HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Applicant 10/19/2023City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 974771k SPRINGFIELD LAND USE COMPATIBILIITY STATEMENT (LUCS), DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES (DMV) and ZONING VERIFICATION LETTER Application form Permit Type Dept of Motor Vehicles -New: ❑ Land Use Compatibility Statement: ❑✓ City: ❑ Dept of Motor Vehicles -Renewal: ❑ Zoning Verification Letter: ❑ UGB: ❑✓ Project InformationA'l Applicant Name: Amy Chinitz Phone:541-726-2396 Company: Springfield Utility Board E-mail: amyc@subutil.com Address: 202 South 18th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Property Owner: Springfield Utility Board Phone: 541-726-2396 Company: Springfield Utility Board E-mail: amyc@subutil.com Address: 202 South 18th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 18030100 TAX LOT NO s : 3000, 3201, 2900, 1302 Property Address: 1295 South 26th Street Description of proposal/ request: Springfield Utility Board plans to construct a new municipal drinking water well at its Willamette Wellfield. The proposed Well #16 will be located approximately 50 feet from the well it is replacing (Well #15). As part of its plan review for the proposed new well, the Oregon Health Authority requires this LUCS. Record Information (Staff to • • Record No: W1 1—x3:L-1—. Date Received: 1U Application Fee: Sq5 Technical Fee: l q. TOTAL FEES:l Assigned Planner: Revised 2023 04 04 slm PUBLIC HEALTH DIVISION Drinking Water Services ti• Land Use Compatibility Statement a I'th Certain plan review approvals for drinking water projects have been identified by the Land Conservation and Development Commission as Class B permits affecting land use. The Oregon Health Authority is therefore required by ORS 197.180, OAR 660, division 30, OAR 660, division 31, the Oregon Health Authority's approved State Agency Coordination Program, and OAR 333-061-0062 to ensure that projects defined in OAR 333-061-0062(1) conform with statewide planning goals and are compatible with city. and county comprehensive plans and land use regulations. In order to ensure such compatibility, this form or other acceptable documentation and necessary attachments must accompany each applicable set of project plans submitted to the Oregon Health Authority for review. General Information Project Title Springfield Utility District Well 16 Applicant Springfield Utility Board (PWS ID OR41-00837) Name of Water System Type of Project New Municipal Supply Well Treatment, Transmission, Storage, Distribution, New Source, etc. Project Contact Person Amy Chinitz, Water Resources Administrator, Springfield Utility Board Engineer, Owner, etc., including title 202 South 18th Street Mailing Address Springfield, OR 97477 City, State, Zip Code AmyC@subutil.com Email Address 541.744.3745 Phone The local government entity* having comprehensive planning authority over the site of the proposed project is: Agency Name City of Springfield Address 225 Fifth Street, Springfield OR Phone 541-726-3753 Zip 97477 (*If the proposed project is located within the jurisdiction of more than one planning authority, all entities must certify compatibility.) (Continued on B revised 7/9/20 Complete either part A or part B. ✓❑ A. Land Use Compatibility Determination - Planning Authority Statement (to be completed by local planning authority) I certify that this project has been reviewed for compatibility with: • The acknowledged comprehensive plan and land use regulations. ■ Statewide planning goals. The goals apply because conditions described in OAR 660-31-0025(3) exist. I find that this project (check one) ❑✓ IS compatible ❑ IS NOT compatible Attach appropriate land use decision(s) written findings as required in ORS 215.416 (8) or (9), or 227.173 (1) or (2), or OAR 660-31-026. Signature Print Name Title Date ❑ B. Request for Conditional Plan Review Approval, Pending Land Use Compatibility Determination (to be completed by applicant) I hereby certify that I have applied to the local government entity cited on page 1 for a determination of compatibility with the local acknowledged plan or the statewide planning goals as applicable. I hereby request that the Authority issue a conditional approval of the plans with the understanding that issuance of said approval is not a finding of compliance with the statewide planning goals or compatibility with the applicable, acknowledged comprehensive plan and land use regulations, but is conditional upon the applicant receiving a land use approval from each unit of local government. I understand that final plan review approval for this project will not be effective until and unless the Oregon Health Authority receives a signed copy of the land use approval and determines it to be complete and adequate. Signature Print Name Title Date revised 7/9/20 SPRINGFIELD HEARINGS OFFICIAL REQUEST TO APPLY THE DRINKING WATER PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO MULTIPLE PROPERTIES WITHIN THE SPRINGFIELD URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY Application Summary On September 20, 2021 the Springfield Planning Director, on behalf of the City of Springfield and the Springfield Utility Board, submitted an application to rezone multiple properties within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary with the Drinking Water Protection Overlay Distlict. Notice went out to the owners of the 54 affected properties and owners and occupants of properties located within 300 feet of the affected properties on October 6, 2021. Legal notice was posted in the Register Guard on October 7, 2021. Under SDC 5.22-110, zoning map amendments are processed under a Type III procedure when the amendments involve the application of existing policy to a specific factual setting and generally affect a single or limited group of properties. The present request involves the application of existing policy regarding the DWP Overlay District to the specific and closely - circumscribed factual setting of UGB expansion areas. This application is subject to a Type III review by the Hearings Official pursuant to SDC 5.1-135, SDC 5.2-110.B.2 and SDC 5.22---100. Interested Parties City of Springfield Application History Application Submitted: Hearing Date: Decision Date: Appeal Deadline Rainbow Water District September 20, 2021 October 27, 2021 October 29, 2021 Springfield Utility Board Thus decision becomes effective with its mailing. An appeal must be filed within 21 days of it becoming final to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals. Statement of Criteria and Standards Section 5.22-115(C) (SDC) 811-19-000302=1'YP3 October 29, 2021 Page 2 of 8 Background 1. The Applicants are the City of Springfield and the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). The Applicant is requesting approval of a zoning map change that would apply Drinking Water Protection Overlay District to several areas brought into the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary in 2016. These properties are identified on Attachment 2 of the October 20, 2021 staff report to the Hearings Official. 2. The City of Springfield adopted Ordinance 6361 in December of 2016. This ordinance brought 54 properties, occupying 769 acres, into the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary and into the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) boundary. This expansion was acknowledged by the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission in March of 2019. (Approval Order 19-UGB401900) The properties affected by Ordinance 6361 are generally described as being in the North Gateway area, the Mill Race area, and the Willamalane Park Properties. These properties are graphically identified in Attachment 3 of the October 20, 2021 staff report to the Hearings Official. 3. The Drinking Water Protection Overlay District (DWP) is an overlay zone in the Springfield Development Code (SDC 3.3-200). This zoning district implements the Springfield Drinking Water Protection Plan, which was adopted on May 17, 1999, by establishing standards to prevent contamination of Springfield's water supply. Springfield's drinking water supply originates from more than 30 wells owned and operated by SUB or Rainbow Water District, which are recharged by aquifers underneath Springfield's Wellhead Protection Areas. The DWP Overlay District outlines procedures and standards for the use and storage of materials that are hazardous or harmful to groundwater within the Wellhead Protection Area. The Drinking Water Protection Plan recognizes that contaminants released within the Wellhead Protection Area could migrate down to the aquifer and then travel to a well. Accordingly, Wellhead Protection Areas are divided into Time of Travel Zones (TOTZs) of 0-1, 1-2, 5-10, 10-20, and 20 -99 -years. The TOTZs indicate the calculated amount of time it takes groundwater to move in that zone to the pumping well. Decision THE APPLICATION FOR A TYPE III ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (JOURNAL 811-19- 000302-TYP3) TO APPLY THE DRINKING WATER PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO THE PROPERTIES LISTED IN ATTACHMENT 2 OF THE OCTOBER 20, 2021 STAFF REPORT IS APPROVED. Justification for the Decision The following are findings of fact that are relevant to the applicable approval criteria that are found in SDC 5.22-115(C): 811-19-000302-TYP3 October 29, 2021 Page 3 of 8 1. Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and lite Metro Plan diagrarrr; Finding #1: Springfield Ordinance 6361 (2016) simultaneously expanded the Springfield UGB and Metro Plan Boundary and applied the following Metro Plan designations to the affected area: Urban Holding Area -Employment (UHA E); Public/Serpi-Public (P/SP); and/or Natural Resource (NR). The affected area's base zones are either Agriculture -Urban Holding Area (AG) or Public Land and Open Space (PLO) consistent with their plan designations. The request does not involve a change in the underlying base zoning district of the affected area. Ordinance 6361 includes findings that illustrate the necessity of applying the DWP Overlay District to the UGB expansion areas prior to development. Relevant findings in Exhibit F of the Ordinance to address compliance of the Comprehensive Plan with the Metro Plan. Examples of relevant extracts from these findings are as follows: "The proposed UGB expansion areas comprise environmentally sensitive Drinking Water Source areas that Provide the City of Springfield's drinking water. Development within Drinking Water Source areas is subject to the Springfield Development Code Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District, which will automatically apply when the UGB is amended. " Pg. 452 "Over the 20 year planning period, lands designated UHA-E will transition from rural to urban and be developed with urban industrial and other employment uses or public/semi-public uses. Therefore, land use planning and development regulations applicable to the UGB expansion areas must be coordinated to ensure that Springfields Drinking Water Source Areas are protected. " Pages 453-454 "The following findings and policies f rom the existing acknowledged Metro Plan Public Facilities and. Services Element are applicable to Springfield land use decisions. Thus, the findings and policies are related to the 2030 Plan amendments, are provided in this report to demonstrate compliance with Goal I1 and Division 11 Public Facilities Planning, and to provide context for the 2030 Plan amendments": Pg. 478 Policy G.10 (Now G.11): "Continue to take positive steps to protect groundwater supplies. The cities, County, and other service providers shall manage land use and public facilities for groundwater -related benefits through the implementation of the Springfield Drinking Water Protection Planr and other wellhead protection plans. Management practices instituted to protect groundtvater shall be coordinated among the City of Springfleld, City of Eugene, and Lane County. " Exhibit E to Ordinance 6361 amends the Springfield Development Code to establish the Agriculture - Urban Holding Area (AG) Zoning District to implement the Urban Holding Area -Employment (UHA-E) and Natural Resource (NR) plan designation and 2030 The DWP Overlay District is one mechanism that implements these plans as described in Section 111, herein. 811-19400302 TYP3 October 29, 2021 Page 4 of 8 Urbanization Element policies. SDC 3.2-925: Agriculture — Urban Holding Area (AG) Zoning District addresses placement of certain interim uses on a site so as not to impede eventual urban development and extension of infrastructure by providing interim standards for development. One such standard at SDC 3.2-925.D.6 requires an applicant to demonstrate compliance with the DWP Overlay District upon submittal of future development plans. Lands added to the Springfield UGB are subject to the Environmental Resources Element of the Metro Plan. The findings in Exhibit F to Ordinance 6361 identify that the DWP Overlay District is consistent with the Environmental Resources Element's effort to address pollution control. Environmental Resources Eiernent Policy C.25 states: "Springfield, Lane County, and Eugene .shall consider doilmstream impacts when planning for urbanization, flood control, urban storm water runoff, recreation, and water quality along the Willamette and McKenzie Rivers." Similarly, Policy C.26 states: "Local governments .shall continue to monitor, to plan for, and to enforce applicable air and water quality standards and shall cooperate in meeting applicable federal, state, and local air and water quality standards." Upon the requested amendment to the Springfield Zoning Map, the DWP Overlay District will apply to the affected area consistent with these Policies. Application of this Overlay District will result in the future implementation of SDC 3.3-200 when development and/or certain redevelopment within the affected area is proposed. Finding #2: The Urbanization Element of the Springfield Comprehensive Plan was adopted as part of Ordinance 6361 and is currently effective and acknowledged. It replaced Chapters II—C and II—E of the Metro Plan. The Springfield Comprehensive Plan identifies the affected area as appropriate for the DWP Overlay District and establishes a framework for the successful implementation of the DWP Overlay District. Policy 10 is relevant as it states that plans and zoning for land within the UHA—E designation shall support Employment districts that protect, among other resources, Springfield's Drinking Water Source Areas and water quality and aquifer recharge. In addition, Policy 5 supports the growth and development of Springfield in ways that ensure the stability of Springfield's public drinking water supply. Urbanization Element Policy 10 involves applying the DWP Overlay District to the affected area, which contains land designated Urban Holding Area—Employment (UHA—E). Applying the DWP Overlay District in the UGB expansion areas will allow properties within the affected area to develop in accordance with Policy 10. Finding 03: In 1995, Lane County and the cities of Springfield and Eugene jointly adopted a work program to conduct periodic review of the Metro Plan. Preparation of the Drinking Water Protection Plan was one of the tasks in the work program for compliance with Statewide Planning Goal 5, which was adopted in 1999. Adopting the DWP Overlay District in the UGB expansion areas was necessary to implement the goals and strategies of Springfield's Drinking Water Protection Plan and is therefore consistent with the contents of the Metro Plan that apply to Springfield after the adoption of Ordinance 6361. Finding #4: Lands added to the Springfield UGB are subject to the Public Facilities and Services Element of the Metro Plan and are subject to associated code requirements. Policy G. 7 of the 811-19-000302 TYP3 October 29, 2021 Page 5 of 8 Public Facilities and Services Element states: "Service providers shall coordinate the provision offacililies and services to areas targeted by the cities far higher densities, infill, mixed arses, and nodal development." Policy G.11. incorporated herein by reference, also applies. Consistent with these policies, the City and SUB—with support from the Rainbow Water District—request that the DWP Overlay District apply to the affected area before development and/or redevelopment within the affected area occurs. Conclusion: The proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro PIan diagram. 2. Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and functional plans; and Finding #S: The City's refinement plans do not apply to the affected area, as it is located outside the boundaries of Springfield's refinement plan maps. There are no Plan Districts applicable to the affected area or conceptual development plans for the affected area. This element of this criterion does not apply to the request. Finding 46: The Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan (PSFP), Eugene -Springfield Transportation System Plan (TransPlan), and the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP) are the functional plans that address infrastructure investments (i.e., water, stormwater, wastewater, transportation, and electricity) in Springfield. The PFSP addresses the facilities and services needed in urban areas to provide service levels necessary and suitable for urban uses (emphasis added). Upon expansion of the Springfield UGB, the affected area was designated: Urban Holding Area—Employment (UHA-E), Natural Resource (NR), or Public/Semi-Public (P/SP) and were zoned to correspond to their plan designations (Attachment 2). Areas added to the UGB for future development of employment uses were designated UHA-E and zoned Agriculture—Urban Holding Area (AG). Though this holding area became added to Springfield's urbanizable area upon UGB expansion, the AG Zoning District allows a subset of rural uses that were permitted under Lane County's Exclusive Farm Use zoning at the time the County's zoning applied to these properties. The request does not rezone any of the affected area for urban uses, as it is limited to finalizing the necessary steps identified in the Springfield Comprehensive Plan amendments (Ordinance 6361) to apply standards for protecting aquifers used as sources of potable water supply through application of the DWP Overlay District. Prior to a rezone that allows urban development above the level currently permitted under Lane County zoning, the policies of the PSFP related to amending the PSFP will be considered as required by the Urbanization Element of the Springfield Comprehensive Plan.' The Public Facilities and Services Element of the Metro Plan relies upon and incorporates the findings and polices of the PSFP.3 As demonstrated tinder the first criterion of approval at SDC z Pages 469 - 473, Exhibit F to Ordinance 6361. 3 Metro Plan, p. III -G-1. 811-19-000302—TYP3 October 29, 2021 Page 6 of 8 5.22-115.C.1, the request is consistent with the applicable policies of the Public Facilities and Services Element of the Metro Plan and is also consistent with the PSFP. Finding 7: The TransPlan serves as a functional element of the Metro Plan and remains applicable only to regional planning. At the time of TransPlan's adoption in 2002, the affected area was within the study area of the TransPlan and Metro Plan boundary but was outside the UGB. The TransPlan identified one project in the affected area, the Mill Race Path, which was complete in 2017. The TransPlan does not identify future construction projects in the affected area. Finding 8: The Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP) replaced TransPlan as Springfield's local's transportation system plan upon the TSP's adoption. The affected area is outside the geographic scope of the Springfield 2035 TSP, which was adopted in 2014 before the subject properties were incorporated into the Springfield UGB. As such, there are no TSP projects in the affected area. Policies of the Springfield 2035 TSP are not affected by or directly applicable to the application of the D WP Overlay District. Conclusion: The proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and functional plans. 3. The property is presently provided spith adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. Finding 9: The UGB expansion established a "holding area" plan designation and corresponding zoning allowing interim uses in the expansion areas consistent with the Public Facilities and Services Element of the Metro Plan. The long-term plans for the UGB expansion areas are employment uses, public facilities, parks/open space, and other natural areas. These planned uses are the same uses the Public Facilities and Services Element assumed would occur in those areas. At the time the Public Facilities and Services Element was acknowledged, the lands added to Springfield's UGB were all within the Metro Plan. Boundary. The existing uses on the subject properties are rural in nature. Upon its adoption, Ordinance 6361 did not automatically allow urban levels of development, Urbanization Element Policy 31 of the Springfield Comprehensive Plan defines key urban facilities and services as those necessary to serve planned urban (emphasis added) uses and densities. Consistent with Urbanization Element Policies 30 3S, public facilities and services in Springfield's urban areas will be provided at levels necessary and suitable for urban uses only after annexation to the City, as urban uses are not permitted until after annexation. Annexation is an additional means to coordinate the orderly, efficient development of urban facilities and services appropriate to the area. Finding 10: Planning for adequate public facilities will be coordinated with future urbanization of lands within the UGB expansion areas through future amendments to the TSP and PSFP as consistent with the Metro Plan Public Facilities and Services Element and the Urbanization Element policies of the Springfield Comprehensive Plan. The City and Lane County adopted S 11-19-000302-TYP3 October 29, 2021 Page 7 of 8 Urbanization Element policies and land use regulations, which require urban levels of development to demonstrate the adequacy of public facilities, services, and transportation networks through a post -acknowledgement plan amendment (PAPA) process. For the land designated Urban Holding Area -Employment (UHA1 E) and zoned Agriculture -Urban Holding Area (AG), Urbanization Element Policy 37 of the Comprehensive Plan requires an update to the PFSP prior to approval of a PAPA or zoning map amendment that permits urban development above levels recently allowed under the Lane County zoning that was in effect prior to UGB expansion. Urbanization Element Policy 38 requires a similar action for amendments to the TSP. TSP amendments must occur concurrent with or prior to plan or zoning amendments to AG - zoned land within the North Gateway and Mill Race expansion areas that will result in an increase in trips over the levels permitted in the AG Zone. Amending the zoning neap does not involve a change to the affected area's underlying zoning districts. The amendment is limited to applying the DWP Overlay District. Accordingly, the categories of uses currently allowed or prohibited by the Agriculture ---Urban Holding Area (AG) and Public Land and Open Space (PLO) Zoning Districts will remain in effect. Conclusion: The proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with SDC 5.22-115(C).3 in that public facilities, services and transportation are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the properties subject to this application. 4. Legislative Zoning Map amendments that involve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment shall. a. Meet the approval criteria specified in Section 5.14-100, and Finding 11: Section 5.14-100 outlines the procedures for amending the Metro Plan and specifies that these amendments are reviewed under Type IV procedures. As noted above, the appropriate procedure for this application is a Type III zoning map amendment. The request complies with the provisions of the Metro Plan and SDC 5.14-100. Implementation of the DW Overlay District does not require a change to the base zones of the affected area and the allowable uses within the affected area by such zones. An amendment to the Metro Plan Diagram is not required. Accordingly, SDC 5.22-115.C.4.a does not apply to the request. b. Consply with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, where applicable. Finding 12: The Transportation Planning Rule (OAR 660-012-0060(1)) requires a local government to establish mitigation measures if an amendment to a land use regulation— including an amendment to a zoning map—would "significantly affect" an existing or planned transportation facility. The parameters of OAR 660 -012 -0060(1)(a) -(c) determine whether the requested zoning map amendment will significantly affect an existing or planned transportation facility. Subsections (a) -(c) identify an amendment to a plan or land use regulation as having a "significant effect" if it will result in a change to the functional classifications of existing or planned transportation facilities (exclusive of correcting errors on a map), a change to the 811-19-000302—TYP3 October 29, 2021 Page 8 of 8 standards associated with such classifications, or will result in allowing types or levels of travel that are inconsistent with the intended function of an existing or planned transportation facility such that this travel would degrade its performance. The zoning map amendment does not change any functional classifications under OAR 660-012-0060(1)(a), nor does it change the standards for implementing the City's functional classification system under OAR 660-012- 0060(1)(b). Finding 13: To determine whether a zoning neap amendment "significantly affects" a transportation facility within the meaning of OAR 660-012-0060(1)(c), a local government should compare the most traffic -generative use reasonably allowed in the current zone with the most traffic -generative use reasonably allowed in the new zone. Applying the DWP Overlay District to the subject properties does not change the properties' underlying zoning districts nor does it materially change the uses that are allowed outright, conditionally allowed, or prohibited. Accordingly, applying the DWP Overlay District to the subject properties does not change the most -traffic generative uses reasonably allowed on those properties. The zoning map amendment therefore does not result in any of the effects listed under OAR 660-0120060(1)(c). The zoning map amendment will not "significantly affect" an existing or planned transportation facility under OAR 660-012-0060(1)(a), (b), or (c) and thus complies with OAR 660-012-0060 as required by SDC 5.22-115.4.b. Conclusion: The proposed zoning map amendment does not involve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment and is consistent with OAR 660-012-0060 in that it does not significantly affect a transportation facility. Summary A preponderance of the evidence supports a conclusion that the application of the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District to the properties identified in Attachment 2 of the October 20, 2021 staff report is consistent with the applicable approval criteria of Section 5.22-115(C) of the Springfield Development Code. Respectfully Submitted, Gary ' •niene Springfield Hearing Official