HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-10-13.. RESID-NTIAL... APPLTCATflN/PER\LII 225 North |th StreetSprtngfield, 0regon TZ4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFINGFTEL.D Iout, City Desigr"ated Job Nwnbet, fs: * 0lc {c- r t-.!r Date: CqnepaL Constntction Lenden I-t ie the responoibilit! oi tlz penrit hoWerl.!orr:-tP at?eet, and, that the petnrtt catd is* B ui ! ding D.i. u i c io t appr o "* e d p tl"" i lc ti-"2^iil " to eee that aLL insoections ue nad,e at the ptope" time, that 24sh :i.lrsss is ,eqc.tbieZocated at the frcni of tlte orooez,tuon ttp Building site 'at "lt'llkZr."'PnocEDUPE FoR rNsPEc?roN 'El-qtlESr:cALL 726-3769 (reeorden) state your citg destgna-ted iob ntmber, job acdress, type of inspeeli.cnnequested and ahen uou -uill ie-ieady for inspection, C.;;".1;;;-or otmeys-ncm. Lrd iLn" ntunber,, Requests receixed, befcre z:00 cnt'iLL be nade the sdte dcg, r'equ"sts"^Ld.) iftl* zroo'or;l1-i;';rde the ncst wtking'day. # Job Locaticn:Tl/ 0 s/Aesessors Map #?c"o Lot # Subditsision: A,mer: Addtess:8s N,Phone: Date of VaLue T-r L e-?( Desq,ibe --t-r h'ot k: AAiticn l//wstrH, l4ecltnieal 42- SNE TilSPEC?ION: eccatsation, but ?o be nw.de aftet nade aL LnSU ardrequiredoaporbaviets ue in placebutbefore ory Lath, Scnitary seuer capped at ptopere; Lite Septic tork pwrped ann filled uith gta;sel FinaL - hhten abc.ue .itens a.re earpletedqrd, uhen Canolition is conplete Zr sttac_tuz,e mooed and. prenrises cleaneC up. W,,uork is eooet,ed. L .coueringLnSuLatL0n pz.Lor tc set up of forne. FIIIAL PLUUAING FINAL I,IECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL tnl @ta cancrete Wpsun baarC or Lied, and before DEI.DLruTO]] OR Pinal - Afteretc. ate comp, Ls app F):lrINc & F)UNpATrc!!: ?o be naCeafce? t"enches are etcauated andfoms are etected, but pz,iot, topourang ccnerete. DRIHALL fNSPECTI)N: ?c be madeafter aLL CtyuaLL is in pLa.ce,but prior to anA taping. Wn.w.qren.WIITAGE: To be rru.Ce piiorE-fiT_Lirq trenchee. MASONRI: Steel beonsr, grouting accot d.otee uyith 241 5.f ',r f,W.floor insulation or decking. / concealed. Location, bond or uerticals in U.B.C. Seeti.on After installation is P9 Sf 4,n_D_ ?enU: To be nade priot toinsta.Llatian of floor insulation or d,ecRlfig. ROUCH PLAEIIIG, ELECTRICAL & ![ECH-ANICAL: tto uotk iiEE-coieFZZ-dilTthese inspeetiors haue been nad,e and approueC. FIPEPI,.ACE: pttot to plccirq fccingmcterials arzd before lronini in"p"L_ xLOn. FRAI,!fNG: ttust be requested aftetapprooal of rough plwnbing, electti_cal & neclwnical. ILL roofing btaci-ng E- chinmeys, ete. rrust" becotnpLeted. llo aork is to be con_.-cealed until this inspeetton las'been rrude anC apptoued. Mobi Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- Ba))e! qd. uatet, Electrical Ccmneetion - Bloeking, set_up and.- plunbing connectione mtst bL- apprcid befoz,e requesting eLeclrical inspebtion Aecessory Bui.Lding SfDEWALK & DRfLEilAI: For aLL can_ ct_ete paoing uithin st?eet right-of-teA, to be nade after aLL bxea-oating conplete & fotn Lsot'k & sub- base naterial in place. 3? CURB & APPRCACIT APPON: ee eyecteC but prior After fornsto pouz,ing pct ckes,skitting, deeks, !_E!!l: hthen conplete -- prouiCe gates ot, mooable sections through P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such ae the ".lnstallation of styeet trees, conoletion of therequired LanCsccping' etc., tmtst be satisfied befot,e the BUILDING pIltAL can be tequested.. ilNAL BUILDING: The Einal B,dlding. rnepeetion rmtst be requested after the Final PlunbingElectrical, old Mecluni cal fnsp e ctions'hq) e b e en nad.e atd' appt ou ed. *ALL I,|ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTInEIE ?O BE \L4DE LT NO CCST ?O Cny Seo Page 1 of 2 r tr 4(* tr SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co * BeCrools:ZTze: Lot Sq. Etg. Z cf Lot Casetage # of Stortes Total Height Topography Building Pe"ftLt State lotal Clanges Plunbing Penrlt State ?otal LCT lWE _ fntericr _ Corqer _ PanhandLe Cvl-de-sac G t: -- lees -- * Building Volue & Permit Thi.s penrtt is granted on the eEp?ess eondition tl14t the said_eonsttaetion shall', in all r"espects, conform to the Ordirnnce adopted bg the City o.f SprLngfield, incliding- the Zoning Crdinance, regalating the ccnstmtcticn ard uie of buildings,- otd may be suspend.ed or teuokeC at cnA tine upon oic- Lation of anA prcuisions of sai,d Ot'dinances. PLan Date Paid Receipt #: Plumbing Perrnit No peveon s?aLL eonsh.'uet, instal!, altet' ot' chorqe dtty neD cr eristing plwbina or drainage systan in uhole or in pott, unless sueh person is the Legal pbssessor of a oalid plwnberts License, escept tlnt a Pe?son ^aA qq plwntlig uork to ptoperty uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the cppli- cant. PLaTt Esanlne? L f HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the cotttpleted application fot permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infonnation hereon is true and correct, and f futthez, certify that any ard aLL uork perforned slall be done in accot'- danee tith the 0rdinances of the City of Sprtngfield, and the Lans of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the uot'k Cescribed herein, and that N0 OCCU' PANCy wttl be nade of ana- stz,uetura uithout pemnission of the BuiTding N- uision. f futther eertifE that otly cont?actors a,.d e'nplcyees dho ore in eonpliance uith oRS 701.05s ui.LL be used on this proieet b-t3 *tr JOB NO. Aceess.L.House Lot Faces - I?ET4 SQ. FTG x Value Lbin Coaoe- Canort Aceessot:u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c CHARGEITEMNO.EEE Fbtuz,es Resid.ential (1 bath) Safiitd?a Seder tlatet Electricol Permit Wheye State Lan requires ttnt the electy,ical uotk be ilone by an Eleetr"ieal contraetor, the eleetrLcal portion of this permit shall rot be talic until the l,abel lns been signed bg the Electtieal Contracto?. Na,t/Eoterd Circuits Serice State ?otal 2A ?I' A D'D Mechqnicql Permit oo lJcodstoite Vett Eol bhant Hood B?U'S Permtt rssuqnce Meclnnicel Permit ,a -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secaritg Deposit Storage Maintenznce Petmtt Cvrbeut Si.deoalk lence Eleetrical Label Mobile Hone TOTAL AMOUN? DUE:'/s,15 Date