HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1987-10-12" RESIDL--..TlAL" APPLICATI)N/PERI'III 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 ss SPFIHGFTEI.D lr/ Qo), fu'1r9 !19194, 1aatt=- D/<_ fix- llr I Date /o-/e-a7 Genet'aL Consj@_tfu_ Reoti-n a,.1 Tn a on'f.t' rne It io the reap-alaatibiti@ @f tle penrit holder to eee tltat all inopections oe nade at the Enope? tine, that ecch address is teaCqhi.e fra n tlu straeX, ard that Xlze pnrtt eatd ie Located at the fuont of the propet frl.*Building bioiiot ryr:roced plan shall yemain on the Bunlding Site Zt aLL' tikes.- PROCEDAP4F1R.f$'9PEA?n'1N &\1WST:CALL726-3769(tecotdet,) state uouz, Citu Cesiqrnted job nunber, job aCitess, type of inspecticn eadufot,inspection,cont?acta?soia*n,"",o,,eLndptaienumber.-R'equestsreZ.liLabZ7cr,e,?:00c:i,tiLL be made the *w day, ?equests nade after 7:00 an trtll be made tke nert:mtking d.ay. Iout, City Desigr,ated Job lfunber fs 6,7 01 tr t 17+\ s+-"tob Locaticn:.! A":"::!" M"p # l\ Oq Al \+Z r # A&4 d36Aq d.>74 Svbdiuision:,i be At {z- Ro* .- Gr-r-* sx LL*t'^ t'\ Ro-{o-su,Otmer: Address: l3Z q S,J \?Yr r Or^6e-h -6t t t-Phone: gc0 , l--t Net) TI Value Additi,onl RanoCel DeserLbe Hotk: (^,-" Pege 1 of 2 qTAO TnlqDtanTnil. edauffion, ffi ' Io be nade aftez,prior tc set up of forms UIIDERSLAB PL.AWTfiG. ELECTRICAL & WCHI-IIICAL: To be made befoz:e any uork is eooeyed. P0)?fNc & FOANDAYTDN: To be rmCe M6e,tcffi @ escauated ard. fonns are erwted. but prior to pourtng ccn*st€. UNDZRGROUIID PI,TME]MG, SEWER, W. TER, DRAIilAGE: ?o he owd.e pr"ior to fil- @-6e".nee- ANDER?LOOR PLMIE.ING & ]4ECHANTCAL: oy floor ineulcbdan,w decking. POST AND BEAM: To he rnade prtor to ffiliTffian o; flnar insulation or decking. ROUGH PLWBIfrG. ELTCTRICAL & T,IECH: ANICAL: eo fio?k,is to be couet,ed wftil these inspetions hare been nade and ryywooeL EIP.EPLACE:mat;i;f; INSULA?ION/VAPAR BARRTER ilISPECTION : To be nade after aLL insulaticn a,nd. required uapor buvie?s @e in place but before ory Lath, gApsum baatC or tnLL coueting is applied, mtd befote otg insulation is concealed. DRY\|ALL TNSPEC?r)N: Ic be made -. after aLL dryuall is in place, but prior to ang taping. MASONRU Steel Loeation, bond beons, gtouting or oez,tieals in accotdqtce Lltth A,B.C. Section 24L5. tlo0DST)rtq: ccntpT;tA. After installation is DEM)LrrrAlt 0R :.:owD Sanitary seuer eap>ped at property Line Septic totk purped ard filled trtth gT atel linal - l,1ten abcue itens are ecrnpleted and uhen d.enclition is conplete o" strue- ture moued and. y,er,rtses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking and Set-up Plwnbirq connections -- seoe? old. uatet ElectricaL Conneetion - Bloelang, set-up and plwnbing connections rn;st be apprct;ed befoz,e z,equesting elee*-z"ical inspectiol Accessory BuilCing Firal - After pcrekes, skitting, decks, etc. aPe eonpleted. T CURB & APPROACH APPON:d,eZ;;;t;7bntV;lot,After forrnsto pouring fui,ar to plaeir4 ad befare frodng cone?ete. SfDEilALK & DRf',EI1AY: Eor aLL eon- crete pauing uithtn stteet right- of-tng, to be made after aLL erea- oating canplete & forn uork & sub- base material in place. h4ten complete -- ProuiCe facinginspec- tion. FRAI,IING: Mustt be requested aftet, @noiat of rough ptwnbing, eiectri- cal & mech,stical. ALL roofizq bracing & eWnmegs, etc, rrust be , conrpleted. llo actk is to be con- , cealed until this inspeetion has 'been nade anC approued. FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL ATCHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL gates or motsable sectians through P, U.E. t\ ALL project conditions, such as tlte installation of street ttees, conrpletion of the required lanCscepirg, ete., rntst be satisfied before tke BUILDINC FINAL can be tequested. n FrNAL BUTLDTNG: The Final Building rnspection mtet be requested after the Ftnal Plunbing \-,/ Electrieal, anC Mechanieal fnspectione haue been made and approoed. *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS t,tUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!{EN? rO BE t44DE A? tto cCSr TO CITy Date of AppLiwbtaw_ 4 tr JOB NO TotaL SOLAR --\CESS REQ.- -- Fees -- L-co d Bed.t ooms: lleat Reeeipt #: I IIAW CAREEULLY EXAULNED tle eornpleted appli-eation for pennit, qnd do hereby cettify that aLL infortnation heyeon is trae and. coz,z,ect, and. f furtket, certify that ang ard aLL uork perfot-:ted slnll be done in accor- danee tith the 1rdinanees of the City of Springfield, and the Lc";e of the State of Oregon pertaining to the wrk Cescribed herein, and tlat N0 OCCU- PANCY rtill be naCe of arz7 st?uctu"e trLthout per:nnission of the Building DL-uision. f futther certify that otly contraclors ozd mplogees dho oie in eanpliance uith oRS 701.05s uiLL be used on this project /c-ta-6? Building Vqlue & Permit This perwLt is granted on the e6p"ess condition tltat the said eonstywctionslnll, in all respeets, conforrn to the Crdirwnce edopted 6:y the City ofSpringfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstrubticn qnd. use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of etA prctsisions of said Ordinances. Value Aceess tfu x Signed S.D.C. L.5 c Df House Lot Faces - TOTAL VALUE ue Euilding Pemrtt ?otal Clnrges State Date Paid Check Eee: LCT TWE _ fntericr Corner Panhandle CUL-de-sac Lot Sq. Etg. % of Lot Cooez,age_ I of Stories Total Height Topogrqhy Plumbing Permit Nq pereon stnll eonstruct, instal?., alter ot' change an! nea cr ecisting plwnbing or dtainage sgstan in ahole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnber's Lieense, eccept that a pe"son nag do pltmbing uork to p?ope?t! uhieh is oumed, Leased or opet:ated by the appli-unt. NO.FEE CHARGE Pi*tutes Resid.entia.L (1 bath) Sa,ter Plunbing Perrit State Tota Electricol Permit Where State Las requires tlat the eleetrieal uork be done by an EleetrLcal Contnaetor, the electr.Leal pottion of this permit shall not be ualiC until the Label lns been signed bg the Electrical Cont?acto?. Petwtt Iotal Neu/Eotend. Circuits Setntice NC CIIARCE Mechqnicql Permit blunst EooC llcodstooe Vett Fot Per'mLt fssuntee Meclwnical Pernrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -. Sec"r'ttA Deposit Storage Maintenance Per,ttrtt Cutbcut -- Silatalk Fenee d,oo Electrical label Nobile llottte PLan Exotn-net uate TOTAL AT4OUN? DUE:*/a-s,) * \q Date h*'nace PTtl'S ?otal Clnraes State ,t