HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-05-3122s |tor=h sth s; :reeAP?L;cA?r0N /PE?J'tri SgmngiielC, Creacn 3Z;Zz Euiliing Di;;ision 726-37 53 .. RESIDENTI.AL.. SPFtINGFIELD job icc=tlcn: Asses6o..3 :!a? I ?Tca bt #o2 ';'-3'-Crt: l-tter Plane: c! ..lC&ess.. Descfrbe ilor.k: coVaiue l-t icze of .|pp Liea;lcn ?etoCeL ACCi:icn General t++Lt to -(o ECA2S 3 a^d 5 Consirtclica I) ie lhe reecons.ibitily ora tla per,?i, totder;:y.."P s:_te'e..,. cnt :ic inn 7E r- ";1;'ruLtc.--q -r-ti3ior: eo:ru^ed ;tan si=Zi, re.zain ' b see that ell inaceccans oe nad,e at ihe ?uoF;er t*ne, trst a<ch .-,j.rnese is rea;niial.cca)ed at the frcat of ti,e sraezhton t/8 suiiciinq site 'at "|t'liri".'- ;"2x";1".2:1:."FN.?,:r*:r#':L!,lr,'-itl be raie the sir,e icy, ,;;;;;;'";; ifter z:oo-ca uiZL be ,*;;;;;'i,}J;;rihrfr'r. nnber, job aiiress, type of ir-s-oec=icnntnbcr. Pequesxa neceit:Zd beicrz' Z:C0 c; - rsa Iour Cdty'Desigra,xed Job llunbet le : Sr-19 .','-cPijlll.Y: ?o be tz.ca ai:erEcauc.'i,an, but piar :c ae: u? oJ' fotzrs. nad.e DR?,/A.LL illSPl*f?lt: Tc be naCetfier aLL <iryuall ts .in clace, Duc Pmo" Eo dta ,a?Lrlg. ilASCllR!: Stee! iocatiort, bot2d bearc, gzrulitrg ot ,terticcls in aceotfuce ,",ath A,ts.C, Secticn 2415 . ,|CCDS-_IOT E=: After instal7a.."ion ie cc,1DLeiad,. CUPB T !?PPCAC'H A?.'.jN.,,eZi;;AiC eEAcorirete. SID?'i/.LK d DRr',TnA?: ?or aLL cott-c"e;@ns-A;ffi st"eet fight- ol'-rc:!, tc be nade a;-!en aL! etce- uating ccrnoiete t fom ',:ot k 3 sub- base tctezn)al in p1-tce, !!ilC!:',{hen conolete -- ?rouiie or rouable aectlans thro-ugh Sarzi:a4 seuet cai;ped .t ptcp.?4- Line Septic totk y.c7eC ad, f-)tled. "rtth gr=tai ?inal - i.hen cbcue i.tezs ee cclpletei anC uhen dqtcl'J:.ior. is ccralele br s*z:-hse naueC ai a,errj,ses clb.*ted u2. tsLockir,g od. Se=-up Plmbinn ccnnec-"icns -- sal)e! d. ua;et ElectrJccl Ccznectlon - Blcekin4, set-u= and. plznbing cctrnect.Jons r;st be qptcued beJ'ote reques t'-tq e! ec'-ical insoec;ioi, .!,ccessc,.g tsuillirq req,Ez,ed oqor baz,ie?s @e in ola,eebat belbre ory hth, Wpfln bccri cn unLL couez,ing is qplied, arui beforea.y insulation is concealed. -1 t/:!2i?s1:3 ?!:::.s::tc, itic:?t.,lt ,iJ ,.=:::;;r;C;;,: io- ce rcde ceio:e cng lror.< ?.s catarec. S1 t!::::c t :c,-,;:ct:::t: lo le :rzel/\ ! cijer :tenches :re e.=cttc:ad cri fcn;s cte erec=ei, !u; =l.:i,ar ;c ?otnrg c.nc:e?;. ir: i-l yv:s.qs:ac? ?iij:sitG I l,!C1.:..\rjAr: -ffic.floon insuk;ian o: ieckinc. t-l -"csr A:D 3zA!,r: lc le ncCe :-ior 2o, | !Eii''E'-cn oi i-r,cor irsub=zct; cr &cklry. After fotnsto po,r.Jnq I I l:l G) Final - Aftct :crches, akir--'Jng, Ceci'-s, etc. @e c:ntlz=aC. !4!!2: :4$: 're tec.tecteC cf)ar cVprcv;i cf r;ttgh =iurcirq, electr:-cal I aeci"zttict':,. AL! noilr4 br:€-r€ I :hj-ncys, at:. -.ts= be conole=cd. llo .:cr? is tc Ze ecn- . ceci"d c.zt L ahis .Jnstec:icn \z.a'been tod.e ctd, cVomteC. P.A.E ALL oro.iee= coniit'icns, sltci cs the i.nstallcticn cf si?ee|;taes, :cryleticn cf tiercqtireci Zaniscctirg, ctc. , a'tust be scvisiied belcre lhe 3lJiiDIi:C !!!iAL :cn Ze teqtes:ed. ?!:iAL tsUItDi:lC: Tne Ei.ncl 9u:-Ldirg lnscecticn:=tsx be lEquested :i)er the littzl Pltabirqileetricai-, crd }leehar.lcci. lnscecttcns i,aue ceen taie ri'cpgrcvz=. 'ALL i.tA::iicais AilD CLitstcuTs ttUST 3e rcie,st-r-rii, .{r.Il,si..5.','! lo 3J :.,/,Dz .r.? !:o :is? ?c cE!!a:2: of -: I r 43te nd.e =.C. -1rior Jion. r u n ?.r2 2 bt Sq. Fri.6{70 i cf !.? Ccuerz?e_ I of Stor.es a---l !-:-i--!-a-..ct3..- ?cgogqQ Qt % SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- La::t=! V rr.tericr4- _ Com.et _ ?aniuruile - tuL-d.e-sac L-CO G*JOB NO 2edt:ons: /w 3anaa Building Vqlue & Permit Thispenr.tisgrcntedonlhee{/?esseo.ruiiticnttatthesaid.ecnscrlclion shaT-l, in all res-ceets,- ioi,foi'io the^ h4inance adopteC'ey tha 'i:'^-:1i-!*i;t:,;."t;, incliirlg';he -lontng c"C:n1c.e' tegulctzr'g .:ke c11s;r1""":-.- fu ""'n oi bu'tldinqs,-cnd nc'i be-suslelaeC or reuckec at d! t":::2 ti2'ri u1'c la.ticn o1:'tg prcuisiotts o! sciC Crd*atces' ?i:ou;e )r..'-'r :(lA LUei--:.Y )hin S@.*lszaC.=--ce -^6.? r!.?... L r-.4J .P.tgJ at IS.D.C. t.5: /,28 7V.29 ?uiH'Jng ?en::.t !o'.cl C|a:ges ?L'arb)ng Perr:it )-H'L 7.a,--- l,leciu,niczl ?erd,t a Plumbing Permit Ilo ee?eort slall constntct, ins"-al!' d!'iet o? eltange,6try nea-cf ezts;ir'g ii,iiiti'", i";|"il-,i"t* in aioie o-r. in part, .ur:i,ess such petscn is th.e 'tLii{pZ"ti"ii of " uZi;i pl'-,to"i't Lit-'n"Z' *9e?t tt"at a ??"so: tc1 co ittrilrrig xork to p"op;tt-"iiih- i, o'n'"d, Leased ot apetcted by the '+?L.i' elt. Electricol Permit llhere sir;te Lan requi;:es that the electical uork be done by -an lleoirtcal Citrtetar, the elictical porzior of this penrit slall rot be oaliC until the tabel has been eigned by the Electrical Conttaelot' Mechq nicol Permit P1-an Check ?ee: I n-+- )^-'5.uive -4-sl \r Recelpt {: t Sn,f.ed:,V4 L r,4i1r:1,1'0. I FrzI?::.1 -rli;i.te3 lesiiznt:hl { 1 bc'"h) Sa,itarl Sa,tet ,lcte! ,;iilcE ?es. Sa. flc ;l-T/Eztend Ciretits lafic"q Sertice ?ttr=ce ?!U'S Eiast \ooC Tent ?at Vcoiszo:;e ?e? .SEAaB - , !,lobile llcrte f HAW CAR9?ULU lldilf;l1D :lc cctaiateC spliceticn for penti:, crui ic herebg certify thct ali infctnatron heyeci- is trwe a)1. c'artec=-, anl. i f"u:ker cert:.f"- :hat ang c>i tLL .;ork =eriot=ed slull be dote it ac:cr- ddnce '.tith thz 1rdircnc"-s oi' the Ci\ cf Sprtngfield, ani ihe Lc;s of zha State of 0regan oertaininc tc tke wr.k Cesc:-)bcC herein, e.C :).c,= ::0 nCC!.}- P!.ICI ttit! ba tcde of dtl srr1tci.r2,a uilhot; pernissian of the lurld,ing )r-rision. f f,trther :ettt-.,:'i sitt o:zly .cnitccaors d. atplcgees ulo s,2 in ca:pl.icnce uith CRS 707.055 uiLL be use<i cn this prcjeet -- :.jL;-IL.:...':.j- -- Sectr.i'-v De=csi: Stotace lain!;ra:e -^-a t i rr^rrrE trra. a-J:^J tu'-VU.ai tUJ.77 z.s ho-a -?/.-eS Oe:-e " i:r:al.: .lnrrss tr.l ?en=e SPRINGFIELE' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works CERTIFI ED LETTER Mr. Herb Lavender 494 liorth 36th StreetSpringfield, Oregon gl47B Dear Mr. Lavender: The attached constructi onintentions wi Please direct S i ncerel !, March 6, .l984 The springfield Bui'lding code Administrative code-i.ly1res that,.jl.order for a permitto remain valid, construction wort autfr."ii.O"[, it must Uegln_,iitf,in 180 days from thedate of purchase of the p."*i't.'" ir-.Jiji,i.=rrii.nded or i[Jrjon.a during thl course ofconstruction for a period-ur...olrg iBb"djrr,"if;. permit;iii'-;;tomaticarly expire.If a permit has !xn]19! a1! lusnension and/or abandonment of work on a project has notexceeded one vear' a permit to ltart;r-;;;;;.-..1t,ruv o.-pu"lr,ur.a for one harf theI;: ;:ru;;..i ;?l.l :;[i3i'3]j.fLflii',=,llJii5!o u,it ;; ;h;;;:,s have oeen mroe in If a permit has n9! vet expired and a-permit hoider anticipates the need for more timeii,i'3ii,;3i;lT;'*: ufii,;li.;i5.l:iilllti':i_1,;!;iilH;"cnoose-io srini'u on.of a written request ei[t.i,i;iii wrry ine-.rt.rriri,;r'#:.i::;;:. rrom the p.'*it r,oto., form indicates the,most recent information in oun.records with regard toactivitv associated wiin v.ri:"puryit.--pi.ui" Ilrise this oriice of yourth regard to the permit ov-i.n'iroj-auyr';ffi lie aute of this letter"all inquiries to the springfield Building safety Division at 7?6-3659. Li Bu sa Hopper i'lding Safety Division attachment lh 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97 477 a 503/726-3753 JOB #:83] 701 JOB ADDRESS:494 I'lorth 36th Street LAST ACTIViTY DATE: OTHER: CURRENT STATUS OF PERMIT: VALID: However, your permit will expire on *If the "expired"box, a June 8 I9B3 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: If you w.ish to request an extension of your perm'it, please notify thjs offii. in writing'prior to the above mentioned date' X EXPIRED: Your Permit exP'ired on December 8, l9B3 If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be appl i ed for. * bove, is checked and we do not hear frorn you UV -t=11!ch=J9-ffi"(roi i.vi i"o, il,. date of thjs letter)' we will clear-intotrition with regard to the perm'it'( our lh eso a re a