HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-06-01CEI O! SPRIIICEIELD 225 it2?.TH .(tr .q:.?EEr SPRI:|GPIELD, 1REC/']:i 97477 tsutldila Divtsi,o?, 726-37 53 SPRINGFIELD -- RESIDENTIAL .- COI,IBINATION /APPLICATION PERMIT Job Location: Subdioision: !.ssesso,ls lla? #-/ A,tne" A&reee Phoru ll ci Deectrtbe llork ftGtAdCition Nq-) t'ot.trucro?s il@ne Li scl Plone General llectrta.L l.tecltete,l Cottstmteti,ort Lerde? Page 1 of 2 REQUIRED INSPECTIOT{S It is the rc3PonsibiUty of thc perrnit holder to see that atJ' inspcctione are mlde at thG proper tine, that each address is neadable fren the streetr atrd that tha pemit card is located at th. front of the property.a .{IL nanholc! and cf€anouts are tc be adjustsd at no cost to the Clty SITE IIISPECTICI{: To be mde after;ffi prior to set up of forns. FIREPI,ACE:ffiEF Prion to placing facing and before fi:a:aing inspec- rOODSTOVES: After installation,is completedtlon. (,![DRSLAB PLUI{BIN6, ELSCTPIC.qL 6 HECHANICAL: To be made before anyrork is covered. Foo?l}lc 6 EoUIIDATIoN: To be made aftcr tnenches alc ericavatd and forns are erect:d, but pricr to pouring concr€tc. FRA}IING:E!frIar Must be requcsted after of rough plunbing, electri- CT'RB 6 APPROAC:{ AP!.ON ari,, erectea-sut prFi;'; After fomrs to pcuringcal 6 nechanlcal. All roofing, braclng € chim,reys, etc. lnust be cdpleted. No rork ls to be con- ccaled until thls inspectioa has been uade and approvcd. concratc. U}IDERGROUND PLUIIBING, SEWER, I{ATER, DRAII{IGE: To be rnade prior to fi1- Iing trenches. II{SULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IXSPECAION : To be made aften a.l'l iasulatioo and SIDEI{ALK € DRIVEIrAY: For all con-AffiIiES'st?ecr right- of-way, te be nade after all exca- vating ccmplete 6 forrn work 6 sub- base naterlal in plaee. rcquired vapor barriers are in place but beforc any or I,,NDERFLOOR PLIJI,'BIIIG t fIIEEflANICAL :ral'l covaring OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accondance with Building Code, to be indicated in plans or by no- tice fron Building lnspcctor. ffioffloor insulatlcn or decking. ar:y insulation is concealed POST 6 BEAU:riffi;j3'N To be nade prior to of flcon insulation DRYITALL INSPECTICN: after all dryrall is To be raade ia place,on Cecking.but pnior to any taping. ROUGH PLUMBING, ELECTP.IC.!,L t UEC[{- AI{CIIL: }Io 'rork is to be covered iffithes. inspections havc been nadc and apprcved. W: Steel location, bond berms, g:routing cr vertical,s in accordanrce xith U.B.C. Section 2q15. FINAL PLUMBIIIG All project conditions, such as the insta.Llation of st?eet tr:ees, coEpletion of the lrequired landscaping, etc.' must be satisfied befone the BUILDING FfNAL can be requestcd. FIIIAL BUILDIITG: The Final Building Inspeetion nust be requested after thc Finat pJ.umbing E1ectliiaI'and!.!echanicalInspection"i.,",,"beenmadeardaPPrcved llo occupancy of the premises cen be made until the Final Building fnspection has been made and approved, and a cERTIFICATE 0F oCCUPANCY HAS BEEII ISSUED BY THE BUILDIITG DIVI- SICN A}ID POSTED ON THE PRE},IISES. FINAL ELECTR,ICAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTTON REQUEST: Ca11 726-3769 (recorder)state you:' Clty designated job ectionrequestedandwhenyouwii1bcreadyforinspec-tion' Contractors on Osnens nane and phone numbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.n.will be !!ade the sane day, request s made after 7:00 a.m. FINAL I{ECHA}IICI.L day YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER IS: teill the next rorking \Ecetw t <--/ a?o \tff (21s C&att TGbt# ntqnt 2 JOB N1nIEER,REFTRENCE NUT,IBERS L-COq ;! OCCLIPANCY GROUP TYPE/ CONSTRT'CTIONZONE BEDROO},1S Lo! Faces: P.L House ';atage Norrh Edst Sottth l,lest Lot Squ4re !tg. i cf Lot Cooered; of Stortee ?otal Heighl !cpograph:7 Setbacks So"-.:'aes i;c,te" Hea.ter 0ther Lot TA?e fntertor Cor+7e? FEES BUTLDING VALW/PERUIT Ftg. Ccrege Tlt!.s petwit is grotted on the e.sry€as c.ndii:-on '.lrzt the said cotsttLtction sha,!L, in ali 'aea=ect-=, eonfon. '-o tle Minqtces &pted by the C1=7 o7' Spzlngii.eld' inchding th,e Zoning )rdinace, tegzlat'ing :he ecn- stTaction ozd uee of btildings, or tay be *spetd'ed, o" re.roked at oU time upon tiolatitn oi' dtl grc,ti- sions of eaid 1rdinoees. Sq. Etg. Ca4or+- Pl.an Check lee TO?AL C'L4RCES Date Paid # PLUMBINC PERI,E? Saner No pe?8on elall coastmtct, inetzll, alter cr choqe G4! nel, or eriating plunbing or dtaituge syezan in ulele or in pet, rmleee sueh peraoti is -.he '.egal poBeeeao! of a oal'Ld pl'taber's Liearae, .-re.?t that Z pe$on nag dc plmbing uotk to p"o?et? utach is ourad, Leased ot opetated bg the q:Licant. SABTAT.4,L State Swehatge !rIAL CITARGES ELECIETCAL PERMN lleL) Itlate State La't reqaitee tlat the eiect*t)cai uotk be dotle bg ot Elactrical Crnt"acto", th.a elecL*:ca1. Pot-tlott cf thie pxnrit elull not be vaiiC unti'u the lg- bel lus been sig:ned by the ilectricc,L Ccnac,:!o?. The {Lectrtcal Safetg Lan does rot rcquite c, ?elsonb obtdirt a Lieense as dt aleet?isian ol/or elec- trtcal contractct to nake or, electt')cal'Jna=:Llaticn on p"o?e?tl uhich is a'med by hinaeii ot a -a:zbe: of Itis iznedi.c,te fantlg ukieh ia not i*enied ;'* sale' Lea.se ct rent. Cdgt?uc.-ion SUSTU!AL TAIAL CITARGES MECAilIC.4L PNMTT Ezltarst Hood SABTUIAL Vsnt F@t lJood Zlectrieal Labal AI4OUIIT DUE E!'ICROACHTIEItr Seeur) f.laincnance Pewrit AIIOU\IT DIE Otbcut 5ida,talk Date I AW CAREFAUy EIAMIMD the conpleted application fon pernrit, a?td. do herebg eettify tlwt all infonation hereot is tnrc otd, correct, ctd. I fittlen cettify tlut cny dtul aLL tntk petforned slull be Cone in accor- dmee utih lhe rbdittanees of the ci.tg of Sprtngfield, end, the La,ta of the State of 1rcgon perttining tc the wvk deecribed hettin, ed. tut N0 0C- CWANCY ttLL be rmda of anJ stnrcture ttitltout pertrrlssicn of the BuiUing Di,sision. I f.pther ee*ify tlwt only cont?actors otd. errployees alo anein eanrpliance urtth ORS 701.055 vtLL be uaed on this proiect. Dtvision appro,ted plaa slzall renein on the Euilding at aLL times