HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 05 Lane County Eugene IGA for Human Services AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 10/16/2023 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Sam Kelly- Quattrocchi/CMO Staff Phone No: 541-726-3713 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: LANE COUNTY EUGENE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (IGA) FOR HUMAN SERVICES ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize the City Manager to execute the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for Human Services with Lane County and the City of Eugene for the allocation of general funds in Fiscal Year 2024. ISSUE STATEMENT: City of Springfield approved general fund allocation of $160,252 for human services programs. To proceed with program administration, City of Springfield needs an IGA for human services program administration and management with the Lane County Department of Health and Human Services. For Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24), City Council approved $135,252 in general funds to support human services programs, and approved $25,000 toward the G Street OASIS, for a total of $160,252 from the Springfield general fund. ATTACHMENTS: 1: FY24 Lane County Eugene IGA for Human Services DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Human Services Commission (HSC) is an intergovernmental committee made up of Lane County, Eugene, and Springfield elected officials, which collectively manages the funding of human services. As detailed in the draft FY24 Lane County IGA for Human Services (see ATT 1), Springfield’s general fund contribution (aside from the designation for OASIS) is pooled with the City of Eugene and Lane County contributions, and budgeted for the following programs and services: • Children and Youth Development; • Basic Needs for Low Income Households; • Homeless Access Centers; • Emergency and Seasonal Shelters; • Homeless Prevention; • Availability and Access to Supportive Housing; and • Permanent Supported Housing for Homeless Households. Springfield also contracts with Lane County to manage Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and CDBG Coronavirus relief (CDBG-CV) funds for human services. 57363 Amendment # 1 WHEREAS, Lane County, hereinafter referred to as COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, and Cities of Eugene and Springfield, hereinafter referred to as CITIES, have agreed that it is in the mutual interest of all parties to amend the Intergovernmental Agreement dated July 01, 2022 for Human Services. The purpose of this change is to add funds, extend the end date of the contract and update exhibits. Now, therefore, all parties agree that the Intergovernmental Agreement should be amended as follows: 1 The Boilerplate Addendum dated 9/1/2021, which is included by reference as if incorporated herein, is incorporated into the Agreement effective July 1, 2023. 2 Exhibit A-1, dated 7/31/2020, which is included by reference as if incorporated herein, is incorporated into the Agreement effective July 1, 2023. 3 Exhibit B-1, which is included by reference as if incorporated herein, is incorporated into the Agreement effective July 1, 2023. FY 22/23 Paid to LANE COUNTY 1 Of 2 Service Description Funding Period Funding Source Previous Amount This Amendment New Total Service Units Account (Grant) (Program) City of Eugene 07/01/22 - 06/30/23 Other $1,441,125.00 $0.00 $1,441,125.00 455120-285-3427030 City of Eugene 07/01/22 - 06/30/23 Other $69,875.00 $0.00 $69,875.00 455120-285-3427070 City of Springfield 07/01/22 - 06/30/23 Other $150,138.00 $0.00 $150,138.00 455160-285-3427030 City of Springfield 07/01/22 - 06/30/23 Other $10,114.00 $0.00 $10,114.00 455160-285-3427070 Total:$1,671,252.00 $0.00 $1,671,252.00 FY 23/24 Paid to LANE COUNTY 2 Of 2 Service Description Funding Period Funding Source Previous Amount This Amendment New Total Service Units Account (Grant) (Program) City of Eugene 07/01/23 - 06/30/24 Other $0.00 $1,441,125.00 $1,441,125.00 455120-285-3427030 City of Eugene 07/01/23 - 06/30/24 Other $0.00 $69,875.00 $69,875.00 455120-285-3427070 City of Springfield 07/01/23 - 06/30/24 Other $0.00 $150,138.00 $150,138.00 455160-285-3427030 City of Springfield 07/01/23 - 06/30/24 Other $0.00 $10,114.00 $10,114.00 455160-285-3427070 Total:$0.00 $1,671,252.00 $1,671,252.00 This amendment is effective July 01, 2023. All other terms and conditions of the original Intergovernmental Agreement and any previous amendment(s) not altered by this amendment remain in full force and effect. Attachment 1 Page 1 of 13 EUGENE, CITY OF __________________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature Date SPRINGFIELD, CITY OF Lane County, Oregon County: __________________________________________________________________ Steve Mokrohisky Date County Administrator __________________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature Date Attachment 1 Page 2 of 13 Boilerplate Addendum 1.PUBLIC BODY STATUS. In providing the services specified in this Agreement (and any associated services) all parties are public bodies and maintain their public body status as specified in ORS 30.260.  All parties understand and acknowledge that each retains all immunities and privileges granted them by the Oregon Tort Claims Act (ORS 30.260 through 30.295) and any and all other statutory rights granted as a result of their status as local public bodies. 2.SERVICES.  COUNTY  shall  perform  as  an  independent  contractor,  and  not  as  an  agent  of  CITIES  the necessary services to conduct the specific programs described in Exhibit A – Scope of Work attached hereto and  by this reference made a part hereof at a funding level described in Exhibit B – Budget  attached hereto and by  this reference made a part hereof. 3.MODIFICATION AND TERMINATION. 3.1  3.2  3.3  Modification. No modification or amendment to this Agreement will bind either party unless in  writing and signed by all parties.  Termination. The parties may jointly agree to terminate this Agreement at any time by written  agreement.  Non‐Appropriation. Each of the parties certifies that it has sufficient funds currently authorized  for expenditure to finance the costs of this Agreement for the period within the current budget;  however, the parties understand and agree that, if a party does not appropriate funds for the next  succeeding  fiscal  year  to  continue  payments  otherwise  required  by  the  Agreement,  this  Agreement  will  terminate  at  the  end  of  the  last  fiscal  year  for  which  payments  have  been  appropriated. The non‐appropriating party will notify the other parties of such non‐appropriation  not later than 30 days before the beginning of the year within which funds are not appropriated.  Upon  termination  pursuant  to  this  clause,  no  party  will  have  a  further  obligation  for  payments beyond the termination date.  4.MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 4.1  4.2  Disputes.  The  parties  are  required  to  exert  every  effort  to  cooperatively  resolve  any  disagreements that may arise under this Agreement. This may be done at any management level,  including  at  a  level  higher  than  the  persons  directly  responsible  for  administration  of  the  Agreement.  In  the  event  that  the  parties  alone  are  unable  to  resolve  any  conflict  under  this  Agreement,  they  are  encouraged  to  resolve  their  differences  through  mediation  or  other  cooperative dispute resolution process.  Waiver. Failure of any party to enforce any provision of the Agreement does not constitute a  waiver or relinquishment by the party of the right to such performance in the future nor of the  right to enforce that or any other provision of this Agreement.  Attachment 1 Page 3 of 13 4.3  4.4  4.5  4.6  4.7  4.8  4.9  Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared by a court to be illegal or in conflict  with any law, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions are not affected; and the rights  and  obligations  of  the  parties  are  to  be  construed  and  enforced  as  if  the  Agreement  did  not  contain the particular provision held to be invalid.  Governing Law, Forum, and Venue. All matters in dispute between the parties to this Agreement  arising from or relating to the Agreement, including without limitation alleged tort or violation,  are governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon  without regard to principles of conflict of laws. This section does not constitute a waiver by County  of any form of defense or immunity, whether governmental immunity or otherwise, from any  claim or from the jurisdiction of any court. All disputes and litigation arising out of this Agreement  will be decided by the state or federal courts of Oregon. Venue for all disputes and litigation will  be in Lane County, Oregon.  Time is of the Essence. The parties agree that time is of the essence with respect to all provisions  of this Agreement.  No Third‐Party Beneficiaries. COUNTY and CITIES are the only parties to this Agreement and are  the only parties entitled to enforce its terms. Nothing in this Agreement gives or may be  construed to give or provide any benefit or right to third persons, either directly or indirectly,   that is greater than the rights and benefits enjoyed by the general public, unless that party is  identified by name in this Agreement.  Headings.  The  headings  and  captions  in  this  Agreement  are  for  reference  and  identification  purposes only and may not be used to construe the meaning or to interpret the Agreement.  Force Majeure. No party will be held responsible for delay or default due to force majeure acts,  events, or occurrences, including but not limited to fires, riots, wars, and epidemics, unless such  delay  or  default  could  have  been  avoided  by  the  exercise  of  reasonable  care,  prudence,  foresight, and diligence by that party.  Multiple Counterparts. This Agreement and any subsequent amendments may be executed in  several counterparts, facsimile or otherwise, all of which when taken together will constitute one  agreement binding on all parties, notwithstanding that all parties are not signatories to the same  counterpart. Each copy of this Agreement and any amendments so executed will constitute an  original.  4.10  Merger and Construction. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of COUNTY and CITIES  with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior negotiations,  agreements and understandings. This Agreement is the result of bilateral negotiations between  the parties, and the provisions of this Agreement are to be interpreted and their legal effects  determined as a whole, with no part to be construed against the drafter of such part.  4.11  Compliance with Law, ADA. COUNTY and CITIES agree to comply with all federal, state and local  laws applicable to the parties or the subject matter of this Agreement. During the performance of  this Agreement, the parties will comply with all applicable provisions of the Americans with  Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 USC Section 12101 et seq., and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act  of 1973.  Attachment 1 Page 4 of 13 5.COMPLIANCE WITH CORONAVIRUS GUIDELINES, LAWS, RULES AND ORDERS.  All of the parties are aware of the COVID‐19 emergency and agrees that it is and will remain familiar with the CDC prevention guidelines and with federal, state, and local laws, rules, and orders regarding COVID‐19 throughout the term of this Agreement, and will take all necessary precautions relating to COVID‐19, including those set out in the guidelines, laws, rules, and orders described in this paragraph. The parties have anticipated the costs of compliance with the present guidelines, rules, laws, and orders prior to entering into this Agreement, and that no claim will be made by any party for such compliance. However, in the event that after the effective date of this Agreement the COVID‐19 guidelines, laws, rules, and orders are changed in such a way as to adversely affect the parties’ ability to carry out their  obligations  under  this  Agreement,  any  party  so  affected  must  give  notice  to  the  other  parties  of  any potential need to modify the Agreement to accommodate or respond to such changes in the guidelines, laws, rules, and orders. 6.AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE.  Any party may designate a new authorized representative by written notice to the other parties.  Any notice, demand, consent, approval, or other communication to be  given under this Agreement must be in writing and provided by email addressed to the party’s authorized  representative, except as provided below in this section. However, if, in any parties' discretion, email is not the  most appropriate method for providing notice, then notice may be provided by personal delivery; certified mail,  postage prepaid, return receipt requested; or nationally recognized overnight courier. The effective date of  notice shall  be: for notice by email, the date and time sent if sent between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm,  otherwise effective at 8am the following Business Day; for notice delivered in person, the date and time of  delivery; for notice by U.S. mail, three days after the date of certification; and for notice by overnight courier, the  next business day after deposit with the courier. If no representative is identified in this Agreement, notice may  be given to the person executing the Agreement on behalf of that party. 7.INDEMNIFICATION. To the extent permitted by the Oregon Constitution, and to the extent permitted by the Oregon Tort Claims Act, each party agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other parties and  their officers, employees, and agents from and against all damages, losses and expenses, including but not  limited to attorney fees and costs related to litigation, and to defend all claims, proceedings, lawsuits, and  judgments arising out of or resulting from the indemnifying party’s negligence in the performance of or failure to  perform under this Agreement. 9/1/2021 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 13 EXHIBIT A-1  SCOPE OF WORK  Attachment 1 Page 6 of 13 7/31/20  OVERSIGHTANDMANAGEMENT A. HumanServicesCommission AnIntergovernmentalCommittee,hereinafterreferredtoasHumanServicesCommission(HSC), isdesignatedastheoversightcommitteeforadministrationofthehumanservicesactivities, resources,fundsandprojects.TheHumanServicesCommissionprovidesleadershipforthe EUGENEandSPRINGFIELDCityCouncilsandtheCOUNTYBoardofCommissionersonallmatters concerninghumanservicespolicy,planningandfundingasoutlinedbelow: x Pursuesregionalcooperationintheplanning,fundinganddeliveryofhumanservices x Engagesinresearchandmakesrecommendationsforregionalpartners'funding, planning,policy,programsandpartnershipsonemergentissuesandconcernsinthearea ofhumanservices x Developsrecommendationsonprioritiesfortheallocationofregionalresourcestomeet identifiedhumanneeds x Evaluatesandmakesrecommendationsonallsubmittedjurisdictionalrequestsfor fundingofhumanservices x Developsandmanagesavarietyofcommunityresourcestomaximizethebenefiton humanneeds x Guidesandoptimizestheuseofpartners'resourcesinaddressingmajorcommunity issuesandconcerns x Evaluatesandreviewstheperformanceofindividualhumanserviceagencies x Developsaregionalplanforhumanserviceeffortssupportedbylocalgovernment, ensuringcommunityinvolvement x Coordinateswithothergroupsandhumanserviceplanningagenciesandorganizations x Reviewscityandcountyactionswhichmayaffecttheavailabilityandqualityofhuman servicedeliveryinthecounty x Encouragescollaborationinseekingregionalsolutionstohumanserviceneeds x Encouragescaringandactiononhumanneedsinthecommunitybyraisingawareness  B. PovertyandHomelessnessBoard TheCOUNTYhasdesignatedthePovertyandHomelessnessBoard,establishedasthe administeringboardfortheCounty'sCommunityActionAgencyinaccordancewithORS458.505 andtheCounty'sHomelessContinuumofCareBoardinaccordancewith42USC11302,24CFR 578.7,toadditionallyserveastheHumanServicesCommission'sadvisoryboardforregional humanservicespolicy,planningandfundingallocations. TheBoardprovidesadvicetotheHumanServicesCommissionwiththegoalofreducingand preventingpovertyandhomelessnessinLaneCounty.Itassiststhedevelopmentofthedelivery ofhousingandservicestomeetthespecificneedsofpeoplewhoareimpoverishedorhomeless improvingtheirstability.Itassiststomaximizetheallocationoflocal,stateandfederalfunds madeavailableforthispurpose. Itstasksshallinclude:participateinthedevelopmentofthecounty'splanning,implementation andmonitoringofperformanceandevaluateoutcomesofprogramsservinglowͲincomeand homelesspersons;developandreviewprogrampolicesandpriorities;assurethecoordination Attachment 1 Page 7 of 13 7/31/20  andimplementationofahousingandhumanservicesystem;reviewcoordinatedassessment systemforserviceaccess;reviewandapproveprivacy,security,anddataqualityplans,policies andprocedures,andperformancemeasuresfortheHumanServicesManagementInformation System;reviewtheprocessforperformanceimprovement;participateinapointͲinͲtimecountof homelesspersonsthatisconductedatleastbiannually;reviewanannualgapsanalysisthatis conductedofhomelessnessneedsandservices;developprogramandfinancialprioritiesforthe distributionofpublicfunds;assureacollaborative,fair,andtransparentprocessfordeveloping prioritiesforprojectstobesubmittedingrantapplicationstofunders;and,reviewtheefficiency andeffectivenessoffundingexpendituresforfundedactivities. PERFORMANCEANDMANAGEMENTACTIVITIESFORTHEHUMANSERVICESPROGRAM COUNTYagreestocarryoutthefollowingactivitiesinordertomanagetheHumanServicesDivision operationsforthecontractedtimeperiod. I. ContractMonitoring A. Conductquarterlymonitoringofagencycontractscompliancebyreviewingminutesand financialstatements. B. Conductsemiannualreviewofprogramprogressreports. C. Reviewannualaudits. D. Conductregularremoteandsitevisitstoallsubcontractedagencies,frequency determinedbyannualagencyriskrating. E. Providetechnicalassistanceasneededtoagenciesinsolvingproblemsaffectingtheir contractperformance. II. Accounting A. Setuppaymentscheduleforsubcontractors. B. TrackreceiptofrevenuesfromEugeneandSpringfieldanddisbursementsofthefundsto subcontractedagencies. C. BillcitiesofEugeneandSpringfield. III. GeneralManagement A. Prepareannualbudget,monitorandadjustasnecessary. B. PrepareannualprogramandfiscalreportsfortheHumanServicesCommissionandall reportsrequiredbyotherfundingagencies. C. MakerecordsavailabletocitiesofEugeneandSpringfieldasrequested. D. Conducthumanservicesandhomelessassistanceplanningprocess. E. Performresourcedevelopmentactivities. F. StafftheHumanServicesCommission,PovertyandHomelessnessBoardandrelated subcommittees. G. Coordinateprogramactivities. H. Promoteandmaintainpublicrelationswithothercommunityorganizationsandthe generalpublic. Attachment 1 Page 8 of 13 EXHIBIT B-1 BUDGET  Attachment 1 Page 9 of 13 FY24 Paid to LANE COUNTY FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY 1. Funding JURISDICTION CONTRIBUTION LC CODING Lane County General Fund Contributions 1,975,079 498515‐285‐3427030 General Fund D2D/Access 623,808 498515‐285‐3427030 General Fund Veterans Services 534,995 498515‐285‐3427070 General Fund TAC Position 555,058 498515‐285‐3427030 General Fund TAC Rapid Resolution 261,575 498515‐285‐3427030 Subtotal 3,950,515 City Of Eugene General Fund Contribution 740,125 455120‐285‐3427030 General Fund Veterans Services 69,875 455120‐285‐3427070 General Fund D2D 465,000 455120‐285‐3427030 General Fund Access Center/ESS Plus Weekend 125,000 455120‐285‐3427030 General Fund Contract Increase 75,000 455120‐285‐3427030 EPD Youth Shelter 36,000 455120‐285‐3427030 Subtotal 1,511,000 City of Springfield General Fund Contribution 150,138 455160‐285‐3427030 General Fund Veterans Services 10,114 455160‐285‐3427070 Subtotal 160,252 GRAND TOTAL 5,621,767 7/14/23 Said funds are to be expended in the amounts as shown on the Human Services Commission Budget, No.3 of this Exhibit. 2. Disbursement of Resources and Payments Based upon revenue contributions specified in Exhibit B, and subject to availability of funds, disbursements to the various services providers shall be made by COUNTY pursuant to provisions of the various contractual agreements between each respective service provider and COUNTY. Payments will be made on a cost reimbursement basis. Services are assigned to appropriate revenue sources and the funds will be allocated as described in the Human Services Budget. It is agreed that the following procedure shall apply to transfer of payments from COUNTY, EUGENE and SPRINGFIELD to the Intergovernmental Human Services Commission fund: a. Payments will be made in advance on a quarterly basis (July 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1) equaling one- fourth of each participating government's contribution as specified in above. If payments are not received as scheduled, COUNTY may withhold payments from service providers. b. Not withstanding the above Section 2, at the commencement of this Agreement, each participating government will transfer, or pay into the Human Services Commission fund, their first quarterly payment. c. The parties each understand that each party's financial obligations under this Agreement are contingent upon receiving appropriations and expenditure authority sufficient to all ow each party, in the exercise of its reasonable administrative discretion, to perform its financial obligations under this Agreement. The funding provisions of this section shall be incorporated into all agreements with nonprofit agencies. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank] Attachment 1 Page 10 of 13 3. HUMAN SERVICES BUDGET OF CONTRACTED SERVICES [Remainder of page intentionally left blank] 7/14/23 Attachment 1 Page 11 of 13 Contracts have reset to FY21 levels due to reductions in COVID & other limit duration funding.  Contracts with asterisk (*) are pending funding availability, RFP process or final funding type determination.  NOTE DRAFT AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE SERVICE CONTRACTOR RECOMMENDED ALLOCATION Children & Youth Development   55575 ‐ Parent Education/In‐Home Outreach, Child Abuse Prevention RELIEF NURSERY 83,920                *55574 ‐ Parent Education/In‐Home Outreach PEARL BUCK 54,964                  56232 ‐ Access Center Youth LOOKING GLASS 70,600                  56234 ‐ Emergency Shelter Services Youth LOOKING GLASS 104,582                56236 ‐ Rapid Rehousing Services Youth LOOKING GLASS 109,129                56233 ‐ Homeless Prevention Services, Youth LOOKING GLASS 40,666                  57082 ‐ Evergreen RRH‐ TH DEV NW 603,750                57081‐ Cascara RRH‐TH LOOKING GLASS 369,888                57083 ‐ Meadowlark Outreach SSO LOOKING GLASS 282,706                57084‐ Host Home SSO A FAMILY FOR EVERY CHILD 237,799              *00000 ‐ Transitional Housing Services for Homeless Youth TBD RFP 89,669                Basic Needs for Low Income Households   55566 ‐ Community Svc Center Eugene & North Central Lane County CATHOLIC COMM SVCS 164,084              *55567 ‐ Community Svc Center Springfield & East Lane County CATHOLIC COMM SVCS 192,706              *55584 ‐ Community Svc Center ‐ South Lane County COMMUNITY SHARING 142,889                55583 ‐ Community Svc Center/West Lane County SIUSLAW OUTREACH SVCS 62,661                  55582 ‐ Food Pantry Services in Oakridge OAKRIDGE CDC 11,849                  55568 ‐ Food Security ‐ Food Distribution FOOD FOR LANE CO 177,369                55569 ‐ Food Security ‐ Meal Site FOOD FOR LANE CO 38,869                  55570 ‐ Senior Meals on Wheels LCOG 51,824                  55565 ‐ Latinx Access to Services CENTRO LATINO AMER 52,895                Utility & Weatherization  *55630 ‐ Utility Assistance City of Eugene Campbell Center 51,606                *55813 ‐ Utility Assistance Catholic Community Services 264,413              *55777 ‐ Utility Assistance Community Sharing 45,380                *55811 ‐ Utility Assistance Siuslaw Outreach 20,160                *55648 ‐ Utility Assistance Willamalane 21,248                *55617 ‐ Utility Assistance Lane Council of Governments 32,810                *54635 ‐ Weatherization Services Homes for Good 2,039,175           Street Outreach *57271 ‐ East Lane Street Outreach HIV ALLIANCE 138,600                56015 ‐ Alternative Shelter Housing Navigation & Case Mgmt Svcs COMMUNITY SUPPORTED SHELTERS ‐                           *56828 ‐ NEST Street Outreach  Eugene WHITEBIRD 489,143              *56133 ‐ Health Focused Outreach & Safe Sleep BH/PH HIV ALLIANCE 591,910              Homeless Access Centers  *56373 ‐ Domestic Violence Services HOPE & SAFETY ALLIANCE 149,002                56222 ‐ Access Center, Homeless Families (now Annex)ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ‐                           *56223 ‐ Access Center, Homeless Single Adults ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 769,689              *56237 ‐ Access Center, Springfield Families CATHOLIC COMM SVCS 41,876                LANE COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES DRAFT FY24 CONTRACTS REVISED 5.2.2023 Attachment 1 Page 12 of 13 SERVICE CONTRACTOR RECOMMENDED ALLOCATION Emergency & Seasonal Shelters   56165 ‐ Springfield Pallet Shelter Operations MAINSTREAM HOUSING 59,210                *56224 ‐ Annex Short Term Housing for Homeless Families ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 305,242              *57174 ‐ Singles Year Round Safe Sleeping Services (D2D)ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 1,287,651           *53611 ‐ Emergency Warming Center ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 122,843              56235 ‐ Legal Parking Programs, Operations and Services ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 54,347                *00000 ‐ Bridge Housing Services TBD RFP 44,959                *56225 ‐ Homeless Family Temporary Housing SHELTERCARE 53,582                55842‐ Temporary Emergency Shelter SHELTERCARE ‐ 56965 ‐ Safe Sleep Housing Navigation  (Everyone & Rosa Villages)HIV ALLIANCE ‐ 56945 ‐ Safe Sleeping ‐  Garfield (Eugene Sites)ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ‐ 56044 ‐ Bridges On Broadway Ops & Svcs HOMES FOR GOOD 1,569,260           *57255‐ Brooklyn Ave Shelter EQUITABLE SOCIAL SOLUTIONS 815,143              57110 ‐ Shelter and Navigation Center EQUITABLE SOCIAL SOLUTIONS 2,038,000           *00000 ‐ Shelter & Navigation Center Culturally Responsive Services EQUITABLE SOCIAL SOLUTIONS 200,000              *00000 ‐ Shelter and Navigation Center BH Services LCBH 225,000              *00000 ‐ ALL IN (Shelter, Outreach, RRH, HMIS)TBD RFP ‐ Homeless Prevention   56374 ‐ Housing Stabilization Program CATHOLIC COMM SVCS 204,452                56227 ‐ Homeless Prevention Services‐Eugene/ N. Central Lane County CATHOLIC COMM SVCS 129,456                56228 ‐ Homeless Prevention Services‐Springfield/East Lane County CATHOLIC COMM SVCS 147,833                56229 ‐ Homeless Prevention Services‐South Lane County COMMUNITY SHARING 135,609                56230 ‐ Homeless Prevention Services‐West Lane County SIUSLAW OUTREACH SVCS 115,156                56242 ‐ Homeless Prevention Services‐Eugene Families ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 211,104              *00000 ‐ Coordinated Entry Information & Referral (Phone/Online)TBD RFP 133,990              57176 ‐ Wlidfire Resilience DEV NW 400,000              *00000 ‐ ALL IN ‐ Eviction, Diversion, Prevention TBD RFP 1,842,401           55556 ‐ COVID Rent Assistance CATHOLIC COMM SVCS ‐ 55557 ‐ COVID Rent Assistance CENTRO LATINO AMER ‐ 55559 ‐ COVID Rent Assistance COMMUNITY SHARING ‐ 56048 ‐ COVID Rent Assistance LOOKING GLASS ‐ 55558 ‐ COVID Rent Assistance SHELTERCARE ‐ 55560 ‐ COVID Rent Assistance SIUSLAW OUTREACH SVCS ‐ 57270‐ Homeless Prevention HOMES FOR GOOD ‐ 57220 ‐ Homeless Prevention CENTRO LATINO AMER ‐ 57261 ‐ Homeless Prevention LAUREL HILL CENTER ‐ 55698 ‐ Tenant OREGON LAW CENTER ‐ Availability and Access to Supportive Housing *54761 ‐ FUSE Case Management and Housing Readiness SHELTERCARE 462,673              *00000 ‐ Supportive Outreach Services for Single Homeless Adults TBD RFP 367,174              *00000 ‐ Housing Assistance for Veterans TBD RFP 105,130              55592 ‐ Connections Rapid Rehousing ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 208,451              *00000 ‐ McKenzie Rapid Rehousing (Adult/Youth)TBD RFP 862,459              Permanent Supported Housing for Homeless Households   56777 ‐ The Nel Permanent Supported Housing LAUREL HILL CENTER 611,200                55025 ‐ Commons on MLK Operation HOMES FOR GOOD 79,591                *00000 ‐ Emerald Options/PSH/Developmental Disabilities TBD RFP 236,663              55931 ‐ Shankle Scattered Site Service Delivery SHELTERCARE 181,225              *57517 ‐ MLK Service Delivery (July‐Dec)HOMES FOR GOOD 471,626              *00000 ‐ MLK Service Delivery (Jan‐ June)TBD RFP 471,626              *00000 ‐ Sahalie Permanent Housing TBD RFP 256,130              *00000 ‐ Camas Permanent Housing TBD RFP 227,457              document dated 7/14/23Attachment 1 Page 13 of 13