HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1986-07-24ffi,m4N,uvLane County Authori za,ttox:. for' RU RAL ADDRESSING ED SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FOR LN. RV. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Applicatior./ alPermit * ,-:!'ry/-P[, TAX LOT 3800 Dour oF 19 .4.? SECTlONRANGE 02 1\CWtiSHr P 17 PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY I-llResidential [l commerciat n rndustrial PublicBI,oCKcable I LOT,/PARCEL ztPCI?YSTREETADDRE 2495 N. 35t PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BE SPECIFIC Septic insp. for In. I^iATER LY Proposed Exis # OF EI"IPI,oYEDS# OF STORIES= OF BEDROOI4S AND ADDRESS ColBRASHNYK, Gre ll Banker CIR Inc. CONTRACTOR.S NA!.{E AND sameCOFFMANChuc 2 Willa iil TELEPHONE NUMBER TELEPHONE NTJMBER TELEPHONE NUMBERffiANDADDRESS) r ttAvE CAREFULLY EXAI{rNED THE COiIPIJTED APPLICATION FOR pEnMIT, arrd ,lo hereby certify that all inforration hereon is true and correct' ed that I CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. 7-t 5-86 NAME (please print) (t-da/ DATE authorized agentowner of recordi conl:ra(:t plrrchaser ;have the following legal interest i.n the Property:uith the orditrances of Lane Costy and the Laws of the State of Oregonthat any and atL work Perfomed shall be done in accordall'ier f:rther certify f ali struclure without the pemission of tle Building Division. f fur-work described herein, and that No OCCUPANCY will be nade opertaining to the effect as required by oRS 701.055, that if exemPt the basis for exemPtionther certj-fy that regislration with Ehe Builderr s Board is in ful1 force and with ORs 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ ANDis noted hereon, and that onLy subcontractors ed empLoyees who are in compliance GREG BRASHNYK YOUR AUTHORIZATION TtAS BEEN BASED ON THE F'OLLOWING CONDITIONS: 7 -15- LineaI Peet Date ION:fl pr,ens COMT1ENTS: Date Date COMI'IENTS UseGrouD front of I)r:ai,nfie Id c L, B. P. *s. r. #flv"=fl READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. Installation Record Issued? colruENTs inte rior rear Gall0n Tank ! ro*rrorro*, ,/ \ ,r,"a.tlation Specifications: c", =id.- lraximtm Depth of Trenches I pmlwrNc,zzoNrNG: Mi-nimum Setbacks: 2/&,LxL BY BUILDING OFFICIAL,/DESIGNEE Der oRs 456 E COUNTY DEPARTMENTOF PUBLICWORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INI'OR}4ATION T_PERMIT --V DAIF- 6r-4061, cr4-.2s R* I t01 4849815 746 4850 I SETB;TCKS AND OTITER CONDITIO)IS OF APPROVAL !1UST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIoLATIoN CAN RTsULT IN REvo-C;TION OF T:lIS PERMI?, CITATIO:i UNDSR PROVISIOT-S OF LANE aoUI;TY'j INFRACTION ORDII-;N-CE, ANO/oR OTHERRE}IEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. wllEN READY PoR r.*SPECTIoN, CALL 687-.1065. A tlINr}lu]l oF AT LEAST 21 lIouRS ADVAI;CE NoTrcE FoR TNSpEC-ffiN.H;vetr'?ot1owinginfornatronready:pernitnumber,jobaddress,tyPeof insPecEron, when.j-t wilI be reaCy, your name and phoic rf,rler, and any specraL,iriections to siae. BUILDING DlV]SION: REQUIRE5 I\SPECTIONS: l. Foundation Inspection: To be made after tlenches are excavated and forms erected and when aIInaterials for rhe foundation a!e delivered on tie lob. ;{here conc!ete fron a centraL mixingplant (comonly termed "transit mixed'') .is to be used. materiaLs need not be on the job. 2. concrete sLab or unle=]egr ll:!Ssll!"t To be made after all in-siab or under-f Loor burldinglwi:e eqf-rpmmtl--EonEult, piFi;g aE-CAssories, and orrer ancillary equipment items are inpLace but betole any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installeC, -.i-ntLuding the subfloor. 3- Lraming & rnsula!.ion In:pe9lions: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, andbraclsg are ln'J.l'ace and all pipes, firepl-aces, chimneys, and vents are comp}ete and a1i roughelectrical and plumbing are approved. A11 wall, insulalion and vapo! barrrei are in place. 4- Lalh and,/or cypsuT Board l!:!gsl]ga: To be made after all Iathing and q),psum board, i.nteriorano extertor, rs lo Place but before any plastering is applied and before gypsu board jointsand fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Pj'naL rnspection: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUTRED. No work shaLl- be done.on any parc of the building or structure beyond the pointindicated i'n each successj.ve inspection without first obtainrng the ipproval of the buil.ding offtcial.such- approval shaLl be given onIy. after. an inspectj-cn shaLl have been-mace of each successiie stepin the consLruct.ion as indicated by each of the inspections lequired. NoTE: A11 building oermits require itrspections for the work authorized, such as but' not limited ro: A. BIock llall: To be.maCe-after reinforcing is rn place, but before any grout j,s poured. Thisfi-specII6i is requj-red for each bond beai pour. There will be no approval until the plumbingand electrical, inspections have been made and approved. B. l{ood Stove: To be nade after completion of masonr\' (if applj-cable) and uhen installation iscomeletn InstaLlataon shall be in accorciance witi an appiovea, nationally recognized testrngagency and the manufacturerrs i.nstallation instructj.ons. c. Flobile Home: An inspection is requj.red after the mobile home is connected to an approvedEEwE?-rci-reptic system for selbacli lequirements, blocking, footing connectron, tiedowns,skirtj.ng, and plubing connections. I. Footings and piers to comply with state foundation requrrenents for mobi.Ie homes or asrecomended by the manufacturer. 2. Mobil'e home minlmum finish floor elevation shall be cerrified when required by a flood-pLain management Ietter. 3. .uobile hone tj-edowns. when required, and skirting shall be rnst.alled and ready for inspec-tion withj.n at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shalI be installeiper enqlosure. D. swiming Pool: Below grade when steel is in pJ.ace and before concreLe is poured. Above gradewIAn e@1-ls-instaLled. APPROVEO PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURIr'G WORKTNG HOURS. TI.IIS PER.IIIT WILL EXpIREIE WORK DOES I.OT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED oR ABANDoNED FoR }loRE THAN I8O DAYS.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION IAY OCCUR IP THIS PER].,IIT !^IAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUSINFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OI REQUIRED TNSPECT1OIJS HILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNA?IVE SEI.IAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEHS: l. Permits shall be effective for one year from Lhe daLe of issuance. 2. Upon campl.etj.ng the construction for which a pernit has been issued, the permit holder shaLlootify the Lane Counly Depart$ent of Planning and Comunity Development bi submitting thelnstallation record form. The Departsent shall inspect thl construction lo deternine if itconplies with the rules contained in Lhis division. rf the constluction does comply with suchrules, the DeparLment shaII issue a certifj.cate of satisfactory coftptetion to the permiti holder.If the construction does not comply vith such rul-es. the Depar'tnent-shaII notj,fy t'he permithoLder and shaII requi.re satisfactory conpletion before isiuing thc certificat;. Failure tomeet the requirenents for satisfactory completron wlth.in a reasonabLe tlme constitutes a vio-Lation of ORs 454.G05 to 45,1.?45 and this LuIe. ietbacks - Subsurfacc Sewage Drsposal Septic Tank Drainfield l ron: Iiterior properti- frnes IO' lO, ECqe of road rrqirt-of-way 10' IO ! BurLdj.nq ioundation 10'tiells, other Hater soulces 50' 100' Sr>\-- - ,.\-w1/-\ ACTIV ITY ORMATION oHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS t,JILL BE REJECTED! lone corrnty&t' -o b?.,q.5 Lyn L lu9', 1 L*t €rr4,^.-C\-L q )?O /------oelrY-STATE ZIP CODE Vf?-'tt/s- 721-z BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS 2q?, ry. 3st< 5f ^(#W'/f N,3g*q (,h-"t-UQ PROPE 5t. MAILING ADDRESSZl ?/7) T TE E BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 7{6' / trsfl HOME TELEPHONE # IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRES=' 3 rvrap B PAFIcEL NUMBEFT ( REQUTREp rNFORI4ATl0N) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement)/^' ez ILYL 3 NOc TOilMEIP MNGE SEETMN ffi ZON i NG TOI^INSFTP NNNGE SECTMN TArrtoTisIo-R PARCEIT MNIN-G- MINsFTP RANGE SEETI-ON TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: W ZON I NG ACRES O ,rBr*rN (if appl icable) 5 REQUEST (s;tate exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTiONS TO SiTE:4 Kl /v. LOT BLOCK tLl l/-7 fL- ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY : _ DATE:_ TIME IN:_ 0UT:_ NUMBER DATE --{n aJl -{ LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 1?5 E. Bth AVE., EUGENE, OR 9740I / 687.406I I i fu,- 4!s-a-\ (,/ a / )'t e huLC/^ Lo -l + vttcct\ 2qqt A/. 3s/4 's/' Spri\\{'-c{, A* q7{7; ao-x PA tvoz-/?-'/z - o3Foo \^ o 'J ,s I //0 27t /f/D, E"x l5t -SL ( u) a ? 1d l0 31, qE--+-lo I lo o €8. s' I Fl" v.,r (--agt 5t .1 "1, :,' I etr 0 lz' ?): er'"'1 u/ 8,7t t\: ., $ 3L'-"--_-#7 t,f 0' I I t (