HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision Planner 10/13/2020SPRINGFIELD
Project Name: Drinking Water Protection
Overlay (DWP)for Fix Auto
Project Proposal: The applicant has submitted a
Drinking Water Protection (DWP) permit in order
to install a new Garmat spray booth'
Case Number: 811-20-000154-TYPI
Project Location: 3445 Main Street
Map 17-02-31-31, TLs 6601 & 6703
DWP Time of Travel Zone: Maia Well, 10-20 Year
Application Submitted Date: August 25, 2020
Decision lssued Date: October 13,2020
Recommendation: Approved with Conditions
Associated Applications: n/a
DECISION, APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS: The standards of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) applicable
to each criterion are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans and notes unless specifically noted
with findings and conditions necessary for compliance.
OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION: None. Future development will be in accordance with the
provisions of the SDC, filed easements and agreements, and all applicable local, state and federal regulations.
Planning Drew Larson 541-736-1003
Deputy Fire Marshal Eric Phillips-Meadow
Building Official Building Chris Carpenter
Drinking Water Source s4L-744-3745
Applicant Representative
John Kimpton
A Street Collision, lnc. / Fix Auto Springfield
3445 Main Street
Springfield, OR97478
John Kimpton & Cris Kuhnhausen
3445 Main Street
Springfield, OR97478
- Ma in St.
ts -! '
Project Manager
Fire and Life Safety 541-736-1035
Drinking Water Protection Amy Chinitz
REVIEW PRoGESS: This application is reviewed under Type I procedure listed in sDC 5.1-125. This applicationwas accepted as complete on August 25,2020. This decision is issued on the 49th day of the 120 days mandatedby the state.
slrE INFoRMATIoN: The site is located at3445 Main street and currently contains Fix Auto springfield. Thesubject property is located within the 20 Year Time of TravelZone for springfield,s Maia wellhead. Nearly onehundred percent of springfield's drinking water comes from wells. springfield's drinking water supply and waterquality protection is a critical part of Springfield's Drinking water protection plan. A Drinking water protection
overlay District application is required in conjunction with any development application when the developmentwill affect the storage, handling, treatment, use and/or production of hazardous materials that, in aggregate,
pose a risk to groundwater (SDC 3.3-205.8).
Submitta! Standards
springfield Development code 3.3-22s.D sets standards for review materials:
1'. A Hazardous Material lnventory Statement and a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for any or all
materials entered in the Statement unless exempted under Section 3.3-230. Hazardous material
weights shall be converted to volume measurement for purposes of determining amounts - 10 pounds
shall be considered equal to 1 gallon in conformance with Springfield Fire Code 27o3.1..2;
Finding: The applicant has prepared written application materials in consultafion with City and SUB staff
which were submitted for review and are made a part of this decision by reference here.
Finding: The applicant has prepared and submitted an HMtS.
2. A list of the chemicals to be monitored through the analysis of groundwater samples and a monitoring
schedule if ground water monitoring is anticipated to be required;
Finding: The applicant has stated that Groundwater Monitoring is not required.
3. A detailed description of the activities conducted at the facility that involve the storage, handling,
treatment, use or production of hazardous materials in quantities greater than the maximum allowable
amounts as stated in 3.3-235.A;
Finding: The applicant has stated that quantities will not exceed the maximum allowable amounts as
stated in 3.3-235.A.
4. A description of the primary and any secondary containment devices proposed, and, if applicable, clearly
identified as to whether the devices will drain to the storm or sanitary sewer;
Finding: The applicant has stated that there are no new containment devices proposed or needed at this
time and that no additional products will be introduced on site.
5. A prOposed Hazardous Material Management Plan for the facility that indicates procedures; to be
followed to prevent, control, collect and dispose of any unauthorized release of a hazardous material;
be managed on site. The following are the steps to be taken in the event of a spill: Stop the source of the
sp,r; contain alt spired materiar witt, items in the spi, kit (absorbent pads, socks' and kitty litter); and
Finding: The applicant states that the following complete spill kits are in place on site: 2 on the east wall
of the collision shop; 1 on the west wall of the parts room; 1 in the cargo/storage container on the
center of the west wall; and 1 on the north wall of the paint shop.
Finding: The HMMP further details emergency contacts and proper disposal methods.
6. A description of the procedures for inspection and maintenance of containment devices and emergency
Finding: See approval criterion 6 and 7 below.
7. A description of the plan for disposition of unused hazardous materials or hazardous material waste
products over the maximum allowable amounts including the type of transportation, and proposed
Finding: The Hazardous Material, Waste, and Spill Management Plan addresses the disposition of
unused hazardous materials and hazardous material waste.
Approval Standards
Springfield Development Code 3.3-235.D sets the standards for the 10 - 20 Year Time of Travel Zone
1.. The Ten to Twenty Year TOTZ Standards. The storage, handling, treatment, use, production or keeping
on premises of more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater in
aggregate quantities is allowed only upon compliance with containment and safety standards specified
by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the City.
Finding: The applicant has prepared and submitted an HMIS for the project. Comment from Eric Phillips-
Meadow, Deputy Fire Marshal, states that the hazard class of each product and total quantity of each
was not provided. This information is needed to determine if the facility is within the maximum
allowable quantities of hazardous materials.
CONDITION OF APPROVAL: Prior to Building Permit issuance for the new spray booth, the applicant
shall revise the Hazardous Material Inventory Statement to include the hazard class of each product
and total quantity of each type of hazard class. The information shal! be submitted with the Building
Permit materials for review and approval by the Deputy Fire Marshal. Exomples of hozard closses ore
flammabte tiquids lA, lB ond lC, combustible liquids ll, lllA & lllB, oxidizers, etc. You can refer to table
5003.1.L(1) in the 2019 Fire Code.
FINAt CONCLUSION: The above findings indicate that all existing uses on-site are protected when the applicant
implements the HMMP for the site;; instructs staff and vendors on proper use, handling and dispr:sal of
hazardous materials that are used, dispensed, stored, kept, or discovered on the site; instructs staff on proper
spill response procedures; and observes ongoing monitoring and inspection of the facility, including both indoor
and outdoor areas.
The following conditions of approval are applied for full compliance with the above standards of !;DC 3.3-235.A,
SDC 3.3-225.8, and the Springfield Fire Code.
7. Prior to Building Permit issuance for the new spray booth, the applicant shall revise the Hazardous
Material lnventory Statement to include the hazard class of each product and total quantity of each
type of hazard class. The information shall be submifted with the Building Permit materials for review
and approval by the Deputy Fire Marshal. Exomples of hozord closses ore flommoble liquids lA, lB ond
lC, combustible liquids ll, lllA & lllB, oxidizers, etc. You con refer to toble 5003.1.1(1) in the 2079 Fire
Additional lnformation: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the
applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available for a fee at the
Development & Public Works Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon.
Questions: Please call Drew Larson in the Planning Division of the Development & Public Works Department at
(541) 736-1003 or Amy Chinitz at SU B Drinking Water Source Protection (54L1744-3745 if you have questions
regarding this process.
Prepared By:
Andt"en Lat"sow
City of Springfield
Development Planner