HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-10-02.. RESIDTNTIAL.. zzs North sth streelPPlrcAr^' /PERMrr Spntngfield" Onegon TZ4ZZBuilding Dtuision 726-3753 h'ccc-! SPFtINGFTELD - Date:C Job Loeation: Aesesaore Nap # ?c,,r Lot #t Subdittieion: 0tmer: Add?ess: Phone Describe h,oyk: Date of Applicatt.an 'ac General Ci Value t a \npubc";Add.itian Renodel l.IechaniEal-\l( Plumbi ng ],ec tr ca SrrDerv E tr clan Sanilaty eeuer capped at ptopertg Line Septic tutk p;rped and fit_Led uith gtatsel Final - I{lten abcue itens tre ccmpleted.and uhen Canolition ie eozplete'o" iih"_ture noued and. prenises clbaneC up. llcnes Blocking atrd. Set-up Plunbing connectians -- s1)e? and. ualer Electrical Ccnnection - BJockitq, Bei-up and. plunbing connections rast bb approoed before requeeting eleclri:aL inspebtiot Accessory- BuilCing Pinal - After pcrckes, sklrting, decks,etc. are conpleted. reeponoibi-Lity of tle pemi't1ye,t,. and that the pe:rnt ,uaulclon app,or;ed plan shcl !h-e frcnt of theLding Sttc at aL :j.'f,"'.;'i17. be nade the edte dcy, ,;A;;;;"rLd; It ie the fnorn * But, the e 7-ding FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL t holder to eee that all inopeetiona are nade at the propet time, that eceh ad,irees is rea4abiecatd ie Located at -propertyL tlnes.L remain on the Bui 26-3769 (record.et ) state yout, City Cesigna ted job nwrber, job aCiressnwnba,. Requests t uUPc of inspee befcre 7:z.eceLtec !icn 00 an inspection, after ?:00 nade aftet' set uP of To be Contraetors or A,mers nctrte and phoneon ufiLL be nnde the next wtking dai; Iour City Deeigtated Job Numbe! fs: , .uot k is cooered. POQruNG & F?UNDATICN: ?o be maCealte" t"enches a?e escauated and. forms. are etected, but ptior to pou"L71g ecnerete. wn.4rER, Q,4!IttAcE:-. To be na,le pr.ioi-io-fiT-Lttq trenches. ulp{R|Loo! PLU!$rNc 4 ME1HANT1AL: '1'o be nade p?io? to installation offloor insulation on decking. POST AND BE4!.1: ?o be nade prior toffta1Tffii-oy floor insulation ot decking. R)UGH PLUMBIIIG. ELEC?RICAL I l,lECH- ANICAL: No uork is to be cou-et,eduntil these irapeetions haue been made and approoeC. FII?EPL.ACE: Ptior to placirq facingnaterials and before froning inspec- tion. FRA\'|ING: l'tust be requeated after apptottal of rough plwnbing, electti-cal & neclnnical. ALL roofiflg braeing & chirmeye, etc, tntet be eonpleted. No uork is to be eon- cecled until this i,nspeetion lae 'been trude anC apptoued. D\YI,|ALL LNSPECIION: ?c be nadeaften aLL dr.yuall ie in place,but prior to any tapins. MAS2NR!: Steel Location, bond beana, grouting or uerticals in accordotee Lrith U.B.C. Section 24L5. a Lnsu After installation iaWOODSTOVE: anpleted. conerete. SIDETIALK & DRM'lAy: Par aLL con- crete paoing uithi.n styeet right- of-txA, to be made after aLL exca- oating eanplete & fond utotk & sub- base material in plaee. CURB & APPRCACH 4P?,QN: After fonnsale e;;;r;A fr; p;rot to pourilng IENCE: hrhen conplete -- Protside gates or nooable seetions through P.A.E. ALL project conditions, such aa the installation of sireet trees, conpletiot: of the required Landseeping, etc., tntst be satisfied before the BUILDING EINAL can be requeeted' *ALL MANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS I'IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I'IADE I1.T NO CCST TO CITf FINAL BUILDING: ?he Final Building Inspection mtet ba requested after the I'inal Plunbing \J Electrical, atd Meetunical Inspections hauc been made and approoeC' q Page 7 fub ?o rforme. pmo?tc T tr-n taa'.r ReeeiPt # L-co d JOB NO.SO LAR ACCESS REQ.- Access,HouseL. Narth Fost ilouth West Bedtooms Cro, Lot Faces - # of Stortes LOT TYPE _ Interior Corner Panhandle CvL-de'sac 7 cf Lot Ccttercge ValuexFTCITEM TOTA L VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 t Date Paid: Signed: Build:ng Permit Total Clnrges State FEENO. Ei.sttPes Resilantia L (1 bath) SeuerSani cant Pltnb:'"tg Petmit State Naut/Extetd Cirtuits Sero;, ee Electricol Permit :zzi;;z;r,!,,ilZ,"3Tr,ii?lffii':*f'""^"0102""1"11'o'ii'"x1' ,Zir"Zii"Z't'v-tieEle'ctt'icalConttactot" ,'L State fotal Were State Lan Contractor', the the Label las be CIIARCENC r.s bhant HooC Vettt Fot tore Mechonicol Permit Pertnit Issuance Meclwr.ieal Penrrtt -- INCROACHMENT -- Pentrtt Cvtbcut Sideualk L Ia.bel uatePLan Esatniner f HAW CAREPULLy ELAI,:INED the completed application fo-r'pennit' and do n iiOi iiril.tA ttnt alt- fnlornalibn heneoi is true and eofieet, and I f"o\Lb i"rtiiy that ony oh aLL uo.r,k pe-r,formed slnll be done in aceo?- iiili,[*itn th'e"ordinaic"es of the ctty of bpningfietd,'nd the Lae of the state of 0regcn pet,taining to the w-nk cesbnibed herein, and. tlat N0 occu- pLiCy ,itt b"e rm'Ce of anty" structure uithout permisaion of the Building N- uision. I furthet certify that only contf,actol,E and anpLcyees uho are Ln conpliance'r't.tt, ons 701.b55 ui-LL be- used on this proiect TotaL Mobile Hone /oe-ff "At, AI,,IOUT]T D! ]: ^IS, Date I ,! CITY OF SPR OREGOfV -ri I{OOD STOVE/INSERT TNSPECTION APPLTCATTON CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVTSION 225 Ftfth Streer Springfield, 0regon 97477 SP}lTNGFTELO Office: INSPECTTON LINE: % 726-3759 726-3769 Job Location:5q Assessors Map #:l1 23 tqz a Tax tot *: 0wner:n nelh ILtn Address , J1 b n, 3 g*3 ?l4u Ci ty:S Phone #:7qb-KOZ Zipz q\OLState: Value of llood Stove/Pe]Iet Stove/Insert:,oL3oo - (please circle appropriate appl iance) P fns tion is $15. Type of Inspection Requested: D Contractor: 1 tion of nsert Permit is $15.00 +.75 state surcharge + $10.00 Iset suance Address:Phone #: City: State:z1 p! Construction Contractors Registration S: Expires: By signlng this permit/applicatlon, I agree to call for an inspection(s) as required (726-3769). I state that aII information on thls appllcatlon/permlt ls correct and that I was provlded vith the llood Stove Safety information for wood burning appliances and prellminary inspection standards. I further state that the appliance I am installing meets smoke emission standards as set by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality or the Federal Environmental Protection Agency and I agree to provide the testing approval number to the inspector at the time of inspection. I also understand that if I am requesting a prellminary inspection, the vaII coverlng may required to be removed. S ture FOR OFFICB USE t REQUTRED INSPECTION( S) : Date of Applicati onz / /-,/ "q^?a Job #, 6 Total Amount Co1leeted | = <=, 79 Receip t *r 2a)77a Issued By: Checked for Delinquenciess-Checked for Historical Statuss 38t pl