HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-09-09.. RESIL-NTIA[.. z2s North sth streelPPLrcATr,N /PERl,rr SprLngfield, 2regon 9747? ButLdirq Diuision 7 26-37 53 ll SPIIINGFIET.D F.FrP 72 <. (n 7rz''6.d€ ,4-,ga?-e3 76-7> Date: Pltottbi,.ttg Meclunical Cottctflicttoi Leadet r: i, lrn *epolttibi-lip.ol-ttc perltit ho_14a. b aea tlnt all ircpeetiotu oe nad.e at thz pto?e? tite, tltat ecch sl,t-eas ia tedeahlef.y--tb ett-'egL ard that the o*nrit catd, ia teated at the frcni of th,e prop*fu.*Bztiaieg Noicioz aprot;ed plbt shc.Ll z,emain on trte g"i.idirh' iiie at aLL times. ?IocgDUPE;F1R. IySPEcIroN,E-=QyEST:CALL726-3769(tecorder) state yout City Cesigna,ted job nmber, job aCCtess, type of inepeelicn :tr*^:<-*:1.:ao" -uiLL beieadg for inspection, contractors o; anters'nane Znd. ptnie aunbi.' R"A;"i relel.i;Za bLycne'z:00 q.t'|LYLL be nade the eane dcg" nequests nade aftet ?:00 otr ttill be nade the nett uotking'd,ay. ? 36*-*Job Iocation: Taz lat # 4)aAeoessors Map # Subditision: Phone Qsner: Addtess: Describe Woyk: Efrar f;7v=q fua Bur-PtFa. ci fu/ 37//7c2 faa4D,//raq. 3a'X32' zip:D a5 Value Additian RanoCel Ceneral Page 1 of 2 SnE INSPEC?ION: Io be rmde afterezcaation, but pt'iot tc set up of ro?mg. AfiDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRICAL & WC{LVCAL: Io be nade befot,e any t'to:rk ia caered, POO?IN1 & FOUNDA?ICN: ?o be nadeaftet tz,enchea a?e eseaated and forns ate erected, but prtor topourtng cctterete. ANDgRGPOUND PLUMPING. SEWR, W.|TER. DRAIIIAGE: ?o be nade prtor to fil-@-iFinctee. INDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANTCAL: oy floo ineulation oz. decking. POST AllD BEAU: ?o.be made prLor toffi:tw ltro1 floot, insuhtion or dccking. ROUGH PLABINC. ELEC?RTCAL & MECH: ANICAL: No uotk is to be eo.-et,ed .ffitheee inspeetions haoe beer Md.e @td. approoed. FIPEpt!. Q: Prlor to placirq faeingnatertale and befote franing inepeb-tion. ?RAl'!fNG: ltuet be req-ueated after appnooal of rough plwrbing, electri- a,L & neclanical. ALL roofing braetng E ehimneys, etc. mtst be i eonpleted. No uork ie to be con- ,.,.;.ceated unti,L this inspection laarbeen trude anC apprctted, TNSALATT2N/VA?OR BARRIER IttSplC?rON: To be nade after aLL insulaticn cd tequired oqor borie?s @e in place but before ory lath, Wpsutn boatC or tnLL cooering is applied, and before or.y iraulation is concealed. DRIWALL fNSPEtrf1N: ?c be nwdeafter all dtyuall ie in place, but prior to any ta?ing. I'IAS)NRI: Steel Loeation, bond beons, grouting or tserticals in accordaee uLth U.B.C. Section 241 5. Sanila4 ea,tet eappted at WopefiA Lirze Septic totk paryed at1d. fi.Lled. tith granet Final - h\len aboue itene are eonpleted and uhen Cq.olition is conplete bt stmtc-tute noued otd. ptenrLses cleaneC up. IlOWD BUILDI\,ICS e Hcmes Bl-oeking otd Set-up Plunbing eonnectiotw -- aa)e? otd. uatet WOODS?)\'E: @npT;TA. After installation ie CURB & APPROACH APPON: After fornsee erecteC but ptior to pouring conerete. SfDEWALK & DR|VEWAI: Eor aZL eon- crete paoing dthin stteet right-gf-teA, to be mad.e after aLL etca- oating cattplete & forn tsotk E sttb- base raterLal in place. ?_ACE: When conplete -- tuottiCe gatee or nooable eections thnough P,U.E. Electtical Cotnecti.on - Blocking, eet-up and. plunbing cotnections tntst be apprcobd before requesting eleclrical inspectiol Accessory Buitding Pinal - After etc. ue cornp pcrches, ekirting, decks, leted. FTilAL PLUMBING PTNAL MECHANTCAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL ALL proiect eozditions, such ae tle inetallation of stueet trees, co.ryLetion of tierequited landseqirq' etc., rmtet be eatisfied before the BUfLDfNc FLNAL can be requested. ?|NAL BULLDIIIG: The tinal Building fnepeetion mot be requeated aftet the Fittzl plunbing Electr.tcal, otd, Meeltarical rnspeetiona 't@e been nade atd'approtted, *ALL MANI|1LES AND cLEANours MUsr BE AI1ESSTBLE, ADJUSTTEN? ?o Bs MADE A? Ito cosr ro cr?! re,6 Date of oppti.ori.on ? '2-g 2 - V ,rouorn r*u contractors Addz,ess Lisc. # ' you? Ci,ty Deei,gnated, Job Nunbet 1", 5i- #? r tr Z Ene?(tu Sou"ees TyoeLot Faees - lleat P.L Houae Ca?age Accesa.llater lleatez, North Range East Fireplace l,/oodstoxeSouth tlest Lot Sq. Ftg. I of Lot Cooeraga # of Sbrtee total Height fopogttphg soLAR ACCESS REQ.-dJOB NO.L-CO U)Bedroorns: -- Fees -- ITEM SQ. FTG x Value Win G@aae CdrDort Aecessoru 7kz z',f/&* TOTAL VALUT (DeLue)S.D.C. 7.5 c S6.ra I ? -B7l lcot" eoi.d., ,:1 This pertrLt is granted ot the erpress eondttion tlat the said.constnrction slall, in all reepects, confonn to the 2rdinozce adopted by the City of Sprtngfield, i.nctuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn otd. use of buildings, urd may be suspended ot, reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of any prcuisione of satd Otdinances. * Building Volue & Permit Building PermLt Iotal Clntges State No pereon shall consttaet, i.netal!, altet or ehange ang netD cr esisting plunbirq or dtainage syttan in ahole or in patt, unleee euch pet,son ie tlte Legal poseessor of a ,.talid plwnber's License, eucept tlut a pe?son may do plmbing uotk to plope"tg uhich is ottned, Leased or operated by the cppli- @nt. Electricql Permit Were State Lan tequires that the electrical uotk be ilone by an Elech"ical Conttactor, the eleetr'ical portion of this pernit shall not be oal,iC until the label lns been signed by the Electrieal Cont?actor. ,72 Plumbing Signed: NO FEE CHARGE erm irFi.rtt*es Resid.zttti.a.L (1 bath) Seuer PlumbLng Permtt State 7 Il au,/Ect end. Cit cui ts Sentice State Iotal CIIARCE * Mechqnicql Permit Ecltatet HooC llcodstote Vent Fa Permit'rssua.ce Mechanical Pennt -- ENCROACEMENT -- leqrLty Deposit Storage Mainterance Pentrit Cvtbeut - Sidandlk Fence Electrical la-bel Reeeipt #:4 TotaL f HAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED the eornpleted application for pernit, atd. do heteby certify tlnt aLL information hez'eon i.s true and eonect, and. I fuz,ther certify that any ard aLL uork perfomed shall be done in accot- dance ,'rith the hdinances of the CitA of Spr"ingfield, atd. the Lane of the State of 1regon pertaining to the wtk Cesq,ibed het,ein, cnd. tlnt Il0 )CCA- PANCY wiLL be naCe of any lt?ucture uithout permission of the Building DL-oieion. f fw,ther eertif'g that otly contraetors cnd anplcyees uho are in conpliance Dith 2RS 701-.055 uiLL be used on thie project *TATAL AMOUNI DUE: *fl ?a.oa Signed Da mr ?wi: _ fnterLot _ Coraer _ Pothatdle _ Atl-de-aac httnzce B?U'S lotal Chanacs State Surehanqe Mobile Hone ru " RESID*.lTlAL"Rcceict 4 SPFIINGFIEL.DAPPLICA?ION/PERIII? 225 North $th Street Springfield, 2regon 97477 Butldtng Oitsision 726-3753 Job Locaticn: Aasessors Map #L4 Tc,r lbt #ZqA-D Svbdiuision: Outzet: Addtess: ci Additicn Renoiel tontrac--ors GeneraL P ELectrLcaL d,r-A OLLL 9o {3e &,Ld Deseribe llor,l<: Val-ue %rs, Siared Date of Apo ?tz+1 0 es \ zip' o'"<o Sottd .^L/W-Sr^U^,gLL 14eciwrziecL Conatntction Leruiet I-t is the responeibility of -the permit tollet to aee that all, inspections ee nad.e at the p?o?e" tine, that 22sfi arl,ltsss is vsa)rAi:J.y--tP at?eet, anc that the-penrit,c,atd ia Located at the frcttt of the prooerw.tEuiuing Diuioio- appro"*eci plan sitczl tenain on tle nunLdTnb- s;t"-'o.- o1l=;i;;'":' !-1o!22q-lL!.95. !.lls-P-9$!0il.81=erys?:CALL726-3769 (reeorden) state you? City desionated job ntoxber, job aiiress, tyoe of inspec=icn :_1ft".::-".i_L:!.en'gou -uiLL be z'eaciy fot inspection, cont?dcxc"s o-r a^rners-r,ct e Lni piaie nunbct,.' -p,"qr"""" reLei"l'ea bZycre'z:00 e:t 'nLL be nacie the sane dcy, ?equests ncae cftez, ?:00 az trill be nacie tne ncsx torkir1 i:;3. Iour Cifu Desigra.ted Job ltunber fs 8to 5t.1Reati-roi fns:le:ticns--] srlx lus?ii?rol: I eccaaxion, but Io be macie after prtar tc set up of IITSULA.TIONIVA?OR BARRTER MSpsCTI)tt : ?o be maie aftet, aLL insulaticn ed. required uapor barie?s @e in pkce but befoz.e any lath, Wpswn baayi or rnLL couering is applied, and. before oty insulation is eoncealed. DEi:SLITIA!] OR ):OV!) BI;, Sanitaty setser capped .t p?op.ttJ- Line Septic totk p;zped and fnlled ttth gza;sei Pinal - hhen abcue itazs are eanoleted and uhen Certclition is eor,plete'o, "trr"-tute moued ar.C. prenises cleanei up. [icmes Bloeking otd Set-up Plunbing connectians -- aa/ter otL uatet Electriccl Ccmnection - Blockittg, Eet-uD anC plwnbing conneetions rn;st te qprc"^bC befote z,equesting eleclrLcal inspeclio:t Accessor.j- BuilCing Final - After pcrch.es, skirting, decks,etc. ave cornpleled. :-- -l ailDEPSLAz pLuilslllc. tLEC?prC,1r, I ) lECll;.:;:C;-: ?o-'oe nacie beiot,e ang L,orK Ls coucred. I rc-ormc t rou::o,trrcn: ?o be naceI aiier xrenches are escauated dnd. forms are enected, but pt'ior to pouz"tr,g ccne?ete.l DRYI|ALL TilSPEOION: a7i6i atT ary,,titTis ?c be nade place, -f y1t pc-zrtc c ? i,LrJ: s r :t G I llEclr A..\ r c AL : -) '1o be nece prior xo insxallation of ftoon insulaxion or decking. 1 posy lt:c zgil.:: To be nade pri.or toI instaliaxicn of floor insulation ordeckirq. - ROLIGT| ?LL?:31:]C. ELEC?PICAL P, I/IECH-lnttcm:ffi1-.urtil these inspectiors haue been:nvute anc, cDD"ote!-- I rr:.*rtcji enio" to plceir4 fccingI mcterials and. before franting inepeL-tion. 1 fnn:tile: Wst be requested aften ) app"ovri of rough pltn;bing, eiectni-cal & necianical. ALL rooiing btacing & chittmegs, etc. trust be : anpleteci, !1o ucnk is to be eon- - cecled unttl this inspeef,ton has'been notie anC approoed. trenches. FII|AL PLU!,RIIIG FIUAL AT'HAIIICAL FINAL EEC?RICAL SlWEP ?o be D?LO|' XO but prior to cng taping. \IAS2NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gvouting or oerticals in aecozdotee Lrith U.B.C. Seeti.on 24L5. I,IOODSTO'/E: ccmpTeteA. Aft ez, ins tall-a.tion is CURB & APPRCACI| AP.dON: After formsee erecteC but priot to pouring conc?ete. SfDEIIALK 8, DRTIET\AI: Pot aLL con- crete paoing uithin etteet right- of-tey, to be naCe after aLL erca- oating canplete & forn tntk & sub- base truterial in place. l ll l ?ENCE: hhen conplete -- tuouiCegate; or nooable sections thtough P, U, E. ALL projeet conditions, such as the i.nstallat{on of st?eet tnees, co:t-oletion of tie required Tandsecpir4, ctc., naat be aatisfied before the BUILDIITG FIfAL canbe ?equested. FINAL BUILDIIIC: The Pinai Buildittg Inaoeetion mtet be requesteC cfter the Final PlwbingElectrical, od, tleclunical Inspect;,ons ltsle been nade anri approveC. 'ALL ILANH2LES AllD CLEANOWS I,{UST BE AC1ESSTBLE, AhIUSAltZir TO BE tliDE t? t:O CtSr rO Crly Pzge 7 of 2 121)4 31, Qt @, Y u l JOB NO. Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Couerage t of Stortes Total Height ?opogr:thy M;.! SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ :o-.c: acatDanct Gr?. LCT TY?E _ Intericr Corner _ Panhand.le CuL-<ie-sac i'irc Lac'" TOTAL I',1LAE --F Building Vqlue & Permit This pern*t is granted on the erp"ess condition tlnt the said-constntction slnll, in all respeets, conform to the Crdirance edopted i2y the City of Springfield, tncludtng the Zoning CYdinance, regulating tize ccnstraczicn ord use of buildings, utd may be suspended ot reuokeC at cr:y t;.ne upon vic- |ation of dng prcoisions of said 1rdinances, frq2ppa)f/ar 2arr /rat*tr /+soa> 8'<€ 2iX 6oo.-a /*cuc-' 81o5a1 -rhia<- Euilding PerzrLt State Sutcirwle lotal Cltarges ?esiiaztial (1 bcti:) Seucr Reeeiot # Plumbing Permit No pe?eon shall eonstruet, inslall, alter or eiut4e cny nel cr e:istir;9t plunioing or dz,ainage susten in uhole or in part, unless such 2erson is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunbet,'s License, eucept tllat a peison nay do pltnbing uork to proDe?tu uhich is ormed, Leased or opetate<i by the cppli- cant. Set AcecssDIilous. Raru'c leat htdt cr llest th [,ot Faces - X Valuc 3Gu-PLan Cheek Fee:-lz'Date Paid L-R I Electricol Permit Where State Las reouires that the eleetrical uork be done by an Ele=lvical Cont?eetc", tize electrtccl cor+-ion of tizis pe?:nx shcll tat be talri until the Label ias been signei cy tite Electrical Cotztracxor. ' i a,t / Ezt erd. C'-r cyi t s ?otal Chatces L;:r;,ia IVlechonicql Permitt5 '.:itast Hooi Jent Fot ,'cod.sto)e ectitu torcoe 'zinterc.r:,^ Tatal Cnanocs i<ie-tali,. Penit Issucnct llee'rlanice?- Perrit -- LivfiJACht:L.:1 -- P Lan Ez.anLner. I HAW CAREFULLy EXL|'IINED the eorwleted aopltcation for perni:, cnd da hereby cettify that aLL ir.fo:nation hereon is true anC ecrrect, anC I further certify that any ard aLL uot'k perforned siull be dote in aecon- dance'.rLth the Ordinanees of the City of Spningfield, anC th: Lc;s of the State of 2regcn pertaining to the work Cescribed herein, cnd tiu.t l,l0 CCCU- PANCy ttill be rad.e of any st?uctul,e uithott permission of the Building Di- vision. f funther certif;i tiLat. o:1lu contraetors ai;"d enplcyecs uho are in catpliance urth CRS 707.055 uiLL be used on this project cbile Hcne e listu?es c;;;:;:a --it i.liL'i,)'i;z:'I .. RESIE, NTIAL.. 22s No,th stt itrnffPlrcArr,N/P,Rltrr SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 SP'IINGFTELD ,,/ I Q,?:lv L GeneraL Date L Cotlrtrnetion Lenda . I,lechanical Flom n' n a,l Tn I-t i8 thc rcepontibi_lifu of tlc pelnrit ho&a. b aee that alt inspectiow oe nade at ths prope? tine, th,at ecch addrees ie reaCobief.74-t!g stlee.t, @d tlat the-p*nrit-cazt ie l,xated at the fz,oni of ttte prop*ty.*Buitdiig Noision ayptw*ed pl'or shall remain on the eunlding site'at aLL' t{mes.- P!1CEDI|RE;Fo\ IySPEC|ION.!?PTES?;CALL 726-3769(teeoz,det,) state your City designtted. job rum,ber,, iob aCCr.r;es, tgpe of inspeclicnt-equested ar'd' uhen you uiLL be readg for inspection, con*actor" o1, anrers naneL"a pu"" runber. -p.equeste rcieii;Za bZ1cre'?:00 an'*'LLL be made the sane dcg' "equeets nade after 7:00 an vLLL be nad.e the nect aorkirq day. f Job Locaticn:7-h Aesessors Map #?as bt #AO szbdioision: Q,mer: Addtess: 2 Phone: zip:uL Z a DeserLbe Hotk: Foorypc44t*' OryL? PR, ?27= *pn*;e 5*-z Date of eryLdootion 8-2-8 2 value 6@ t' AiAiticn RenoCeL Page 7 of 2 SfTE INSPEC?f)N: 7o be nade aftez, eacantation, but pr"tor tc set up of forne. TNSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPECLTgN:netlnr T4fAil hD l.AlEa To be maCe after aLL ins-ulaticn and. raquiz,ed oqor botiets @e in pl,aee but before ay lath, Wpflon baatC or tnLL cottering is applied, and beforeay insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTTON: Tc be nadeaftet aLL CnguaLL i,a in place, but prior to any ta?ing. MASONRY: Steel Location, bond beans, gtoutiq or uerticcls in accorddtce vLth U,B.C. Section 24L5. After instalTation is CURB & APPRCACH APP2N: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pourirq concrete. SfDWALK & DRfVWAI: For aLL eon- crete pauing uithin st?eet right- ef-tng, to be nade aftet aLL ecca- uating carplete & forn wk & sub- base trutertal in plaee. Final - lt4ten abcoe itans are ccntpleted and uhen Cqtclition is eanplete op stntc-ture noued and. prenrtses cleatteC up. Io be nade are escaoated and.ate erected, but prior to pour'tng ecnc-ret€ FilAL PLAAAINC PINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL wcHt-t]e & ana tr & UI|DERGROUIID PLLIMPTNG. SIWEP, il,ATER, DRAINAGE: To be rm.de pr"iot, to fil- @-iGnehee. UIIDERFLOOR PLAI,ETNG & MECHANTCAL : To be nade.priot to installation of floor. ineulation or decking. I Posr No eeAM: To be made prLot, to' TGiallatGn oi floor insulaiion or decking. ROUGH PLOIBII,IG. ELECTRTCAL & MECH: ANfCAL: No uork is to be couet,ed .ffiiTthese irapeetians lwtse been made and approoeC. FIPEPTAqZ: Pm)or to plaeirq facingma-terials and before fronin4 inspee-tion. PRAI.'IING: l4ust be requested after approoal of rough plwrbing, electri-a,L & neclnnical. ALL noofing btacing E ehinmegs, ete. truet be i eonpleted. Ito uork ts to be eot-. cealed until this inspeetLon lns'beea made and apyrrcued- llcmes Blocking od. Set-up Plwrbing connections -- aane? otd. r,tatet Electnical Cqrnection - Bloeking, aet-up ard plunbing connectione mtst be cpptcted before requesting eleelrical insptecliol Accessory Buildnng Firal - After pcnckes. etc. are completed. skitting, decks, !E!!L: When conplete -- ?tooiCe gates or notsable sections thtough P,A.E. ALL project conditions, sucl', aa the i.nstallation of st?eet trees, eon.oletion of the required Land.sceping, etc., rm,tst be satisfied before the BUfLDIN? FfNAL ean be z,equested. n ?|NAL BUTLDTNG: rhe ?inal Build.ing rnepection nast be requested after the Pinat Ptunbing \J Electrical, cnd Meelwrical Inspections lrqtse been made ard appt,ooed. *ALL \IANECLES AND CLEANOIJ?e WS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST\\E\E rO BE MADE A? fiO cOS! tO env 404 ' Iolt" City Desigr,ated, Job Nunbet, r", .*- S* Sanitog saner eapped at propettyl Line Septic totk V"rryed atd filled trith gz,a;sel f1 r,tooosro,ts:lJ ccmpT;T;A. I tr tr fA,^, z JOB NO.SOLAR A:CESS REQ..r--co# BeC.t'oottzs Lace {. 8 -ze-82 Date f HAW CAREEALLY EXANINED t?e eornpleted appli.cation fon pennit, and. do lereby certi.fy that aLL infotmation hereon is tmte and. correct, attd, f ffinthet, cettify that any ard aLL uork perforned slnll be done 'in accor- dance tLth the 1ydinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laas of the* State of fu,egon pertaining to the uork Cescribcd herein, and. tlut N0 occu- PANCY LvLLI be nnd.e of any structu?e uithout permission of the Building Dt-tsision. I further certifti that otly cont?actore ozd enplcyeel dho are in cotrpliance uith 2RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project Lot Faeee - Setbacks Ileat DT HOuse Carage Accesa. No?th East South Iloodstoxe Lot Sq. Ftg. 1 of Lot Caetage # of Sturtes Total Eeight TopoSrqlA TN? IWE _ Interiot _ Corne? _ Pathandle Cvl-de-eae l{est -- Fees -- NEM .TJU x Value Building Volue & Permit Thie per.ttrit is gtanted on the ecp?ess cotdition tlnt the sciid,_eonsttwctionslall-, in aLL rbapects, eonforn to the Ordirwtce adopted tiy the City of Springfield, ineluding the Zoning Cvdinanrce, regulating the ccnstmtcticn otd. use of buildi.ngs, utd nay be suspended ot reuokeC at du! time upon oic- la.tion of dty prcoisione of eaid 0rdinances. (ofa: /774at/a> ftn frorzP?Zre)>. Dg<yc, SuBrotr Zazs F<S ForLP/z+fu ,/p)zraazc frYree.r y' ,@.*zr 74to7 Ta 6,$e-c 7/D4 - & TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x Building Penr|t State Date Paid: Iotal Clnrgea -o8 ) Signed: N0.FEE CEARGE Plumbing Permit Ilo peroon shall constlact, install,, alter or cltan4e anA ne?n cr ecisting plwnbing or dtainage systan in uhole ot in pott, wless such pet,son is thelegal possessot of a ualid phtmber's License, escept that a pe"son tMV da plunbing uork to propertA uhich is oltued, Leaeed or operated by the dppli.- cant. Ftbtutes Resid.antial (1 bath) Sa,ter Plunbing Pemrit State NO.Electricol Permit Where State Lan requires tlnt the electrieal uork be done bg an Eleett'Leal Contraetor, the eleetytcaL portion of this permit slull not be oalil. unti.L the Label has been sdgned by the Electrtcal Cont?actor. Neu/Estend. Circaits Setntice L PermLt L NC FEE C!]ARCE Mechqnic<rl Permit llcodstooe Vent Fa1 kha$t ltooC '^5 PermLt fssuqtce Meclanical Permtt lec4rity Depoait Xtgtase I,laintetranee Petmit Cvtbeut Sidatalk Pence ELECT?LCAL LA0EL Mobile llonte TC}'J'' ,{.UOUN$ DUE.. {/z-ag d,r,lzrormr-,f'-' /' State Suychatae Total Chanacs ?otal Changes