HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-01-26*-' -- .. RESIDENTIAL.. zz5 North stlt, streel""' -.'0N/PERItrr Spm,ngfi,eld, 2regon 9?42? Buildtng Dioision 7 26-37 53 1o b!, g'P+ SPHINGFIEI.DE.T qqlor I tr I >oa Date:i*2 {K r-t ie the rcepoae'ibi-Lila .of -ttze permit lto-lda to aee that aLL inspeetions oe nad.e at the ptope? tine, thdt each ad,lrees ds reaC,thleftat the at?eet' and that the p*nrtt eazl ie Located at the ftotti of the orooerfit-*Euilding Nuicion appraed plbt shcll remain on the Building- sit"-At "ll'iik;;:-- i P.R)2EDURE F)R= I\SPEcM1N t!!=Q!ES?;CALL 726-3769 (recordet) state youz. Citg designated. job nw,rber, job aC6ees, type of i.nspecttcn :3ff"i!"!Y.uhen gou-aiLL be ready fo-r inspection, contractaz,s iy aine?s"ran."*a pn"7" nunb*. n"qui"i" relel,\Za tZyci z:00 an'*iLL be nade the sane dag, ?equests nade aftu ?:00 on trtll be nade the nect aotki$ day. i Conslntgt'ton_ledet SI?E TNSPEC?ION: eacaoation, but forns. FTP.EPLACE:mat;iZ; ?o be made after pt ior tc set up of Iout, City Deeigr,ated Job Nwnber fs TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?TON :Io be made aftez, aLL insulaticn ed. required oqot berie?a @e in pI.ace but before ory lath, Wpsun boarC or tmLL cotsering is qpli.ed, and befoteay insulation is concealed. DRIWALL INSPECIION: ?o be madeafter aLL dt4JuaLL is in pl.ace, but priot to any tapirq. I,IASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uerticals in aceordobe LtLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. WO2DST)\/E: Aftet installation is atnpleted. CURB & APPR1ACH APR1N: After fonnsee erecteC but pr.ior to pourtng conc?ete. 0 OR ITOWD BUILDI\ICS qyppRSLAB PLUMBTN9, ELECTRTCAL & WC1A:t\ICAL: To be nade befoie-ng ,.wrk i,e eooered. PO-0TIN} & FOUNDATICN: Io be nadeaftet trenches ae e.acauated and fonns ate erected, but priot to pout-ittg ccncreta. UNDERGROUIID PLUMBING, SETIEP, W,4TER. DRAINAGE: To be nade pr.Lor to fil-Lirq trenchee. AilDERFLOOR PLUT,ETNG & MECqANTCAL:Io be made priot to ins2a:71a7ii,on of floor insul,ation or decking. POS? AND BEAM: To be made p?Lo" toinstallation of floot, insulation ot decking. ROUGH PLA,lBIllc. ELEZ:RICAL & MEjE: ANICAL: No uotk is to be cooeredffilt-these irupections haue been made and approued.. Pr"Lor to plccirg and before fi,aning SIDE\IALK & DRflWAl: For all con- ""et;n@Affi street right- ef-?eA, to be made after aLL e.rca- oating canplete & forn wrk & sub- fuse naterLal in place. PENCE: hrhen conplete -- Protside gatee or mooable seetians tlvough P,U.E. ALL project conditione, sueh as the installation of street trees, co,:rpletion of tie requined Landscaping, etc., rmtst be eatisfied before the BUILDING FLNAL ean be tequested. faeinginspec- tion. FRAIIING: I,tust be requested after apptotsal of rough plwr,bing, electu i-q,L & neclwnical. ALL roofing bracing E chhrmeys, etc. rntst be i eonpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- .. .;4ealed until this tnspectLon lnerbeen rrude anC approoed. FTilAL PLUABINO FINAL ArcNANICAL ?INAL ELECTRICAL ?INAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection tast be requested aftet the Fital Plwnbing \J Electnical, od. Meclunical rnspectiona laoe been nade and approrsed Job Locaticn: Aesessore Map #Ias Lot # svbdioision: O,mer: Addz,ess:Phate7//6s6 ci zip: Desq,ibe Woyk: Date of Value W;,n { Ad.ditian RenoCel Sanitan1 saser capped et pz,operfii Lir:e Septic totk y.orped and. fi.Lled utth grawl Pinal - I{hen abcoe itens aye ccwletedoid uhen Catoliti.on is corplete'or st"uc- tuz,e noued otd premLaes clearuC up.( e Ecmes Bloeking ozd Set-up Pltnbing eonnections -- aane? Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-up ard plunbiag eonneetions rntst be apprcoed before requeeting eleelrlcal inspeetiol Accessozli BuilCing Firal - Aftar pcrches, skitting, decl<s,etc. ee conpleted. od. uater I Page 1 of 2 \tcl *ALL MANHCLES AllD CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?IIEN? f0 BE MADE /r.T N0 C1ST f0 CEy 1 I T CeneraL ( Electrleal L["luZ C@<.(l-L.- , 0 soLAR AccEss REQ.-r--coCJOB NO. [pt Faees - CaraqeP. L.House No/,th FirepLaeettEastllt'toodstoxeSouthllWest I-ot Sq. Etg. % of Lot Cooerage. # of Stortes Iotal Eeight Iopogrcpltg IOT TWE _ Interior _ Cormer _ Pcrtltandle CUL-de-sac Bedtoons x ValueIIEM tbin C,oaoe Ceport Aecessor't1 TOTAL VALUE Fee: S.D.C. 7.5 c Date Pai.d Signed: Reeeipt #: Building Volue & Permit This pernnt is gtanted on the erp?ess eordition tlnt the said-eonstntction ",1-LL', in aLL r,"espects,-ioiii*'to the Or&i.nance edop.ted by the city of spi"gTintd.' inclitding'the Zoning Cvdinanc-e, regulating the ccnstmteticn ird. ,""'" of -buildtngs,- and may be suspended or rertokeC at cnA time upon oic- lation of cnA pt'ctsisione of said Ot'di-vnnces. tuilding Perwit ?otal Choagee State Plumbing Permit No person slnll constrntet, inslall,- altet or chotge,any ned-cr ecisting phi*;ng or dtainage e,stat in uhole o_r, in patt" unlees such person ie tlp iegal p"osees"oo oT"auZlidpl*,ber's Licens-e' escept that aP?"sonna! qo^ ptiwatt"g aork to property ihi.h is otned, Leased or opetated by the appli- eant. FEE CEARGENEM Fi.stutee Resil.erfti.a,L (1 bath) Sanet Plwnbing PenrLt State Electrico I Permit Wlere State Lan reqtites tltat the electri.cal ttork be done bg im Eleotrical Contractor, the electrtcal portion of this pernit shall rot be oalil wttil the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Cont"acto?. ,G3a Nas/Ectend. Circuits Setnsice State ?otal - \-) I?YM NC F!E CIIARCE * Mechonico! Permit bhanet llooC llcodstoise Vent Fot Permit fssuance Meclnnicel Pemrtt Seau,ity Deposit Storage Iilaintenance Pezltrit LVtbcut Si.datalk Penee ELectz,ical Ia.bel MobLle Hatre TOTAL INOUN? DUE:*e2 bb I HAW CAREFALLy ELAMINED tle eontpleted applicati,on fot pennLt, and. ilo hereby certtfy that aLL inforrnati,on heteon ie true and. correct, artd. I fuz,tket' cettify that any ard aLL uork perforned slall be fone in aceor- danee tith the 1rdinances of the City of Sprtngfield, and. the Las of the* State of )regon pertaining to the Mk Cescribed herein, cnd. that N0 OCCA- PANCI tlil,L be rmde of anA structure uithout pennission of the Building DL- oision. f further eertifg tlat otly cont"acto?s od enplcgees uho ee in catpliance dith 1RS 70L.055 uiLL be ueed on thie project l-a6-r& Total Date PLart Exorinet To*al. (hnoes State Swchanqe