HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-10-21" RESlDr..,lTlA[" z2s Noyth sth s;treeaPPLrcATr0N/PERMT?Spri.ngfield, Oregon TZ4ZZ Butlding Di.uision 7 26-37 53 # SPFINGF!ELD JJ"D/z llrl GeneraL Conslzacllgn teruk! It ie the responsibility G>v l0 t7 Date:^-2/*r of the petmtt hold* to eee that aLL inspeetions ee nade at the prope? time, that each address is reaC4bielding Diuitiot apg,o"*ed p permit Lan sTwL L remain on the 2t.!4n front of the property.Building SiLe at aLL'ttmes. catd ia Locatedfrotn*Dui the s tteet, and tltat the PRocgDUPE. FoR rNSPECrroltt -El=qllESrrcALL 726-3769(z'ecotd.et,) state gout, city d.esigna-ted. iob nwnbet,, job aciz,ess, type of inspee=icnrequested' and ahen uou uiLL be ready foz' inspectior, coiiro.lt.""" "" a,mers natne Lnd. phone nunbet,, Requests ,eceixed. befcre 7 :00 ant'iLL be nade the sdte dcy' reqtests"mLd.e aftx z:00'on r,ttli te- ^oa" the nect aoz,king'day. $fo Foz Job Locaticn:ZIO AJ 30 q3Assessot s Map #ao Iat Lot #2_z I Subdiuision: 0,met: Addz,ess:Phone: *7 VL -7 bs s A4-L A-7a ci 7 L RenoCeL to-2t '<? Addition f-r Value sooDate of AppL icaticn N ot,t {tnoLi=l .1 Describe Hoyk: Q.'r-,Q:-S tleclwnicaL Page 1 of 2 W*uork is couez,ed. Fj_orINc & F?UNpA?rCy ?o be ra.Cea1te! tyenches are escaated and forrns ate erected, but prior topour-Lng ccnerete. awP.w.ArE&J ?R_a. IunGr: _ro be naie ptloi-ii-fiL L7.?q tTenches. l W,rrrrorrror,tobenad@of floor insulation or decking. PpS? 4N! \EAM: ?o be made pnior toinstallaticn of fLoon insulation or Cecking. ,oucH pLu4BrItG. ELECTRTM UE1E-NICAL: Uouffiltil these inspections haoe been 'de and. appz,oueC. PEPI!.ACI: Pm)or to placirq facingietials and before froning in"peZ- n. IING:, l"lust be requested aften 'oual of rough plwnbing, eLectri- & mecTwnical. ALI toofing'.rq & chirmeys, etc. mtst beeted. lto ucy,k is to be con- 7 until this inspection lws wde anC approoed. required oapor burie?s tre in plaee but_ before any Lath, Wps11m bcatC oz,tnLL eooering is applied, and beforeotg irculation is concealed. DRTIIALL INSPECTION: Tc be madeaftez, aLL C,.tyuaLL is in pl,aee,but pniot, to an7 taping. MASONRY: Steel Zocation, bond beons, grouting or oerticals in accordance uith U.B.C. Section 2415.fiw; Iour City Desigr,ated Job Nutnber fs: IO aL After install.ation is b> CURB & APPROACIT APR)N: After forrnsate ereeteC but ptior to pouring concrete. SfDEIIALK & DRftvWA!: For aLL con-crete paoing t)ithin styeet rtght- of-uaA, to be nade after aLL ecca- oating conplete & fonn uotk & sub- base material in plaee. !4C!: hthen conplete -- Prouide gates or nouable sectione through P,A.E. 0R }i)wD Sanitary seser: capped et p?ope?W- Lire Septic tank purped and filted uith gratel SITE INSPECTION etcatlation, but : Tobe pt-tor tc set aftez, up of forns I Final - hrlten ahcue itens ate ccrnpleted and ahen Cq.plt tion is conrplete 'or struc-tuz,e mozsed and. pretrLses cLeaneC up. llobile Hcnes BT,oeking otd Set-up PZunbing connectians -- sa))e? otd. uatet Electrical Ccr-tnection - Bloeking, sei-up and plunbing eonneetions rrust be appocrs'ed before requesting eleetrlcal inspeetio;t Aecessor,; Building Pirnl - After pct'ehes,. skitting, dec\<s,etc. ate completed. 1e DL. i,n T.UMBIIIG CHANICAL - --- ALL pnoiect eondLttons, such as the installation of street t7ees, conoletion of therequined Landseaping, etc., rmtst be satisfied befot,e the BUTLDIN1 FINAL ean be requested.. FINAL BIJILDING: The ?inal Bui.Lding Inspecti.on mrct be t,equested. after the Fi,nal PLwnbing \J Electz,i,caL, cnd, Meclnrical Inspecti,ons ltatse been made and' approtseC. CTRICAL *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS [,IUS| BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTI\EIII TO BE I'L4DE AT NO CCST TO CITY //* T JOB N Zone SOLAR :CESS REQ.-L.COC Bedtooms: Receipt #: Mechq nicol Permit -- lees -- ttoe 2 ->v H' Permtt rssucnee Mechanical Pe"nrit Total I HAW CAREEULLY EYAI,IINED tle eornpleted applieation for permit, and. do hereby certify that aLL infonnation hereon is true and, eorrect, anC I futthez, cettify that any ard aLL aork perforned shall be dane in aceot- dance rtith the )rdinance_s of the city of springfield, and. the La:,;s of tir 1t?t-? ol -o_??son p-e,taining to the uoik CesLribla n"iLl,i, oit- tt t uo ocPANcy uill be nade of any- sttuctute uithout pernission -oy tt" Buitdtnguisio-n. I ft*ther ..n-:!qi that only contractors and. enpicyels uho areeonpliance with ORS zol.obs aiLL be used on thie i"iii.i "--- PLan Etananer TdEe-- Building Volue & Permit ThispermLtisgrantedontheegpresseon-di.tionthatthesaid-consttactionslnll, in atl z'espects'-';";i;;i; the ctdirnnce edop.ted 6v the c1'tg of springfield, inc!,ud'ing'ti,Z''zoi+"g crdinanc-e' regulct:tng the ccnstmtcticn and use of buildin,s' ;;^;-L'": "iupn"anabr ietsokeC at "'y time upon oic- |a,ti.on of ona prc,tisions of said )rdir'ances' Enf TOTAL VALUE ITEM *Signed: DT House Lot Faces - 1.5 o ?otal Clwrgea Building PernrLt State Date Paid: PLan LCT TWE _ Interict' _ Cornet' _ Panhandle - Cul-de-sac Iot So. Pts. % of Lct Ccoerage_ # of Storles lotal Hei.ght TopographY Plumbing Perrnit No pe?eon sy'nLL construet, install,- alter. or cltonge -any ned-cr eristing Ol*rtl.W or drainage systan in u?nl.e or in part' unles.s s.uch person is the injit p"or"n"ro, o7"o u"alid plwnbet,,s Li,censZ, eccept tlnt a pe?son nag Qo- plrfui.Lg uork to prope,ty ihi-"h l" otmed' Leased or operated by the appli- eant. tiHAfrLrLNO.FEE Seuez, rTEM Residmti,al (1 bath) Fiotutes Plwnbing PerwLt Electricol Permit l{het,e State Las requires tlst the electrical uot'k be dane by an Electrical Cont?actot,, the elictyical po?tion of this perntit shall not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the EleetrLcal Contractor. Neu/Eetend. Citcwits Sensiee State Total NEM NC,FEE ft;ADfn htrndce EIU I S khanst Hood Vent Ean l,lcodstoue / lq.@.75 ls.25 -- ENCROACIIMEN? -- Seeurttu Deposit Stot,age Ma'Lntenance Pez,ttrit Cu?bcut Sida,talk ?enee Mobile llone ?O?AL AMOUN? DIJE: */5"fs Signed H Date < Wa*en Total Clnnqes Eleetrieal Label ,/a-),/ - ,