HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Planner 1/31/2020County r.ane #566 Thsne Hi5toric District Historic Nane Ccnrnrn Nane Address 821 E. Street ,oR 77 Present Gvsner Orley C Dolores Ler^ds Address 831 E. Street Sprilgfield, OR 97477 Origilal Use Residence Area: 1309' sq lst fL/5L6 attic Date of Constnrction 1924 Physiel description of proper:ty and statsnent of h-istorical significance: ll:ris 7924 Br:ngaloui has a crcncrete for:ndation, asbestos sidhg and one-over-one double- hr:ng windcras fenestrating the sides. Ttre house has a reditun-pitded gable roof , and an interior chinu:ey. Ttre half-width porctr is recessedandhas tapered ooh-nnns. One-ha1f of ttre porch has been enclosed. Otlrer additions include a dorner and a tr,uc-story or- tension that i:rcludes o<tended living space and a second leve1 balcony. STATE OF OREGON ni\m.IIORy t 2 e HTST'ORIC STTES AIID BUTLDINGS , O State Historic Pressrzation Office Oreg'on State Parks, Sa1an, Oregon 973i0 Initially A. Sloan or^need this house. qi--o ttren, it has had eight different c&rrers including Frank B. Hamlin (1935-1941),"ili6-was a fornrer Springfield postrnaster. Hamtirr lived at 406 N. 4thr Street at that tjme, so it aould be assr.rned that this was rental ProPerq/. Reccrded by Dave Cole Date Jr.:ne 1984 Sor:rcesIffAFor State Hi-storic Pressrzation Office Map Designation and Ntmber VlD- l,tap 3c/fl55 S Tcrr^mstr-ip J_..1$3-f!)sestj.on 35 k sec. 13 r,ot # 1999- consulted: .*'. a,---*(t t .3 WASHBURNE HISTORIC DISTRICT Springfield, Oregon Property lnformation ,summer 2003 Address 821 E Street Assesso/s MaP # 17-03-35-13 #4900 NR classification Sionificance Date of construction 1924 FEATURES Architectural classification # of stories 1 Foundation material(s) Roof form(s) and material(s)with comoosition Raked sidinqSiding material(s) NoneDecorative material(s) Window type(s) and material(s)Wood casements and 1:1 aluminum storms rear additionAlterations/add itions Associated resources Landscape features Trees and shrubs lntegrity Poor Condition PHOTO