HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecision Planner 4/18/2019D?-' AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) l, Shannon Morris, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am an Administrative Specialist for the Planning Division of the Development and Public Works Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Administrative Specialist,I prepared and ,,A") on 2019 , by causing letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. nno s STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane &tn^r-L tq U ,2olg,Personatty appeared the above named shannonffipecialist,whoaiknowledgedtheforegoinginstrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: @ taY My Commission Expires:\o 3\ NO. coltilsstor{ETPffS OCIOEER 2@til, sPnriloilg'D TYPE I. STAEF EllST ORTC REYIEY\T, REP ORT & ProiectProposal: lnsta\\ sky\ights and construct an addition off the east wall of an access ory structure. Case Number: 81 1-19-000060-Typ1 Project Location: 922 B Street Assessor's Map: 17-03-35-13 // 13400 & 13500 Zoning: Low Density Residential Historic Commission Notice: N/A Application Submitted Date: March l1,2}lg Decision Issued Date: April 19,2\lg Appeal Deadline Date: In accordance with SDC 5.1-125.C, the Director's decision is the final decision of the City. Associated Applications: None CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM BACKGROUND The Washburne Historic District was entered in the National Register of Historic places on February 10, lgg7.The home located at922 B Street is considered to be Primary Silnificant (contributing) within the washburneHistoric district according to a 1984 Survey Sheet. In addition, tie originai survey doJuments show the two cargaruge with sliding doors and recommends repairs including finding r*t"hing doors and compatible hardware(Attachment A). PROPOSAL The applicant proposes changes to the existing accessory structure which include removal of the existing roofand replace with engineered trusses; install four aluminum skylights (Attachment B); remove and replace slidinggarage doors on south wall with single hung exterior doors urJ"n"rgy efficient windows (Attachment C); andconstruct a new addition extending into the garden area to the east. All new siding and trim materials isproposed to match existing trim and color. S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAMAPPLICANT' Applicant/Owners: Alan G Hernried 9228 Street Springfield, OP.97477 Representative: N/A POSITION REVIEW OF'NAME PHONEPlannerPlanningAlistoric Regulations Drew Larson 541 736-1003 81 1-19-000060-TYPt Att g * u-'r: :{;i{'.'' fr:'Page I of4 RE\IIEW PROCESS This proposal is a Type I Historic overlay District application. The application was reviewed in accordance with sDC 3.3-g15 C and review criteria 3-3.g45. The elements of the submitted proposal that would have exceeded the Type I process and/or significantly impacted the external historic character of the structures are precluded herein or were voluntarily withdrawn by the applicants' DECISION 1 L' Type I Historical Review approval as of the date of this letter, subject to the conditions and recommendations described herein. CRITERIA FOR AppRovAL (SDC Section 3.3-945 Major and Minor Alteration standards) 1. Any proposed use shall minimize exterior alteration of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environmentl uses that require substantial exterior alteration shall not be permitted' Finding: The proposed alterations and addition is to change the historic garage to a hobby wood shop' The applicant proposes significant exterior alteration to the south fagade including removal of the original style sliding garage doors. Finding: The original survey documents show the two car garage with sliding doors and recommends repairsTncluding irnding matching doors and compatible hardware (Attachment A) Finding: The proposed hobby wood shop is a change of use from the existing garuge and substantial exterior alterations are not permitted. However, internal construction to wall off the south entrance is permitted. Condition of APProval 1. rrr" ,pfr,ifiifshall maintain the sliding g^r^ge doors in order to maintain the structure as close to its original construction as possible' Conclusion: As conditioned, this proposal satisfies Criterion 1' 2. The distinguishing original qualities of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment shall not be substantially altered. The removal or alteration of any historic material or distinctive architectural features is prohibited unless an immediate hazard to public safety exists' Finding: It is not clear when the accessory structure was constructed on site. Its droplap siding and color match the primary residence. The accessory structure has a gable roof and two sliding garage doors on the south face. Finding: The proposed work includes removal of the sliding doors; an addition and expansion on the east side ofthe structuie; new truss roof; and the installation of skylights' Finding: The proposed alterations and addition is intended to match the existing accessory structure with droplap siding with new wood doors and windows' Finding: The removal of the sliding garage doors and installation of street facing windows on the south fagade i-s a substantial alteration of the distinctive features and is not permitted' Conclusion: As conditioned herein, this proposal satisfies Criterion 2. 3. All Historic Landmark Sites or Structures are recognized as products of their own time' Alterations which have no historic basis and which seek to create an earlier appearance are prohibited' 81 l-19-000060-TYPI Type I Historical Review Page 2 of4 Finding: The proposed alterations and addition does not seek to create an earlier or modern appearance. The applicant proposes to use similar materials that are consistent with the features of the existing garage. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 3 4. Changes that have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history and development of a Historic Landmark Site or structure and its environment. Where changes have acquired significance in their own right, this significance shall be recognized. Finding: The structure's sliding garage doors have historical significance and cannot be removed. Conclusion: As condition above, this proposal satisfies Criterion 4 5. Distinctive stylistic features and examples of local or period craftsmanship which characterize a Historic Landmark Site or Structure shall be retained. Finding: The proposed addition and minimum alterations are consistent with the distinctive features, materials and craftsmanship of the period. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 5. 6. Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced. In the event replacement cannot be avoided, the new material shall match the material being replaced in composition, design, color, texture and visual qualities. Repair or replacement of missing architectural features is based on accurate duplicate features, substantiated by historic, physical or pictorial evidence rather than on conjectural design, or the availahility of different architectural elements from other buildings or structures. Finding: No existing distinctive stylistic features and examples of local or period craftsmanship that characterizes the structure will be altered, as conditioned herein, as a result of the alterations and addition. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 6. 7. New design for undeveloped Historic Landmark Sites in the Washburne Historic Landmark District and for alterations and additions to existing Historic Landmark Sites and Structures are permitted when they complement significant historic, architectural or cultural features and the design is compatible with the size, scale, color, material and character of the property, neighborhood or environment. Finding: As proposed, the applicant's alterations and addition is compatible with the size, scale, color, material, and character of the property, neighborhood or environment. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 7. 8. New additions or alterations to Historic Landmark Structures shall not impair the essential form and integrity of the structure. Finding: The existing structures' essential form is not affected by the proposed alterations or addition. Conclusion: As submitted, this proposal satisfies Criterion 8. DECISION Type I Historical Review approval as of the date of this letter. Maintaining the sliding garage doors and matching the historic materials shall be the top priority during the project. 81 1-19-000060-TYPl Type I Historical Review Page 3 of4 I WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE Upon completion of the project, the applicant shall call the Planner on Duty for an appointment to have the repair work photo-documented for City archives. If you have any questions please contact Drew Larson,54l-136-1003 Attachments: A. Original Survey Information B. Skylight Info Sheet C. Door and Window Info Sheet 81 t-19-000060-TYPl Type I Historical Review Page 4 of4 922 B St 17 03 s5 13 13500 140 YB ]915 * 6te- concrete foundation beveleci siding gab'led roof/composition sh'ingies baseboard heat I,'160 s.q. ft. lst floor; 926 sq. ft. attic detached ?-car garage 6*,*bra( F*oE" roc( ""d,*a9 l.ft41 l'leachan E l( Feh 23 1.941. l'leacham hou.c.tht frorn Thonas l-usbtt Jun 10 l.!39t Lush.v hou{tht'fron. F Coffin Ec.gt*r-u*e.lrr"*aA W\*"J S o.,.-. sPc.audlkA*oa .'lan Feh Apr tr2L 1ft06 13n3 1.9 ?4 10 tloffin hiluttht fron R l. l'lcKinne.y rlcf.inney bought from Brot'tninnp.roynin1 hounht fron llalIor.v STATE OF ORE@N INVSTTORY 25 HISTORTC SITES AI\]D BUILDN\GS State Historic Preservatlon Office Oregon State Parks, Sa1en, Oregton 97310 County Thsne r.=no #4 7 Historic District Historic Name Ccrtnion Name Address 922 tB Present G.mer r st- E''l r.r'i na Mcar- Address q22 ,B' St. Origilal Use Residence 1,160 sq.ft. Ist fI;926 attj-c Date of Construction 19r5 physical descri-ption of property and statsnent of h-istorical significance: Irris is an inportant Dutch colonial Revival style residence built in 1915 and situated to the side of a large iot. Tlrere is an old "woven" patterned block wa11 along the sider,vai*.-rrr" house is;i;f; by tq-l-, jr*ip"t=- r1- tras a ganrlcrel roof with tr.vo large dorners, -ech with " g*tbi"t-toot, fonnlng I Z-story-p1an on a full bassner-rt. These dorrners have 'bullseye' *itac*'= and half-cjrcle vents' T\p side trnrches and a fuli_width front c;a ;" covered ry rcx^i hipped roofs supported by tapered, built-up round crclurns.-C*. is pilaster--trim aCtte wal1 where the front porch meets ur. to;;.-A lcnv picr.e{-rai1i',; tuisnes the trnrch detail.Ror:nd r.rindcrr^rs at the front aorrr,er f,ave treen reltaced with slidhg windcrurs' Elwjna Meacham has lived in this house since the early 1940'?: J- Iaiilbr:r coffjl and his family lived i, the house soo., .tl"t-it-r"= built and o'vned it r:ntil 1939' Flore'ee coffi,, a daughter, was a telter in the First utti"""r Bank of spri,gfield il"I 1918 and a son, Ra1ph, ;;; ;.tg...a j,, th" ".qf Jr:ring l^i1,g1. J.w- Coffi, was a sah.y'er tor Booth_Kelry Lrrrber co.. He ssred on t'e Citlz cor:nciI f:un 1gr3 to rg17 and' was elected president or tn"to.rrr.i, i,, 1916. he vras defeated-ioi reerection in 19lB and 1920 and serzed as cj-ty Recorder thru 1gr3 until Lr-is death in Lg2L He was active jn nnny other civic activities. In t}re City l,tinutes there is a record. of his borro.rirrg rrn.rsical ijlstruurerrts frcrn the city ror *r"-=;lr""i band. rhe city at one time. set aside nxcney for a citlr band' coffin received scme notoriety i,, 1913 when J.R. Barr brought suit agai,st him to have him ousted as cror:ncilrnan becau=J oi-rri= invorvgr,errt i. u' ilregation of conspirary to prevent citizens frcrn rrcting, 'IJ""="; {i*-:-tr'" ci'"t'it court' was decided that 'Giufficierrt evide'ce o<isted to prove consprraqf Recorded by CoIe Date Jr:ne I9B4 Sources consulted: IfIA PoIk's 1918 Directory Citlz Council Mirrutes For Historic Preservalion Office I4ap Designation and Nunber I^H i a/*)9, P rcminship -lr--6 3 drsection 35 k Sec.Ilbt #13500 Morris Steulart 'l t. I ,l ffiqffi ;I L\ t .,- .E :r t. { li a li I liiifr,t Ill[r,Itti FoRM A: BIJILDING s/rE - Res identiat DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING ELEME NTS TI Itrl-{n rn { =rnz{. *.-}il ELEMENT La.uc n. --R.,t.-t R"foin,^,,-N ==rn \\ \\ -\s 1t It \\N NU oo U)d 1:,') '_)\ r-l -t \ i i Skylights { t, r I\ Velux 22-Ll2in. x 46-Ll2 in. Solar Powered Fresh Air Venting Curb-Mount Skylight with Laminated Low-E3 Glass Velux Model # vcs 2246 2004; Home Depot lnternet #204463795 Alan G. Hernried, 922 B Street, Springfield, Historical Review Type I Application, Page 34 of 39 I Ilt 7 / ll t Velux Skylights Product Overview Product Overview The new solar powered Fresh Air skylight lights up your honre and providas proper ventilatior.r using orrly tlre pourer of the sun. It features a solar panel that caplures alry ar,,ailable d;ryliglrt rurd uses it rcr recharge a highly efficisnt battary powered operator and control system. The solar panel does nol have lo be exyrosed to diract sunliglrt to function, so il will work on cloudy days and with indirect liglrt. . VCS 2246 nrodels are designecl to fit a site-built curb (rrot inclu<lecl) ruvitlr outside dinrensions 25-1/2i'r. x 49-1/2 in. . Eligible for up to a 30% federal tax credil on both produr:t and installatiorr costs, making this prodr.rcl very atlordable . Qualifies for a '10-year "No Leak" installatiorr warranty vrhen installed rvith ECL 2246 flashing orr a shingle roof rlith a pitch between 10" and 60" or ECW 2246 flashing on a tile roof r,vitlr a pitch belvreen 1 4 ' and 60' (flashing kits are sold separately) . Fsatures larninated clean. quiet and safe glass with a neal glass coatirrg that keeps your skylighl cleaner, reduces unwanted outsicle noise, is energy efficient ancl has an oxlrn glass 1:arre for added safety . Easy to use renrote control and itmect screen are inclucled . An inlegrated rain sensor will close the skylight automatically, in case of incloment wealher . Consider adding a VELUX solar powered blind (sold and shipped saparalely) which is eligible lor up to a 30% federal tax credil and allows yotr to control the lighl Alan G. Hernried, 922 B Street, Springfield, Historical Review Type I Application, Page 35 of 39 t I t t Appendix lll Materials South Wall Exterior Door Possible Option No L: Krosswood Doors Knotty Alder Two Panel Home Depot Model # AE-0023680S18 lnternet #202980291 ( Date Received t'{AR tl Zltg( Original Alan G. Hernried, 922 B Street, Springfield, Historical Review Type I Application, Page 30 of 39 ? t I NID-VALLEY GLASS & I'IILLIIORK 2630 I{EST 7TH PL P0 Box 2666 EUGEi{E, 0R 97402 Phone: (541) 687-9112 To: CASHOO ALAN HERNREIt) tfffi Hf;Xtilf#.n lhLp-Is: ALAI,I HERNREID 0n Phone FOB: PLNT Entd By: TJC Vla: CPU Shttd: CPU Contact Type: llHSt In: JC / JAl,lES C0Nl,lAY 0ut: 03 / ll0tlsE / RESIDEN Tenns: C00 Your 0rder: HERNREIO ALAN Customer Instructlons 0001 .00 010 020 030 s0m0R Remark: 1014C4 .015 6.9/16" SOLIO KERF, BRZ QLON BRZ SILL. 8r'{. 4" l/4R ST0. us15, NRP 2, 28 2-318" BS. RAD CNR LATCH 1" x 2-ll4' PREP. Rc FULL LIP S]RIKE PREP, I.I/8'' X 2.3/4'RC DB STRK PREP r,,rLDRrvER #40ss FIR 3660 1-3/4 PREP FOR 4 HII{GES AI,ID AOD EXTRA HIN6E 4.0x4.0 1/4" RC PB HINGE 15 SGS COI{.IERCIAL I.IEIGHT I .00 1 .00 U/ME-- EA EA Net I Extended ITrslE] I'lerchandi se. Tax. , ,,. .,. , Hisc Charges 1.023.15 0.00 0 .00 1.023. l50uote Total...: Please visit us at h1*/,mid-valley.com OR Possible Option No ta: Mid Valley Solid Wood Door Date Received Alan G. Hernried, 922 B Street, Springfield, Historical Review Type I Application, Page 3HAfif 1S ?311 Original Sunmittal. -!*- Quote Quo #: 871846 Route: N0NE Page: I of I Quote : 07/25118 Expire:09/08/18 Pni nted 0ate:07/25l18 Time:03:28 Pl| '-= Nel Price 1 ,023. l5 Possible Option No 2: Pacific Entries S-panel Door Home Depot Model# M55ML lnternet #20467L154 Other Exterior Doors for Minor Addition to Accessory Structure Same as Possible Option No 1 in South Exterior Door Above South and East Wall Windows See Photos 17 and 18 in Appendix 1a)Above Window and Hardware Specifications from Mid-Valley Glass Given Following Alan G. Hernried, 922 B Street, Springfield, Historical Review Type I Application, Page 31 of 39 t a Window and Hardware Specifications from Mid-Valley Glass Given Following OMS Ver. 0002.21.00 (Current! Product evallabillty end prlclnt subrect to change. ZARZyCKT I HERNRtto I wlndows Quote Number: SXSrPVB Archltecturel Prolect Numb€il Une #1 Otv:5 Mark Unit:Net Prlce: Ext. Net Price:USD 667.19 3,335.95 V A LINE ITEM QUOTES The following is a schedule of the windows and doors for this poect, For additional unlt details, ptease see line ttern quotes. Additlonalcharges,taxorTermsandConditionsmayapply, D€tallprlclngisperunit. Chd ColorClrd Clad Ulumalc Doubl. Hung - Noxt Glrer.Uon 2,0,,,,..--,.,..,--,-. ,,.....,..,.,.,..,.IE5.22 tr,,meSEerl rltX 40,/2" nouth Or.nlnt 35 1,/2" X4l" Top s.rh Chd CoLr Chd 5$h Enerb, Aulldcoloroptlonmurtbrsahatadbofor.plerlngrnorder. Arriaitprlcln,v.Xdforrlrndard (obr optlsr only, Exterior Ent€r.dAr: FS lS 14 rlt x4O ut RO35 ilz'X{r. t!1653lilfom.tlon wldrh: :t{, 29132. Hstght: ,.5 3,116', Nrt Cl..rOprnlnE:3.26 Sqf t Performona lnformailon tLF ttor:03 soL. HeltGah Co8tlld€nt: 0.3 Vliluo Lltfil lrrnrmlilrnco: 0.S2 Conden!rtlon R€rlstance: 56 CPD tlumbcr: MAR-N.425-17154.00001 INfRGY STAni ttc tG - 1Utr loyEZwlNson Sllhlcir Parlmel.r 8rt oSaa Inrerbr 6ladn8 Plpflh lottdnSarh Clad Colo, Clad 5r$ EneTbr Anlldcoloroptlo,lmirtbGsalcctldblfoEphclDlrnord.n Currantprlaln!valldlorstrdrrd aolor optlont only, Pr&med Pin! 5r5h lnterlor lG. r Ur. Lryf2w/lrSor Strlnl€rt tslmcis 8.r O8r. lntarlo. 6l.rln! Pronh whltr hltrlor W.attcrSlrlp lactrSe Sdge Exterlor Wrethrr Strlg Pa€ trgo s.tln Nlctcl5e3h Lock .................s2.9s s.lln Nktel fop Sash Strll€ Pl.leA$embv Color Alumhum scB!n Ord Color Surroud A erlld colo, optlof, mgrt bc ,llccild bsforc plrclnj an ordcr Curint pil.lnt Elld tor jt.nda.d color opllonr only. Char@slllbrrgl.rs M$h 'r'Scra€n/Conto Shlp Loore 4 9/16!rrmbs N.llitrg fin oMs ver, 0002.21.00 (cunentl Processcd on:712312018 4:13:12 pM Page 2 of 3 Date Received Alan G. Hernried, 922 B Street, Springfield, Historical Review Type I Application, Page 31a olfft 1 U 1,t,, I Originalsubmittal $Ir Av.lld610rcpllonmuttbeJahclrdbcfdoplaclntrrordri Corr!,ttp(lclntvallCfotatandrrdcolor opllons only. OMS Var. 0002.21.00 (Cunefl tl ProduEt avellability.nd pricing subJect to charye, zAfizYcru { HESNRIED ) wlndorf,r quote Numben SXSrPVB Archlt€cturel Prolect Number: Net Prlcei Ext. Net Prlce:USD 70s.49 3,527.45 line,l2 qty: 5 Mark Unit: V A fr.meSlse W s{b3lll 3412" xAorlz'. iou8h Opanht w/ subrill ,5ll?"xq,' Top Sath FTlmrd Pltrc stlh €xt€.lor Prlmed Pltrc Srrh lntedot lG-Iut€ tow E? w/Artor st.lolar' Plrlnrtcr lrr Ovolo Extarlor 6Laln8 Profllc rc- 1Utc Low E2 dAtlon Stalnle$ P€rlmeter ger Ovolo Extedo, GlerlnS Profl e SarhNkt ls..hlock .....'..',.,'...',.t2.E5 Ll&rilD H.rdw.n Alumlnum &raln Ston whllesuround Chercorl Fltrrtl$; lhri..5man/ComboSilp loosa 4 9/16.Jrmbj Ertcrlo, C!3hl- ilma ....-...,.,.,.,'...,..-9.f9 Prlmld Pln. Stenderd Suldll Non Flngor-rolnt€d Subsill No t0st.[iiloo Mlthod OMs ver. 0002.21.00 (Cu.rentl Procesled on: 7/23./2018 4:13:12 PM Page 3 or 3 Alan G. Hernried, 922 B Streer, Springfietd, Historical Review Type I Application, eagP3lL[qtBeteiVgd Exterior tnt€rad Ai fS rs14rl2,x4orl2' BO 35 u2',X 41' llcts lnlornrtlon wldth:9015/16' Hellhrt 1tl' Netclcar OgcDlntr 3,01 SqFt Parrorm.nr. rnromallon U.tu.torr0.29 Sol.r )leit 6.ln Cellhleoti 0.29 Vlihle Ltht Trenrmlttrnce: 0.51 Cordonrsllor R€rirt.nce: 57 CPD ilumbrn MAn-N.68.0SS47.{XX}01 TNERGY SIAB: NC oottm Sash Pdmcd Plne Sath Erto,lo, l,lAR 19 i' ,' J original$ubmitat ffr' ( Ed Buzalsky From:Jill Mack <JillMa@marvin.corn> Wednesday, )une27,2018 9:46 AM Ed Buzalsky Jill Mack ITDH lo: Cc: Sent: Subject: TMDT\IONAL OWELE HUNA fiU0.IRAOTNONAL TNSERT DAUBLE HUNA @DH) HAHDWARE @srity When ord'erlng reptacement hardware apeclfy: 1. Type of unit; 2, Parl numbel 3, Desorplion, R Tilt tntoh. Bonom sash. tmpaor lndudB fast.nrrs: t AF WH l1 11 896753 896762 ILLUSTRATION NOf TO 9OAIT DESCntpTtON OPER,/COLOR PAHT NO, @ Cim Lock incMeg faEt8ners: 2-tG x I |E'Philips ital lBad ?*GtB AF(PN trouxr4t),wH (PN fl8a@40). oREZ(PN 1fi0084tl., sN tPN 1180343) ES |.t180o342) AF WH ORBZ SN 8S 1 I 996848 1r 896846 I I 896850 i I 896852 't189685.1 @ Keeper includa tasleners: 2 - i 6 x 1 I 2' Phllips fldt lEg'd rr.rd,,w AF WH SN BS OFBZ 1t 89€857. 11896856. 1 I 896858 tl 896859 1l 896860 N Keeper. lmpaot includs f.slenere: 2-0lO x 1 lE'Phltbs net ,f,/ad *rct*a AF WH SN BS ORBZ 11 896761 r r 896760 1 1 89687 1 ll 8s6872 1t 896873aSrsh Lift - ITIDH Usage: 12|116/2013 - presenr (,letd applied only) lndudes taslenoro: z-t6 x I t2' PhW llat tte,tt *rawa AF WH SN BS ORBZ 11 896664 11 896665 tl 896666 1 I 896667 1 1 836668 \ 8G 'I,l859708 %TIlr Latch. Boflom Sash lncfudB ,aslensE: 2-17 x I U4 Philipc ara hegd scaaw AF(PN tla07t61), w|(PN 't807t@),oREz (PN "807t65), SN (PN '1807164)Bs (11807165) AF WH ORBZ SN BS I I 896862 I 1 896861 I 1 896863 tl 996864 11 896S65 Alan G. Hernried, 922 B Street, Springfield, Historical Review Type I Application, Page 32 of 39 Tilr L.]ch. Top Sa6h includes fasleners: 1-$x , lft'mtfigs llattead qraltrc IINE ITEM QUOTES The following is a schedule of the windows and doors for this project. For additional unlt detallt please see Line ttem Quotes. Additlonal charges, tax or Terms and conditions may apply' Detall priclng ls per unlt. .OMs Ver: 0002.21.00 (Cur.ent) Product avallablllty aBd prlcint sublect to chanEe, No lmage Available lntegrity Parts 11896858 ITDH/ITGL KEEPER, ORsZ GAVIOTAS PAINTfiG 6AVIOIAS PAINTING Quote Number:4qHUG33 Architectural P.oject Number; 13.22 Line S1 QtY:1 Mark Unit:Net Price: Ext. Net Price:USD 71.22 13.22 Line #2 Qty:2 Mark Unit: Net Prke: Ext. Net Prke:USD 0.49 o.98 0.s6 1.68 Net Price: Net Price: Line ll3 Mark Unit: No lmaBe Available lntegrity Parts 11869708 TOP TILT LATCH .8G lntegrity Parts 118525 PIVOT PIN . TOP SASH 0.98 1.68 Project Prlce: USD 0.O00lo Sales Tax: USO ProjectTotal Net Price: USD 15.88 o.00 15.88 OMS Ver. 0002.21.0O (Currentl Paocassed oil6n7n018 11:34:20 AM Page 1 of 2 Alan G. Hernried, 922 B Street, Springfield, Historical Review Type I Application, Page 33 of 39 CITY OF SPR INGFIELD DeveloP ment & Public Works 225 sth sT Sp ringfield'oR 97 477 Alan G 9?Z B . Hernried Street ipri ngfi e1 d '0r 97 477 , 'Attachment b *D #