HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-07-25# )" =PFTNGFIELD .. RE APP SID^ {TIAL 'LICATION /PERI/LIT '37 ru 225 North |th Street"til,iriiri*a' oreson e7 477 BuLlding DiuisLon 7 26-37 53 Job Locaticn: Aesessors MaP # Subdiuision: Otmer: Addz'esa: Addition L 7t/7a -b Tos Lot # Ph'one DescrLbe llot'k: l,l- 0to ft ( ttA-o6"le d1*."-(- e;6 U ( t*Subd idt Si ei'-( Home 1-es-<t ,,r,fi1?W Date: Date of AppL icatian General r{\tr)r40)t)ELeetricaL Meeh.articaL It io the responsibility o! tle permtt lotder to see tlnt all inspections are nade at the ptope? tine' that ecch address is real't'?ie fron the stteet, anC. t?wt the pe?rtit catd is Loeated at the front of the propet'ty. *aui|-di;Lg D,)ticion appro"*ed plan shclL remain on the Building Site at aLL times. PR):EDUPE FoR INSPE1TTOI: RE7aEST,'CALL 726-3769 (z,ecordey) state your City designnted job nwnber, job aCdress, type of inspee=icr' requ@bereadyfot,inspection'Contyactcrso?anne"stulneandp7nnenunbel'.R'equestsreceitedbefcre7:00an'*ill be nade the sone dag, ?equests made aftet, ?:00 on tiLL be made the ncat uorking day. Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Nutnber fs 8*s6a- SI?E INSPECTI)N: ?o be made after excauation, but pz"ior tc set up of forrne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & MECHA-|IICAL: ?o be made before any uork is eotseted. lppLINc & FOUNDATTCN: To be naCe;Ftel tyenc6; at'e ercaoated and forms at,e ereeted, but ptiot, to Wuz.ing ecncrete. INSULATTON/VAPAR BARRTER il\SPECTION : Io be made aftet, aLL insulcticn a:"d z,equired uapor borz,iers @e in place but before uty Lath, Wpsutn bootC ot, tnLL coueting is applied, attd. befot,e oty iraulation i.s concealed. DRYWALL INSPECIf)N: ?c be made -. aftez' aLL &,yaall is in plaee, but pz,ioz, to ang taping. I4AS1NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gz,outing oz, oetticals in accordarce fith U.B.C. Section 241 5. WOODSTOT/E: ccmpfetA. After installation is DEUALITTO]] OR I.!OW' tsUILDI;|CS Sanitarg seuet, capped ct properQl Lire Septic tutk purped and filled trtth gra;;e L ?inal - Itthen abcue itens at,e ecntpleted and uhen d.anclt-tion is eortrp;Lete o? st/ac- ture naued and. prerrtses cleaneC up. - UNDERGR)U!]D PLUMEINC, SEWP. W.A?ER.)Lirq trenchee. -l ggptsrLooR pLUlBrNG & nEIHANTIAL:I To be mad.e prior to installation of floor insulation or decking. , I POS? AND BEAM: To be nade prioz, to ) ilstatTatlcn o1 floon insullation or deeking. -1 R)L|CH PLAtlBIllG, ELECTRTCAL & I/\ECH-lAwtcnr:@ - until these irrcpections haue been nad.e and approued. I FIPEPLACE: prLor to placirg facinqI mctez,ials and. before froning inspee- ti.on. a fnafnc: ttust be nequested after ) app_"oual of rough plunbing, electri_cal & mec?nnical. - AL! ?obling bracing & ehinmegs, ete. nast- be . eornpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspectton hns"been made anC approoed. SfDEWALK & DRI\AWAI: lor aLL con- ct ;GnaDWAffi stneet ri-ght- of-ucA, to be nade after aLL exea- tating canplete & forrn work & sub- base naterlal in place. CURB & APPROACH APP,ONue erecteC but prioz, concrete. After fonnsto pouring PDAlAD. gates When conplete -- prouiCe oy nottable sections through l ll l FTNAL PLUAAING FTNAL IIECI]ANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL P, U. E. ALL proiect conditions, such as the installation of street trees, conpletion of tierequired Landscaping, ete. " mtst be satisfied before the BaILDING ffNAL ean be requested.. STNAL BUTLDTNG: Ihe Einal Building. Inspection nast be requested after the .qinal plunbin?Electrical, anC Mec?nnical fnspections hqtte been nad.i and'approuei. Le Blocking otd Set-up Ph,tnbing connections -- saie! od. uatet Electrical Ccnneetion - Blocking, set-up and plunbing connections rnist be apprcxed b efot, e z,eque sting el-eclrl cal insp e c !io,-t Aecessory BuiLCing Final - After pcrches, skLrting, decks,etc. ore compT.eted. Page 1 of 2 *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOITTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIENT TO BE \L4DE !.T NO CSST TO Cr?y Conslmtct!.on_len4et b soLAR AGCESS REQ._ L-COG* Bedtoons PLan Eroniner I EAW CAREEULLI EXAMINED the conrpLeted application for pennit, otd do hereby certifg tVnt aLL information heteon is true and. correct, anC I furtker certify that any ard aLL Dork pe?forned sVnLL be done in aeeor- dance tLth the Ordinances of the city of SpringfieLd, and the Las of the* State of az,egon pertaining to tke uot'k Ceseribed herein' end tlnt N0 1CCU- PANCY l,iitl be rwd.e of any structu"e without pet nission of the Building DL- oision. f furthet, centify that only eont"acto"s and enplcyees uho a?e in conpliance uith ORS 701.055 v'LLL be used on this pt'oject ?otaL JOB NO. Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooez,aga f nq ryw? _ fntericr _ Corner _ Panhand.Le _ CUl-de-sac Lot Faces - # of Stot"ies ?otal Height Topographg DT House lleat Access th Lace I?EM t /u -- Fees --x VaLue Building Volue & permit Tlis -pennr.t,i,s granted on th^e etp"ess cond.ition tlnt the said constractionshall, in aZL z,eeoeafs, confornt io the oriirnn.n ad.op_te,C. by the City ofsp,ingfield' inctudinq- the 2;;;;";- ;;;"zrzz, nnsutotitts the ccnstnrcticn?!.y:n of buildin4.s,." "a ryri 2.q" ";;;;;;;;'.t, reuokec at cna tine upon oic_tafi.on of any prcuisions of iaid Ordinances. TOTAL VALUE D.U.L;. J.b r * Building PerwLt State Date Paid Iotal Clnrges Signed: NO FEE CHAR.:E liatures Plumbing Permit No- pe,son shall consfuact, install., alter ot, cLnnge anA nel cr eristing qlwnb-iw ot' dtainage sagtq in ulnle or in part, LnLesL sueh person is theLegaL.possessor of a uaLid plttnbet,s Ltcens-e, escept ttlat a pLr"on nay dophtnbing uork to property uhieh is omed, Leased oi operated ty the ippli.-cant. Resid.ential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Penrit * Electricql Permit Where State Lau requires tl"at the electrical uotk be done by an Electrical Contraetor, the electr.tcal porti.on of this permit slnll not be ualiC until the Label lns been signed by the Electtieal Contracto?. lo.?otaL o * C() Lto Io Natt/Eetend. Circaits Setoice -- ENCROACHMEN? -- rrcM NC FEE I State * Mechq nicol Permit bhanst Hood Vcodstotle Yent Fot PerrtrLt fssusnee Mee-lnnieel Permtt SecarLtu Depoait Storage Maintenance Attbcut Sideualk Fenee EZeetrical Label * O fbtl g @ Mobile Horne &5,cO S-c.-.,.xJ.)ll). ero d LIO TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *56.a>o Signed ,r f-s {. Permtt W .. RES' ENTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERI.IT 225 Nonth |th Street Springfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision / zo-o / Do "rob Loeaticn:2 C '37 ttt Reee;.ct 4 SPFTII{GFIEL.D Assessoys I'lap # Subdioision: A,mer: Addt ess:at ci Addition Le Hone E/-b Ias Int # Phone: l,l- oto Descri.be h'otk:"t'ifi;"i";' flo^^-( e& oc (rt'- Subd id.'Sr e.- o ft ( ( tt ie the responsibility ol the permit holder to see that aLL inspections ate nade at the ptoper tine, that eaeh addrees is vsaln'.ig fy9r1 tle st?eet, anC that the petmtt eatd is Located at the frcnt of the propettA*Buitding N,siciott aprou^ed pl^atz shcll yemain on the Building Site'at aLL' ttmes." General ELectyicaL ldechan:icaL ConsltwefiuL!ender ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. E'ECTRICAL & WCHNTCAL: Io be made before anytlotk is eotSet,ed. FTNAL PLUI4BIT|C FINAL I,{ECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL a pcormG & Fz:.)NDATT1N: ?o be tmce ) @AE;tct;; areZacaated attd fortns an,e ereeted, but ptiot to pour*ing ccnerete. - uNDERcpoutD eLUMzTNL Jtgir tlArLL )lirq trenchee. 1 uuoenrr,ooR zLUyETNG & I4ECHANTzAL:lol floon insula.tion or decking. I POST AND BEAI|: To be nad,e prtor to ) 6;;iGG;of ft oor. ittsui)xion or deckittg. -.1 ROUGH PLUIIBIIIG. ELECTRTCAL & T,'IECH- I - until these inspeetions hatse been made and approued. 1 rrptprrct, pt'ior to placirq fccing) nat;i;G and before'frr"tfr ir"pnl- tion. a PnMtnc: Must be requested after ) apprrrr"L of nough plwrbing, eiectri- eal & mechanical. AIL toofi.rq braeing E chinmeys, ete. rrust be . eotnpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- .. cealed until this i.nspectton las'been made anC approoed. Iour City Desigr,ated Job Numbet, fs INSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPEC?ION : To be made aftet, aLL insulaticn ard. reqtired oapor botie?s @e in place Lut before oty Lath, Wpsutn baatC ot, tnLL cotsering is cppli-ed, cnd. before oty insulation is eoncealed. DRYWALL INSPECIfON: Ic be nade aftet, aLL d.r,yuall ie in pLa.ce, but pz,iot to any tapi.ng. I.IASONRI: Steel T.ocation, bond E6ffilgz,outing or oertieals in accord@tce uLth U.B.C. Sbction 24L5. wo2DSr)vE: @^7TAA. After installation is CURB & AP?BACH APPON: After fonns @,e ei;;t;TfrrVnot, to pout"irq concrete. SfDEWALK & DRfIEWAI: Eoy, aLL eon- cretenarrfu-Aiffi street right- of-teA, to be nade aftet aLL e*ca- Dating eomplete & forn uork & sttb- base materLal in place. Date of AppL.ieation 1-;s -<S v,L,fi1qoo Date ' ntoriber,, job aCi.ress, type of i.nspee=ict ntnber. Pequests reeeixed befcre 7:00 m PROCEDUPE-F1R TNSPEC?r1tt R!?WST.'CALL726-3769(yecotdey) state yout City Cesigrnted job re-quested ar,.d, ahen gou uiLL be ready for inspection, Conttactcrs ot, Anters ncne cnd piune'*iLL be nade the sane day, "equests nade after ?:00 an uyLLL be made the nert aorking dag. 83s6a. - SITE INSPECIION: ?o be rrude after | %caortl;;;At priar tc set ip of JO"mS.I IENCE: When conPlate -- ProoiCej&i6 ot,nooable seetions through P.U.E. l l l I ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of the required Landsccping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FflAL ean be z'equested- FINAL BUILDfNC: The Final Building Inspeetion m$t be requested cften the linal Plwnbing \_,/ Electrical, ard. Mechanical fnspections h4ue been nade and. approoeC. J- DEI.IOLITIO!] OR }!OW' BUILDI;|CS Scni,totg saser capped et properfil Lite Septic totk p.a.ped and. fiTled rrith gza;sel Final - tt4ten abctse'Ltens ave ccnpleted and uhen detnolltior is eonplete ov atz'ue- ture moueC and. ptenrises cLeaneC up. e Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Pltnbi.n? connections -- aaner otC. uatet Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and. plwnbing connections m;st be apprct;ed before requesting el,ectrtcal inspection Accessory BuilCing pcrckes, skit ting, decks, 1 ^L^) ?iral - After etc. are eornp' Page 1 of 2iALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOI]TS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIE\I! ?O BE I.KIDE r'.? ilO CCST TO CI?Y [-l,-,, T lo SOLAR ACC S REQ.-r--cod Bei.z,oons: Reeeipt #: Signed: Plunbing Penrtt Petmii Iotal * Plumbing Perrnit No- pez'son slwLl eonstruct, instal!, alter ot cltange ana neD cr esisting 4lmb-iW ot, dtainage sVs-l? in u?nle o, in part, Lnles"s sueh pe,son is- theLegaL ,possessor of a oalid plunbet rs License, etcept tha.t a p:etson nay dopLtnbing uoz'k to property uhieh is otsned, Leased o, opetated ty tt e "ppli-cant. Electrico I Perm it wez'e state La,t re,quites th,at the eleetz,ical uork be dane bg an Eleetri-ealcontraetor, the eleetrieal portion of this permit stull noi be uali.c. untilthe label has been signed ly the Electrical'Contraetor,. Signed, JOB NO. Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cottetage LCT ?WE _ Interior _ Corner _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac Lot Faees - # of Stories Total lteight Iopography Df House Access -- Fees -- ITE14 FTG A VaLue Building Volue & Permir This pertnrt is gtanted on the ecpr.ess cond.ttion ttnt the said eonsttaction s^LwL.L, in_a-ll l,espects, confortn to the Ot&Lrnnce adopted 6ig the City ofspryngfield' includtng the zoning crdinance, regulatTng thZ ccnstruZtibn and.use o-f buildings,. and may be suspended or rleuokec'ot "-y time upon oic-Lation of altA prcuisions of said Ordinanees. ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 t Building Pdntit State Date Paid: Iotal Clwrges NO UnAIiLTL Ebtutes Residentia.L (1 bath) Seuet, CHAP,GE:to.FEE Na,t/Estend, Circuits Seroice iO .co Lto -. ENCROACIIMEN? -- rTEM NC pcr Mechqnico! Permit o;tffiaL lo. Eehanst Hood. Ilcodstot:e Vent Fot Permit fssucnee Meclwnical Pernrt,t Seeurtt! Deposit Storage Maintenance Permtt C'utbcu! - Sida,talk i+o7 1 ,ZO Mobile Hone COIas D" eloE TO?AL AMOUIIT DI]E:*5A.oa I 9-r l, Lan f flAw CAREFULLy ELAMINED_ t-he eontpleted application for permit, and. dohereby cettify that aLL infornation hereoi is ttae "ra i"iiit, -a tfurthez' :9rt\fu tha.t any ard aLL aork perfornea slnit-tl- a"i" l" acco?-dance t|th the Odinaneb.s of the city of-'sprl.rlgyjii, "rra tii Lc-.;s of the* s_rln_ of_l1geon pertaining to the uoik Teszritza nniL;i,,-"i1.- ttot No occa-PANcy vtll be nace of any-stz,uctute uithout permissionby tn" Buildi.ng Di-oisi2n' r furthez' -eeltiiiq that -only contz,actors aa aoptcgses uho are inconplianee uith )RS Z01.7SE uiLL be-used on this jri;ni,"i -"--' 5-Ctr-<-rt: