HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-04-13@ CON STRU CTI--N/ PLACE M ENT PERM IT Kps"zr FOR OIFICE USE ONLY Plan Check Info Sheet COMPLETE THIS OCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. E]PLANNING ZONING: f]two Copies of Plans l-l roro Copies oi Piot Plans f]laechanical- Chebklist fnJ-umbing Checklist Zone f rorrt Partition #Parcel #Parcel Siz rear .f .94777 I'lirlimrm Sctbacks: CL Corunents r c-L, slde interior 5/ a* ,KResidential I Commercial Irndustrial f]ruutic S VALUE P roposed sti-ng /'// TELEPTIONE IJUMBER TqzrZ ?ELEPHG\E NUMBEK7/Zds€ IIAVE CAREFULLY EXA-UINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATIOi{ FOR ptrRMIT, and do her.rby ,.crLif), thrt all information hercon is true and corroct inC I furthe hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project, I HA'E READ AUD CilECf.ED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. ['or,.", prj,nt)I es.rt L TURE 3 t /.4 '' *- ,P(o'tractorNAr,lE (p / ' / o\fr.- that and all work sha be lndone accordance theth 1!lord ce Laneoffyanyperforred aud LawSr.h e thof jj lieta ofCounty 0req a)Il ['r]the and NOthat OCCUPANCY be11 ofnade struc t u w1re thethouttoworkdehereinribedany o the Bui d rifuLhegeIpermissioni.g tllvision vthatthw1theBuilder1SBoardfulanforceeffectanda5redregistration701oRs055ifth at th bas forrequlbyexempt c ie lrpt i ctr dtc FLOODPLAIN: rn f .rood hazard area'?fi "" f, v"u, see attached sheet Date: Date: Date:fl nunai, ADDRESSTNG:CRID CoORDINATE N E W SANITATION:". ,. o4O"? V/ /a [!l v"= l-l wo 3hat6^tadMaxrmun DeptL\ lnstallati-on Record Issued oral Date Installation Specificatj-ons: Gal l-orr Tank b5 of Drainfiefd Use I Lineal Feet ry . r'YPe Group Co[unents: Date: tion Fixed Feel Floodplain Fee Subsurface .:eesr € Building Fee Sewer/Storm Drain,/Water Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge $&--'---.tm--f ,/t> -s *l/'-{aFtSqCost 70'-- $ $ i-zr.e-$--77f- t=<0€--:T TOTAI, VALUATION S TOTAL FEE FEES PATD BY: By: Date PERMIT APPROVED BY BUTLDING GNEE oRs 6. BO5 (DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON g74O\ c74-t94 SEE REVERSE 7 La l) s tr CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THTS PERMIT SETEACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL M!II-9I STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT^II,I.REVOCATION OT TUTS PER*4IT,cITATI0N UNDER- PRovIsIoNs 0F rnr'rr couniFs' rr,rrnncrioi'i-onoir'rnruce ,'nrozon^oiilii"tEiliiiris ALLo,ED ei-iAw. - ' WHEN READY FoR INSPECTI0N CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM 0F AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTTCE FoR TNSPECTTON REQUEST MUST BEGIVEN. Have the fol)owing information reaay. Ferrii "rrOIi,-t:ob address, type of inspection, when it wi.ll be ready,your name and phone number, and any speciar-dinections 6-;i;a:- ..., .... rpEeurvrr' w,rElt I L wr I BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED IilSPECTToNS l) F0UNDATIoN INSPECTI0N: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation are delivered on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the Job. 2) CoNCRETE SLAB 0R UNDER-FLo0R INSPECTIoN: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building servjce equipment, conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3) FRAMING & INSULATI0N INSPECTI0IIS: To be made after the roof, all frami n9, fire blocking and bracing arE in place and sandventsarecomp1eteanda.l.lroughe1ectricalandp'lumbingareapproved.A1I wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. 4)LATH AND/OR GYPSUM B0ARD INIPECIM: To be made after a'll lathi ng and gypsum board, interjor and exterior, is in place nts and fasteners are taped and finished.-but before any plastering is applied or before gypsum board ioi 5)FINAL INSPECTION: To be made after the buildi ng is complete and before occupancy APPR0VAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections requi red. N0TE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BL0CK I,|ALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval unt'il the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. W00D ST0VE: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is comolete. installation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency arrd the manu- facturer's'installation instructions. C. l,l0BILE HoME: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approvqd gew91 or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connecti ons. (l) Footings and piers to comply rvith State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended bY the manufacturer.(Z) l,t-oUite home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management letter'(3) l'4obiTe home tiedowns, when requ'ired, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspection within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. SWIMMING p00L: Below grade when steel is in p'lace and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool is installed. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING I'IORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF I'IORK DOES NOT BEGIN wrtriu-lso-Dnis,-on ir wonr rs suspENDED 0R ABANDoNED FoR MoRE THANl80 DAys. suspENstoN 0R REVocATION MAY OccuR IF THIS FEnlrii r^lAS ISSUED 0N rHE BASIS 0F INCoMPLETE 0R ERRoNEoUS INFoRMATIoN. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I'JILL DO SO AT HIS Ol,iN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (t ) (2) Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been^issued the PelTil holder shall notify-the ili;.il;;i-bV irUmitting ttre initatlation recbr( form. The.Department sha1l inspect the construction to a.i.i"rir.-ii"ii-iomp;fiei *iif, it" rules contai!9d jn this division.'If the construction does colplv vtith , such rules, the Depi'rtment shalI 't,ssue a certificate of satisfactory completion.to.the permit ho'lder. If the construction Aoes not-compfv *itn such rules, the Department_shall notify the pirmit holder and shall require tiiiiriiioiv complet1on-bbfire issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory ;ilpi;;i;; iriir,ii u riisonable time c6nstitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this ru'le. Setbacks - Subsu rface Sewaqe DisPosal From Interi or property 1 i nes Edge of road right-of-waY .Building foundation [.lells, other water sources Seotic Tank Drainfield -T0]---T0'_-l0' l0' 'I 00' t0 5 50 YICINITY MAP permit pe Saj-B?. Twnshp \.*S"'\ qt t5 {^ X .\^,*\ o 1 o \.*R\ MUST\a BE IN BLACK INK Range o?.Section \'1.3 form c55-11_ Tax Lot 5 bcao Standard System E Alternative S ystem n (Specify?,'\ro \a Type Job Location (Street Address)s{d^ Subdivision/Partition # Parcel-B IDETAIL SYSIEM PLOT PLAN AS CONSTRUSIEID Scale \ ":3o'' .rc*tt;\ I hrre pereonrlty lnepected the system shown hereon and certify that lt La eonstructed Ln full cmrpl!.ance wtth the proviel.ona of OARdlv 71. f ,1,.1' ' c t t at, l. Ie' l.t: a a ? t ta/o. I I I Dl- L I I ,,, l- t I I!r JULO !:r. 61982 * E fio{,e:(-\...-^.- \L< Etr,.s\.*l O'8. u)q e Qt \*=-A . * .\ ,*t .$ 1e. go.r' 9r:e5'l ,\ \.r..:t- r\9 lnstaller Telephone License No C.*.. as on '1q b5Br S USE BLACK INK ONLY FOR INSTALLER'S USE:Trench rt Gravel Depth Below Ti Ta n k Ca pa citV--\SS-Q-+\-Manufacturer e. Measured Distance from Well to T From Drainfield - Total Length of L tnes o COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IF A PUMP WAS USED ON THIS INSTALLATION I (installer's name certify that a (Mfg (Model No ump and Mercury Float Switch (Mfg. and No have been installed with this sewage installation Signa FOR SANITAR]AN USE ON S E System D E Needs rrection COMMENTS trS Corrected Date- oate 1'b*tTSystem Capacity---{-P--gal. /day Signat INSTALLATION RECORD & CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is evidenceasperORS454.665 ofsatisfactorycompletionofasubsurfacesewagedisposalsystemattheabovelocation. Public Service Building, 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene 97401. ng Compa oate G\rr\$L lf ln By Owner- Date- lSignature of Owner) Applicant's Name I Address C "I\ro \ 3S \e, 3o,..*.!..\\ O*t- Permit No 5ej-se Twnshp MUST BE IN BLACK INK form c55-tl 5 bcs()\'\Range C)?.Section \tt.3 Tax Lot StandardSystemEAlternativeSystemE(SpecifyType) Job Location (Street Address)A'\ro \3s\d,.- Subdivision/Partition # Parce Lo IDETAII, SYSTEM PI.OT PLI\N AS CONSTNU TEI) Scale \ "= 3o1 e personrlly tnsPected the ahcnr hereoo and certlfY tha etructed tn ful1 comPllance a, ovlslous of OARdlv 7L. 6lze l82 \aot e : \,\. rc( e G- \esoe!+\ , ,\ \...L ( tlt trh s, er t\ \>e QE \o..,-\ \ \,. .\ E^..t\.*l O.l. a-rL.."t !f. c.]..J \.a)4 5 \ \ "'fio \ n'i-l"t a I a () \Nx 5l cl I a r D 5 Cr"r\;ft t a , , t l'o' Fc: a a ? l- L ta/o- :'l' a,l 3ie J\ n I systlsc tha USE BLACK IHK ONLY FOR INSTALLER'S USE:Trench Depth 36'l la Gravel Depth Below Til Tank Capacitv \O OO r.^\Manufacturer Of\r)<\\,aC- .S=..(* .*, $n..\n-.1c\ Block- I I I ,, I hra ccrrnty i ACTIV. fY INFORMATION S-rlEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLE t G,.f q_s - Co-L Ot^^-kA*CT L-l 3.1 -?ttr BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS 2 3 rvtap e PAFTeEL NUMETEFT ( REQUiREp rNF0RI4ATr0N) "^Jr! R, C* PROPER E Rt.JECTID I T2-'-cz t)itta-let i< K./47 o R€ q74o "1.'-U C ITY ZIP C 726 - ?t0 I 72 6 -/y// HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONEI HOME TELEPHOI{E # 0 N, S-tt':t.0n. 77 ( IF DIFFERENT F ILIN 2Vs3 A/.31//4 5f . MAILING ADDRESS (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxationor from tax statement) c2 /7 {2-C/6CC Po;il RANGE SEETTON WS./^4//7 TotlNSH I P ZON i NG TOilNSH-TP NANGE SECTMN MrTOI(-S]-INTAReETT ZON I NG MTNSETP MNGE SETNON TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OI,JNERSHIP: 4 SUBDIViSI0N ( if appf icable) 5 REQUEST (:;tate exactly wtrat you ptan to do) //gr-/ cO fz-^"_ W ZON I NG ACRES BLOCK t4 LOT t/oL< 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE Zu )p-/ + Sf r/" Jt*-..t 35-t'<u e. " ?2/27tc ZONE/LAND USE: BY : _ DATE :.- TIME I N:_ 0UT:_ NUMBER DATE -tvV, LAND MANAGTMENT DIVISION / 125 E. Bth AVE., I.UGENE, OR 9740I / 687.406I h t-77 /a /t ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** {-i LIil!'-- CON STRU CT ION/PLAC E M ENT PERM IT COMPLETE THIS BLOCK. PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND PRINT. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY-',r ApFIi cat ion,' Pernit t . Irwo Copies of Plans Irwo Copies of Plot Pfans f]uechanical Checklist !elumbi.,g Checklist lrtan Check Tnfo Sheet 1 ,bSECTION5 TAX LO{,r Eour oF?RANGETOIiNSHIP/ / jA BLOCK1T PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ffnesidential I commercial fl rndustridl I irubrr-c ZIP /7 7d;_?tSTREET $ VALUEDESCF.IPTION OF PROPOSTD '{ddt/ # OT HML'LOYEES f 4 Proposed isting,4+ OF STOR]ESf OF BEDROOMS TELEPHONE NUMBERDwNERrs NA,1E Ar{D ADDRESS tu,'T-#y', TIILEPiJO:i|- il'!:,3EF:aOi.ITFACTOR'S NAI'IE AND ;laDRESs -rd 4r '.dn .,ry //4 .r HAVE CAREFILLY EXAMTNED THE COMPLETED APPLTCATION FOR PERMTT, and do hereby r:crt-ifi' that all informatiol hereon i:i true and corrc?t and r ft)rti)c certify that any and all work perforned shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the Lails of the Starte of oreq.n I'lrLair)inq lo the work describri&herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY wiLl be made of any sLructure without the pemission of the Building Divisj-on. I further c(rrtify that.registration witL the Builder's Board is in fuLl force and effect as required by oRs 701.055, that if exenpt the basis for exemPtion is noled hereon. and that only subcontractors and employees who are in conpliance with oRs 701.055 will be used on this project. I HA!'E READ AND CtlECr'-ED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. f] owner ffontractor f| asent W,MI,, S}G:]ATUFI(please print) I pr,auxruc/ZoNrNG:Zone front Partitlon # lf,I'arcef Slze re ar /4 Parcel # in teri-orCllinimum Sctbacks: L, Coments r c"s ide I rr,ooopr,arx: fl nunar, AppRESSTNG:cRr.D CooRDINATE N E]SA}iITATION: In flood hazard area?F *" I ves, see attached sheet. Date: Date: Date: lnstall-ation Specifications: ca1 lon J tanx Lrnea.L i eet of Drainfield pv". !N" llaximw Depth of Trenches S. I. #B.P.+/^lnstallation Record Issued? Corments Date: I pr,aus E NATION: rype Group .r Use Cornments : Date: CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT e F ixed Fee,/ Unit Cost. i ,'' o'',2 7LA l, :'*' $ s ) ) > $ ) ) I Floodplain Fee _- /.!.- Subsurface Feesr t) - " Building Fee sewer/Storm Drain/water Plumbing Eixtures Mechanical Plans Check Fee State Surcharge TOTAL FEE FEES PATD BY:I crrect< f] cash Description FtSq e'lt€' t/ &._yiz d TOTAI, VALUATION $ By: Date: cr9 PERMI? LANE COUNTY c74-L94 APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (peT OR.S 456.805(1),).''.. DEPARTMENT oF ENVIRoNMENTAL MANAGEMENT / :-25 EAST EIGHTH ' SEE REVERSE DATE AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740L U (r ,4 *it E trI - SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATION OF THIS PERMIT, cITATIoN UNDER PRoVISI0NS 0F LANE CoUNTY'S INFRACTToN oRDTNANCE, AND/oR oTHER REMEDTES ALLoTdED By LA!\,. t,lHEN READY FoR INSPECTI0N CALL 687-4065. A MTNTMUM 0F AT LEAST 24 HoUR ADVANCE NoTICE FoR INSPECTT0N REQUEST MUST BE GIVEN. Have the following information ready: Permit number, job address, type of inspection, when it will be ready,your name and phone number, and any special directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED IIISPECTIONS I) F0UNDATI0N INSPECTI0N: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation are delivered on the job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the Job. 2) C0NCRETE SLAB 0R UNDER-FL00R INSPECTI,0N: To be made after all in-s'lab or under-floor buildi ng service equipment, conduit, piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in piace but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing instal'led, including the subfloor. 3)FRAMING & INSULATION INSPECTI0NS: To be made after the roof , a'll framing, fire blocking and bracing are in place andall pipes, fireplaces and chimneys and vents are complete and a'll rough electrical and plumbing are approved.wall insulation and vapor barrier are in p1ace. 4) LATH AND/0R GYPSUM B0ARD INSPECTI0N: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is but before any plastering is appfied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5) FINAL INSPECTION:To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. A'r'l 'in pl ace APPR0VAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any pant of the bui"lding or structure beyond the point indic successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shal'lafter an inspection shall have been nade of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each ated in each be given onlyof the inspections requi red. N0TE: Al1 building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BL0CK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in p1ace, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There w'ill be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. W00D ST0VE: To be made after comp'letion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is comolete. Insta'llation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testtng agency arrd the manu- facturer's instal lation instructions. C. I4OBILE HQME: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for: setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns' skirting' and plumbing connecti ons. (f) Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer.(2) Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a fioodpla'in management Ietter.(3) t4obiie home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspection within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shal'l be installed per enclosure. D. SWIMMING P00L: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool is insta'l led. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT I'IILL EXPIRE IF I'IORK DOES NOT BEGIN I,IITHIN]8O DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN]8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT I^IAS iSSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOI1PLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I,JILL DO SO AT HIS OtlIN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Permits shall be effect'ive for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been_issued the Peryi! holder sha11 notify.the OEpi.ir.ht by iubmitting the installation recbrd form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine ifit compliei with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply with such rules, the Department sha1l issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to.the permit holder. If the construction does not comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit ho'lder and shall require siiiifactory conrpletion Ubf6re issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory co*pieiion *itf,ii' a reasonable time c6nstitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. Setbacks - Subsurface Sewage Disposal t (t ) (2) Septic Tank Drai nfi el d -T0'--From: Interior property iines Edge of road right-of-waY Building foundation llells, other water sources 'rryol s) Jpvth P€?t(, l0''10' 5', 50' 'I 0' '10' r 00' , a,ovl 6[od [@tlm flrb I +vrfl ploj 'a)r{)M g Tm, q fl?l aap?/$ 0, PW -.rvqo Qh'.2 rq +yq P MWq, 7tW UPJ ?g,^rv g0 ! It (a,B,t? ,, . x, i: ' ,'t -_- _ tdo.*-_---__ Otho.r -__ r, i*? q f'bl fnaa. -t*ft----(/ af Cer*poarse*tl . tt. fi -._---flralbu'fdBm ttsnr _ _ /_^ ..- l*s{, l}i+tosxo b'*ti+.rn Urrlr -. .--2 : fatt. fro&rre.-*.---,-.z-f---*rq. fi. TrGlcll ril#r ,--- Wl- s, lslrrr rnor*;ol bo{le*rfi xgr *--*-*#*-. -. i.rcn,*,+; {i. prh of filttr swr riio -€- ,--.. -in. -G.- Pntr,r wQaAt={/ tq e Pir /il- fii() n a? az?,4/ /Ilndd h )a/tnirre frr,,t_ laf lb 0/ oz \ Ii I {l r** 7 \ EI LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD N PH FRONT SIDE I NTERI OR REAR ED BY PE DIRECTIONS TO SITE SITE ADDRESS PERMI NUMBER TING / FOUNDATlON INS OR MOBILE H P INSPECTION rovedp Correcti on Di saPP roved ---Date Insp ector NDER- FL R INS Approved Correcti o n_ Di sapproved Date F-<-82-tnspectorW_E TNTER-T LAT IP-l U I{E I N G G RO U N DW O R K I N S P E C T I O N ,Approved Correcti on D'isapproved Date i nspector ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTION Approved Correction Disapproved-Date I nspector FRAMiNG INSPEITION Approved X Correction Disapproved _ Da te / bAuo &2 tnsp ector \rU Lo-A INSULATION / VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION Approued y'-Correction---Disapproved Date 8-rE-82 Inspector M IL S proved Correcti on D i sapproved Date Ins ec tor FINAL PLUMApproved- Correc Li on- Di sapproved Date --_l nspector BING IN S PECTI ON TTI.IAL WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Approved Correcti on Di sapproved Date-=-=-.--_l nspector SPEC NB Approved Correction r sapD MOBILE HOMEproved nateT2.?-81'zlnsPector a*L/ orm C74-L97 r sapp).ove d Date Inspector OCCUPANCYCERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Approved____Correcti on D TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF l -/ h, 4,'L.4 s'7, /-l,t /U L? J at /A '2-iln