HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes Internal Reviewers 12/5/2022LIMBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: LINBARGER Michele Monday, December 05,2022 3:36 PM LIMBIRD Andrew 1 354-1 356 S 2nd: 81 1 -22-000256-PRE 1354-56 S 2nd replacment dwelling shop and adu.doc Hi Andy, Attached are my comments in the event l'm unable to attend In building safety, ?7/r2ru 4rt/4n ot, @0 Michele Linbarger [she/her] Plans Examiner II Dept of Building Safety, City of Springfield 225, Sth Street Springfield, OR 97477 M Linbarger@ Springfield-or. gov P - 54t-736-L029 F - 54t-726-3689 Buildins tnspections & Safetv - Citv of Sprinsfield Oreeon (sprinefield-or.gov) SPRINGf IEtD ,*$ el*"se consider the environment before printing pUBLtC RECORDS LAW DISCLOSURE: Emails are generally public records and therefore subject to public disclosure unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. Emails can be sent inadvertently to unintended recipients and contain confidential or privileged information. lf you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please advise by return email and delete immediately without reading or forwarding to others. Thank you. 1 .,,.-r fisceived t)l*ner: AL Jtdw*- DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS Building Safety Section December 5,2022 From: Michele LinbargerTo: Ramona Mitchell PROJECT: Address: 1lS42nd Permit No: All-22-OOO2S6-PRE Occupancy: R-3 225 FIFTH SIREET SPR/NGF/EID, OR97477 (541) 726-3753 Fax (541) 726-3689 www. s p ri ngl i e I d -or. g ov ELD ,% OREGON Residential PRE Comments Construction Type: V-B Area: R-3= - 3,200 sf; U= - 1,500 sf Occupant Load: Sprinklered: No Fire Alarm: No CITY OF SPRINGFIEL OREGON Comments to the DtM Ouestions: 1a: others 1b: Estimate of buitding fees attached (does NoT include public works or ptanning fees)only an estimate and dependent on actuar conditions submitted. 1c: 1d: Yes' owner can perform their own work for single-dwelling units. An affidavit isrequired to be signed to this ereci ,i,r,Lli-J oi'nriroing permit apprication subminar. 2c: Apprication and permitting process for demorition:lf the intent is to demo-and-immeoiatetf [ouiro, rypicaily a demo permit is not;:?ilf['J|[l1H: not immeoiatelv construct the dwerins arter Jemorition, then a demo Due to the age of the existing structure, connect with Department of Environmentarouality (DEo) for appropriate licensed persons for asbestos and leao testing andremoval' There is a process for the testing, removar and disposat of these items andrecording documentation and testins .nioirp;;;ir"ports shoutd be kept with the cityfiles. 2d: Demo permit fee = $1Og plus 5% Technology fee ,1',;t',J'X:.ffi:H:;:fiJ,Tilns and disposar shourd be kept with the city rires. (Unsure llatei Received:l)l- ^ rs.. r. tr . _.. .. a->. . r .i! z { -{ 3a. This address is located in a flood zone. The existing dwelling location is outside of the flood zone, but the property along the river has flood potential. Nearly the entire property has been classified as having hydric soils. Because of this the Building Department will require a Geotechnical report of the soil bearing capacity prior to placing the forms for the foundation. . See Planning for Flood Plain Development requirements. 3b. The existing septic system is under authority of the Lane County Department of Sanitation. A report is required to be submitted to the existing condition of the system, as well as the expected loading on the system. This report must be submitted at the time of building permit submittal. 3c. For construction of the dwelling, the foundation must be minimum 5-feet away from the tank, and 10-feet from the drain field. 3d. Others 3e. Temporary electrical can be applied by the general contractor if needed but it is assumed there is not "new" service needed, since there is existing power to the site. 3f. others 39. The shell work may be done by a GC and interior work completed by the owner. We will need to have something on file as to the who the parties involved are and what they are responsible for within their scope of work. The timeline of completion of steps in the building inspections is at the mercy of the people doing the work timeline. Permits have 180 days after each inspection to have their next sequential inspection performed and approved, or the permit will cancel. Extensions to permits may be requested PRIOR to the 18O-days when written request is sent with an accepted reason, submitted to the Building Official. 4a: others 4b: An evaluation must be on file to support the proposed shop bathroom on the septic system. lf you wish to do this at the time of the dwelling build, it may save time and money. Otherwise, a report at the time of the additional shop bathroom a report needs to be submitted that supports the addition to the existing septic system. 5a: Building a shop prior to the dwelling is at the discretion and approval of the Planning Department. i.iatQ Received [)]-:.rr.e.. 4, I. ._....t!4. , tL , rz/r/&, -_ 6a: ADU septic tie-in again is required to be determined by Lane County and report of adequacy for the additional load. Conditions as related to the shop are the same for the ADU (see 4b). 6b: others ....r xeceived I,li:lner: AL L r EST-00001-22-000031 - Estimate of fees for replacement Single-Dwelling unit add Undo Dololo Racalc Crnol Help Fs Cllc Fador:Job Value(Cstculator)ts73,429-00 v F6 Totrl 319,3s3.6s C ErpsltEldd D STANDARD N STANDARD !.I STANDARD O STANDARD ! STANDARD 0 STANDARD C STANDARD c STANDARO C STANDARD C STANDARD ! STANDARD C STANOARD 0 STANDARD 3 STANDARD D STANDARD ! STANoARD D STANOARD C STANDARD ! 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