HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 06 21 Planning Commission Minutes WS & RSPlanning Commission Minutes – June 21st, 2023 Approved 10/17/23 Attest by S.Weaver 1 Springfield Planning Commission Minutes for Wednesday, June 21st, 2023 Work Session 6:00 pm Meeting held in the Council Chambers and via Zoom Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Matt Salazar, Vice Chair Grace Bergen, Seth Thompson, Steven Schmunk, Alan Stout, and Isaac Rhoads-Dey Excused Absence: Andrew Buck Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Sarah Weaver, Community Development Administrative Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney Chair Salazar called the Work Session of the Planning Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. Adjustments to the Agenda: Chair Salazar moved that the Work Session Item “Committee Assignments” be moved to the first agenda item of the meeting. Roll call vote: Salazar – Aye Bergen – Aye Thompson – Aye Stout – Aye Rhoads-Dey – Aye Schmunk – Aye 6 / 0 – 1 absent Motion passes WORK SESSION ITEM(S) 1) Committee Assignments The Commissioners discussed the various committee assignments and who might be interested in serving on the Development Code Governance Committee, which is currently hibernating but may become active again, and the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). Commissioner Bergen announced that she would be resigning from the Planning Commission after this meeting. The position of Vice Chair will also need to be filled during the Regular Session. Planning Commission Minutes – June 21st, 2023 Approved 10/17/23 Attest by S.Weaver 2 2) Planning Commission Protocols The Commissioners discussed the protocols that were put in place during the pandemic and concluded that they are still appropriate. 3) Reports on Council Action: The Commissioners discussed the format of the Reports on Council Action and concluded that only information relevant to the Commissioners needed to be relayed. ADJOURNMENT – 6:35 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Planning Commission Regular Session City Council Chambers and via Zoom Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Salazar, Vice Chair Bergen, Seth Thompson, Steven Schmunk, Alan Stout, and Issac Rhoads-Dey Excused Absence: Andrew Buck Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Mark Rust, Current Planning Manager; Andy Limbird, Senior Planner; Michael Liebler, Transportation Planning Engineer; Sarah Weaver, Community Development Administrative Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney Chair Salazar called the Regular Session of the Planning Commission to order at 7:04 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLIAGENCE – Led by Vice Chair Bergen. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES – • June 6th, 2023 approved with change to the name of the high school referenced BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE – None PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 1) Public Hearing for Discretionary Use Permit and Site Plan Review for EC Cares Educational Facility (811-23-000059-TYP2 & 811-23-000060-TYP3) Staff: Andy Limbird, Senior Planner Planning Commission Minutes – June 21st, 2023 Approved 10/17/23 Attest by S.Weaver 3 Chair Salazar opened the public hearing. Kristina Kraaz, City Attorney, read a brief statement regarding conflicts of interest. Potential Conflicts of Interest: • Salazar – stated that he has a potential conflict of interest since he works for Homes for Good, which has projects with the applicant. For this reason, he has ex parte contact with the applicant. He has no bias that would influence his vote on the matter. • Bergen – has a potential conflict of interest. She is an active real-estate broker in the community. She has no ex parte contact or independent knowledge. • Thompson – has no conflict of interest, no ex parte contact or independent knowledge. • Schmunk – has no conflict of interest, no ex parte contact or bias. He did visit the site, but this would not influence his judgement in the matter. • Rhoads-Dey – has no bias, ex parte contact or independent knowledge, but has a potential conflict of interest since he is an active real-estate broker in the community. • Stout – has no conflict of interest, bias, or ex parte contact. Chair Salazar: asked if there were any challenges as to the Commission’s impartiality or the jurisdiction about the item before it. Hearing none, he called on Staff to present the staff report. Andy Limbird / Staff: presented additional information on the Discretionary Use Permit that the Commission requested concerning traffic enforcement and accident statistics. There was nothing to relate regarding an elevated risk. Michael Liebler / Staff: informed the commissioners about the traffic study he completed about G-Street traffic speeds and the methodology that was used. He also provided an overview of traffic calming measures requested by persons providing testimony and the reasons for such measures not being recommended for this proposed development. Chair Salazar called on the Commissioners to pose questions to Staff. Andy Limbird / Staff: explained to the Commissioners that if a different party were to operate at the site, depending on the type of application, a minimum of a site review would have to take place. The site review might not necessitate the application going before the Commission again. He confirmed that the Commission could revisit traffic measures for the street at a later date. Kristina Kraaz / Staff: explained that the City has an independent legal authority to modify the flow of traffic within the right-of-way, if it deems necessary. Planning Commission Minutes – June 21st, 2023 Approved 10/17/23 Attest by S.Weaver 4 Public Testimony Julie Quelch / Applicant Representative: Thanked the Commission for allowing her the opportunity to speak, but she had no additional information to share. In Favor • None Neutral • None In opposition • None Vice Chair Bergen moved to close the hearing and the public record. Commissioner Rhoads-Dey seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Salazar – Aye Bergen – Aye Thompson – Aye Stout – Aye Rhoads-Dey – Aye Schmunk – Aye 6 / 0 – 1 Absent Commissioner Stout: moved to adopt the Order that is in the agenda packet as Attachment 3 for this item. Commissioner Rhoads-Dey seconded the motion. The Commissioners decided to add an additional finding to the Discretionary Use report. Commissioner Stout: moved to add the amendment to the finding: “Should traffic or pedestrian safety issues arise after the proposed development is completed, the City retains authority under the Springfield Charter and Springfield Municipal Code to install additional traffic safety measures within the public right of way” (add to page 12 under traffic safety). Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Roll call vote on amending the Discretionary Use report to add the finding: Planning Commission Minutes – June 21st, 2023 Approved 10/17/23 Attest by S.Weaver 5 Salazar – Aye Bergen – Aye Thompson – Aye Rhoads-Dey – Aye Stout – Aye Schmunk – Aye 6 / 0 – Absent 1 Motion passes Roll call vote on the Discretionary Use Permit as amended: Salazar – Aye Bergen – Aye Thompson – Aye Rhoads-Dey – Aye Stout – Aye Schmunk – No 5 / 1 – Absent 1 Motion passes REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION Commissioner Salazar: reported on the City Council’s June 12th meeting. BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Rhoads-Dey nominated himself for the role of Vice Chair. Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Salazar – Aye Bergen – Aye Thompson – Aye Stout – Aye Schmunk – Aye Rhoads-Dey - Abstain 5 / 0 – 1 Abstention / 1 Absent Commissioner Rhoads-Dey nominated Commissioner Stout for the role of BPAC Liaison. Commissioner Stout seconded the motion. Planning Commission Minutes – June 21st, 2023 Approved 10/17/23 Attest by S.Weaver 6 Roll call vote: Salazar – Aye Bergen – Aye Thompson – Aye Rhoads-Dey – Aye Stout – Aye Schmunk – Aye 6 / 0 – 1 Absent Commissioner Bergen nominated Commissioner Buck for the role of the Governance Committee liaison. Chair Salazar seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Salazar – Aye Bergen – Aye Thompson – Aye Rhoads-Dey – Aye Stout – Aye Schmunk – Aye 6 / 0 – 1 Absent motion passes Chair Salazar nominated himself for the role of Governance Committee liaison. Commissioner Rhoads-Dey seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Bergen – Aye Thompson – Aye Rhoads-Dey – Aye Stout – Aye Schmunk – Aye Roll call vote: Salazar – Abstain 5 / 0 – 1 Abstain / 1 Absent motion passes BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Planning Commission Minutes – June 21st, 2023 Approved 10/17/23 Attest by S.Weaver 7 Sandy Belson / Staff: informed the Commissioners that there is another Joint Planning Commission meeting with both Lane County and Eugene Planning Commissions on the Public Facilities and Services Plan. It is tentatively scheduled for September 26th. There is no meeting scheduled for the first Tuesday in July – July 4th. The next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for July 18th. The Joint Lane County and Springfield Planning Commission Work Session and Public Hearing will focus on the Comprehensive Plan Map and corresponding land use element, which will replace the Metro Plan Diagram and Metro Plan land use descriptions for the City of Springfield. The subsequent meeting on August 1st is a joint meeting with the Lane County Planning Commission as well. It is encouraged that the Commissioners meet remotely for both the July and August meetings. Staff will be meeting in the Jesse Maine Room for those who want to meet in person. The August 1st meeting with the Lane Country Planning Commission will be focused on Development Code Amendments, which include stormwater, parking, and other miscellaneous amendments. ADJOURNMENT – 8:20 PM