HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-04-11{" RESID"-,nlTlA[" APPLICATIOIV/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Spr"ingfield, ?regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 GenepaL fr bko e*;--E/- A,L - 7zt/o 38- ao'oo SPFIIIvGFIELI) Z ( ?f"uf*tr,@, Date C o n syu c t'ig rr_ L endg! _ rt i-8 tlp neepotvibili.tg of tle penrtt loltq to see tlnt alt inspectLone oe nade at the p"oPe" tine' that each a'l4ness is reaiobie t *, tto-et 6rt;-and ttit *e ,pit nit _cud, ie Tocated at .!h,g frcnt of ,the.p:o,pAtA.1Sui.i;"A Nrticion approxed pl,an shall remain on the Bunldi;ng Site at aLL times. ppocEDUpE FoR INSqEC?ION,El.9t1ESrrcALL726-3769 (yeeotdet) state Uou" City desi-gtnted iob nmber" iob aciress, type of inspeeli'cn requeated and ahen you uiLL be ready for inspection, contractoot olo a*r"rr" ,rorn Lnd ptoie rutnbe'r. P.equesis teceixed befcre 7:00 an .:ttit te nede the sante dag, teEteets-iade afier 7:00 an urtll be nwde the nast'wrkiry da11. rour city Desi-gr.ated Job Nwnber ,", 35 OJ / { Pamti-red Tnsn Job Locaticn: Tcr lpt #Assessors MaP # $tbdittision: kLO,met': Addt,ess:Phone vou"* /J-d tA)Addition L Date of APP Lication 4-//-trs- ad SITE INSPECTION: $."o"t|;;; b"t fomns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRT-CAL & WC\LlltCnf,: To be nade before anY ffi7{Torsered. PAOTING & FOUNDATICN: ?O bE MAdE 4lffiffies a"e e.icatsated and 7o*" or. etected, but Prior to pourhug ecnerete. aNDERCPAUN7 PL\MB rNGt SSW,ER. w.4r!-3' DRAIIIAGE: To be nade PrLor to J1,L- ffi'fi-enchee. uttDEREr,OOR PLtlt4BrNG & MECITAIIIIL : Io be rnad,e pz'io? to LnstaLLatLon of floor insulati,on ot decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made Pt'iot to ffiffiof fToor insulation ot deckittg. ROIIGH PLT]TIBII]G. ELECTRICAL & MECH-i w: Tthese inspec*,ione ltante bem nad.e crd approtsed.. PIP.EPLACE: Prtor to placirq facing materials and befot'e franLng inspec- tion. FRAIi|TNG: Must be requeated aftet, approoal of roltgh plwnbing, electyi-ql-&--neclnnieal. AU rcoJtag:- btacing & ehinmeys, etc. trust be eonrpleted. llo uork is to be con- . cealed until this inspection lae 'been made anC approted. Io be nade aftez' prLoz, tc set uP of INSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER II\SPECTTON : to be nade after aLL insulati,cn atd required oapor bawiets @e in Place but before oty l.a.th' Wpsun baatC ot' taLL cooering is applied, ard before any insulation is concealed. DRYIIALL I\ISPECIION: lc be nade 'r0!l 0R !.10w) B Saritary seser capped ct Ptc?erfu Line Septic totk punped r'd filled ttith gz'axel Pinal - t{hen abcue itens are cq-,aleted a,.d uhen dancll-tion is eotrplete o? stlac- ture noued otd. pz'ennses cleanei up. I T r after,-;LT dnryalfis in pl.ace, but prior to ang taping. IT|ASINRI: Steel Loeati-on' bond diffil-grouting or tterticals in accordotee Lvith a,B.c. Section 247 5. WOODSTOIIE: After iretallation is atttpLeted. CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After fonnsue erecteC but prior to pout"ing conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRI',EVAI: Fot aLL con- cl"etenaorng uvithii s t?e et right- of-tey, to be made after aLL exca- oating conplete & forrn tpt'k & sttb- base rmtev"Lal in place. !EN1E: When conplete -- PtouiCej&ea or nooable' sections thnough P.U.E. ALL pt'oiect conditions, sueh as the installation of street trees, conoLei;ion o! therequired Za*lecaping, exc., ruax be saxisf,ied. befot,e the EUII'DING EINAL can be fequested. ?rNAL BUTLDTNG: The Einal Buildirtg fnspeetion ma;t be tequested. cfter the ?inal PlunbitX Electrical, and Meclnr:ical fnspeetions haoe been nade and approued. FTNAL PLUABIAG FINAL ASCHANICAL llobile Hcmes Final - After pcrehes, skirting, decks, etc. are eonple"ed. Pege 1 of 2I FII,IAL ELECTRICAL ,, *ALL IIANECLES AND CLEANOUT? MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTT{ENT ?O BE LIADE 11.T NO CCST T0 CI?y )-1 Blockiw otd Set-up Plunbitt4 connectione -- sane? od, aalet Electv.ical Ccnneetion - Bloeking, set-up atd plwnbing eonnecti.ons rn;st be qtprc"*ed before requestlng eleclrical inspeetion Aecessory Bui.LC'Jrtg L JOB NO.SOLAR P€CESS REQ.-L-co d 3eircons: -- Fees -- Building Volue & permit This -permtt ,i,s g,anted on the eqress eondition ttwt the said_eonat"uctionsttall' in all z'esoects, gonforn to the cdinorce adiet.a il-inZ"'city ofsp,ingfield' inoridinq- th-e zoning- ct;;;;;;, negalating the ccnsttweticnotd use of buildinas--and may t.""i"i"t"a ov ,euokec at cny tine upon,ic_Lation of anA pn"u:i"ion" of "said ori;l*.n"- ieat Access, TOTAL VALUE I'laocistoxe ITEM ffu x Value NO CHARGE S.D.C. 7.5 a L.Houae Lot Faees - Building permit ?otal Clnrges State LC? ?WE _ Interior _ Cormet _ Panhardle _ CUl-de-sac Iat Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cooez,age # of Stortes Total Eei,ght, Topography Fi*tures Resilential (1 bath) Seuer Plnbing perwtt State N0.FEE CEAP,GE Nan/Ectend Circuits Soruice -- ENCROACEMEN? -- NC FIE f fl, Dar 6Z) rD G Mechonicol Perm;t dG khanet llood llcodstoue Vent Fan Permtt fssumtce Meelwnieal Permit Sec,nitv Deposit Stotage Maintettartce Permtt C\sbcut Sideualk lence Eleetz,ical Label Mobile Home No peteon shall conshuct, inetall, altez, ot cltotge -ang nea c? ex:istingpltnbing or drainaae sa2l? in urtaie-ot-in-pott, unless such pet,son ie theLegal possessoo o1- a ,thUa p/r-ii;i -ti"ni"'", oaeept th.at a person mag doeffiy:ins aotk to property ihi"h is orned,,-leased ot, operatei ly-tte cppli_ Plumbing Permir Electrico I Perm it Ilhe?e State La reottines ttlat the eleeLrLcal uotk be done ba an EZeetr.icalcontractor, the el)etu ical portion- )i t7;;-;";;; ;t-fl'';";t bZ"oZtu ,rttithe Label has beql sigzed ly ttte tZ"Ltnrlii Cont?acto?. Date Pa;-d: Reeeipt # Sigtzed: tLan Lxanlne? Permi State lotal ?otal * uate f HAW CAREFULLY SXAttIilED tlte eornpleted appli.eation for permtt, cnd dolereby cettif-y tint aLL info;-mation hereoi is ttue ittd eZz,reet, cnd, ffut'thet' .certlfa that any ard. aLL wrk perforned srnll be dore in aeeo?-danee vLth the ordinancee of the ctty bf bpringfi,eld, and. tne Lcras of the* state of 0t'egon pertaining to the w-rl< Te"l"roaLh niLr.i, *ri- tt-t No occu-PANcy till be rmde of any sttactuve tithout pernrieeion b7 tlr. Build.ing Di-tsisio-n. r further certif:i that ottly contractors ad. eryLcyees uho are ineonpliance aith CRS Z01.7sS uiLL be-used on thie ptoiect il*r,r-4. k- 4 /5.6 eTO?AL AMOUNT DUE: *Signed Qzl IL 2-'" - *f Sut,clwae