HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-08-09.. RESIDENTIAL.. z2s ]torvh stit streeAPP!'rcA?rcY/PERIE! SpnnifielC, 2regon 9717? BuilCing Tiuision 7 26-s7 53 SPFIINGFIFI TA ?.cce:-=? ! Date: L33 , Coart?rcticn Lcaylg_ L 726-376 9 Jbr qa'v- 34tJob bcz:icn: Aasesoors :1eo I ?6. Iat # Subdiisicn: O-ller: ?3Ad&esa: 3-PTone: Deecribe hlotk: /h,e- Ddt. of A?p ACCitica t\-) 57-a vou"7 Gezetz.L l, i, !h.rcezoaoibili?y o,a the per.,l"ia holder to aeai'ral tt7. ,treec, ctl tlu.t the ; cad. ia LzcatedtSuiUirq }.luicio:z ct=:cted p u::en !ou sanc Ccg, :lrat_alf, inspections oa nad.e at Jhe proper linc, tlet a*h gu-eea is nen;-'-' it .*". froat of tlte property tsu'Jldt;tg Site at aLL' ttntes. state Aour Cifu Tesigr,zteC job twber,job d*ess, tgVe of ittspec)icn Pequesxs teczit;xi befcre 7:00 ,=.ct A.ze:s nane atd, citore nu;,tbct.at viLL be no.4e the nez,t tntking lotg CitV'Desigated, Job ilunbet fs: bs,t ?o4 5?obg:cat.lao .si?s .I.7.tP:C:rr.r.. acatccion, but ?o be tmCe aflerpicr tc se: u2 of requ'Jred uqot beie?s @e in p|aeehtt beJbre ozg la.zh, ggps.Et bc&C orrnLL covering :-s csglieci, otd. befcreotg ir,s-a7a,tian is concealed. dfter DPYIALL f}$?1tr!C!t: Tc be ranieaiter aLL <!ry,.nll is itt place,but prior to azy ."agitq. W.SO!I?Y: Steel Locattott, bord. beats, grculing ot oerticcls in accordance d=h tt.B.C. Section 2415, '.|0ODS?0'/!: After ittstalLa,tioz ieetoleted. t CURB 1 APPRCACE .e.?*tt: Aftet fornsee erecceC but przor to parrJng cona?ete. S|QE?ALI E 9RZT4A!: Por aLL cctt-cz,ete@r; st?eet right-of-tx!, to be naCe a.i1er aL! "^ica-uatir,g earpiete .3 ;'on utork & ;ub-inse rctep)al in .olace. -TI€, [,lhen conplete -- *ooidz gace6 o?;nouable sections tlrough P. U. E. n) Sdi'-a1 sanet cqiteC .t Fog€"fii Lilie Septic totk VttceC d fal,ral. vith gri;e, .rrri ie covc:ed. !Wi!::C 1 ?OA:!DA?IC:!: lo be rnCeaiier i"encneg ate ezcctatad crd, fcrns. cre efecceci, but prior -.opurirq c.ncter.. rD :]r t'ot tts =ter.cics. Ft::Ai ?!A:.B!::C Jftr.l .GFrr..t-."..r'^e r..r,.4.r-ga! ?IXAL Z-C?TC;L fo be ?t1ono Pincl - ilhen dase itans are ccnoleted.ei uhen letpl'-ticn is cantolete ar sa.t "-ture noool. oi praises cleaned up. u:tDEP!:icR ?aJ:9r:c,, !4!C?AtltC)!: zo oe na4,e pricr -,a inscallzttoa of f1aor lnsukciat or deckitg. ry57 l:tD ?rA:.t: To be raie ptzcr winszalktkn of 11oor insuk)ior, cr cLcR--rq. 30tcE ?!'r:s!::G. il3r9:a:a I :.8q7-nrc@ ur.='-L ihesa i*cecticr.s 'a:ue beer.nuie zd 4Vrxb=.Fi?!?r-Ai!: #,or .a pla.:!r4 fcr-rynccertzle ard, beiore iraing inepeZ- ciot2. FP-dy!i!ri: itut-- be recaec;ed af)erqprcvc! of rcugh ph,rair4, zleca,i-a,L t neciart*al. - eL! rcoi:ry brec|rq ! cidtorcas, ete. ;.tsc- beatqlctcd. !:o :iri ie to be calr . ceclad, uncil :his inseec;lor i"a,e 'beaz nroia and, cppr:ved. e ilcnes tslockutg otd, lat-t.o Plurtbing comrec---ictts - ca)i* aC, tntat Etectu)ccl- Ccntecc-Jon - Blockin4, ser-ut and. _olmbing crnzcetiona ra.st i-e qprcr;ec before reqaes=irg eleclylcal ir-s9ec:ic;z Aceessorl Builiiry ?in-zl - Aftcr icnckes, skJrting, Ceci,s,etc. @e caroie=ed. T ALL pro;ect ecrii:icns, suclt cs she .l.nstal7.ctlcn of s;?eec :tees, :c-lcxlm of :rereqaired icttscccir4, .tc.' n$t be sads;icd bcfcre ,.ia 3uiLlfi:C illiSl:sn be rzgJestcd. ?IIAL awi-al:tc: !T.e F!.naL S_uiVir4 Insgection -tst be requeste<i:j:ar the Fi>tal ?lurbin|Z!.eccrieal, oi J4eciunlc=L inscec=tcns -i,,qto been ncie arti'ctctouzi. I 'Aii :!A:;Ec:is AND cLlAltcws :tus! 3t .4CC3Ss:31i, .{t.,isi.'s.i'l :o ss i!1Ds :t: ::o ::st I Cry ?:='a ! oJ' 2 be nacie tlr r T u Kr T Refener:ce llunbers: Bairooms: ilot sq. Ptg. '% oi Lot Cooerage | # o7 stort"" ?otal Eeight ',:opogtur-hy ITELI Buildi-ng PemLt State ?otal Clnrges Plwnbing Penrit €tate taL State !otal Penrtt fssucnce l'leehanicel Penntt LOT TYPE _ fnterict _ Conner _. Panhandle CUL-de-sac Lot Faces - .- Fzes -. Va Building Volue & Permit Ihis perrntt ts granted on the etp?ess condition that the sail consttaction shall, in all respects, eonforn to the ordinance edopted by the City gf Sprtn4field, inc|,uding the Zoning Crdinance, regulatittg the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, ond mcy be suspended or teuokeC at c:nA time upon uic- latLon of anA prcoisions of said 0r'dir,.ances. * ,t Plumbing Permit No person slnlL constzuct, instalT-, alter or change ang neD cr ecisting pltinbittg or d.rainage systan in ulnle or in patt, unless such person is th.e Legal pbssessor of a talid plwnbet"s Lieense, escept that a pe?son may do plinbing uork to p"ope"ty uhieh i.s ouned, Leased or operated by the aPPLi.- cant. Electricol Permit Where State La't requires tl",at the eleetr"ical uork be done by an Electrteal Contractor, the electri.cal portion of this pernrtt slall not be ,,talid until the Label lns bem signed by the ElectrLeal Conttactor. Mecho nicql Permit Reeeipt #: PLan Ecatriner f HAW CAREFULLy EXAUINED t\e eornpleted appltcation fot pernit' and do hereby certify that aLL information hereon ie ttrve ard ccneet, and f further eertify that any ard aLL uork perforned alnll be done in aceor- dance trith the )rdinances of the City of Spr"Lngfield, and tha La,ts of the State of 1regon pertaining to the uork Cescribed henein, cnd tlnt N0 0CcU- PANCY tlitl bb ru'7e of any etructure urLtlout pemnission of the Bui.l,ding N- oieion. I futther cet,tifg that only coiltTactors and anplcyees uho are in conpliance uith oRS 70L.055 uiLL be used on thie proiect 7 Access !eat DT oeL House Caraqe North LareD LaceEastll South West SQ. FTC X Cctace C@Dort Accessoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x Date Patd CHARGE Sig':",ed: ITEM FEE Fi.rtures Residential (1 bath) Scnitarg Seuer Hetet, CIIARCEt'10.FEE Res. Sa. fta. llas/Ertend. Citeuits Tenpcrey Seroice CI]ARCEitc.TLL htrnaee P?U|S Ezltatst HooC Vent Fot llcodsto;se / 5, d<) ,60 5,60 -. ENCROACH!'IENT -- Serarity Deposit Storage l,lainternnce Permit Curbcut Sideualk Fenee ElectricaL Ia.bel I,lobile Hcne T)IAL AIilOU\|T DUE:' TotaL Date iJcb Nwtber: i Zor,,e: )ccupaneu Grot l ll *