HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Applicant 10/6/2023(City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Historical Review Application Type II - or eII- or Structures: or Structures: SPRINGFIELD Historical Review Type III: Addition of a Site or Structure to the Historic Landmark Inventory ❑ Removal of a Site or Structure from the Historic Landmark Inventory ❑ Demolition of Historic Land Mark Structures Required Project Information (Applicant., Applicant Name; Y r complete this section) Phone: 5j -(a 0 Company: KI k- Fax: thi Address: 644 L41, 54 . y - r1. f 'ii Applicant's Rep.: Phone: Company: Fax: Address: Property Owner: a.rY.c- 41.1 oL'b Ov'L Phone: Company: Fax: Address: p ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: L {D 7� 9/ TAX LOT NO(S): ITl O JS 5),1 DI O 3S5),101100 c Property Address: y }-, 'n Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: 0 I I. _ J Signatures: Please sign and print your name and date in theappropriate Required Project Information (City Zn take Staff., Associated Applications: --DOl7L pZ box on the next page. complete this section) Case No.: II`L PZ Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: Technical Fee: $ (I Postage Fee: $ ,�$ TOTAL FEES: $ '7��J. i PR03ECT NUMBER: Revised 10.10.13kl 1 of Signatures An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this a Applicant: M l IN� Sign �fMiiq �O�rnby Print �� Owner: pplicatlon Is correct and accurate. Date: If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Date: Revised 10.10.13ki 2 of Narrative This proposal seeks to restore the V level rear exterior of the 1906 Ebbett House at 644 4" Street, Springfield, Oregon. An addition to the home was built in the 1980's which connects the original home to the original garage through a large, open family room. The wall cover of the addition covers an original triple casement window in the dining room, an original double kitchen window in the kitchen, and the original back entrance to the home. We aim to remove the covering on the east wall of the addition, which is the same wall that is the west side of the original home, and re -expose the original windows and rear entrance. The windows have been determined to be mostly intact. The damaged window sills and framing will be repaired and the windows will be restored to working condition. Restoring these windows will improve ventilation on the western side of the home. The back door will remain in the original location and will be reclaimed as a back entrance to the home. A new wall will be constructed for the east side of the 1980's addition creating a 4'9" wide breezeway leading to the back door. The steps will be repaired and the door restored, if possible. The existing flat roof of the 1980's addition will remain intact as a rain shelter for breezeway. Skylights will be installed in the breezeway to provide natural light on the western side of the home. The north entry into the breezeway will have a suitable screen door surrounded by screening that will allow maximum airflow, light, and visibility into the space. Finally, the modified 1980's addition will be remodeled into an Accessory Dwelling Unit (see ADU Application, Type 2). We aim to replace the existing T1-11 exterior siding, including the new east wall of the ADU space and the existing north facing facade of the ADU, with new siding that meets Washburne Historic Guidelines. David M. Zaczycki - General Contractor, Inc. 344 River Road, Eugene, OR, 97404 La ' (541)688-0243 (54t)461-0141FAX Memo To: City of Springfield — Building Dept Date: 10/6123 Re: ADU Application Narrative Dear People, We propose to c onvert an existing 1980's family room addition into an ADU to be used by owner's mother as an attached independent living space. The ADU will not increase the existing footprint of the residence. David Zarzycki General Contractor, Inc. • Page 1 V zT O e- 4- O U) 0 h m X c� cn 0 CD lit s,, ::III � n : � \ AR WIN Wr N ,'� .' � i 1 � � w " rJ� p "t- . a +S+ / i^ ��� ,.. k.. � � ' i w. � I. R � _ ' �� ��f.\„t' MA12VlN "�d,�VhTS%a I -IT I 1 .. z t� ri�Y SZRM CTIYuot�aL. � Vie. J, 'T T INT 1 Rr 11ps EwR TRAM{ tLXPfJSV rte to rtirerut � s �' p�cq-� ��. bR At-"T'�RNhtt V �L'� L)St$ WMI> t_Mtn) 'ib rrYLATCL4�uP�u4L� vrfl PtKiIFI. ®RAl,&WA - 6}oes� Existing type of fagade materials • T1-11 siding on north exterior of 1980's addition . _._3. a.LS FFA h0 !h $Itling Janos HaiV le PT, du, c 51DIMl- �iF: ur lc, ��rr� (i nr-7� Download the Product Could, > Request a Sample > Traditional and timeless. Sleek and strong. Hardie® Plank lap siding is not just our best-selling product—it's the most popular brand of siding in North America, protecting and beautifying more homes from coast to coast. HARDIE® PLANK LAP SIDING PRODUCTS HAgDIF.® PIANK IAP SIDING SELECT CEDARMILL® Our natural ceaar look has a sop texture that mimics wood. W l / HARDIE®Pf NK IAP SIDING SMOOTH 111 A, n hltpsa/www.iameshartlie.comlproducts/hartlleplank-lin-std➢sq.ardrach W" 102/23.425 PM ed ne Furor Comont Lap behind I HardiePlank Lap Skiing I James Hamel, Iot en ar in our StaieTer nl soto' ount Magnolia Home I James Hardie Collection�- Tall the story of your hour, ,in beautiful polarsstyles and textures you lova-all bursted by Joanna Gal nes. Ths collepllon was Insplretl by earthy and neuval adds, and omated to help amplify, the process of re-slding your home, so you can design with nonlftlence. All produtle come with ColorPlus007eahnology finlshes for added beauty with lower maintenance. SIDING COLORS II's About Thyme PRIMED FOR PAINT James Hardie', primed far paint pollect... ... as you in, pawed to phooas paint for your home's exterior. It's primed. It's ready for fluid painting. Ifs a darable. high-performance canvas. AVAILABLE SIZES htps://www.lameshaNle.com/products/haNieelank-lap-sidinam oc=refresh 215 Hegvesisha le lalry Colors sno vary dui tosemen rasowlied.Please see actual product sample IN; ado dolor. AVAILABLE d SIZES % THICKNESS: 0.312" (((� LENGTH: 144" boards tl WIDTHS: 5.25" 6.25- 7.25 825` EXPOSURES: 4- 5" 6' T" i1 d\ Not finding the color you're looking for? ���" 1 Jam, � + SnaM9mC'olor Options PRIMED FOR PAINT James Hardie', primed far paint pollect... ... as you in, pawed to phooas paint for your home's exterior. It's primed. It's ready for fluid painting. Ifs a darable. high-performance canvas. AVAILABLE SIZES htps://www.lameshaNle.com/products/haNieelank-lap-sidinam oc=refresh 215 J: 11 W AM 11:07 O- t „t;. rr�,it_oi.,n trni r�:.rn i,.> ploi�ta a 4 r111�� !101.11 Front door will have a fixed transom window exactly like this. The new eyebrow roof will have to be moved up to accommodate this. The door frame and crown molding should be just like this. The front door can be exactly like this one or similar except it will be painted possibly the marine blue below: GV"�H i-nouL.�lt-t L, .lttth�> 1i11R �'t ��o f%it�� ckln�tsT Sot-tb w oor, TPIK WMIlmail.poogle. corn/mail/u/0/?tab-rmsopblpsearch/priscilla+door/FMdcazGtw9DbwoGTI+ CKaBHMrBhsWID?compose-DmwnWrRodll,LmJPbK... ill THmN.A -17RU F -I .. ( C.i ASSI G Choose Your Options TT Fiberglass Single with 1 Transom '-� 6I—ASo�,t G GFz-A-C Tr u THE MARVIN PORTFOLIO ULTIMATE ELEVATE - ESSENTIAL MODERN meal r _I_ n= Ilc. t opluxs..rllr hrcd r ypr I, y, e, bl dr «��� ✓ M INTERIORS J A selection of high-quality Interior aeterfals and fl .(Tae to no eplament every design oeslhcsc WOOD 6 species .,(Ions ne om P'unled OI'pril ndld • in: i Clear COIi *0000 WOOD FIBERGLASS @arapine, 4color options palnleel Designer Black, �• aimed White, T" carat 4 nnodc o,ri finishes 5 13YARM71 COASTLINE EXTRUDED ALUMINUM EXTRUDED ALUMINUM 5 mior options 6 aurid colors 55• 5 55 4w0Udyrin fi niahu 5555 EXTERIORS Long-lasting, low-ma'mtonance exteriors with besnin-class finishes far superior dumb fify in the harshest of envrtonmenls EXTRUDED ALUMINUM 19 colors+custom sass s s 0000 ss FIBERGLASS Grn n, nptieur 5555 FIBERGLASS h¢nlor agu"', 5505 FIBERGLASS nmlor .pri ora 5555 EXTRUDED ALUMINUM 6sFire 'mlors 5 55 ss' 4 nnodc o,ri finishes WOOD 51550 it, I f un", SIZING Windows and doors bull[ to your exact specifications Standard-allonlsiling her rrplacem t vmodehng o rn�nraion Cu pn- Ingfcr zn Gsioir utfor r.mcdafing o naw rapt aaatnent, mmodnliny, rons:nrcti.n T new cocstrueb on HARDWARE For enhanced durability in harsh climates, some exterior hardware options are available with extra longlastinp PVD finishes Extemr "ccTo,, Arailabla l r. e finish Available In 6 finish mur mant hardware Available In mult'pe Iudlin, Marvin ,To —v,rh2deter opi. with door for node n de"gn styles, sizes and finishes Gallery Hardwam handle siyl..cs handllstyle aesthetic to mmpiemant the wm.ox 1 door aeshefcs COASTAL + WATERFRONT All Marvin products arc well suited for coastal and waterl a reas vnth special products and horoWare designed for hu nlcane zones -lurncone hnpact I Hurricanelrnpact Zones3 and 4, ' Zvi3,-PG50 +PG 50 Poducls i Producrs 0) All products rated for High Velocity Hupicane Zen, (IZ4) 0 Y,! W cow sFzu F� urri s ( 2 of 2") Sliding Pali. Sliding Paull Sliding Pauo Sherri French Sliding French Inswing/Outswing Inswing/Outswing Pivot Scenic Bi -Fold Scenic Multi -Slide Scenic Bi -Fold Scenic Lift and Slide Scenic Corner Inswing/Outswing Inswing/Our.,wing Pivot S,eenic Multi -Slide Scenic Multi -Slide Scenic Bi -Fold Scenic Corner Entry Garage [EA.URFS+ INTERIORS OPTION)Retractable Aman Hone LttkSen r z s ::•r -In L: ✓ ✓ Scream Rclraclalple ticmwa OPTIONS Divided Hires Divided Des Divided Lions EXTERIORS Divided Litt Ears with Spacer Bars w0, 5pawr WOOD y/ E 'F Spacer 9ors of b."5p ce ALUMINUM ✓ G1111-1 ne Glass Cr lee betvre -n, ulaae ✓ FIBERGLASS hill- l-rdlusa �' ✓ ✓ Glass illL_�l- 1-l.e�ll'.0 G'6::,ei ` fL _moi WINDOWS Glary yy ER lent Oplio oac L sang Bhd ©t n, EIm9y EH-nI, o,,,.—.Energy EHa: enl 0"e- Double Hung Dmlble I lung Double Hung Oarn, D oe.- Single Hung Single Hung Soured lie., em Single Hung Sound Abets aii Casement Cosen'lenl Caserrlent Casement Casement Lamineled Awning Awning Awning Awning Awning G1 do, Glider Glider Glider Picture Pleture Picture picture Picture Round Top Round T., Round Top Round Top Specialty Shapes Sper-ixlly Shapes Specialty Shapes Specialty Shaprs Specialty Shapes Hopper Push -Out Push Cut Corner Storefront Cesemar, Wash Mode Cazemenv Wasb Mode Cam mnim Wo -:L Mode FEAILRE Double Hung TIt Wa6 1]mble Bung Th Waeh pouble Hung Tll_ WazF Cp11ON$ Smart Rome LOM Seco- S-1 Nnme Lock S,.t Triple Pane Triple Pun, hall 5na DOORS Sliding Pali. 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