HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-04-11-- .' RESID._ JTIA[.. APPLICA?IOil/PERI.IIT 5 North |th Street ringfield, 0z'egon 97477 11, Ldlng DLuLsLon )6-37 53 SPFI'tvGFTEI-D eaticn: sors Map #1c 3/a ,1)L5L0n: ?: ?ess: u ?as lot, #2- -./, L t'6til4tde,-DescrLbe llork: Orc_ cz- t1 ,,oorrn ro n {gu^Date: Date of Value Conslruetion_Iendet It ia the tesponsibiltty of the pernrit loZdet to aee tlnt alt inspectiotts ee nade at tle pto?e! tim€' thdt each cddress is readabl-e fnon the st?eet, and. that the per*it eard, is L.ocated at the ftott of the gqpefiy.*Euitding D,ioision approt;ed pLan shcll remain on tlp Building Sitc at aLL tines. .._ ! DEI.IOLTTIA!] OR San)tary seuer eapped at property lite Septic tmk yaped and fi-Lled tith gz'asel Final - hlten abctse i,tens ate ecmpleted and utren Cetnclition is cornplete or st?ul- ture mooed atd. pz'enrLses cleaneC up. Le Hcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plutnbing connectt)ons -- sa)te? od. uater Eleettieal Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-ua and plutnbing eonnections rnist be apprc"^ed before requesting eleclrLcal inspecliot': Aeceasory auilding skirting, decl<s,Pirnl - After Pct'ckes,etc. ane conPleted. Page 1 of 2 7-H -/0Phone: GenenaL ELectrtcaL l4echorical I I SIYE fNSPECTION: To be made after e-;"oA;",T| prior tc set up of forms. ANDERSLAB PLU\B T!G. EI,EETRII4tr- 4 WCHA-ilfCAL: To be nade befot,e anyffiTiaooeted. ?))TfNC & F)UNDAT|CN: Io be tmde TNSULA?TON,/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION.: Io be nade aftez' aLL insuleti-cn cvd required uqor bu'tiera @e in Pl,ace but before ory lath, Wpswn boa.YC ot' tnLL cooering is appli.ed, and before any i.nsuZation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECIf)N: Tc be made ifret' ZIT@aatTt s in pl.ace, but prior to any tapirq. \4AS1NRI: Steel Location, bond diffilgzouti.ng or oerticals i-n aceondotce uLth U.B.C. Section 24L5, ----1 ultDERcpo u :t D ?LUMD_!! tL ;!wE!2_ t/!!!R, )Lir4 trenehee. a unomruooR pLUI.ErNc & I4EzHANTzAL:lof floor insulation or deeking. 7 posr AND BEAM: To be nade priot, to ) 6;;aAn;of flooz, iraulbtion ot decking. --l ROUGH PLAEIIIG. ELEC?RfCAL & I,\ECH- I - -w:til these inspeetions haue beer' mad.e cnd aoptotsed. I Pnwuct: Pz-Lor to placir4 facing| ffi"ri"G and before franing inspei- tion. a fnulmc: Llust be requested after I approoat of rough plurbing, electri- - AL & necianicil.'ALt rob7i,g' btaeing & chinmeys, etc. tntst be . eonpleted. llo ucrk ie to be ean- . cealed until this inspeetLan las 'been ma.de anC approued. after trenches are at1d. forns ate erected, but prior to pourLng ccncrete. FII|AL PLUI4BING PINAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APP,ON:After fonnsee erecteC but prior to pout"irq concvete. SIDEWALK & DRfIEWAI: For aLL eon- ;;et;nfiQGtffi street risht- of-rnA" to be maCe after all etca- vating carplete & fotn wrk & sub- base materLal in plzee. IENCE: Vhen comPlete -- ProuiCej&iE or nouable seetians through P.A.E. ALL project eond.itions, such as the i.nstallaiion of street trees, con-oletion_of tie ,nqu.i."n|- Lindscqing, -ete., mtst be .satisfi.ed befote the BLJTLDfNG FI1IAL ean be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Ei.nal BuiLdiW Inspection mtst be requested aftet the Final Plutnbing Electri.caL, ard Mechatical Inspecti,ons hqse been made atd apptotseC' II l l ,ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIE\II TO BE II"4DE r''T T]O C)ST TO CIIY &1- 1 o*r"0", 1 an oarr o'r LnsDecalcn befcre 7:00 ct l7/1 woonsro,,,t: l+L *,,,ITAA. T r--co d SOLAR AT-ESS REQ.- Beitoons lleat -- Fees -- Date Paid: Receipt #: Signed - PLanEranrinez, - Building Volue & Permit This penntt is gtanted on the erpress eondition tl@t the said construetions_lnll, in_all-respects, gonforry to the Ordinance adopted by the City ofSpz,ingfie7.rl, ine-Ludtng th_e Zoning Czdinance, r,egulattng th-e ccnstruLtiZnand.u$e of buildings, cnd mcy b-e- suspended ot retsokec at ctxa time upon oic.Lation of qny prcuisions of -said Oyiirances. e bulLdlno P"-nm-X State ?otal Clnrges ?otal uace r HAw cAREFaLLv ExAt',qyED t-re eompleted application for permit, sltd daherebv centify that aLL informatibn hereoi'is true "i "Z"iiiii orra tfu,tkez, .certlfU that ang ard aLL uoyk perforned slnll be d.ore in- o""or,_danee vith the oz'dinances of the city of bpringfield., L"a-ln" L,a,:s o1 tlrcs_!1t_t of_o-r9gcn pe?taining to the wotk CeseribLb nnnLti,-"i-tl*t N0 occu_ ::y:.:_"rrr, r.: -yd: of any- sttntctuye uithout pernissi_on iy tt n si;.Uing DL_Dlslon. I lu?the? eertify that only eont,acto,s otd. anplcgees uho are inconpliance oith oRS 201.05s uiLL be used on this j""je.i JOB NO Lot Faees - Access.HouaeP. L. th % cf Lct Couetage LCT TWE _ Intericr Corfle? Total Hei.ght Topogrqhy # of Stories Panlwndle CUL-de-sac FTG x Va Iiain TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Fee: UMEUL Fi^ctures Resid.zntia.L (1 bath) Seuet Plumbing Permit No pez,son shall consfu,uet, install," alter or elnnge _any neD c? ezisting 4L^*\l.r,g o, dtainage systan in ohole or in part, "urles"s "i"n- pni"o, is the !1?:!.1"""*lo: of a oalid gT,unber,s L.tcense, escept tl^a.t a pZrson nay dopLurnblng uot'k to p"ope?ta uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the "ppli.-eant. * Pltonbing pentrit State N0. Nau/Eetend. Circuits Sezoice Electrico I Perm it wez'e state La ,e-quires t|",at the electrical work be d.one by an Eleetriealcontractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall noi be uilil. untilthe Label lras been signed ly the tlebtrical'Cont?acto!. IotaL NC.TLL CIIA.RCE klta.$t Hoo,1. Vert Fot llcodstotte /5,w Mechonicol Permit PezmLt fssucrrce MecTnnicaL Peymtt -- ENCROA,CHMEN? -. Permit Cutbcut Sida,talk Mobile llome TO?AL Al'l)UIt? DUE: I /s,bc Date -il-(5 Setbaeks Caraqe ^,lorth Firep Coace- Cat oarx Accessot u * Stoz,age Mainten4nee - lenee EZeetrieal Label