HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-03-04#.. RESIE'NTIAL..SPFIINGFIELD 225 Nonth stt s*effPLrcATf1N/PERtdrr SprLngfi,eld, )regon 97477 Bui.Ldi.ng Ditsiston 7 26-37 53 ltro \lj \,\ Date GeneraL Electrical / / Meclutical ConstructianJ@er_ It io tlo rceponribilitg of the permit tDUa. to aee tltat aLL inspeetiotts ate nade at the propet time, that ecch addreas is reaCabie fln the atteet, @d tltat the pditit eatd ia Luated. at the ftottt of tlle Woperty.*Sui.lding Diuicbn aVprw^ed pl,an shall yemain on tLe Bunldinp Site at aLL- tines.- PRO1EDUPE F1R INSPEOI2N R9QWST:CALL 726-3769 (z,ecordet,) state gout City designated job ntnibet,, job alltess, type of inspeelicn tequested and uhen you uiLL be readg for iropection, Cont?aeta?s o! A,tners ncne and p\nne nmber. P.equests receixed befcre 7:00 ottttill be nade the eane dcy, ?equests made after ?:00 an uLLL be nnde the nest uotking day. Reoui,red fnsoeetions Iouz' City Desigr,ated Job Numbet' Is:.AB6/70 Aaseasorc aap * 17^a?- 7a - -/D ?cr lat # O7 /a > Job Loeaticn: Svbdiztision: Addt ess : ZA.rt,4(22 kZZ y'Z-Zz> Qayr-rru, " *€l 2,/ Aorcr: Descri,be l,lotk Date of t--l Na) Additian RenoCel Contracto?s Ad.dt,ess Page 7 of 2 M roormc 4 E1UNDATT1N: To be rmCe V) @;;-tz,encG ate escauated and. forns are erected, but priot, to pout'tttg ccnereta. SI?E INSP4C?I)N: ?o be nnde aftet' e$caoation, but pt Lo! tc se+. up of fonn. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRICAL & WCHAIIICAL: To be made before anywtk ie eotsered. UNDZRGP)UUD PLUMBING LflWES2_ rlAru& @-6dncnes. AilDERFLOOR PLAI,IBTNG & IIECI|ANICAL : of floor insulation or decking. P1S! 4!P BEAIA: To be made prLor to ffif,frTffiTof floor insulation or deckittg. ROUGH PLADII,IG. ELECTRICAL & MECH:- ANICAL: No uork is to be eooez,ed .ffiTtheee inspeet'ions lnue been made and, approtseC. IIPEPLACE: PrLor to placirq facingmatetials ard. before ft,aning inepee- tion. ERALTfilG: tutust be requested after apptooal of rough plunbing, electni- eal & nechanical. ALt toofittg btactng E ehirnnege, etc. rrust be : eonpleted. Ito uork ts to be eon- . cealed. until this inspectton las 'been nad.e anC apptooed. FTNAL PLUABIrc FINAL UTCHANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL INSULATTON/VAPAR BARRTER IT\SPECTION : lo be made after aLL insulaticn a"d requited oqor boriers @e in place but before ang Lath, Wpsum baatC or tnLL cooering is applied, ond before oty i,nsulation is concealed. DRYIIALL INSPEC?f)N: Tc be nade after aLL dtguall is in p|.ace, but prior to ang taping. MASONRL Steel Location, bond. beons, gtouting ot, oerticals in accordotce tLth U.B.C. Seetion 2415. After instalUtLon ie (() o CURB & APPROACH APPON: After forms . d,e e;;;t;Z-frt p;lo" to poumna i. conc?ete. SIDEIIALK & DRfI.EWAI: For aLL eon- ctete pAfuAffi etteet right- of-taA, to be nade aftez, aLL e*ca- uating canplete & forn uov,k & sttb- base materiaL in place. DEI,IOLI?TO!] OR :.!OW' BUILDIiICS Sanitey saser eapped at propertil Lir:e Septic tank p,t,tped ard filled rrith gzatel Final - llhen abcoe ttens are ccrnpleted and uhen Cenolition is eotnplete o" st?ue- ture motsed and. ptenrLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking od Set-up Plutnbing eonnecti.one -- aa))e? od. uatet Electrical Ccmnecti,on - Bloeking, aelu-up and pLutnbing eonnecti,ons rnist be apprcxed before requesting eleclricaL inspectiol Accessory Bui.Lding Pi.nal - After pcrckes, sl<irting, deeks, ete. ue eornpleted. WOODSTOI/E: atnpleted. sr PENCE: When cornplete -- Protside gates o! motsable sect'tons tht'ough P.U.E. \q aV\ PINAL B{.fiLDING: The Final Building Inepection mtst be t,equested after the Final Plwnbiry \a/ Electr.tcal, old. lleclnnical fnspecti.ons lnue been nade ard apptotsed. - --- ALL y,oject conditions, sueh ae the installation of stteet tt,ees, co,npletion of the required Landscaping, etc., rmtet be satisfied before the BUILDINC EINAL ean be requested. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEN! TO BE M4DE AT NO COST TO CI?Y tr tr 2JOB NO. ?otaL SOLAR ACCESS R EQ.- Gro L-co c 3-7^** #: f EAW CAREPULLY EXA].IfNED the conpleted appli,cation for pennit, ald. do hereby certify that aLL infonnation het,eon is true and correet, crd f futthet, certify that ang ard aLL uotk perforned elwll be done in accot- danee ,,rLth the 1rdinetrces of the City of Springfield, atd the Laas of the State of Ol,egon pertaining to the wyk Cescyibed herein, and tlnt N0 )CCA- PAIICY tvilL be nad.e of any st"uetltre uithout pennisaion of the Building DL-oision. I further certify that otly eontractoz,s ad, enplcyees uho are in canpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie projeet uate \\4 t1 Int Sq. Ftg.LO? ?WE _ fnterior _ Corner _ Panhand.Le _ CUl-de-sac Lot Faces -Z of Lot Cwerage - P. L.House# of Stortes lotal Eeight ?opogtqphy Accesa. I?EM -- Fees -- f JU X Building Volue & Permif This permi.t is granted on the etprress eondition tTnt the eaid eonstntetionslull, in all respects, conforn to the Ordirnnce adopted 6iy the City of Spz,ingfield, inchd.ing the Soning Crdincrrce, z,egulating the ccnsttucticn qnd use of buildings, arzd may be euspend.ed or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of mrJ prcoisione of said }tdinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 c Building Perwit CC State 5>Date Paid:l/?otal, Claxges Signed ITEM N0.FEE CHARGE Frbhtres Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll consttaet, ins+.al'!., alter ot elwnge anA nea cr existing pkanbing or drainage sgstan in uhole ot in pott, unless such person is tlelegal possessor of a oalid plwtbet's Li,eense, eccept tlnt a pbt'son nag do plwnbing uork to ptoperty uhich is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli- @nt. Resil.ential (1 bath) Seuer aab Plwnbing Pernrit d?jl State Su,change Nau,/Exterd Circuits Electricol Permit Were State Las requires tlnt the electrieal uoyk be done by an Eleetrical Contraetor, the eleetrical portion of this pernit sltall not be oaliL untilthe Label lus been signed by the Electrical Contractot,.ce CtC aFaD 4' 1>State ?otaL * FEE * Mechqnicol Permit Eshanet HooC tlcodstoise Vent Fan Petnrit fssuance Meelwnieal Permit .. ENCROACHMENT -- Eeqn'ity Deposit S gto.S" Maintenance Permtt Cvrbcut Sida,talk Electrical r,abeil -2a Mobile Horne 75"-/.5- TAIAL IIMOUN? DUE:*Date Bedyoons: -- ?enee 4lolzD Zzs North rrt, ironff"'cA>'<'oN/PERl[rr Spz"LngfieLd, Oregon 97477 Building Ditsisi.on 7 26- 37 53 .. RESIT'qNTIAL..SPFIIi{GFIEL.D- 7*/ I Job [oceticn: ABceaeorc I'!eo fl S\bditision: Qnter: Aditess: ci J-o-ft-''L value {rf, CIL. ll\ I Q)) r \1 S;qr*a, CO Date of ApoL Ll-b- Y L:OnXraciars ?cs Lat # a L rH n Describe Norl<: Add.iticn RenodeL lrtpe tJec /n {l 7\.L flome Aa.ares s GeneraL PLtmcinc l,leclrar,iccL q"ry*l*ion Ldrde"_ _ . , .- ... : It i., the reeponeibility of tlc pentrtt hold* b ae€ tlut aLL inapectiotu oe nade at tte p?ope" tine, tLat ecch c,1t-eas is v2asaii.fy1-tJe atreet, atd that the-p*tntt e.ar<i ie tqated at the frcnt of the ptoperty..BuiUi.g Diuicipn alprw^ed, pibt sltcll remain on iltz Buzlainq Sitc Zt aLL' tines.- P!?oCsDUPq F1l?.4[S?Z*I011 .liOLtrST:CALL726-3769(recorder) stdte uou? City designated. job runber, job azitees, tyoe of inspeclict,Pequesxea ar.a uien'gou aiLL be reatiy for i*pcction, ContTdexo?s or Oumez,s lctne cnd phone nunbcr.- P,"qre"t" receit;'ed befcre'?:00 g,|t LL be nacie the eane <icg, requests nade aftet ?:00 Gn vLLL be nade tne nczt wtking ccg. yotu City Desigr.ated Job Uwber Is s(Dlqofi-en o -l Si?S I::S?!C:|O::: ?o be rnd.e after,) eacavacao", oux prior to se= up of. Jorng. II:SULATIOTI/VAPOR BARRI5P ITSPICIIO\I :i:ttar 767ntt Aa ttatE^LL,.-LJ. IU;; UA ..JI'J D'JLUJ,, l l l l l UI|DERSLAS pLUt!3n:G, f,L|C?pIC,1L I l.5Cl:l;.1;ICA-: To be maoe before anu ttork is ewered, PCjTfilC 1 FOUND,ITICII: Io be rru.Ce af;;;-;;e,rcies a"e ercauatei ard forms ote etected, but prior xopw-irq ccnctei., u NDTRCPCL|::D PLUI.|Z I t; C, S 9t E..., t\t.1! ! I, DPAIIIACI: ?o be naie prior xo fil-Lir4 vrenchec. llllnFo=f aa1 Dltttatrta I tlFauAIfatt. Io be natie prict xo insxallation of floor insulction or <ieckino, P)ST A::, BtAl.:: To bc netic p"iar taiistallizicn of floor insulation or decking, ?o be mad.e aftet aLL insuLaxi-cn ed, rcqu't-red ooor ba,rie?s @e in pla.ce but before ory lath, Wpsu:-l bcati or tnLL couering is dpplied, od. beforeoty irsulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPTII1N: ?c be made after aLL ctyuall is in place, bux p|ior to cng tapirg, ItAS1!lP!: Steel Loeation, bond beans, orouting or terticals in accordorce Lrith U.D.C. Section WOODSTO'IE: enpleteA. After installation i.s b/ CUPB 8 APPRCACE APPOtt: After formsee ereetei but prior to pcuring conetete. SIDE\IALX I DRf\EHAY: For aLL eon- crete pauing Dithin st?eet right- of-tYy, to be maie after aLL ezca- Oatinq canplete & fotn utot'k E sub- base mctertal in place. Scniteg ea.ter capped et property Lir:e Septic totk ptnced a,rd. fi.Lled ttth gza:;e Final - I'lhen abcte itens ate ccnpleted and uizen ie:.tcl'ttion is conalete o? st!.ul- tuye mouei arzc prerises eleaned up. llcbile iicnes Blocking otd Set-':tp Pltnbing connections -- 6a)e? ozC uater Eleetriccl Cmnection - Blocking, eet-u: ani plunbino eonnections r;st be dpp?ct€; befor e requesx:.ng eleclrical inspec'-io- Accescory Buili'-ng Ftttal - l,ftcr pcrehes, ak"Jrting, decl<.s, etc. are canoleled. --l R)Ltc't PLU:91:;3. !LE::2ICAL ,t tlra.c- I - .ur.til ti,lcse irlspecti-ot:s haue beo; tude qc cpprooed. 1 fnfprtcti prLor to olccirn fceinc ) ^ct;;|"* and. bcfore'irettin'z inspc'e- tion- 7 Fnnl:fl:: lqust be recuectcd dfter ) appr.""L oi rough pltabin1, e'Leetn-,- a.L 6 neciunical. AL! rociit'::: bractng E ehimegs, ete. trust be : e.ontpletcd. Ilo ucnk ie to be con- --cecled until this inspeetion laa'been nanie anC approued. lEllCE: hher: eonplete -- ProuiCe qaxe6 o? mouable sections throu.oh P, U, E. ALL pro,ieet conditions, such ae the i.nstallation of street trees, conoletion of ti@ required i-anC,sccpitcg, etc., nast be aati.sficd before the BUILDIT:C FIIIAL can be requested. FI|IAL BUILDING: The Final Build.ing lnapection r,uet be reouesteC clter the Final Ptmbing Electrical, artC Nechatical Inspect'.ons itaue been nade aru) apptooeC. l l l l FIIIAL PLUI,IBII:G FIIIAL HS'HA\UCAL FINAL ELSCTRICAL o 'ALL HAI:PC:IS AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIELE, ADJUST:IZ:t! T0 9' t'.-4D' l.! l':o clsr T0 crly Page 7 of 2 4 JOB NO. f.ot Sq. Ftg. I cf lot Ccoenagc I of Stortee ?otal leight Topogra?hy / soLAR AccEss REe.- I3I TWE _ Interiot _ Cotaef _ Panhandle _ CUl-de-aac 0 L-COG+ Be:boqzs: Iat Pacea - ieaf, l{ooactote P. L.House Caraoe No"th ll kan East ll I i;n Sot:th ll hle at II x VaZuc Accessorv TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. I.5 .r I&rures Building Periiit State lotal Citcgea Plzonbing Petrit State FF' Building Volue & Permit This pernr-t io gtwted on the eupress condition tlnt the said.constntctiot't ehall, in all neepccts, eonform to the Ordinance adocteC by the city of Springfteld, includzng the Zoning CYdtnonce, regulcting the ccnstrtcticn otd uce of buildtngs, otd mey be euspendeC or revokeC at c1:y tine upon vic- Lation of @ty pncttisiona of aaid Orciir,ances. a Lhlr: PLan Cheek Fee Date Paid: Sigxeci: Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll construct, inslall, al,ter or eiunge cny nel cr e:isting plmbing or tirainaae systen in aiole or in patt, unless auch person is t e Legal possessor of a ualid plutttber's License, ezcept tl",z,t a ?e:son nal b OH:r"n uork to p"opert! uhieh is ormeC, Leased or operated by the qPLi- Resi<ietttial (1 bcth) Scitary Sa*r tlcter wi;-.i J:Electricol Permit tlhe?e State Las reouires tha,t the electrtcal uork be done by an Slectrical Conxru,cta?, the electrLccl portion of ti,tis perniy sisll rat be vali,C, until the lzbel ias been signeci by tize Electrtcal 9ontractor. Ilzu/btend Circuits Semtice Stc.te Total Res. Sc. ftz. !7:.\! tE=hatat Hoo! , Vaft Fot ''lcoCstorc c::*,-:Mechonicol Permit Pernit'Issuotcc Me:ianical Perit a(/ a t , ,- ai/ 't,"'v Sean-itu Stotaoe Pern'it eobclt: Si-da.lalk llobile llane .- E:lCRCACHI.!!:,'T -- Totcl Cnarocs I'Ldfi Lzanlne" f HAW CARSFULLy 9XLUINED tlte comoleted aoolication for oermit, 6nd. do hereby certifll that aLL itfottation hereon ie true anC. corrcct, anC I futther certify thax any arl aLL uot'k perlorneci si-,alt be ciote in aecot- danee sith the Ord.inances of the City of SortnSficld, arul th: La;s of the State of Oregcn pcrtainino to the tsork Cescribcd hcrein, cr.d, th.at N0 CCCI- Pr'.ilCy uill be npde of any st?ucture uitho'tt permission of the Builtiing Di-vision. f further certif'; that o:tly conttactors ard, eaplcyees oho are in catpliance wl.th CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project (.b.ff t aTTAL AIfrU!:? D!!!:'/-),7 1 Dtte #: ,!,, ?ctaL Clcroes