HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 09 22 Minutes RSPlanning Commission Minutes 1 Springfield Planning Commission Minutes for Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020 Regular Session Meeting held in Person in Council Chambers & via GoToMeeting.com Sandy Belson, Planning Manager; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney; Brenda Jones, Management Specialist; Andrew Limbird, Senior Planner Brett Yancey, Springfield School District; Chris Goodell, Applicant Representative, AKS Engineering; Dan Hill, Arbor South Architecture; Berry Lind, Pastor, Northwood Christian Church Chair Sherwood called the Meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Sherwood, Vice Chair Gill, Bergen, Koivula, Vohs, Landen, and McGinley Absent: None Business from the Audience – None PUBLIC HEARING(S) 1. REQUEST FOR METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENT FOR 36.57 ACRES OF PROPERTY, REMOVAL OF NODAL DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY FROM 81.37 ACRES OF PROPERTY, AND ZONE CHANGE FOR 45.63 ACRES OF PROPERTY AT MARCOLA ROAD AND 28TH /31ST STREET, CASES 811-20-000117-TYP3 AND 811-20-000118-TYP4 Staff: Andy Limbird, Senior Planner 30 Minutes Chair Sherwood opened the public hearing. Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney, read a brief statement regarding conflicts of interest. Potential Conflicts of Interest: • Sherwood – None • Gill – None • Koivula – He visited the site online through Google Maps but has no conflict of interest or ex parte communication. • Vohs – None • Landen – None • McGinley – None Planning Commission Minutes 2 • Bergen – has a potential conflict of interest since she is a licensed real estate professional in the State of Oregon. Andy Limbird / Staff: gave a presentation on the Metro Plan diagram amendment to reduce the amount of commercially-designated land on the site, and increase the amount of Medium Density Residential (MDR) designated land. The applicant is also proposing to rezone portions of the site to MDR, Community Commercial (CC), and Public Lands and Open Spaces (PLO) to allow for the creation of a church and school site in the neighborhood. Finally, the applicant is requesting the removal of the Nodal Development Overlay Zone because of the planned changes to the nature and intensity of urban development on the site. Commissioner Vohs: Planning staff is working on updating the Development Code. If new code language goes into effect while this project is still underway, how would that effect final approval? How has staff addressed this issue with the applicant? Andy Limbird / Staff: Staff are looking forward to the applicant requesting modifications to the Master Plan concerning zoning, if new code language is approved. The next step would be to modify the Master Plan consistent to the new zoning fabric for the property. That would lock in time the zoning requirements for this proposed project. Kristina Kraaz / Staff: pointed out that the slide “Proposed Development Master Plan” only shows the developers’ proposal. There is only a portion of that lotting pattern that has received preliminary approval. It is contingent on the Planning Commission’s later approval of the Master Plan modification. Commissioner Koivula: If the changes proposed are approved, what would the subsequent change of the number of allowable units be, if a dwelling type was changed i.e., a single-family dwelling is proposed on the site originally foreseen to be a townhouse. What are the financial repercussions to the city’s tax base, if mixed-use commercial lots were removed and a school and church site were added? Kristina Kraaz / Staff: informed the Commissioners that the tax base is not one of the criteria of approval and cannot factor in on this discussion. She advised staff not to address this question. Andy Limbird / Staff: When you view the Proposed Development Plan, there are about 250 new units being constructed. This would result in a net increase in residential units on the property. The trade-off is that there are fewer commercial lots. Commissioner McGinley: Finding 66 states that there is no direct access to Highway 126. Is this correct? Finding 71 states that the Marcola Meadows’ lot is served by existing transit stops, and is in close proximity to employment centers, shopping centers, and a wide variety of services. What is the justification for stating in Finding 66 that there is no direct access to Highway 126, but Finding 71 states that there is direct access to commercial services along Highway 126? Planning Commission Minutes 3 Andy Limbird / Staff: confirmed that there was no direct interchange allowing access to the Highway from 28th street. With regard to the second questions, the services he was referring to are found in the commercial node, the Albertsons strip mall abutting the property to the west. Applicant’s Testimony Chris Goodell, Applicant Representative, AKS Engineering & Forestry, 12965 SW Herman RD STE 100, Tualatin, OR 97062: gave a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed project and made himself available for questions. Commissioner McGinley: How does the proposed project support economic recovery and equal opportunity? Chris Goodell / Applicant: Mixed use zoning has been in place a long time, but the church and school will support the growth of the surrounding community and neighborhood. Commissioner Vohs: How much of the housing would be considered “affordable housing”? Chris Goodell / Applicant: stated that he does not have any information regarding the affordable housing numbers. Generally, if the demand is high then the prices stay higher; if the demand is low, than the prices will be lower. The lots and the houses are smaller than others in the community and this will impact the housing market pricing. Commissioner Koivula: asked if the Pierce ditch stays in place and if that was the general drainage to the property. Chris Goodell / Applicant: The intent is to minimize impact on the Pierce ditch to maximize drainage throughout the property. They are working with the city engineers to accomplish this. Kristina Kraaz / Staff: reminded the Commission that this is not a criterion of approval. The Planning Commission will address this when they have a hearing on the Master Plan Amendment. Public Testimony In Favor Brett Yancy, Chief Admissions Officer, Springfield School District, 2644 Cumberland Drive, Eugene, OR, 97408: The Marcola Meadows development will support the schools in Springfield. Dan Hill, Abor South Architecture; 863 Mint Meadow, Springfield, OR 97477: Project Architect for the Northwood Christian Church and is in complete support of the development. Planning Commission Minutes 4 Berry Lind, Pastor of Northwood Christian Church, 753 Old Orchard Lane; Springfield, OR 97477: is in complete support of the Marcola Meadows development. Neutral – None In opposition – None Andy Limbird / Staff: The City has not received any written public comment. Staff pointed out that if the Council approves theplan amendment and zone change, the applicant is required to submit a Master Plan Amendment for its consideration. In this instance, the Planning Commission and the public at large will have another opportunity to look into the proposal in detail. Chris Goodell / Applicant: had no rebuttal at this time. Commissioner Koivula: moved to close the Public Hearing and the written record. Commissioner Bergen seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Sherwood – Aye Gill – Aye Vohs – Aye Koivula – Aye McGinley – Aye Bergen – Aye Landen – Aye Motion passed 7/0/0 Absent Commissioner Landen moved to adopt the Planning Commission orders in the Agenda Packet as attachments 6 and 7 to forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve both applications. Roll call vote: Sherwood – Aye Gill – Aye Vohs – Aye Koivula – No McGinley – No Bergen – Aye Planning Commission Minutes 5 Landen – Aye Motion passed 5/2/0 Absent Report on Council Action - Commissioner Koivula reported on the Council meeting of September 9th, 2020 Business from the Planning Commission Commission McGinley: informed the Commission that the Annual OAPA conference is taking place virtually on October 14th through 16th. Business from the Development and Public Works Department Sandy Belson / Staff: informed the Commissioners that there is a training budget for the Commissioners to attend the OAPA conference, if they are interested in taking part. She also informed the Commissioners about a memo on the DLCD rule-making that they are undertaking on the Middle Housing rules and Housing Production Strategy. The public hearing is scheduled for September 25th. In an effort to be more transparent to the public, the City of Springfield is trying out a new platform called Springfield Oregon Speaks. Using this platform will give the city a better way to interact with the community. There will be a staff presentation before the launch of the platform. It may be possible to use this platform at the next Work Session of the Planning Commission. There are also vacancies on the Planning Commission. The city is holding a batch recruitment in mid-October for the vacancies on its Boards, Committees, and Commissions. The Planning Commission will have two vacancies soon since Commissioners Vohs and Sherwood are terming out. ADJOURNMENT – 8:21 p.m.