HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1990-02-02730 -{/ 3 l7'0f,L* BEET$\LL"IFTH 31 97477 SPRINGF IELD'OR IJJ (503)726-3 t ER MANAGEMENT 50'/a-i-,*Sh-cr}ri50 AL I \I /U FebruarY 2, 1990 Mr. Scott A. BeYers ioog tnarstrial Avenue ipti.gii.i o ' oreson 97 478 Subiect:PropertylocatedontheCornerof3Tthandlndustrial Dear Mr. BeYers: The city received an inquiry on your behalf regarding the status of the property you own on the'corner ot"flotif'"sitL iireet ind Industrjal Ave' The property has a Non-conforminq use. The zon'ing of the property is Low Density Residentiar. rn. suBairiiirr'inoir;i"piat Firit Aaait'ion) is also considered.-*irrri.tured r,ome trUaivisjon and would permit either a single family res'idence o. u runiiiciuiea home as permitted uses' Th'is orooerty has boti'u-tirgi. iun,ifV fro*. and manufactured home, therefore' trehting the Non-Conforming Use' You are aware that jf the manufactured home'is removed, or if the home ii Aestroyed by iir., the Non-Conforming Use.cannot be replqc9d' As long as the two units exiit ana the use of t[e un'its continues without a 90 day or longer interruption, the two units can continue to be occup'ied' If you want to sell the mobile home on the property and continue to allow it 1o be located on the property the Non-Conforming Status if not affected. 0wnership of the mobile home does not change it's status. If V9, have questjons I have not answered please contact the DevelopmentServices Department to discuss them. Cord'ia11y, Cindie Mott Code Enforcement atrcita - a copy to: Address file Euo + {qtrrtTCOURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DATE /ADDRESS OF INSPECTION ,TL PHONE NO. L OWNER 4 ADDRESS nrorrrn 2n ?.1 ?nt L PHONE NO. SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NI,JMBER - Sza 5 TYPE OF DMLLI NG: BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS: SINGLE FAMILY W DUPLEx t]MULTIPTE tr *L {3 {(tt (o5 Date of Inspection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Date For Compliance 0rder fssued To Owner Compliance Obtained - Date .1 q FOR OFFICE USE ONIY