HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 2001-12-10D E V E L A P M E l',1 T S E l:l V I C {: ::; L t i.:- l'/\ I I I f,/l i: N I Springheld Police Department Springfield Fire Department U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service YAII L25 f:ll: l'H 5'7HEI i SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s41) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726_s689 December 10,2001 REVISED LETTER Brian Hutcheson 2293 376 Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 RE: Address Change Dear Mr. Hutcheson: At your request, your property commonly known as 2293 37th Street, Springfield, Oregon, also known as Lane County Reference Number 17021943, Tax Lot Number 09300 has been changed. your new addressis 2293 37th Street. I will notify the following companies and/or agencies of these space number changes by sending them a copy of this letter: Springheld Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfi eld News/Register Guard This change is effective immediately. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor I oe 0 .12 AC.v\o s+aa so. FT, 0 .7 + AC. 6000 s0. FT. 160 C Qeer-r./^. 9400 Le7 (La \< c) z CJqs ll! tl\F< AJ 93000.14 AC. 6000 s0, FT.161 N ei\o I 0 (3 E43,t7,J 89. L2:59 : 57PM 10 -Dec-2001 SPFIINGFIELE, DEI/ELOP M ENT SERVICE S DE PAETM ENT November 30, 2001 Brian Hutcheson 2293 37th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 RE: Address Verification Dear Mr. Hutcheson: This letter is written to verify the address of the property known as Lane County Reference 17021943, Tax Lot 09400. The address that was assigned at the time of the construction of your residence was assigned incorrectly, but at your request, I have processed the necessary address change notifications in order to allow you to maintain your existing address of 2293 37' Street, Springfield, Oregon. I will be notifying the following agencies of this address verification by sending them a copy of this letter: lf you Springfield Police Department Springfield Utility Board Springfield Fire Department Lane Council of Governments U.S. Post Office 911 Dispatch, Public Safety U.S. West Communications Lane County Elections Department Northwest Natural Gas SaniPac TCI Cable Rainbow Water District United Parcel Service Springfield News/Register Guard Lane County Assessment and Taxation have any questions, please feel free to me a1726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OB 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Build ing Safety Supervisor SPrI',YGF'ELE} DEVELOPMENT SERVI C E S DEPARTM ENT November 30, 2001 Interested Agencies RE: Street Address Changes in Ambleside Subdivisioq First Addition The following addresses have been changed in Ambleside Subdivision, First Addition Lot Number Current Address New Ad&ess 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-s753 FAX (541) 726-s689 163 t62 161 t20 119 ll8 The following agencies are being notified of these changes: Springfield Police Departrnent Springfi eld Fire D eparfinent U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service 2299 37n Steet 2297 37n Steet 2293 376 Street 2288 376 Sneet 2296 376 Street 2298 37e Street 3679 Osprey Drive (Lot 118 is a duplex lot and if the development takes access from Osprey Drive, the address will remain the same as originally assigned from Osprey) Springfield Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane Cor.urty Elections Departnent Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springfi eld News/Register Guard 2295 37e Steet 2293 37e Street 2287 37b Steet 2284 37h Street 2288 37e Steet 2294 37n Sreet 3679 Osprey Drive This change is effective immediately. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3790 Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor N 2 of 5 LOTS E,t-lO4 Al'lD IJO-14E 5 or 5 LOTS 121-129 AND 1,09-160 4 of 5 LOTS 8l-E5, 105-120 AtlD 16l-172 5 of 5 SURI/EiOR'S CEFfiRCATE, OECTARAIIoi{, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AI.IO APPRWATS . JOHN P. TACCHINI, PLS 2267 2m000E368 NPN SUND I .!-oo3!.ee tr.ea FOUND RAILROAD RAIL W/PUNCH MARK PER C.S. 25766 AND 34923 s 87.58'r1 "E 595.01, 1s az"salr r "E sgs.o I .) s 87"58.t 1-E JJ3.(s oz"5e'1 1 "g JJJ,67) IRON ROD PER c.s A1 3'.4 AND -g-99 FOUND 5/8" |RON ROD pER C.S. 25766 ANO 5492 s 77"r9',23"W 5.O2', 77.1 9'25"W) (5.o2') FOUND 3/4" |RON P|PE PER C.S. 682J, 25766 ANO 34925 ?#Er59:08 Al'l lllllltfiWI CNSHIER OT SECTION I9, F SECTION 50, TE MERIOIAN )REGON 1 00' PARTMENT s 87"58',11"E [s 87"s8',11"E N 02.01',49"E 93.00' [N o2.or'49"E gJ.oo'] s 87"5E',1 l"E 19.34' [s 87"58'r r"E\ 19.5,+'] 6 iICORIIED 34galfc,l- ttzaaa- couNrvcLERx- -*Ira-Wde- %$$%3i;"'" N \\\ si141 N 87"27',46"E r 67.45' [N 87"27',46"E 187 1l lo I PRIVAlE s',41 *v, (s 6g.1 5'4 1 "Vi BASIS OF BEARINGS PER IN J7"34'28"E1'[141.06'] 15 12 l5 l4 att" r9'J7"W 9f,.61' ;s'sz,,w ss.ot,1]* i9,37',W 25.00. _ i9'57"W 9'J7"W 25.00,__ ,9'37',W 25.oo,l 4',54"W 4'54"W lt 0'40"w 16 nnoO 6@@@@o =irN NN oo a0 r'20"E 60.oo,'20"E 60.oo'l 99.87,gs.au.l-'fi 21.oo'zr.oo'l)'40"w 'JJ'W 61.'JJ"W 61 '5J"W .'35',W 4'JJ"I 1',3J"W 2 t27"E I 1.55,r27"E 1 1.55'l 45'45"w 59.82'+s,ls"w ss.azTf .5',45"W49.29. t'45"W 49.29 'l 74 ITIAI 506-5O7'.1 s63.32',) c.s. 54925 (s BJ"1l'41,'w) (8o.os') FOUND 3/4" IRON PIPEc.s. 1J777 AND J492J PER NOTE: THIS SUBDIVISION IS SUBJECT TO COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICNONS, AS RECOROED IN 2/+99-R/98I05699 AND AS AMENDED N 2 aOooo9..l? UiNt COUUTV OffO AND MORTGACE RECOROS. 261.34' 26r.34') s 87.58'r I ,,E (S 87.s8't I ,,E 170171 169 168 167 165 l6rj0- fl N tl l 118117 16555./+7' 86 85 55.47' 108 112 107$ae{a'N fi5 0.N N 114It3 121 $r60I T 99 100 104 105 c.s.25766 & J492J t N 123121 159127 12915,1157N71.f,J',59"E 136 158 $. \9 N 138 1,10 t57$154 7 osPRrr DEIVE FE:r.lEFb trF|l,m A *lErDrorot ulk;o:or AA Il I r-iE:;aldt ht IErlil $l I I I I I I i I I I FAI,CON DRNIE I ---a--a----a'a &-6---4_ -------a-'--'- N 47"14'53"E-.a- 155 h., $,1 ls6lq 4177 117 142 1,(5 111 AMBLESIDE MEADOI{S SUBDIVISION FIRST ADDITION owl t aLcavvovot0oggL '18 7 PG.BK S >5rlo 172 arqB :"1 122%z-Nr35