetti,fy that aLL infotnatibn hereon ie b"ue ard cotrect, od' f furtt"e? eertify that ory ard aLL uotk perfortted shall be done in accot- dance trith th'e- ordincnebe of the ci.ty of Springfield, old' the La'ts of the State of 1regcn pertaining to the wrk Ceser,bed herein' md that N0 occu- PANcy iLL bb ,,aZe of anA etrucbpe rvithput permissiott of the Buildi,ng Di- oiaion. I fiuther cettifg that only cont?acto"s od' enplcyeee aho are in catpliance u'r,th oRS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie pz'oiect Pctmit ltobile Hcne u/u/rt T1TAL ilI'lOUN'T DUE:'(O, LlO TataL L DaLd / PLan Ecaninet W- C7/"bcut Sidardlk ITEI4 PLan Cheek Fee: Signed: Secarltu DeDosit Storone l,lain!.annta !ence JE,-{ a., GALTJA^J tlLD JJ-s61- COLL, FRAllAe coccecro4. 3oPh-1 LINE(<offen w'/NQ TEDLARGta*r*ta AO=..Q6,eR PtPe arz_- SoLCaN (oLLe(rcrt 44()0 u{-.r coLo udrta llor \ar4rEre tFl t€)uf LI€F fE/4P&.txtc vALVe ?/r tr.'cl-rEr LrSr oF ? nP_rs 5a.rc{Ad t-1At2*- 8 CcttteCro,?- /vloOOLE !t {,'€Pco E WsN AlOvt2ct-D gasq72 Tnpa rAco t oOGB Po,apgAu_-t3RcilZc\-SbeiA fa4rnt2t , *fA^tsto.li rrtda-(op e qrrq.\ W+rTs - L'7cA rc.n2€r2ti6 v,4uie (a,a EQw^|) w+rTt - loo \t l/r tZaJ€E VALvt (rrtflL-.ta 4),1 rT 3 - PO€tSuAc eE..J e tAl1.(ta,art. ca r;Q.) .twtt(; - Crtect VALVE ( Oacs,Za\/pcEP€roaltN7 €N€72C/ C-3a) olFF, cAJ;72oL 64oN2€ cAtr t,ALoe -V.;5,.ree L""?(ii'.iat\ BtzcoZ€ 22*tat vALv$, u/ttosg (c/*Q. (2/L.ny*,\Brlont2C C,lrZ (ALvEs -Otu(s1ga ro-,u7rut) uAtlEtL / PBop. ELycot- tr/ coLftr.stott, N iltltrarl ,/./r," /r 71726 ^v1 or? L <clvaa ruBld6 AalntfLEx , t/t " /'tSucAncP cR 6fR. nt€'lz/4 o c a uA-E trp. 5 2tt soa$, ,v1rSc - coPPe'4 /-.'|17NCS, S<LoErL, ET-a. @ F-ow /1ET?z (vaatot,s 5t,allr(7-t) F L o v\/ r?l.?->L I c tErZ ( uA.U o us - et, "o i $ s *,Ot,UZs) I I I I )) ix rarArrvz/ Pr2cP. GLrcoL ^'ill<rvQe ) TRACKINL }{EAD -Colr-.Seli>ce r4^,< 56N96e DIFF. <oN i-RoL D(A{AS,6r-l TAN,( 4Lrr,v1 r^l I ?t-Drn/LAR Btat L€crofz Cq(.46CroA Aa-ur"N LINE SocAr? spQ/F6,e fAAt K- Iwo' Avx Fttc 7 dlAtat x t , -( II I c FLOt^t 6erEr?. FLoW VALT,E (E\J?-1^Y,) EUsn,Jc GA5 o A &g{. TOATE}2. HCItTETL 9 { ALTETaNA\E ,t Fo,Qo rc t5o Oottt-O/€ .6 * PAoTEcntN /-o k PA<:utOA B&ot^, LoN€Sf REcoEO€t 7o /6 OF f€/nPe72Af7.'c€ . $ouc_A il - Cros ED L;DP Snrt,rt4 Otsrf(rr*ureo Bl; CPA Souaa. REgra'CrEIt AC,,: lf- t.Jorg PuznP VALVES DOuoLe WAIL llEYlr o(crrA^JGerZ 1.15,2q-5ouTl{I-'}trlq-K-lrlG5poe'nll:tt'C-coNYsJ'e r€o^lLtl 2, I)ouRie Tttnr|c s},SrFr^- useD UNLB> Oftten-'\'isg rOoru)(?e*or"cEs,/ // L S,cllt€ ; Alorie / 40 tu ttcA c/Qe9f/,s 1, 1n"e. GLycou ( vouu,te)33 ,lo Sa 6c> F2 treZtatO fut*,7 ('r)()-lL -37 v 6Ef\tE,'6ft€ 686-oozt QA,-v, /*" B,LT,v/? AI,JE. A ur" m, ii'.drn^ r' AUU,,ln " l/z' Artt(t'urr l4'ati ,2 x',{ PArS . -f-etnr(} r'Y1- (-ri-tl,^rr:- -7- /lce' trr .rt (r 4- !;iPr'ir, 1e,;i)t -aL.- [AFraa- 6.Y?- STeucN l-'An- ,\rr,Fnn DAA- )Jlt nLd,\\i' il .,; It l 5i t-rCdN f ^ 4', j \'\ \.\tl ,, '- PAnjrB QAt-tJ, On- AuUla !nJ Lr na . s,:uAo- eElo'J {Lc6i TyDlCA'r- |-r*P ^r',p'Jn\;- . Nore i Ffi-A'nr, 6clii'"rr, { urt s 3f*;'El^f g1 '9Ltv) LCr.r Or,t rf utf rI: '-1", ftor:rn: r+l , l-t=ta S !)tr." Auura ' StLt Ll:U l'l?- A:,r,.)/vuA lCtN t"'1 :n'- Sntr C 0-c1s 'O!?].t: t'r: /o-l(-) :_ )''ut( ' cPo 4, frv) ^(