HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-10-23.. RESIE_.vilA1.. APPLrCArr2il/PERMru 225 North |th Street Sprr,ngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Di-uision 726-37 53 SPE'^fGF'EL.D -CIL Siqned:u/o--2 3-rc GeneraL Constmtction Lender It ia the tespons.ibilitg oi the penrit hoZder to see that aLL inspectiotrs aye nade at the F;?ope! ti,ne' that eech cddress is t'ealnb';e fz,orn ttv street, and that the petmit eard i.e Located at th9 front of the -properfu-leuilding Nuisior. approt:ed pLan slwll remain on the BuiLding Site at aLL ti-mes. PPOCEDTJ?E FOR \NSqECTTON RIQ,IIEg!:CALL 726-3769 (yecord.ey,) state your City Cesignated iob nwr,bet', job aCiz'ess' type- of i-nspec=:)cn eadyfot,inspection,Contl,aetcrsiya,mers.lwneLndp'?nnenumbet,.Requestsreceixedbefcre7:00cnt"iil be made the sane dcg, ?equests made aftet, 7:00 an rrLLL be made tke nect uoz'kirq day. Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Nwnber fs:lo( { Reouired fnsoe,ctions -rFtJob Loeaticn:b Tar lot #Assessore Map # Subd*;ision: t 0tmer: (S;ar €" / .en'-s "Addzess City: DescrLbe llork: Nedt-l Date of App Li,eaticn lo- ZZ-K v"L,k (c \3C hJ.'d-o-) h-\-or*qJAdditicn RenoCel Ott) Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connectians -- saie? od. uater Electrical Connection - Bloeking, set-u> plunbing connections rc;st be opprcted before requesting eleetr"ical inspeetion Accessor.; Building pcrches, skirt;-ng, decks'Pirnl - After etc, are comp Pege 1 of 2 SfiE INSPEC?I1N: Io be nade aftez' ercaoation, but priar tc set up of fonne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHI-,\TCAL: To be made before anga T{TZtsered. ?)1TING & EOUNDATICN: ?o be naCe ;F;i $encnes ave ercauated and forms are erected, but prior to pout Lng ccncret€. INSI]LATTON /VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTION : To be made aftet' aLL insulaticn cnd required oapoz, buviers ee in Placebut before any Lath' Wpsun baatC or tnLL couering is applied, ard. before any insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPEC?fON: ?c be made;tterZrT@;Afis in ptace, but prior to any taPing. I,LASONRI: Steel Location, bond didilgrouting ott oerticals i.n accorddtce tLth U.B.C. Seetion 24L5. WO)DST)',rE: After installation is anrpleted. DEM)LrTr)!:! 0R !.:)wt Saritary seser capped et p?ope?w^ Lire Septic tank p;arped and filled trtth g:ra.;el ?inal - I{lten abctse itens ote emnlete,i and uhen Cencli".ion is cotnplete or str'"13- ture nooeC cnd prerises cleanei up. Ecmes UNDERGR)UIID PLUMETNC, SEWEP., |/.ATE:1, DRAI!!G!: To be made pt:ior to fil-Ifr'Trenches. l-1 uaowrtooR zLUI.ETNG & MEIHANTzAL:ttof floor insulation or decking. POS! A[! BEAM: To be made Priot' to GidTTdGn of floot, insulation ot' decking. ROT,GH PLL]IEIIIG. ELECTRICAL & IIECH- GilTthese inspections Tnue been made crd approueC. CURB & APPRCACH ltP!9!: After formsee erecteC bui p,t'ioi to poumng concy,ete. SIDEWALK & DRI'"EWA!: For aLL con' cr.ete p@6EEirn street right- of-rny, to be mad.e after aLL etca- oating cotplete & fonn tsoz'k & sub' base rnateriaL in PZace. tion. FRA-LItNG: lhtst be requested aftet apptoual of rough plunbing, electri- cal & meclnnical. ALL roofing bracLng & chinmegs, etc. rntst be . eornpleted. Ito ucnk is to be con- . eealed until thi.s inspectLon lns 'been made anC approt:ed. ETPEPLACE: ^at;;7;G ?ilIAL PLUMBIIIG PINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Prior to plaeirq facing and. before froning inspee- IENCE: tarhen eonplete -- ProuiCejfr6i or notsable secti,ons through D II D ALL ptoject conditions, such as the installattcn of styeet tree_s-,- ccnpleiton-of the ,nqu.i.rn"a- Lanieeping, Ltu., ,rust be satisfied befo,e the BUTLDTN? Fr!\AL can be requested' FINAL BUILDING: The Einal Building Inspeetion rrust be requested after the Final Plwnbing \_/ Eleetrical, cnC Mecharical rnspections hquc been nade and appnooet' $ N XALL I4ANITCLES AND CLEANOI]TS I'IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIETII TO BE l'rADE AT IIO CCST TO CI?Y /fu )"-!"""d 0b*^ .qq)*]cA { u ea L-co G* Bedtoons:SOLAR A'^<:E S S REQ.' -- Fees -- Eeat Access JOB NO. Lot Faces - DT,House 1,ace tou^e r^m TWl Intericr Co?net Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Sq- Etg' % cf Lct Cotserage # of StotLes Total Height lTopogra?hA X ValueNEM Mai.n G(taqe Cayport Accessot u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 x lee: Date Paid: Thi.s pennvt is granted on the erpress condition tltat the said-constmtction sLnLL, in aLL respects, conform to the Crdi,rurnce edopted by the CLty ofspringfield' i-ncluding the zoning crdi.nance, neguleting the ccnstntcticn and.use o_f buildtn4s,_ and may be suspended or rbuokec Lt "ry time upon uic-Lation of any prooiaions of said )rdinances. * * Building PetmLt ?otal Charges State Building Volue & Permit rTEM NO,FEE CHARGE Fi^xttpes Plumbing Permit No pereon slmll, constyuct, instal?., altez, ot, change anu nea cr eristingqlwnlirw ot' drainage syytq in uhole or in part, LnLesL such penson is theLegaL -possesso, of a ualid plwnberts License, ercept that a p-et,son nag doplunbing aork to ptope?ty ahieh is ouned, Leased or operatei ty ttn ippli-cant. Residential (L bath) Seuer Plwnbing PernrLt .CIo * NailExtend Circuits Electricq I Perm it where state La, ?equines tlwt the electrical uotk be d.one by an Electriealcontractot', the eleetz*Lcal poz,tion of this permit slnll not be uatic untilthe Label Lns been signed q tne Eleetrical'Contractor,,Seruice €tD Total NC FEE CIlARGE ,s Mechonicol Permit Ethanst Hoo,l. Vertt ?an Hcodstooe PetmLt fssuance MecLnniccl Pernrf.t * -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sea,u-Lty Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit Cutbcut Sideualk "zoMobile Eone ,Q5.',o !. Signed: uate ?otaL f HAW CAREFULLy EXLAI-NE\ t,re eompleted application for pernit, cnd. dalyrelu certify that aLL information het,eon' is ttue ""a "Ziiil, "rra rfutthet,.centify that ang ard aLL aork perforned. shall be d.one i, o".oo_dance rrlth the 1yCinances of the City of_ Spz,ingfield, and bhc La;s of thcs_!at-9 ol ,o,,r9gon pertaining to the uoik Cescriblod hnnbir, cnd tlutt No OCCU_ llyl.\.-"fll-t; r17de of any sttuctute uithout permission of the Building Di_o1-slon. I lu?thep cez,tify that only cont"acto"s and enplcyees uho orb inconpliance aith ORS Z0L.055 uiLL be used on this projeet TOTAL A}iOTJN? DIJE: *L/lr 'oo * - Fence PLan Eooniner L0'--* I s k l) I 4\ ( \[ -N 5 .1. vCt-, , !.iF4'....s I S-.,VJ (11 ti .-- \.-}{ I'I t' o c.l <*-^ 1't/ +4 : (5 I ),1 I a .:.r.. ;:'il &; t it: . . i.ri. .t'..,:r-r. :I.._.j.',. j.i, :,, i+, .,t','. I JOB NO.SOLAR AT :SS REQ.-L-co * Zone: Pltnbing Perrrlt IotaL * Beitoor.s lieat Date Paid: Reeeipt #: Signed Plumbing Permit Ilo person shall cottshaet, instal!, alter or change anA nea cr eristing plwnbing or drainage syetan in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plunber's Lieense, escept ttnt a pe?son may dopltnbing uork to propetty uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the qpli.- eant. Electricol Permit Were State Las requires tlnt the electtical uork be done by an Electr[cal Contractot,, the eleetyLcal portion of this permit shall rot be uali.C until the Label las been signed by the Electrical Conttaetor. Z L PetnrL'" 2 -t * .ne/. I HAW CAREFULLY EXAI:,IINED the eontpleted cppli,eation fot, permit, dnd do hereby certify that aLL infornation hereon is true and corueet, otd f furthet, certify that atty ard aLL aork perforned slnll be done in aceor- dance,'tlth the 1rdinences of the City of Springfield, and. the La,;s of the State of A?egcn pettaining to the uork Ceseribed herein, and tha.t N0 )CCU- P/.NCy LrLIL be nnde of anA structu"e uithout permission of the Building N-uision, f futthen certify that otly conttactors and etplcyees uho are in eotnpliance uith CRS 701.055 ui,LL be used on thie project Lot Faces - Setbaeks P. L.House Can aae Aceess. Ilo"th East FirepLace South Wood.stou*e Lt Sq. F4. % of Lct Cooerage_ # of Stories LCT TWE _ Ittenicr _ Cornet _ Panhcnd.Le CUL-de-sac ?otal Height Iopogrqlry West -- Fees -- This pennt t is granted on the etpress cord.ition tlnt the sciid consttactionstwll, in all respects, conforrn to the 2rdinance adopted Liy the City of Springfield, inc?.uding the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ccnsttucticn and. use of buildings, ozd may be suspended or reuokeC at c,':A tine upon uic-lation of dry prcr.tisions of said 2tdinances. TOTAL VALUE FTG x a? PLan * E?T CHAPCE S.D.C. 7.5 c Va .ue /o ITEM lulain c.a> o Building Pernrit Total C|nrgea State Sutchoge Building Volue & Permit Fi.stures Resil.zntial (1 bath) SdnitanJ SeDer llctet, /rtr ! =_^:ito.FEE Res. So. fta, Neu/Ectend Circuits Taflpcr@V Seriee , Leexr' NC FEE * Mechqnicol Permit lJcodsto;se Vent Fdt bhanst Hood. B?U, S Penlit fssucnee Meclnnical Pennit -- ENCROACHMENT .- Sec,*itu Dzposit Storaae Maintenance PermLt Cvtbcat Sidasalk Fence Eleetrical Label l,tobile llone TOTAL Al'!)UltT DUE:r & /o. vo Signed Date State Surehange ?otal Chan,ces State Swclwqe