HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1990-07-18.. RESIDE" 'TIAL.. APP L I C AT I OIvt PE Rl,l I f 225 Notth |th Street Sprtngfield, 1negon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 Job Locati.cn I B Aasessors Map fl o'L S\bdiuision: Otmer: Addtess: t SPFIINGFIEI-D ?az rot il OOTAO I Phone: 1q - \T Zip: q til 26-376 9 (tecorder ) state yout, City desigtnted job inspection,Contractots ot ! Date: 6 nwnber, iob aCdtees, type of inspeclictt nwibet. P,equeste yeceived befcre 7:0C c,:t Y ci 3ee-i n Neu Additicn RemoCel SI?E IilSPEC?ION: ?o be nade aftez, ez;at Aon;Tt pr.ior tc set ip of fonne. ANDERSLAB PLU\\DINC. ELECTRICAL I MECH|IIICAL: ?o be nade before angwrk ie eotseted. FAOTINC & FOUNDA?ICN: ?o be truCeaftet trenches are eccaoated and forns ate erected, but ptior to Wuring ecncrete. POST AND BEAM: To be nade prior to ZGldTffi{of ftoot ineulation or decking. ROUCil PLUIIBIIIG. EI,ECYRICAL & I4ECH: ANICAL: No 'ootk is to be cotet ed ffiiTthese inspections hanse been nnde atd. approoed.. FIPEPLACE: Prlor to plccirq facingncterials and before froning inspec- tion. PRAllItlG: l4ust be nequested after appnoual of rough plutnbing, electni- cal E neclanical. ALI roofing bracing E chirmeys, ete. rrust be . conpleted. lto ucrk is to be con- cecled unti.L this inspectton las 'been made anC apptoued. FIIIAL PLUI|BIIIC FINAL I4ECIIAIIICAI, FINAL ELECTRICAL Describe tt'ork: ,H R - o{+ l?e,e..ac-e- tdnns" Lls.one.e- (u*.) Date of Appli"oticn_Value Ceneral P lurnb ing n a I^t ie the neeponsibi-Lily of-tle pentrit holder to aee that aLL inspections ate nade at the prope? ttne, that ecch address is readabie fnon--tJy atreet, ard that the permit catd is leated at the fu,ont of the property. '\uilding Nuicion appz.o"*ed plbn shcll renain on the Building situ at aLL' fihes.- PNOCSDUPE FOR INSPECIIOI\I RIQUEST:CALL 7 requested at;d uhen you uiLL be ready fotuiLL be made the sone day, nequests nade after 7:00 an urtll be nnde A,ners ncne and phone the ncrt aorkirg day. V utotncnoultD pLuMpft!,_!twly!!!R2IJ Lir4 trenchee. l-1 uno*pLooR pLUlErNG & r4ECltANrcAL:ttof floor insulction ot decking. Iotu, City Designated Job l,lunber fs: TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER ilISPECTTON : To be nade after aLL insulaticn a'd. required oapor batwiers @e in pl.ace but befote any Lath, Wpsun baarC or tnLL cooering is applied, and beforeag iwulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECII)N: ?c be made afiet -att-6yuat-Ls in plaee, but pnior to cny taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beatne, grouting or oerticals in accordorce Ltith U,B.c. Section 241 5. w00DST01"tE: ccnpTetea. Aftet installation is CURB & APPROACH APPON:After fonns ' pouringote erecteC but ptior to concrete. SIDEI.IALK & DRIltEl'lAI: For aLL eon- crete paoing Dithin st?eet right- of-rx!, to be made after aLL ecea- oating conplete & fotn uork & sub- fuse naterial in place. ?ENCE: h4ten conPlete -- ProuiCe gate6 or nottable sections thnough P.U.E. ALL p,oject eonditions, such ae t\rc i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion-of the required. Landsccping, ete., rmtst be satisfied bcfone the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. IINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inapection mtst be nequested alter the linal Plwnbing Electrical, anC Mechanical fnspections h*oc been mad,e ard approtseC' El,ec E.r ica I S rrDerva-f,uir^r Elec Er c]'an Scnitary seaer ccpped at propetty Line J I jr*i r.r.,rl,l|li rr$ffu/t.,r.,bl l.;,1,,. ,l Septic totk p;tnped and filled vith gra;tel Final - l{hen abcoe itens are ectnpleted and uhen Cqtoli.tion is cornplete or st!,ur- ture nooed and. prewises cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking old, Set-up Plutnbing connections -- saie! and. uater Electnical Ccqnection - Blocking, set-uD and plunbing connections rrust be apprcr;ed before requeeting eleclrical inspectiol Accescory BuilCi.ng Pinal - After pct'ckes, skirting, decks, etc. are canpleted. Peg:e 1 of 2 X *AT,L I,IANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BIi ACCESSIBLI|, ADJUSTYENT TO BE I,I,4DE A? NO CCST TO CITY u tr tr Lot Faces - Setbacks Cdtaqe Access,P. L,I!ouse RantNorth FireEost South t Z of Lct Cooerage_ LOT TYPE _ Intericr Corner Panlandle - ,rl-dn-"o. Total P.eight Topogrcphy ValueSQ. FTG xITEM Lot Sq. Ftg. ! of StorLes t'kzin Glrac e Carport Accessory ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 t CHARCETLLNo. ?isturee Residential (1 bath) Satiitanl Seuer Wctet, -<ol-/S, a)Iu.rAlEq- flt*"X.o- oo ld,tD .'7s CHARCE 7S NO, Res. So. fta Nas/Ectend Circuits Tanpor@y Seruice CIIARCENC. F'urnace BTUTS blwnst llooC Vent F@t tlcodsto;.te Jt Mechqnicol Permit Permit fssuance Mechanical Permit -- ENCROACHMENT -. Sestritu Deposit Storaqe llainteruncc Pctmit Cutbcu Sideualk Fenee Eleetrical Label Mobile ltonre L-co dJOB NO. Zone: SOLAR.}<CESS REQ.- Bedroons Building Volue & Permit Thispermi.tisgrantedontheetpl|esscond,itiontlntthesaidconstructionslnll, in atl respects,"';t;;,i;;i;-lie. ordinance edopted lv the c.i'tv of springfield, inc|uding'tiZ'\o"i"g crdinanc-e' regulcting the ccnstrucl:-":.,^ ili i; of Luildings," "ii- t|Iry be" euspended or reuokec at cny time upon otc- lation of ory prcoTsione of said Ordir'ances' !!ea PLan Date Paid ReceiPt il: Sigted: Building Permit Stdte Total Clnrgea Plwnbi.ng Pernit /s. State ?otal TotaL Fee * Plumbing Permit No person stnll consttact, ins*all,- alter ot clange -cny nel).c? esisting ;1r;b;A "; iroiig" "i"ll" i" in"i' o,r i' part, inless such person is the Legal possessot of " rZL;e pL;L'i''" Litnn"Z' escept that a pelson na'g do plwrbing aork to propnlty-"iiZi-i" oua, Leased oi operated by the appli' cant. Electricol Permit WhereStateLanrequitesthittheelectt'icaluorkbedoneby-anElecttical contraetor,, the eLectr,lii"t eoriii" of th.is,permtt slnll not be oalic until iie Label -lws been signed iy the Electrical Contractor' TE-n Ercniner IHAw1AREFULLYTXAI4INEDthecompletedappltcationfo.npermit,anddoi;ilnti etertify that all ittfomatibn heneoi i.s true and co*eet' cn'C I iir7\"n" .nntliTA that any ard aLL uork performed elnll be done in aceor-'i)ron'vith tfrZ- onai)r).'ee-of the citg'of 'springfield, arul th-e Laae of the * State of lregon pertaining to the uoik Ceseribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 oCCU- ptiCy titt b"e naZe ij org" ttruoture wi.thout permiesi-on of the Buildi.ng N- oision. I furthet, LLriiTii thet only contr.,.c'tors at;d enplcyees uho are in eazplianee ,'i.tn cns 701.0-5s uiLL be ueed on thie proiect ITOTAL AMOUN? DUE:*/.f,:s zd Date 'ltt-7o W