HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-08-03.. RESIDENTIAL.. C OMB IN ATI ON APP LI C AT TO N /PEPMI T225 North 1th Street Spr-in4fi,eE, )regon 924?? Building Diuision 726-37 53 SPRINGFIETD dr.r,"S 1-,q lldL .:s,oc 15,o0 4Vo ,6 )c ,0,+0 ,90 Date iob Loeaticn: ?c,s Lot # S Assessore ilbo i Subdiu,t sion: Slm'trtrAile":)--L Adbaas:a-Plone: r ;{e,.) lddit:Lcn S Date of Dea*ibe llotk: X-s.B, General Constnrction Lgnda. llI It ia the respona:Lbility of the pennt hodo to aee tlut aLL inapections de r;zade at the p"apd tune, that ecch ;1,1-ssu is ye,d^b1-e frort tltd stteet, o\d, that tha parrit ead ia Locdted at the fiont of tlw propetdl.1Bu)!di,W Dittisioz qroted ptan shz.Ll rerwin ot tlte AtildinC Si,ta Zt aLL' tikea.- of inspecticn befcre 7:00 ct S@ri!@y ea*r cqoei ;t ?tope*i Line Septic totk p:4ed ar:,: tnlied tith geaoel linal - .i',\zen abcue i'-zns @e ccnpleted o;d ahstt .7ancl.itzon is corole'"e o? sintc- tute nooed a: p*xLses elearzei up. l,lobile ilcnes Blockitq otti Sax-:tp Plunbing ecnnectiana -- sa)e? anC. aater Electtical Ccnnection - Blccktr4, set-ua otd. plwbing eonnecticns n;st be q2rcteci befote reqzeetzng elee=rical ttspec;ion linal - After pcrehed, skirtin4, Cecks, etc. @e earoiate<i.K kKK )teceasoe Eur,iiing r fana. AWM,SLAE PLAMETNG, IT,EARICAL E WCHAIIICA!: lo be nole before atq uork ia eoaered. FCoTING 3 F)ANDAT|CN: lo be m.C3 @.xcasated ard. fonna ee ereeted, but prior to pott*ittg ccfic?eta. UNDNGPAUIID PLAMgI:IIG. SE'ITR. IT,4?9R, DRAilIAGE: To be nal,e prtor to fil-Lirq trenchee. UIIDEPELCOR PLUI.EfiG 4 |4ECIANICAL : @o7 f1,oor insuktion or deeking. P1q 4!!P tE4!4: ?o be nade Vriot-to -^- insi:alkxion of floot iwulatiott ot deckitq. 7)ttcq ?LulBrtc. sigcRlcAL I wcq- ANICA.L: iio to"k is to be eo"*eved.,rr: these inspeclions hae beetz tlwtfu @ld qprcoeC.. FIP.ELACE: bior to plccirq facingncterials od. be|'ore iradng inapec- @ual of toztgh plur,birq, e'Lectri-al & necltotical. ALX toofinq braetry E chinmeus, etc. nuEt be ccryLeied. llo acrk is to be con- cecled tmtil tbto iasoeeticn las been rmde o'd agnoaed.. SIIE IITSPEAIOil: *uoa;iort, but FIIIAL PLAAAINC FINAL IACflINICAL ?IIIAL ET,EERTCAL lo be mdt afterpriot b aet rq of rcouLrcd 'tqor b*rlett ee in place bat befcre dry Lzth, gVpsult boarC ot taLL auet'tng ie qplied., ord. before ozg ittsulation ie cancealed.. DRWALL illS?EC1!)N: lc ba nad.e -.. aftet aLL d?ALnLL ie in place, but prior to any tqin4. I{AS2NRI: Steel Loeatiott, bold beois, gnutittg ot oenticals in dccordoloe uLth U.B.C. Section 2415. ,IOODSTOT|E: *trpLeteti. After install.a,tion is CURB & APPP.OACE APfrN:@ Aftet forneto pourittg convete. SID$JALK & DRl,El,lAl: Fon aLL eon- erete pauing tritH.n street rtght- of-rBA, to be naCe after aLL ezea- tating catplete & forn uork I cub- base ruterial in pla,ce. !EllC!: :'4ter. eo@Lete -- *aiie @ o, nouable' secvians iuottgh Dlt? ALL project eondi,tione, such aa tla tnetalT,atton of st?eex tvees, ccnoZ;='r,oa o;' :he required Lotd.sccpir4, ete., iaai be saxisfied before tl,e ilIf,DIIC FIIAL :an le reaueeted. llll.AL WILDINC: The Final Build.inq Inspeetion ntst be reo.uested. afler !'ne linal ?lwnbing Eleci;r'tcal, qtd llecirs:ical fnspeet:"ona haue been aade otd aDrooed. *ALL |.|ANECLES AND CLgAIl1arc MUST BE.ACCESSItsLE, .IDJUSAIIEN! !0 9E ]L4DE:..! tl1 --CS? f0::!y -.. _t t #6l,pE tDtn\(J,,7#h t/orn"w"yYlnliru ,d"3r*q,P U Conx?d.ctors Acidveas a-Piane !4echctcal requastgbe nwiz the -5'79 :l _l l tlr []tl tr r Z Jcb Nwtber: Iot Sq. Etg. % ct Lct Caserage # of Stories Total Ezight ',Iopogrq\ry Euilding Pesdt State Totel Clo.rges LAT TWE _ fnteticr _ Cormet _- Pattltmdle Cul-de-sac Refeter,.ee :lunbe?s: -,- Faee -- * L-COG # Building Volue & Permit This perrrtt i,s granted on the erp"ees eondition tlnt th.e said constmtction slwll', i.n aLL rZspects, conform lo the 1tdinmrce adopted lU tne ci'tg 1fSpirrgfie2, inclid1ng- the Zoning Cvdinotc-e, regulating the ecnstmtcticn irA ""uL of 'buildings,- and nay be suspe,rded or retsokeC at atA tine upon 'tic- LatLan of ang prcoisions of said otdinances. Bedtoons: Aceess.L House Lot Faces - cn E4a x VALUEITgM :';btn Gdaqe C@Do?t Acceaao?u nO?AL VALUE s.D.c. 1..5 c PLan Check Eee: ^-+- D^:). Signed, Plumbing Permit No person shaLl eonsfuact, inBtaLL, altat or clrun4e-any na)-c? egtsting -pttht;nq or dtainage sAstqn in utole or in patt, unlese euch pereon is tl',e i"jit pot""r"oo oi o ,tottd pturnber's Lic-en{e, escept tlzat a P??sa: naa q. ptint;hg uork tc properq uhich is ouned, Leased or operated by the cppli- NO.E T.L , * I!EM li.zhttes Residzrrtia.L (1 bath) Seoet Phnbing Pesd,t State N0.FEEI?EI,I Res. Sa. ftq. Nan/Erterui Circ*tts Tanpcreg S*tsice L Elecrrical Permit Were State La,t reqd?ea tlnt the eleett'ical uotk be do,ne bg-ot tlectrtcal Cantmctor, the elictrlcal pottion of this penrLt e?uLL rot be tali,C until the Label has been signed by the Electrieal Cont"lctor. o * "L Stdte lotal itc.CIlARCE rtn-'naoe BfU'S Echa,tst HooC Vent Fot llcodstc;le PetmLt fssuotce lleehanical Permit Mechonicol Permit I HAW CAREFULLI SXAMIfiED t?e cotnpleted application for pertntt' ar1d. do hereby certify that aLL infotnation hereon is true atld, cotreet, otd. I further eertify that any ard. aLL uork perfonted slnll be done in aceot'- dance,,tLth the Ordincneee of the City of Springfield, and the Lats of the State of 2regcn pertaining to the uork Cesc,r'Lbed herein' end tlnt NO OCCU- PANCY ,ntLL bb naCe of ans' atl'ucture urttlout perniesion of the Bui-Lding D-i- tieion. f further certily that only co?ttracto"s ozd anplcyeee aho ate in cql'tpLianee ?nith ORS 707.055 uiLL be used on this p?oieet Plqiz EeanrLner I,!obi!.e Hcne f- a*72- TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' Date Pemit *Tctal L I Signed* -- ENCR,OACHMENT -. Curbc.t= Sida,talk 1ceupanett Granp:7o?to: (DeLue) Totol Charaes Stdte Suaehcrqe Stonaoe l,laintenance !enee -L) \h A /,,qo CITY OF SPRINGFIELD-_BUILDING DIVTSION 346 MAIN ST. 726-3753 (BUSTNESS\ 726-3769 (TNSPECTTONS) APPLICATION EOR ELECTRTCAL I,ABEI,(S) BY A BUILDING O?INER The Electrical Safety Law of the State of Oregon does not require a person to obtain a license as an electrician and,/or electrical contractor to make an electrician in- stallation on property which is owned by hinself or a member of his immediate family which is not intended for saIe, lease, or rent' (PLEASE PRIMT) APPLICANT, S NA.I,IE ADDRESS PHONE 7p -6?AY ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED WORK )9/DA)l(S+ BU]LDING OWNER (IF OTHER THAN APPLICANT) ADDRESS PHONE I certify that all of the above information is true and correct, and that no portion of any wiring system requiring a label as applied for herein and intended to be con- cealed by any permanent portion of the building or structure shall be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of the system is complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made- Inspections are generally required for at least the following conditions and or stages of construction: 4 5 6 1 2 3 Te$porary Service Underground Service Service Rough Electric Cable Heat New Circuits or Extensions 7 8 9 Mobile Home Connections Signs Swi:rmning Pools I further certify that I will notify the Building Division when any of the above ELEC- TRTCAL lNSpECTrOlls .r" ready, ttrat irt work will be done in accordanee with the Electri- cal Safety Law of the State of Oregon, and that if not the building owner, I am a member of his or her immediate family. C:F:*f>Si.gnature.Date INSPECTION REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE ON THE BUILDING DIVISIONIS 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTION LINE. THE INSPECTION NUMBER I.S 726-3769. INSPECTION REQUESTS WHICH ARE CATLED IN BE- FOR 7 A.M. WILL BE MADE ON THE SA}.IE DAY. I,ABEL NUMBERS LABEL fSSUA}iCE FEE RECEfVED BY e+,e FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE x-,3-X12 Aor]y'. 50 ) I