HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-10-271 ! : ,, RESIDENTIAL,, 22 s North sth sltreeaPPLrcA?r0,/PERt/t? Spmngfield, Oregon 97477 Bdlding DLuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFI'^,GF'EL.tr, 7Job Locaticn: Tcz Lot #Aesessors ilq ll Subdio;.sion Amet: PVone:Address: tilod 3b t) e* lrel Sbnd'ly Describe h'ork: ValueDate of AppL t-_l ,Yas 6)7-Jno ldCiticn RenoCel GeneraL i,!eehariccL Soi'-ar1 seter eqped ct pro?etfui Litce Septic totk Etqed adn f")Llai ttth gT a"eL Pincl - it1ten cbcue itees ane cc:-roleted si uhen Cenclltion is eotplete o, st:,,ic- ture aoued otC prent,ses cleanei up. ilcnes tslocking od. iet-:,tp Plunbing cotmect:Jong -- sare? otC aatet Eleety)cal Ccnneet:Jon - Bloeking, set-u, and. pldnbing eonnections rrust be apprcxeC before requeaiing eleclr)cal i,nstee=io;t Acceseo?j BuiT,Cing Einal - After gcrckes, skirting, deci,-s, etc. oe ccnple'-ed. Pzge 1 of 2 CcnsJruetica_lendg _ lt ie the resporsibiZity oi thc pexlrt; irol.d,* to see tllat aL! inspectioas ee nade at '-he fron the street, dnA ilta,t the pqfiit cal ia Located at the fmt of the property.*ZuildLH b)uicio- coi"cv'ed pl.ot shc.Ll renain on thE Euilding Siic at zLL times. PI?1CIDUPE FoR I\ISPE*IQ|!_?|fl|EE!:CALL 726-3769 (yeeorder) state ,lout City Cesigrated job @eady Jbr i*pection, cont?dct.nt "i aoners'nane Z,a pui" >iLL be nanie the sante dcy, leqrcsts naie aft* ?:00 an utill be nade the nez.t'xrkitq dng. your CitA'Desigra,ted Job tttunbet Is pto?e, tine , thdt aach ciltess is tea;ao':e r nttrber, ;ob aC&ess, tgpe of inspeclicn nwtbcr. Requesxs tecei"*eci befcre 7:00 c. g3 zlq I-l srg MS?3C!rCit: I I *caat'lon, but JC7n3. ,I T I ,] ?o be rnade afterpriar tc se, u? of UilDSRSLAB P'L'|TtsI:IG. ZLZCiPICA!, 1 |,ECH!-1|ICAL: 7o be nade beiore ang urotk ie eooered. PCOTINC 1 FOA:IDA?ICil: lo be rmCe Mffi; are-e.ccuated ard forms c.re etected, but prior tn pou*r.r,g ccncte+ue. UIDIRGPOUTD P'UM9|YG. SillEP,'I,II'R. DP,A|IIAGE: To be nate grJot to fil- @Venches. AilDEPFLCAR ?|,|JI.gflC' !,{ECqAilICA,L :@o7floor insuia.ti.a-n o" decking, P1S! .4119 BE/*',|: To be naie prior to --- instalictian oi iloor insulaiion cr deckin4, IOI]GE ?ICET||C, |LICTP.ICAL ) )IECI: a!!QAL: llo uotk is ro be co"*eteci utxzL these iv.soectioT:s hzue beez ruCe od, qprctsed.. FI?EPLACI: N-ot '-o -olcczrg lccingncterials and before frailng inepec-tior. lFA.IrIllC: !,tust be reouested aflet qproual of tough plwbing, zlectri- a,L 6 neclnnical. ALL rcoJ'in4 bracitq 4 chinmegs, etc. rrtsx beanpleted. llo wrk ia lo be con- . cecled until this inspecticn i"as 'been mo,l.e anC qpnoed. FI}IAL PLA1,EI;IG FI:IAL |{E'HAIIICAL E7\Ar ?l?ro14.r INSALA?ION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPICTION : To be rrade after aLL inatlcticn ei required uqor bav'iets @e in place br* befcre azy lath, Wpswt baard or txLL couering is cpplied, od. before oty insulati,cn is concealed. DRYTALL IIISP!*ICY: Tc be nade aftet aLL bJ,.taLL t-s in place, but prLor to cng tapittg. WS1NPI: Steel Locatioa, bond beans, groulit4 or oerticcle in aceorrlatee Lrith U.ts.C, Section 2415, After installation ia CURBI, 4P282ACE lEfiN: Aftet forms d, e Z " ecdb"\"tffi to p ottr:ng a?1c?ete. SIDYTAL4( 3 2REEq{A!: For aLL cctt-aeteiffiffi; st?eet flght- of-,.vy, lo be naCe ai'tet aL! azca- oating eryLete t iont wrk & sub- inse ,taterial in place. itO0DStc,/!:erym. eLL pto;ect conditions, such as the ;-.nscallcticn cf st?eet i"ees, tc-cleiion o;' t;e reqtined LanCsecpir4, etc., mtst be satisfiedbefore cip SUILDI1IC ?I]|AL eenbe teqtested- ?INAL SIIILDMG: lhe Final Buildinq fnsoeotion ntst be rcqtested zi'ter the iinal ?l-unbing ileccr.ieal, ,al. ileclun-cel inspeeticns itaue been ncde atd epprouaC. 'ALL i.lArtflCLES AND CLEAI'IO|JTS:IUST BE ACCISS!3LT, .4DiUS7:!::t! iO 3E:.,ADl:i.? i:0:iST ?C CITy Date: u f--'l -,gvsr: 't{hen conplete -- *ouiCe L) gdte6 or aouable'aectians thnottgh [-lP,U.E. L] c JOB NO ,L-co ?. cf Lct Catsetace ! of Stories iotdL taagh-- ,?ogogg'tq Plwbirq Perrit State Sttcl"^rge Penat fssu,ctee !,teciuniccl Percr|t soLAf cc ESS REQ.' L9; -;-- Intetict Coxne" ?anhcnt'Le I ,ut-dn-to' Lcce iote Receipt # St gred: Plumbing Permit No- per.eon sha-Ll cqnsimtct, instcll, alter ot charqe anA rea cr es.Jstirg p-Lwnb-ing cr cb,einage sgst€1l in ahole or in patt, unLesb such persan is- theLe-gal.possessor oi a ualid plwtber,s License, eccept th,at a oZ:son nay doplmbir,.g uork to prope"tV aldch is or"tted, Lecsed or ooerated bg the aipli.-cant. Electrico I Perm it where state Lan reqtires tlut the electrtcal uork be dane by an Eleetrtcalcontrdeto?' the eleetrtcal portion of thia pernit sl,a.Ll rat be oalic untilthe Label ltas been signed by the Eleetrical- Cantracto?, Mechonicol Permit 'Lot Faces - Access.iousecr ?an, Sot;th West s€. F:t :<'r'aLue:ltv :.b.an a:cce :.7.1L I/AL:;g S.D.c. Z.s " ''"t'" - r--{i -.E Building Vqlue & Permit I This pern:,t,ls otcnted on the eqress eardt,tion tl@t the said.eonstrtclionsiali, in aZL y,esaects, cor.fcrm to:he Cz'dinarce aCoc;ei.:i2 the 1:-:1 :f Spmngf'JelC, incltxiTng :he Zoning Ctdincttce, regul,;::)t:o ):Z ecns;r-,-er)Zntni.,tse oi builiings, and n=y be susoend.eC oy rersckei 4t .n!! lane ,"i?.n tac-laticn of zr;u prcoisions oi saiC CnCir,ances, EuiHtrq ?etrtt lotcl lhances !i.:tures Restd,ential (1 bcth) Scnitag Setser 'ictet .'!'aa:;;0. Pes. So. f+-a Nan/Ertend, Citetits latoorty Sertice '1, ' ^.a.7t. htrr.zce 3TU'S *lwnat HooC Vent Pa Tcodstc:se )/ {90 . (ob i/s60 --,:lcP.cAc:t:.!E:t? -- Seetm,tu Dzccsit Stc"ace llcintencr:e, Per*it l)lAL A,|.!CU!!? 2U!: .b0I Curba* PLcn f EAW CAAEFULLY gXAlqIilED the cona!,eted aoolicaticn for petmi:, arui cchereby certify that aLL ilfotna*bn het,eoi- ia tote oiC "Zrr""t, " i tf,ntkerlettifi that cny ard. aLL aork oerforned slnll be dote i, o""cn- tiance :,rith the Ordinsees of the City of Spz4ngfield., anC ;he Ld!:s of izeState of )regcn pertaining to the ao"k Cescribed hereir,, cnd :i.a,t yO ,CCa- F.t-llC.I :,tilL b-e ru^ie of ary stTuctu?e uithout permission cJ' the 3u.-idirE 7--oision. I f,tyther eer+-ifc- tha.t oltly cont?aetors o-d. atrplcyees ,;i^.c ctZ ir canpliance a.:.th CRS 207-7sS uiLL be used oa this ptoject k.'6 -27't3 - Date , Yobile ilcae Sigr.eci f :7J:t !c):L *occs State 2 LeCimCd L ,C1e L SPtrINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works November 6, 1984 CERTIFTED LETTER Mr. Neil Fain 140 North 47th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 Dear Mr. Fain: The Spningfield Building Code Administr"ative Code requir^es that, in onder fon a pe::mit to nemain valid, construction wor"k authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of punchase of the permit. If work is suspended or abandoned during the cou::se of construction for^ a perioC exceeding l-80 days, the penmit will automatically expire. If a permit has expined and suspension and/or" abandonment of wonk on aproject has not exceeded one year, a penmit to start or resume wor"k may be purehased fon one half the fee required for a companable new permit, pnovided that no ehanges have been made in the original plans and,/or speeifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a per:mit holden anticipates the need fon more time to begin const::uction work, the Supenintendent of Building may ehoose to gnant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt fi:om the penmit hol-der of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most necent information in oun reconds with regard to constnuction activity associated with your pe::mit. Please advise this office of youn intentions with regar:d to the permit by ten(tO) 6.r" fr"om the date of this letten. Please direct all inquires to the Spr.ingfield Building Safety Divisi.on at 726-3659. Sincer"eIy, Lisa Hoppe:: Building Safety Division attaehment ch 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753 JOB ADDRESS: 1 North 57th Stre JOB #: 832179 LAST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: 984 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PER}4IT: _VALID: However, yourd permit wil I expire on If_you w'ish to request an extension of your permit, please notify thisoffice in writing prior to the above ment.ionbO date. *If the "expired" box, above, is checked and we do not hear frorn you by Novepb€- 1,7 1S)g4 (ten (10) days from the date of this lettei), waour fjles of all related information with regard to the permit. will clear lh xx EXPIRED: Your permit expired on Oct et 2. 1984 If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be appl ied for. * SPRINGFIELD CrIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works Ma::ch 30, 1984 CERT]FIED LETTER Mn. Neil Fain 140 Nonth 37th Stneet Spningfield, O::egon 97478 Dea:: Mr. Fain: The Springfield Building Code Administrative Code requires that, in o::der" fon a penmit to ::emain valid, constnuction wonk authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the permit. ff work is suspended or abandoned duning the course of constr"uction for a period exceeding J-80 days, the permit will automatically expire. If a penmit has expined and suspension and/or" abandonment of wonk on a pnoject has not exceeded one year, a penmit to stant or resume work may be purchased fon one hal-f the fee requined for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been made in the or"iginal plans and,/or specifications. If a penmit has not yet expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for: mo::e time to begin eonst::uction work, the Supenintendent of Building may choose to grant a one time extension of the per"mit not to exceed 180 days upon neceipt fnom the penmit holde:: of a wnitten request explaining why the extension is necessar"y. The attached for"m indicates the most recent infor:mation in our r:econds with regand to construction activity associated with your penmit. Please advise this offiee of you:: intentions with r.egar"d to the permit by ten(fO) aays f::om the date of this letter. Please di::ect all inqui::es to the Spningfield Building Safety Division at 726-3659. Sincer"ely ) Lisa Hopper^ Building Safety Division attachment ch 503/726-3753a225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97 477 JOB ADDRESS: 140 Nonth 37th JOB # | 832!7s LAST ACT]VITY DATE: OTHER: N0 INSPECTION RECORDED: xx CURRENT STATUS OF PERMIT: VALID: However, youlr permit will expire on Apr:i1 27, {g}4 If you wish to request an extension of your permit, please notify this office in w::iting prior to the above mentioned date. EXPIRED: Youn permit expired on If you plan to start on resume work on the project, a new penmit must be applied for.. :tIf thettexpinedrt box, above, is checked and we do not hean from you by (ten [fOJ aays f::om the date of this letter), we will clear our files of all r:elated information with regard to the permit. ch xx