HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 10 17 Agenda WS & RS1 P Planning Commission Agenda City Hall 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541.726.3610 Join Zoom Meeting or Attend in Person https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4107418327?pwd=U1lPeWJxM0gxVnNDT1pPbFl0b3pTQT09 Meeting ID: 410 741 8327 Passcode: 5417263653 Call 971-247-1195 or 877-853-5247 toll-free Oregon Relay/TTY: Dial 711 or 800-735-1232. Give the Relay Operator the area code and telephone number you wish to call and any further instructions All proceedings before the Planning Commission are recorded. To view agenda packet materials or view a recording after the meeting, go to SpringfieldOregonSpeaks.org REVISED October 17th, 2023 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission in its role as the Committee for Citizen Involvement Jesse Maine Room (City Hall) & via Zoom The Jesse Maine Room is ADA accessible. CALL TO ORDER ATTENDANCE Chair Salazar _____, Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey _____, Buck_____, Thompson_____, Schmunk_____, Stout_____. ITEM(S) • Community for Citizen Involvement: Annual Report Staff: Sandy Belson 50 Minutes 7:00 p.m. (approx.) Planning Commission Regular Session Comprehensive Planning Manager: Sandy Belson 541.736.7135 Administrative Specialist: Sarah Weaver 541.726.3653 City Attorney’s Office: Kristina Kraaz 541.744.4061 Planning Commissioners: Matthew Salazar, Chair Isaac Rhoads-Dey, Vice-Chair Andrew Buck Seth Thompson Steven Schmunk Alan Stout 2 CALL TO ORDER ATTENDANCE Chair Salazar _____, Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey _____, Buck_____, Thompson_____, Schmunk_____, Stout_____. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: • June 21st, 2023 • August 15th, 2023 • September 5th, 2023 BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE REPORT ON COUNCIL ACTION BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADJOURNMENT