HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1986-06-26!" RESID=.tlTlAL" ' APPLTIATTIN/PERI,I=? 225 North |th Street Springfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-3? 53 S\bdirsieion: SPIIINGFIEI.D Phone L,I -/ zip VdLUE {(z Ioun City Designated Job Nwnbet Is INSL'LATION/VAPOR B.ARRIER IIISPECTIAII : ?o be nade aftez, aLL insulaticn ed. requTned uapor burie?s a?e in p'l-a.ee but before ory l,ath, Wpswn baayC oy tnLL coueting is applied, and. before oty insulation is concealed. ! Otner: Addtess: city: o t--t f/--rr NeD Deecz,Lbe llork: fu/ruAddl:tian RenoCel 7 ,rourrn ro,"si.gied: Ca- o"tn, C-2G -9b 'ntmbet,, job aCitees, type of inspee=icn nunber. P.equelis receixed befcre 7:90 c:t Saofse It ia the'tespottsibility of the permit hodet to aee tlnt aLL inspections dte nade at the prope? tine, that eceh cddrees .is vsa)a7i2 fron tha st?eet, anC that the,perittt e@d is Located at the front of tte property*rui1-diyq Nuiciot ccpro"^ed pl,an slnll remain on tla Building J:.te'at aLL' t{mes.' Date of Applica GeneraL Construeticn Lend.en UIIDE.?SLAB PLIIIBITIG, IL,CTRICAL & |ECHI||ICAL: To be made before ang ulork is eotsez,ed. FTNAL PLUI4BIIIC PINAL MECHAIIICAL FITIAL ETTCIRICAL PPOC:9"'PE FOR INSPaC?I1ll RIS.||EST;CALL726-3769(reeoyder) state your City designated job eaciyforinspection,Contractcis"ia.n","",*neLndpiunet'til be nade the sane dcy, requests nade after ?:00 Git urLLL be made the nczt aorking dcit. .,-l S; g f.?-c-E:i:--J.'J: To be rm.de aftet,;J escauaffi;A; pt ior xc se= up of roans.I DE}.:OLTTIAT CP, V poor.ruc & Fou;tDATrcN: ro be nace'J @" wfi;E;-a6-ercaoated atd forns ate erected, but prior to pouring ccneret€, 7 uwsncpouto pluuztuc, stwt-"., w.qrm,'J Lirq trenchee. 7 uaoenrLooR zLU:ETNG & uECtrANrcAL:'tof floor insulction or decking. a Posr l,wo aeA,u: To be nade pr.ior to, I ffiLdlan oi ftoot insul,a.tion ot decking. -I ROLICH PLUIBII]G. ELECTPTCAL & I,{ECH-il - w*il these ir*peetions lnue been nade cnd appnoued.. a rrywll,cti wiot to plceira faeinai I ffimG atul befone franirfi ;i"pnl- tion. 7 fnufnc: Ltust be tequestei aften ) approl"L of rough pli*ing, eiectni- a,L & nechdnieal. ALI roofing btacing E chinmeys, ete. mtst be . contpleted. llo wtk is to be con- . cealed until this inspection lns'''been nane anC apptooed. llI _l DRIWALL illSPEtrf)N: Ic be nade after aLL dtyuall is in place, but pnior to any taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting or oetticals in accondace LlLth U.B.C. Section 241 f. WOODSTO'IE: empTetA. After installation ie CURB & APPROACH APPON:After fonns 'pour.Lngue ez,eeteC tui piol to conc?ete. SfDEI,IALK & DR||EWAI: Pot, all con-c"ete@Atffi street right-of-tn!, to be nad.e after aLL exca- oating cotrplete & forn untk & sub- base materLal in plz.ce. ?E\[CE: Wher conplete -- PtouiCe gates or nooable sections through P.A.E. ALL project conditions, such ae the installation of street trees, co::toletion of thetequited Land.seqir.g' etc., taat be satisfied before the BUILDINC FII\AL canbe requested. n IINAI: lurtDrllc,- th? Final Bui.Ld.irtg. rnspeetion nuat be requested cfter the pi.nal plunbing \--l Electrical, otd Meclunical Inspeetions haue been nade atd'apptooed. Sani2ary seoet eapped ct properfil Line Septic tank p;n-ced add. fi.Lled ti.th gzatel Pinal - 't{hen c.bcoe itens ote eettoleted and uhen Cq.olition is conolete by stt r- tute naued od. ptewises cleanei up. llobi e Hcmes Bloeking o'd Set-ttp Plunbing eonnections -- aa)er d. ualet Eleetrieal Cotnection - Bloeking, set-ut and plwnbing connections nr;st be apprc"^ed before nequeeting el,eelrical inspec|io:t Accessory- BuilCing Final - After pcrehes, skirting, deeks,etc. ate conpleted. "rob Iacattcn:0 Ce CIc,s Iat # *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S ilUST BE A1CESSTBLE, ADJaSTE|I? ?O BE t!\DE !.T NO CSST rO CrIy 0 ,r.fu ,a €' r ,eaeasorst*,pt 11 OZ 3/ 4=- Page 1 of 2 SOLAR ACIXSS REQ.-L-co d Bedvoons:Zone: bt Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cawage 3 of Stortes Total Height ?opography ?OTAL VALUE 7.5 c Building Pernrit State ?otal Clnrges Seuen Plunbing Perrrtt ilan/Exterui Cit cuits Set uiee Stete Total Grouo: LCT ?WE _ Interior _ Cormer _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Building Volue & Permit This pertrit is granted on the etp"ess condition tlnt the said eonstruetions_lnll, in_a-ll.respeets, eonfcrm to the Ordirnnce edopte,L 6iy the City ofSpt-ingfield, incT-uding the Zonino Cydinance, negulctitzg tttb ccnstra-ctibn otd.use of buildings, otd may be suspended on rbuokec ot "*y time upon uic-la.tion of any prcoisions of said 1rdirnnces. Receipt # Sigled: Plumbing Permit No- person stn_l.L.consttuet, instaLl-, alter or elange cnA nel) cr e:istine glwnbittg or dtainage sAsten in uhole or in paz,t, utlesi sueh person is the Legal.possessot, of a ualid plunber,s Licensb, ercept that a De"son nay doplunbing uork to p?ope?tA uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the ippli- cant. JOB NO. -- Fees -- P. L.House Lot Faees - I?EII x Value )b.in Catpcrt Check D-+a D-.i A CHARGENOfLL CAAP,GE; a:, Mecharnicql PermitBTU *hast HooC Vent Eol ilcodsto;se .,CCJFL PermLt fssuanee MeclnniceL Per,rrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- t PLan Eranlne? )crmit Tatal Charaes t&bcut )LAeUdLk 'enae 7 lobile Hane I HAW CAREPULLY EXAMfNED tle eornpleted application for pennit, and do hereby certify that aLL information hereon is ttue and cow,ect, anC f further certify that any ard aLL oork perfotned shall be do:'.- i.tz accot,- dance tith the )rdinanees of the City of Springfield, and. the La,;s of the State of )regon pertainina to the uork Cescribed herein, cnd tlnt NO )CCU- PANCY till be naCe of any st?uctu?e vtthout petnission of the Building D-.-oision. I further eertif'g that only contraetors and enplcyees uho arb in eonplianee Dith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this pz,oject Fi!.T; r' DA: (* ob->_ '3IAL Al41UllT DUE:r 5 oo Signed Date A-26-rb (]anaao Accessov,u s. D. c. Residential (1 bath) Electricol Permit hVtene state Lan requiz,es tlnt the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrieal Contraetor, the electrical pontian of this permit slnlL nct be oali.C untiithe Label Ltns been signed by the Electrical Cont"actar.