HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Planner 12/14/2021CITY OF SPRINGFIEL OREGON SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Zoning Verification Letter ,b OREGON 225 FIFTH SIREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www. sp ri n gfi e I d -o r. g ov Kaylee McAllister Armada Analytics, inc. 55 Beattie Place, Suite 1510 Greenville, SC 29601 Re: 658 57s Street, Springfield, OR Map and Tax Lots: L8-02-04-0200 &t7-02-33-00-1201 December 14,202L Ms. McAllister: The current zone ofthe above referenced property is Low Density Residential (LDR). Property to the north, south and west is zoned Low Density Residential and to the east is Public Land and Open Space. The development is not a Planned Unit Development. The use is a permitted use within the Low Density Residential zoning district, however it was developed in 1979 prior to the adoption of the current code and may not meet all current regulations in Springfield Development Code Section3.2-235, Residential Manufactured Home Standards (including park development). This section however does include the following specific exception: 4. Existing Manufactured Dwelling Parks. a. Unless provided for in this Section, manufactured dwelling parks licensed prior to May 5, 1986 may continue, provided that the continued use is not a threat to the health, welfare or safety ofthe public as determined by the Building Official and/or the Fire Marshal, If a threat is determined to exist, the Building Official and/or Fire Marshal shall take corrective action. b, Any additions proposed for a manufactured dwelling park licensed prior to the adoption of this Section shall comply with the requirements of this Section. Additions shall include: c. Additional land added to the park and proposed for the development of manufactured dwelling spaces. l. rl. iii. Additional spaces proposed for development on land already existing within the park boundaries. Any changes resulting in an increase in the total number of manufactured dwelling spaces in the park. Modification to manufactured dwelling parks licensed prior to the adoption of this Section shall comply with the standards specified in this Section. In the event of casualty, in whole or part, the structures located on the subject property may be rebuilt in the current for (i.e., no loss of square footage, same footprint) in accordance with Section 5.8-100 of the Springfield Development Code. I know of no variances, special exceptions, conditional use permits or zoning relief. There are also no known unresolved zoning code violations. To the best of my knowledge the records do not show any unresolved building code violations or complaints. The property was development prior to Site Plan review requirements and therefore no documents exist that show the approved layout. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call at (541) 726-230L or email at alarson@springfield-or.gov. Sincerely, 4rltzu?, .4a.u"" Andrew V. Larson City of Springfield Development Planner ARMADA -ANAtYTtCS-( o\iltlt \llt \\\t(;\Tl t[1' n\\ts ot tals|\ Municipality Name: City of Springfield Property Name: Emerald lsle Mobile Home Park Address: 658 S 57th Street City/State: Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel #:0136844 & 056081 1 To whom this may concem, At our client's request, please provide the following information: Zoning Compliance/Verification Letter: Please supply a letter (or feel free to use the enclosed template and copy onto letterhead) stating in which zoning district the subject property is cunently located, whether or not the subject is considered to be a permitted use, and any compliance information you may be able to provide. Please use municipality letterhead, or if this is not possible for some reason, please enclose a municipality fax coversheet showing that the zoning letter is enclosed. Any Variances, Special Permits or Conditions: Please note the existence of these items as they relate to the use and structures of subject property and supply documentation, if available. Code Violations: Please note whether or not there are currently any open/outstanding zoning or building code violations that apply to the subject property Approved Site Plan and/or Conditions of Approval, if applicable: Please supply one or both of these documents, particularly if the subject property is located in a Planned Development. Please advise us at your earliest convenience if any additional fees or forms are required, if any of these items are not available or if I should be directing any portion of my request to another party. We are on a strict timeline, and your prompt attention to this request is greatly appreciated. Upon completion, please fonrvard the information via email if possible, and by US Mail if not. We truly appreciate your help with this request and look fonryard to your reply. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concems you may have regarding this request. Thank you very much for your assistance! Kaylee McAllister, Zoning Analyst I Armada Analytics, lnc. 55 Beattie Place, Suite 1510 Greenville, SC 29601 Office:(864) 438-2119 Fax: (866) 255-6518 Email : KMcAllister@ArmadaAnalytics.com a a a a Property Name: Emerald lsle Mobile Home Park Address: 658 S 57th Street City/State: Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel #:0136844 & 056081 1 COPY THIS FORM ON YOUR COMPANY To Whom lt May Concem: ln response to your request for information regarding the above-referenced property, we have researched our files and present the following: 1,Thecurrentzoningclassificationforthesubjectpropertyis:. 2. According to the zoning ordinances and regulations of this district, the use of the subject property is a: Gurrent Use Permitted Use by Right Permitted Use by Special/Specific Use Permit Number _ (enter permit number and see question 4) Permifted Use by Conditional Use Permit _ (enter permit number and see question 4) Legal Nonconforming Use (use was existing prior to the adoption of the zoning ordinance/code) Non-Permitted Use The Municipality is unable to opine at this time Com 3.Conformance: Per current zoning ordinances and regulations applicable to the subject property, the current structure(s) is (lf unknown, please check the last box): E Legal Conforming (complies with, or is otherwise exempt from, applicable zoning regulations, including parking) tr Legal Nonconforming (does not meet the current zoning requirements due to amendments, re-zoning, oiotner changes. See comments) E Grandfathered (developed prior to the adoption of the zoning code/ordinance) ! Nonconforming (see comments) ! The Municipality is unable to opine at this time 4. Have any variances, special permits/exceptions, ordinances or conditions been granted/approved for either the use or structures of the subject property: tr No, there are not any variances, special permits/exceptions, ordinances or conditions that apply to the Subject property. n yes, the following apply to the subject property: Variance (Documentation/copies attached) _3ffi,lat p"ermiUException Gomments: -conditions 5.Rebuild: ln the event of casualty, in whole or in part, the zoning code states that a legal non-conforming structure: fl May be rebuilt in its current form (i.e. no loss of square footage, same footprint, with drive through(s), if applicable).D May not be rebuilt in its current form, except upon satisfaction of certain conditions, limitations o1 requirements. Please see section ofthe current zoning code/ordinance for details. Additionally, the damage threshold is calculated based on [J trtrtr!trtr 2 the entirety of the property or ! per individual building l'amman+a. 6. Building and Zoning Code Violation lnformation: D There do NOT appearto be any outstanding/open zoning or building code violations that apply to the subject property n fne following outstanding/open - zoning t - building code violations apply to ihe subject pioperty:' 7. Site Plan lnformation D tne subject property was not subject to a site plan approval process E The subject property was subject to site plan approval; a copy of the approved site plan is attached! The subject property was subject to site plan approval, but a copy of the approved site plan is no longer in existence (was /osf or destroyed). All other existing documents applicable to site plan approval for the site are attached.f] Rn approved site plan for the subject property is on file, but our office does not have the necessary resources to reproduce and distribute copies of the plan. All other existing documents applicable to site plan approval are attached.f] Otner, (as noted here): Further comments regarding the subject property: Thisinformationwasresearchedon-'2020,bytheundersigned,perrequestandasapublicservice' The undersigned certifies that the above information contained herein is believed to be accurate and is based upon or relates to the information supplied by the requestor. The Authority assumes no liability for errors and omissions. All information was obtained from public records, which may be inspected during regular business hours. ZONING AUTHORITY: By: Title: Municipality: J fammanf. llammanl. l^ammaar.