HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes Planner 12/15/2022 (2)LIMBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: Thank you both. This sounds good. Mark Rust, AICP Planning Manager, Current Planning and Code Enforcement Development & Public Works Department Community Development Division Comprehensive Planning City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, AR 97477 office: (54t)726-3654 - 711 Relay mrust@springfield-or.gov Let me know if you need any of this communication in a different format, and l'll do my best to get you what you need For more information please see the City's accessibility page: http://www.springfield-or.gov/accessibilitv.html From: KRAAZ Kristina <kskraa z@springfield-or.gov> Sent: Thursday, December 15,2022 5:03 PM To: LIM BIRD Andrew <a limbird @springfield-or.gov> Cc: RUST Mark <mrust@springfield-or.gov> Subject: RE: Quick Call Yes, lthought are on the same page. Wanted to get the whole train of thought written down and saved with my planning files for whenever Hyland inevitably asks a "higher up" why he can't do what he wants on this. -Kristina From: LIMBIRD Andrew <a lim bird @sprinsfield-or.gov> Sent: Thursday, December L5, 2022 4:56 PM To: KRAAZ Kristina <kskraaz@springfield-or.gov> Cc: RUST Mark <mrust@sprinsfield-or.eov> Subject: RE: Quick Call Understood - this was my line of thinking too. Thanks Kristina ! From: KRAAZ Kristina <kskraaz@spri ngfield-or.gov> Sent: Thursday, December L5,2022 4:50 PM To: Ll M BIRD Andrew <a limbird @springfield-or.gov> Cc: RUST Ma rk <mrust@springfieldgt gev> Subject: RE: Quick Call Andy, No, I don't recommend concurrent review of the site plan application and plan amendment/zone change. The code is explicit that the zone change and plan amendment can go together, or a zone change and plan amendment and Master lieto fieceived l)lannei: AL RUST Mark Thursday, December 15,2022 5:04 PM KRAAZ Kristina; LIMBIRD Andrew RE: Quick Call 1 -a/tt/au Plan may go together, or site plan and HD overlay, etc., but not a site plan and zone change/plan amendment. There are also 120-day rule implications for both us and the property owner. Furthermore, with this particular property owner, there would be strong political risks to accepting a site plan application (and those fees) before the zone change/plan amendment were approved, if the zone change and plan amendment decision does not go in the applicant's favor. I would not recommend tying the hands of the City Council to approve the plan amendment based on the applicant having already incurred costs for the site plan review - no amount of warnings to this property owner removes the risk in my mind that this would become a point of major political pressure. Kristina Kristina Kraaz (she/her) Assista nt City Attorney City of Springfield 225 5th Street Springfield, OR97477 kskraaz@springfield-or.gov Office: 54L-744-4062 Please contact me to request this email or its attachments in an accessible format. This email may be subject to attorney-client privilege or contain attorney work product. Do not copy or forward this messagewithoutfirstcheckingwithme. lfyouarenottheintendedrecipient,pleasereplytomeimmediatelyandkeep the contents of this email confidential. From: LIMBI RD And rew <a li m bird @sprinefield-or.sov> Sent: Thursday, December L5,202211:06 AM To: KRAAZ Kristina <kskraaz@sprinpfi > Subject: RE: Quick Call OK the consultant for Shaun Hyland's High Banks Property (former quarry proposed for RV storage) is asking if they could submit for site plan review in advance of - or concurrently with - redesignating and rezoning the site. I looked at the approval standards of SDC 5.17.125(A) and standard 1 requires that the use is listed as permitted or discretionary in the district. ln the past we have allowed Type 2 applications to proceed with the understanding that another Type 2 or higher application might be necessary to address conditions of approval. This was under the previous code provisions, however, which did not have the same criteria of approval. Can we accept a site plan application based on a pending redesignation and zone change? Seems like a stretch to me... From: KRAAZ Kristina <kskraaz@sprinsfield-or.gov> Sent: Thursday, December 15,202211:02 AM To: Ll M BIRD And rew <a limbi rd @springfield-or.eov> Subject: RE: Quick Call Andy, I am working on items related to the GuestHouse today so I don't know when I will get a chance to call you. Email may be easier if you have a question. i'' ;,:.',.,,: llt'.'.1:'. /?f /4/h2'?- 2 Kristina From: LIM BIRD Andrew <a lim bird @sprinsfield-or.sov> Sent: Thursday, December L5,202210:47 AM To: KRAAZ Kristina <kskra az @spri nsfie ld-o r.sov> Subiect: Quick Call Hi Kristina, please give me a call @x3784 when you have a minute. thx 3 Ilato [iecelved l)r''' ^"' ,!rI ./)