HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1986-05-08225 North |th Street Spri,ngfi.eld, 1regon 97477 BuildLrq Dioisio.n 726-37 53 .. RESIL.NTIAL..SPFINGFIELD APPLICATION/PERMIT JtO 3 3tYnJob tocaticn: t) ()2 1 v)otlooAeaeesors Map #Tar Iat # Sttbdhsieion: # (-o\s s$ Oout: Address: Nan $Raur 1 a lYr 73 / 1^ A-l o\L CK- Phone: zip: Describe h'ork: Value cifu: t-t f o*urro, 7 n*oa"t +g-ntt r<C 5-6-?L Date Y Date of Genet aL 9Leetrtcal :'. l.teehan:ieel 12 ie the tesponsibility of tle permit holde* to aee that aLL inspeetiot'ts ate nade at the p?ope? tine, that ecch address is teadabie ftor tla at?eet, and tltat the petmtt catl is Located at the front of the p?ope?tA.tzuildiq Diuisiot: e)ptou*ed plan shcll remain on the Buildtng Siti at aLL- tines.- PIIOCTDt;PE F1R INSP|CTI2N RI?AEST:CALL726-3769(reeorder) state Aou! City Cesignated job ntoxber, job aCitess, type of inspeeti.cn ?eQuestea arduhen ylou uiLL be reatiy for inspection, Contractc?s oy Anne"s nctne and pitone nwnber. P.eques'Es receixedbefcre 7:00 dfi :s'iLL be nade the sane dcg, ?equests nade aftet 7:00 an trtll be nade the ne.st uotking day. Constmtctiot Lend,er Teati-ro,] lnenoafi.an< Iour Ci.ty Desig:nated Job Nutnber Is:.ttorSiiE ItISPEC?iCll: To be made aftez,nc@an;;-iG prior tc set ip of forns. INLULAIION/VA.POR B. RRTER IIISPICUIiI : Io be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn cvd. requited ucpot, borie?s @e in plaee but before oty Lath, Wpsurn boarC ot, u.LL eooez,ing is applied, cnd beioreay insulation is concealed. DRIWALL INSPEC?r1N: Tc be nade aftet, aLL dtnluall is in place, but ptior to ang taping. MASONR!: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oertieals in accorddrce tith U,B.C, Section 24L 5. 0P. Sani:arg saser eapped ct properia Lit:e Septic totk paped ann filled z,rith gratel linal - Lh.en cbcoe itens are cc:ltoleted ar;.d uhen Catclition is cqnclete o" sttac- tuye noueC arli prer.rises cleanei up. AilDE.qSLAB PLUIEIIIG. ELECTRICAL & i,lECI!.t-ilICAL: ?o be nade before any wtk is eotsered. P1)T.tNc 1 F)UIIDATICN: ?o be naCe @" trenctes aye eccauated atd. forns ate erected, but ptior to pourtng ccncteta. - uNDERcpoutD pLatuBrNg,_;lwqlr- rU!!&J Lirq trenches. 7 uaomilooR pLu.BrilG & r,lEcHANrcAL:itof floon inauktion or decking. P1S! AND BEAM: To be nade prtor toffiffiVof floor insu|ation ot &ckittg, ROUCH PLU$II|G. ELEC?RTCAL & UreE- util these inspeetions haue been node a'nd. approoeC. F|PEPLACE: Prioz, to plcctrq facingnqtertals anrl before frating inspee- tion. FRAI.'IINC: lttust be tequested aftet approoal of rough plurnbing, electt*t- a.L & neelnnical. ALt roofing btactng & ehittmegs, etc. rrust be . completed. llo uctk is to be eor. aecled until this inspection hae'been nade anC apptoued. WOODSTOI,IE: @npT;t;A. After installation is CURB & APPROACH APPON:After fornsee ereeteC but prion to pourLng conc?ete. SfDE,IALK & DRf',EWAI: For aLL con- erete pa.ting uithtn street right- of-teA, to be nade after aLL erca- oating canplete & font tsotk & sub- fu,se tmterlal in place. Blocking ozd Set-up Pltmbing cotmeetians -- acl)e? otd. uatet Electrical Ccnneetion - Bloeking, set-uc and plwnbing eonnections rrust be apprcxai before requesting eleclrical inspeelio:t Accessor.; BuiLCing Einal - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. ane conplefed.I I II l l Aw; P,A.E. h4ten conplete -- PnotsiCe or morsable aections through FTilAL PLUMBITIG PIIIAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRTCAL ALL pnoject eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of street ttees, conpletion of the rcquired Landsecping, etc., nast be eatisfied befote the BUfLDIN? FMAL can be requested. PINAL BUfLDII:IG: The linal Building Inspection tntst be requested after the Final Plunbi.nX Electr.ical, o'd Meelnnical Inspeetions l14oe been nade ard apptoueC. Page 1 of 2 *ALL \'IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTllZilt TO 3E t!!1DE tLT llo CCS? ?O e?y I Pltnbina I tr T I tr T E L6 SOLAR AT^ESS REQ.-JOB NO. BeCtoons: L-co d Lot Faces - Df House Accegs. Lace I of Stortee ?otal Height Iopogrqhy fntetior Cormer Pothantd.Le CUL-de-sac LOT ?WEIat Sq. Ftg. Z of Lct Cooerage -- ?ees --I?EI,I FTG Y TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 a PLan Date Paid: Building Vqlue & Permir This-_permtt i,s granted on the eqress cond.ition that the said constructions-lall, in-all .z,es_pe-e-ts, 9onfory to the Ordinance ad.opted 6y the City ofspryngfield' including the zoning cvdinanee, z,egulating th'e ccnstmictibnotd .use o-f buildings, urd may b.e- suspend.ed. or rZookeC Lt ,ry time upon tic_T,ation of qny prctsisione of Zaid 7zdinances. * Build.ing Palrit ?otal Clwrges State N0.FEE Flbtutes Resil.zntial (1 bath) Plumbing Perrnit No_ pe?eon stall consttuet, inetal'!., alter or e?nnge cnu nel cr eristingqlutnlirw on drainage sas-l? in ahole or in pant, -unleeL such person is" theLe-gal .poseesso, of a ualid plumberts License, ezeept trat a pztson mag dopltanbing uotk to prope?tg uhich is or,med, Leased or operated ty ttn aipl.t.@nt. Planbing Perrtt 9tate :to. 'IqnDct@A Setoiee NC.,CD t ilAttcL Vent For * Mechqnicol Permit Permit fssuanee l,lechanicaL Pemit Receipt #: Sig:red Seuer Na,:/Eetend, Ctrcuits ?otal bhanst Hoo,1. l,Icodsto;te Electricol Permit whet'e state Lau re,quires tlnt the electrical work be done by an slectr.iealcont?aeto", the eleetrical portion of this permit slnll not be tsalil. untilthe Label has been signed by the Electz,ical Cont"acto?. -. ENCROACHMENT -- 'Pcrwtt fotaL C'utbcut Sideualk ,Vobile Eome PLan uaxe f HAW CARUFALLY EXil4INED the conpleted application fot pernit, and dohet,eby certif-y that aLL informatibn hereon- is ttue ahd ciorrect, and tfurtket, ee,tifg that any ard aLL uotk petforned slnLl be done in ,o"on-danee tith the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, .and. the Las of thestate of 2regon pez.taining to the uork cescribed herein, and ttnt No occu- PLNcy vill be rm.de of a\a stTuctule uithout permission of the Buitding DL-oision. I further eertifil that otly contz,aciors ard enplcyees aho arZ incotrplianee uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project ( S.o o IC?AL AI4OUN? DUE:'5.oc)Signed Date