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10-23 Communication Packet
• Photo by Jim Wilcox MWMC Communication Packet October 18,2023 Regional Wastewater Program Monthly Report -September 2023 The next meeting will be Friday,November 17,2023 at 7:30 a.m. The MWMC Meeting will be held remotely via computer or phone, and in-person at the City of Springfield City Hall,Library Meeting Room. Metropolitan Wastewater MANAGEMENT COMMISSION SPRINGFIELD-^H3S partners inwastewater management Regional Wastewater Program Monthly Report September 2023 Metropolitan Wastewater MANAGEMENT COMMISSION SPRINGFIELD—-t partnersinwastewater management Contents Public Information Program,2 Capital Improvement Program 3 Statement of Revenues and Expenses 8 Schedule of Cash Reserves 9 Budget vs.Actual Revenues and Expenditures,9 Operations -Flow and Process Summary.10 Operations -Permit Summary 11 Daily Monitoring Report 12 Operations and Maintenance -Budget Report 13 Equipment Repairs and Preventive Maintenance,14 Pretreatment Program 15 1 • • • • • • • • • • • Public Information Program Tours Tours that occurred in September: Leeway Consulting State Representative Charlie Conrad Social Media Communications staff continued posting on the MWMC's channels (Facebook,Twitter,and Instagram).The following topics were covered in September: Sharing of a rainbow captured over the RNG facility Thank you to State Representative Charlie Conrad on taking the time to tour the plant and discuss the efforts it takes to have clean water Recognition of the communications team winning PNCWA's Watermark Award Announcement of no September newsletter and October will be a double issue Mascot Wally the Waterdrop visiting the alternate pipes at the headworks at the plant Recognition of treatment plant staff winning PNCWA's West Central region Plant of the Year Award and WEF/NACWA's Utility of the Future Today designation;this post received the highest engagement for September Examples of the finished poplar boards stained with different colors and available at BRING Mascot Wally the Waterdrop touring the console at the regional wastewater treatment plant Invite to the monthly Commission meeting 'mgmm ^j«.wo,* O Q V © Newsletter No September newsletter due to Clean Water University prep and other activities.With this,October will be a double issue.Read previous editions here. Communications Team Wins PNCWA's Watermark Award The MWMC communications team was recognized at this year's PNCWA Annual Conference with the Watermark Award for their work with Clean Water University.Communications Supervisor Loralyn Spiro accepted the award on behalf of the team at the conference that took place in Tacoma,WA.The conference was attended by over 1,000 people from Oregon,Washington and Idaho.The team was nominated by Lead Operator Spencer Goodro by his own effort without the team knowing too much when he asked for details about Clean Water University.Further information about the Watermark Award can be found at https://www.pncwa.org/watermark-award. 2 • • • Capital Improvement Program Planning Phase If you have questions regarding any planning project,please contact Troy McAllister at 541.726.3625 or Todd Miller at 541.736.7137 Comprehensive Facilities Plan Update -Project P80101 Project Description:This will be the first MWMC Comprehensive Facilities Plan Update since the 2004 MWMC Facilities Plan.In coordination with the MWMC's new NPDES permit issued in November 2022 work began to scope project tasks and sign work agreements.The goal of a new MWMC Facilities Plan is to build on the previous planning efforts to develop a practical and cost-effective set of capital improvements necessary to meet community needs and evolving environmental standards for all facilities for the next 20-plus years. Expended Dollar &Percentage Balance RemainingBudget $2,600,000 $493,936 $2,106,06419% Current Month Activities: Consultant (Jacobs)analyses:wastewater flow and load characteristic update,whole plant process model update and mass balance update nearing completion. Consultant (Jacobs)on-site condition assessment of WPCF concrete structures remaining to be scheduled include:solids handling process,buried piping,Biocycle Farm irrigation,and medium voltage conductors/transformers/switchgear. Project work tasks for October 2023:Complete no-cost change order/contract amendment #4 adjusting project scope and budget allocations. On-Call Engineering Services &Disaster Mitigation -Multiple Project Numbers The on-call professional service agreement(s)will support projects such as P80109 Resiliency Follow-Up,P80064 Glenwood Pump Station Upgrades,P80101 MWMC Facility Plan Update,&P80115 Electrical Switchgear/Transformer Replacement. Expended Dollar &Percentage Balance Remaining P80064 Budget $2,050,000 $155,861 $1,894,1398% Expended Dollar &Percentage P80109 Budget Balance Remaining $1,480,000 $190,633 $1,289,36713% Expended Dollar &Percentage P80101 Budget Balance Remaining $2,600,000 $493,936 $2,106,06419% 3 • o ▪ o ▪ o ▪ o ▪ ▪ ▪ • Expended Dollar &Percentage Balance Remaining P80115 Budget $20,000,000 $131,323 $19,868,6771% Current Month Activities: On-call consultant contracts as of September 30.2023: Carollo Engineers:Task Order #1 (revised 10/31/22 not to exceed $149,952)and $148,762.27 spent. P80064 &P80109:MWMC is pursuing new Task Order work through resolution to contract the consultant to design the upgrades to the pump station and provide construction support services. Brown and Caldwell:Task Order #1 (revised 7/11/22 not to exceed $154,523)and $130,477.23 spent. P80109:Task Order #1 consultant work is completed related to earthquake pre- planning information near Owosso Bridge,Willakenzie pump station,and Headworks at the treatment plant. West Yost Associates:$0 spent. No work currently scheduled. Jacobs Engineering Group: P80101:Task Order #1.0 ($166,037.80 spent of $150,000 per Resolution 21-01)signed Task Order on 12/23/22 for MWMC Facilities Planning work (P80101).Anticipate no cost/net zero task order change in October 2023. P80101:Task Order #1.1 ($199,022 spent of $2.5M per Resolution 23-05)signedTask Order on 5/23/23 for MWMC Facilities Planning work (P80101). P80115:Task Order #2.0 ($100,494.62 spent of $227,848 per Resolution 23-02)signed on 3/23/23 regarding design consultant work for the replacement of MWMC existing switchgear and transformers (P80115).Project has completed basis of design and is currently working towards a 30%project design for fall of 2023. Design and Bid Phase If you have questions regarding any design project,please contact Troy McAllister at 541.726.3625. Recycled Water Demonstration Projects -Project P80099 This project provides for the development,design,construction,permitting,and implementation of recycled water demonstration site needs beyond the production and distribution of Class A recycled water for use.This project is principally for partner user agreements,community engagement,and interpretation elements but it may entail onsite upgrades and retrofits to allow the use of recycled water in partnership with end-users and point of delivery plumbing and controls. Expended Balance RemainingBudgetDollar&Percentage $75,625 |18%$410,000 $334,375 Current Month Activities: Ongoing coordination with DEQ on CWSRF loan federal regulatory cross-cutting requirements prior to funding.The MWMC is listed under the DEQ CWSRF Intended Use Plan dated September 27,2023,as eligible for up to $2,000,000 of principal forgiveness for this green/sustainability project.The funding 4 • • • • • • • will apply to construction of MWMC project P80098 (Class A Disinfection Facilities);however,the eligibility for green project funding is linked to project P80099 for recycled water demonstration uses for industry and irrigation. Received notice of project ineligibility under the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Post Fire application (HMGP-PF-FM-5327-OR)as re-submitted August 31,2023.Recycled water is not an eligible drought mitigation practice,despite being identified as such in the FEMA-approved Eugene/Springfield Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. Start on re-applying to the WaterSMART (Bureau of Reclamation)Drought Response Program:Drought Resiliency Projects for Fiscal Year 2024 grant process which opened in August.Final applications are due October 31,2023.WaterSMART covers up to 50%of project costs. Class A Disinfection Facilities -Project P80098 Provides disinfection,storage,and distribution facilities needed to bring tertiary filtered effluent to Class A standards on a consistent and reliable basis for initial demonstration of recycled water uses on-and off-site of the MWMC treatment site.The project includes the design,bidding,construction,and permitting of Class A recycled water disinfection facilities. Expended Dollar &Percentage Balance RemainingBudget $8,000,000 $1,250,872 16%$6,749,128 Current Month Activities: The 100%design submittal is finalized.Project scheduled for bidding in early 2024. Tertiary filters media replacement is scheduled for late September.Further testing of tertiary filters to proceed by early October. Administration Building Improvements -Project P80104 This project will address the Administration/Operations Building workspace needs at the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF).It is a follow up to the 2018-2019 construction of the P80085 new laboratory building and expansion of the existing maintenance building.In 2019,the P80096 Resiliency Planning study recommended evaluating MWMC options for building space including:a)constructing a new MWMC building for immediate occupancy/use after a major natural disaster,or b)upgrade the existing building for immediate occupancy post-earthquake. Expended Dollar &Percentage Balance RemainingBudget $20,000,000 $1,749,459 9%$18,250,541 Current Month Activities: The 90%design package was delayed to October 2023,and Jacobs continued work continued to finalize the design and estimate for this new delivery date. Discussions with plant management resulted in the removal of WPCF entrance scope from the project to allow for a better plan to address congestion in this area in the future. Coordination continues with City of Eugene IT and Instrumentations and Controls to align the work scope,including specific parts procurement,with the correct suppliers. 5 • • • • • Aeration System Upgrades -Project P80113 In 2020 and 2021,Brown and Caldwell evaluated the existing aeration systems and provided recommendations in January 2022 via project P80100.The P80113 project will implement the design and construction of additional upgrades/changes to the existing aeration systems by year 2026.Upgrades to the westerly existing aeration basins are anticipated after year 2031. Expended Dollar &Percentage Balance RemainingBudget $5,995,765 $859,991 $5,135,77414% Current Month Activities: The 30%design submittal kickoff meeting was held August 22.2023 for staff review and comment. B&C are proceeding with the 60%design Submittal at this time.A 60%design submittal workshop is schedule for Mid-December. Electrical Switchgear and Transformer Replacement -Project P80115 The main electrical switchgear at the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF)and Willakenzie Pump Station (WPS)were installed in 1983 during construction of the regional facilities.The purpose of the equipment is to take utility power and provide it to various process areas with the use of switches.There is a main breaker to safely isolate the facility from the utility grid (EWEB),as well as protect the utility from electrical faults at the site. This project will upgrade the existing switchgear and medium voltage transformers. Expended Dollar &Percentage Balance RemainingBudget $5,000,000 $859,991 $4,140,00917% Current Month Activities: Jacobs Engineering worked towards a 30%design product to be delivered later this fall.Continued discussions are being had regarding sequencing of work and procurement cycles. Jacobs delivered a fee request for final design and construction support services.This topic is planned to be brought forward at the November 2023 Commission Meeting for approval. Weekly design meeting and review of past medium voltage electrical records continues. Construction Phase If you have any questions regarding any construction project,please contact Troy McAllister at 541.726.3625. Water Quality Trading Program -Project P80112 The MWMC Water Quality Trading Program secures regulatory credits for enhancing water quality through watershed restoration.The program fulfills the Schedule C Compliance Schedule requirement to secure 200 million kilocalories per day of thermal load credits by November 1,2027.The credit generation meets the objectives of the MWMC Water Quality Trading Plan under the MWMC NPDES permit,which defines the MWMC eligible trading area in the upper Willamette basin.The program is implemented principally through the MWMC's membership in the Pure Water Partners collaborative via the MWMC's contractor-provided Credit Program Manager services and MWMC's IGA with EWEB.Water quality trading credits comprise the MWMC's primary strategy for thermal load limit compliance and may provide ancillary future water quality or carbon benefits. 6 • • • • Expended Dollar &Percentage Balance RemainingBudget $13,000,000 $759,389 6%$12,240,611 Current Month Activities: Amended The Freshwater Trust (TFT)contract for Credit Program Manager Services to preclude fencing (other than tree-protection cages)from the definition of Restoration Services performed under the contract. Received Oregon Bureau of Labor Industries (BOLI)determination that the TFT contract as amended to preclude fencing is not subject to prevailing wage requirements.This determination allows TFT to proceed with contracting for Restoration Services with local project implementers participating in the Pure Water Partners. Poplar Harvest Management Services -Project P80083 Project Description:This project develops a long-term poplar management strategy for the Biocycle Farm through refinement of poplar harvest and planting practices and identification of wood products markets best aligned with the highest and best use of Biocycle Farm poplar.The project ensures the timely harvest of the initial plantings in each MU within the regulatory 12-year rotation limit and subsequent replanting. Expended Dollar &Percentage Balance RemainingBudget $2,000,000 $1,966,815 98%$33,185 Current Month Activities: Final payment to 9Wood on architectural poplar board production.Boards were installed in the Springfield City Council Chambers and sample stained and milled boards were produced for display at BRING Recycling.Further marketing and exposition of these products will be pursued with local designers and builders.MU3 survival survey complete with an estimated 33%loss to be replanted in spring 2024 due to lack of rain/irrigation late spring,excessive weed competition,and probable vole damages. Strategizing going to bid with optional tasks October/November for cutting procurement,freezer storage,herbicide application (pending Eugene EMS approval)and poplar replanting needed in 2024. Poplar paneling installation in City Council Chambers MU3Poplar Whips 7 Statement of Revenues and Expenses METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENTCOMMISSION STATEMENTOFREVENUES AND EXPENSES For the Month Ending September30,2023 3 Budget YTD Budget %YTD BudgetREVENUES OPERATIONS: User fees,Septage &lease income Miscellaneous &internal engineering Interest income Beginning cash-operations Current YTD $39,978,460 441,904 200,000 12,299,893 $6,451,702 147,338 12,085 14,381,723 3,343,848 95,453 14,599 272,345 6,663,077 110,476 50,000 3,074,973 97% 133% 24% Total operating revenue 52,920,257 3,726,245 20,992,848 13,230,064 CAPITAL: Capital and ER support from user fees SDC Revenues Interest income Misc Revenue Beginning cash -capital 14,300,000 2,000,000 420,000 7,800 93,197,489 3,575,000 500,000 105,000 0% 78,668 154,745 223,727 132,665 45% 126% 227 1,426 1,950 73% (3,749)99,933,792 23,299,372 Total capital revenue 109,925,289 229,891 100,291,610 27,481,322 $162,845,546 $121,284,458Totalrevenue3,956,136 40,711,387 Budget YTD BudgetEXPENDITURES OPERATIONS: Administration -Springfield O&M -Eugene Computer replacement contribution Capital and ER contribution Current YTD $5,315,875 18,596,600 $1,444,443 2,400,366 337,916 1,481,027 1,328,969 3,099,433 109% 77% 0% 14,300,000 3,575,000 0% Total operating expenditures 38,212,475 1,818,943 3,844,809 9,553,119 CAPITAL: Capital projects Eugene equipment replacement Eugene major rehab. Other Capital Items -SDC Interfund transfers 64,680,000 1,835,000 630,000 14,000 25,904 355,423 97,300 56,000 457,672 98,762 60,426 16,170,000 458,750 157,500 3,500 3% 22% 38% 501 1,423 41% 6,476 0% Total capital expenditures 67,184,904 509,224 618,284 16,796,226 DEBT SERVICE 4,113,000 1,028,250 RESERVES 53,335,167 1,627,969 116,821,365 13,333,792 $162,845,546 $121,284,458TOTALEXPENDITURES&RESERVES 3,956,136 40,711,387 8 Schedule of Cash Reserves 140,000,000 120,000,000 100,000,000 80,000,000 60,000,000 40,000,000 20,000,000 Budget vs.Actual Revenues and Expenditures BUDGET VS.ACTUAL REVENUES &EXPENDITURES For Fiscal Year2023-24 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 Operatingrevenues Administrationexpenses Budget VTDActual BYID Budget Operationsexpenses 9 • • • • • Operations -Flow and Process Summary Current Month Highlights: Residuals staff and residuals maintenance staff worked on preventative maintenance. Residuals staff and residuals maintenance staff operated the Dewatering Building and Biosolids processing. Residuals staff irrigated the Poplar Tree Farm utilizing recycled water. Temporary staff continue to aid in grass and weed mitigation in MU#2. Residuals staff,maintenance staff,and facilities staff completed biosolids application.A total of 287.3 dry tons of biosolids were agronomically applied over 497.5 acres. Septage Received YTD,gal.Biosolids to BMF YTD,dry tons Recycled Water Irrigated (Farm)YTD,MG* Power Generated (CoGen)YTD,kWh Monthly Value 3,796,300 ($527,700) 04,340 46 ($0) *MG /MGD =million gallons /million gallons per day 10 Operations -Permit Summary Average Effluent cBOD**,mg/L Average Effluent TSS***,mg/L Average Effluent Ammonia,mg/L Average %cBOD Removal Average %TSS Removal Monthly Value 6 98%7.5 98%1.6 cBOD 30 25 20 i15 u 10 5 0 <//y //////f // Effluent cBOD WinterPermit Limit SummerPermit Limit TSS 35 30 25<?20 i/i£15 10 5 0 /////////// Effluent TSS Winter PermitLimit SummerPermit Limit **cBOD =carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand ***TSS =total suspended solids 11 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Operations and Maintenance -Budget Report Eugene Operations &Maintenance Total Budget Budget Re, 5-Personnel 6-Materials &Services 7-Capital Grand Total September 202311,343,336 6,873,264 2,845,000 9,303,319 5,371,117 2,581,893 $21,061,600 $17,256,329 Eugene Operations &Maintenance Summary Capital,Materials &Services,and Personnel Capital IMaterials&Services IPersonnelT $0 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $8,000,000$6,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 Materials&ServicesPersonnel Capital HActuals 2,040,017 1,502,147 263,107 LiRemainingBudget 9,303.319 5,371.117 2,581,893 TotalBudget 11,343,336 6,873.264 2,845,000 Eugene Operations &Maintenance Work Section Summary UBilling LJISC/Sampling uLaboratory L.Administration MlS/TechSupport Biosolids Operations Maintenance $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 MlS/Tech SupportBiosolids Administration Laboratory ISC/Sampling BillingOperationsMaintenance HActuals 1,194,682 812,000 402,317 311,409 302,053 162,453 211,573 145,676 -JRemainingBudget 5,245,895 3,207,839 1,432,433 1,377,520 1,175,493 817,348 727,114 690,795 TotalBudget 4,019,839 1,477,546 836,4716,440,577 1,834,750 1,688,929 979,801 938,687 Eugene Operations &Maintenance Capital Report Equipment Replacement,Major Capital,Outlay,Major Rehabilitation $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000$0 $500,000 $3,500,000 m T IEquipmentReplacement Major Capital -ICapitalOutlay IMajorRehabilitation Major Rehabilitation CapitalOutlay Major Capital EquipmentReplacement HActuals 112,221 26,968 123,919 JRemainingBudget 517,779 353,032 1,711,081 TotalBudget 630,000 380,000 1,835,000 13 Equipment Repairs and Preventive Maintenance Fiscal Year to DateCurrent Equipment Repairs Completed Quantity Hours Quantity Hours Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF)69 491.20 203 1,319.60 Biosolids Management Facility (BMF)14 90.25 31 180.25 Beneficial Reuse Site (BRS)3 18.70 3 18.70 Regional Pump Stations 6 72.50 13 102.50 TOTAL 92 672.65 250 1,621.05 Preventive Maintenance Completed Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF)421 1,175.90 1,286 3,870.56 Biosolids Management Facility (BMF)64 178.77 182 729.11 Beneficial Reuse Site (BRS)40 32.27 79 55.94 Regional Pump Stations 9 9.10 53 95.85 TOTAL 534 1,396.04 1,600 4,751.46 Preventative Maintenance Completed Corrective Maintenance Completed 14 • • • • • Pretreatment Program City of Springfield Monthly Highlights None. Sampling Information Five (5)SlUs were sampled during the reporting period. Industrial Surveys Industrial survey is up to date. SIU Industry Inspections Five (5)industry inspections were conducted during the reporting period. Enforcement Actions Date of Violation Enforcement ActionIndustryNatureofViolation Penalty Discharge (Copper and Lead, daily)Voith US Inc.$2008/24/2023 NOV Discharge (Copper and Lead, daily)Voith US Inc.$200August2023NOV Permits Issued/Updated Industry/Recipient Permit Issued (renewal,modified) International Paper Company Renewal Willamalane Park &Recreation District Renewal McKenzie Willamette Medical Center Renewal Aramark Uniform &Career Apparel,LLC Renewal Pollution Management Practices PMPs are current for the reporting period. 15 • • • • • • • • • City of Eugene Monthly Highlights Staff attended PNCWA Workshop in Tacoma,WA. Sampling Information Five (5)SlUs were sampled during the reporting period. Industrial Surveys Zero (0)industrial surveys were received or reviewed during the reporting period. Industry Inspections Four (4)industrial site visits were conducted at permitted facilities. Enforcement Actions Date of Violation Enforcement ActionIndustryNatureofViolation Penalty Late report more than 5 days but less than 15 days.TelephoneHopValleyBrewingCo.$0.009/26/2023 Call Failure to comply with any condition or requirement of a Mobile Waste Hauler Permit.United Site Services $100.009/11/2023 NON Failure to comply with any other condition or requirement of a Wastewater Discharge Permit or Mobile Waste Hauler. $200.00UnitedSiteServices9/11/2023 NOV Failure to supply copies of required documents to City by due date.United Site Services $200.009/12/2023 NOV Mobile Waste Hauler discharging without a permit.$1,000.00UnitedSiteServices9/12/2023 NOV Making any false statement, representation,or certification in any application,record,report,plan,or other document;or falsifying, tampering with or rendering inaccurate any monitoring device. $2,500.00UnitedSiteServices9/12/2023 NOV Permits Issued/Updated Industry/Recipient Permit Issued (renewal,modified) None None Pollution Management Practices Zero (0)General Requirements were issued. Zero (0)Food Service Establishment inspection/site visits were conducted. Zero (0)Non-Discharging Categorical Industrial User inspections were conducted. Fifteen (15)FOG Pump-out Reports were received/reviewed during the reporting period. Mobile Waste Haulers Six (6)Mobile Waste Hauler permit renewal applications were received during the reporting period. 16