HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeeting Packet Planner 4/26/2017gfY OF SPRINGFIELD - DEVELOPyTENT RBAE\w COMMIITEE DISIRIBLfl-1ON DATE APrit 26' 2O17ro: *currentr,"""'";$arr: lT.?::::?:ilH,:X?ffi[?';;i[;t-="'' leff Paschall' Srtoervtstnq Lrvrr Lr rY'r rv-'ooment Manager - DPWi"(i" er*n, NC Building & La:nd D:::: rodd sinsreto^: #E,oi; ^E.gi1*l'il;lj,HJ:$ilr*'" - _-; B,,F,,ir \^rnrkc Deoarmenr *Micnael Lrebler, T-ransponatron prunninj jnqrneer, Publlc worts Department *Gilben e*oonl'o"ouoli'[ t.n""nttt' eiie a-uife Safety Department Meiissa KennedY, Fire Agenda onry -xRonni price, Planner' Willamaiane Park and Recreation District frri gitt, Chair' Historic Commission^ , *sanjeev Kits;'l'iiil;;lnn' ip"gn"jd Utiliw Board ( Elecric) *Greg Miiler, waier oivision rngin_eeri,ig"M;ri.;;;- +;.gneti utliitv BoarO (water) *Baft McKee, water Engineering supe;rsoi'liprinsneta utitity aoard (water) Jack Foster, spri"ng"R'il "d r iry aoa ro' t rnergy Conservation ) ffiv cnlniu, {p""gr[ld Utility Board-(Drinking water) .:i, i"n,-,,'C"nt-i Lane Communications 911 :"onfur o;;r""1, Centr-at Lane Communications 911 *Bect<yTaylor,LaneCountytransportation(Daningramreviewers),BillMorgan(cconly) rhomas r"ff;;i;;Lto Reopte's Utiiitv Disrict (EPUD) Jamie porter, Rainbow water District (Dean Hill altemate t.ui"i'it)illnrv if in the North spfld area) Jon Thomas, Planner III, EWEB (eledic) (propefi) r,iuffu." fq.Cuffough, EWee (water) (*If in Glenwood) ffi;;;y crieret, Economic & community Development (agenda) xDavid 6owBby, AIC Building Official DPW rTom Schwetz, LTD, Planning and Development Director : ChristoPher Silva, Century Link planning a o"r"lbprunt Manager, oDoT, State Highway Division (odotr2planmgr@odot.state.or'us) John Saraceno, Asst Dir. Maintenance Facilites, Springfield School District (agenda) William Lewis IiI, Financial Services, Springfield School Disilict (agenda) Chris Moorhead, CitY SurueYor A request for land use action, as described on the attached agenda, has been received by the Development Services Office. Specific concems of your division/departmentlagency should be addressed. lf yOU have COmments Of requirements of this proposal, please send them in writing to the assigned planner @ Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477. Your comments may also be sent via e-mail or if you are a DRC internal user attach as document within the Accela Automation. lf your written comments are not received by Friday, May 5, 2017 specific concems of your division/departmenUagency will not be addressed unless you atrend the meeting on May 9,2a17. The Development Review Committee holds staff review meetings on Tuesday @ 8:00 -10:00 a.m. You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Tuesday if you have specific Jonc"ms so thaithe Planning representative can discuss them prior to meeting with the applicant. lf the Planner feels it is necessary for you to participate in the pubiic meetings helshe will let you know on Tuesday * tull packet Revised O3i24i2O17 Date Ltt/l L AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERWCES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Confercne Room 675 9taff Review: May 9, 2077 @ 9:O0' 7O:O0 a.m. Tree Felling Permit #TYP2L7-OO015.Ieremy Weed Assessor's Map: 17-03-2-00 TL: 22O8 Address: 2555 Gateway St Existing Use: Chalet Apartments Applicant submitted plans to remove and replant 28 trees Planner: Liz Miller The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: http://www.springfield-or.gov/weblink8/browse.aspx Date Received: Planner: Lltil1 ,1 b City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield , OR 97477 Tree Felling Permit SPHINGFIELD h, ax: Date Received APR 1 e 201i 1of 5 0 APPlicant Name: Ivlichael Grace phone: 503-625-3700 Company: Cecar Landscape Construction, lnc. AddresS: 20178 SW 1'l2th Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062 Applicant's Rep.:IF Qit-tt t -^lrz-/)Phone: Sb1-{<i1-<ZL{Z lz Fax: Address: Com Owner:P 0 Phone: IrSO .- lrtQ:- I lZ ComPanYl Chalet- Bird I Fax: 2677 Willakaozie Rd. Ste 3 Eugene, OR 97401Addres ASsEssoR's MAP rvo: I 109-LW TAx Lor No(S): f )eaor Property Address: eSgs Go:fe,r,au 9+ 6nn,rriSetd OR- ? 14ll ,-15 ,J' Acres [Y Ssuare Feet flSize of Property: I T Descri ption of If you are filllng in this form by hand, please attach your proposal descrlptlon to this apptication Proposal: natures: Please si n and nt name and date i on the next Associated Cases: S riate e si ns: cu"" no.ii-i{ rtll-Oco (<g t?o"t.r L{l- r , Reviewed bv: l-,M(lf f+qv,L5Application Fee: $Technicat Fee: $ -/A,3t Postase Fee: $ l(lb'OO TOTAL FEES: $ I{ffi.1 .6b PROJECT NUMBER: Requir, ed Prope rty Information Intake Staff: coritplete this sedion Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian OriginalSubmittal ((AA - L_/ S ITE VICINITY MAP TYP217-00015 Tree Felling Permit t7-03-22-00 TL 2208 2555 Gateway St Jeremy Weed -1 ., N NW Tree Specialists 21400 NW Mauzey Rd Hillsboro, OR. 97124 DTRECT 503.530.9242 FAX 503.645.9399 WEBSITE www.nwtreespeciaiists.com CCB# 1164737 --Oregon ) ( northtsgs8lt --Washington ) Dale: 1/15/2017 Name: Address: Address: REMOVAL REASONS: REPTANT PLAN: Notes: Arborist:Jeremy J. Weed ISA Arborist# PN7838A & Certified Tree Risk Chalet Apartments 2555 Gateway Street Springfield, OR97477 The Site Map ldentifies 28 trees, which are recommended for removal. 4 Ash, 1 Pine, L5 Cedar, 2 Crab Apole, l Silver Maole, 3 Pear. l Sweetsum and 1 Hinoki. 23 of the 28 trees were planted to close to the building, within 4-6 feet, which are now causing issues to sidewalks, asphalt, irrigation. sidins oroblems, concrete oatio damase and roof damage. Out of the 5 remaining trees, 3 of which have had Catastrophic Limb Failures due to the recent storm, making them a hazard in traffic areas. The remaining 2 are for aesthetics. U nfortunatelv,the trees were planted to ciose to the building at the time the complex was build. The Replants includes: 9 Bark Maple, 9 Western FlowerinA Dogwood, 2 Paoe rbark 8irch, 3 Quakins Asoen, 1 Oreson White Oak, 2 lmperial Honey Locust, l Golden Rain L Skviine Hone'r Locust and 1 Red Maple. Direct #:503-530-9242 Email: Date Received APR 1 e 2017 0riginal Submittat fl\(' / PROPOSAL REEN SPACE / CENTER COURTYARD AREA CUENT: Name Sqeec CitlZip REMOVAL PLAN & SPECIES SIZE Directional Location to BLD REASON FOR REI,{OVAL BUILDING I .8 22-N orrhI - Pine lncluded B*k/To Close To Buildtnt & AsDhair Daro$ I3"South Lean Over Poor Strrurd Storm Damage South Limb Pailure/To Close @ Cedar Easr Close !o Wlhln l0 fee! BUILDING9.I6lOFFICE Cedar t9"South Close !o Buildihg . Wlthin l0 fee! i3'Ceoar Close ro Within l0 feer Cedar 17"E*r Close ro Wirhin l0 feer I0 - Cedar I Srem I 6"North Close b Buildlnt - Within l0 fee! BUILDING I7 . 2,I 17'I 3 - Cedar Close ro Within i0 feet |LDTNG 25 " 32 SEI 6 - Cedar Ciose !o Withah l0 feet tLDtNG 4t -.18 I I - Cedar t8'To Close to Euilding - Wi$an l0 feer 20"I 9 - Cedar Close to Within l0 fee! t7"NorthSweettum Close ro Building - Withrn I0 feer t7'NorthI - Cedar Ciose ro Within l0 feet Pear Ear Close to Within i0 leer tLDtNG 49.56 Ciose tol9'Cedar Witiin i0 feet Pear Eut Close ro Buildint - Wlthin l0 feer IT Eut Close to Buildint - Wlfiin l0 feer BUILDING 57 - 5.{ t8"Ceadar North Close to Bualding. Within l0 fee( .72BUILDING EatI - Ceadar To Close Lo Burlding - Wirhin l0 feer BUILDING 73 .80 Ash Lean Over Poor Structurd Srorm Damate Hinoki 7"South o Close to Burldlng-Wirhin I0 fee/Concrere Cedar South Close to Buildint - Wirhrn l0 feet Cedar 20'Norrh Close co Wifiin l0 feet Silver 28"Slorm Damage/Haard/History of Limb Failure POOL AREA Slorm Damte14",dsh UMENT SIGN BY ENTRANCE 3"Cmo Aesthetic Enhancemenr Crab Apple Enhancement Removals will be done by NW Tree Specialists (Oregon CCB#|64777 WA License #NO standard ns andA300 Debris, ie. Limbs, Branches,& Wood will be and or of at Lane Foresr Products Location: 820 N. 42nd SC, Springfield, 97477 Stumps from removals will be down & all will be disposed of at Lane Forest Products r Recycling. Location: 820 N. 42nd St.,97 477 Dete Received APR 1 e 2017 oriainalsubrnittal kY\N- I lhalet Aoarfments I I I l I l I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -.\.\ \\"l I_\ G C * \n I :, ni I ___r- \ -->I:- \-) s =\F J /\'lt norlh l.J i\,]A,,t L : !J aAt :iinJiY-i'' lJ+5{rlz \l--l*tvGa.AnJ6 .i-! -l \,1 --J; r.J {J: t\r\J I\JF Fa g,la Sfi.;tl $l ltmII:) SJ.\-J,--6 +,--t-.-:2 (' O.\l sA lYr \J P $t UJ{ ri7{*l N 7I h,\ 7rt ri ti l)t, u l.fi Date Received APR 1 e 2:l1l Originalsubmittd V-fN ;l l Y+dr-C aro+ i*! *6i;!')+: 1l! 1 - 'a N N na|, I { 6 1a- \'jl rc i:rl: f'l N llrdro fLokol r I I r PROPOSAL CLIENT: Name Street City/Zip REPLANT PLAN TREE# &Directional Location tostzE Birch - Date Rs:.*iv** AFIQ. rq '.0t1 Original Subn:ir*l t9 $i]t]:!tlt !il -(] I*'* f*" i"=" qr l(p<i I$I-*,,r- uti at \ ftJ rt :! n s t f4,E-i , I d*.!, # LS +0 39 'i$3a 3'_!-! \.IJ Date Received APR ie 2017 r*{ LN o0 7 <"Jn Ivu,4J t!ii-Jl iI fjr- tl e.e e'r: -?i.:r.. Jvt\ *-:lit zvtL<- ..o .3 It F, -x'- jli; i-=r 1 t) \ rs) tr, L)I t-: ':7 :;r{;. 'jr J( 11 t\ c tq ) *.I It /a s -,-,t\t Criginalsubmittal bF li9 $$rili {rl t$rt-q r{u r\fr fr rfi \l.lqf, qf,r(} '.I r\ .ic qf, cf, u) LN ro qr (o Lfi oo qS z. {J a* t*e J TI LUfir grr ?a I\ {J r{tr a'f.ts E;cL'unF'ddvNX It .0t{: E * - rti lI t-E*LDG, .E ri qD qr !o r-l f\.1 r{ g1 .t0 3.q .lt):i$ $t{JI 3-r ^'.) Date Received APR 1 e 2017 Origlnalsubmittd h/lr_ hii d" tr, !r{rii r lJrqtr.. # '.rr gr !, lmd Hlq$l$I E tr $J a ti}tt ff ff 6* Es dJ ft -Jqr h9 *! qt rf ;l ti II -\ G (- .\ {a\ I I : -\ 1 _{ + \ s -- 4;\ \> \s /i\ norl^, NN lu {"iJ ^in t ..1-IJ''l At E19=(l:iL.r(' {=$FMhs\A=Ja cE. s X{--t ^49a ^i+'++) {i *E{-{;- ! r* FJ! C, 6 I' hJp sq'r N U3 rC i\\o {JJ\j (Jl ) p (fr \ t--r-:) SJ.\ -.l(--U/'-l- -=)!-> :t l-il \,j S, -___l_+3(- C.\._, 67{JJ (-, N ('fr 1$ Date Received APR 1 9 zTiI ff;*{'rc ;l I T 9.q 6r;;1"1.il q'! Shed sl l,tsrl NN ig ! 7l At 7r,6ii {}1, \j,n A: Originalsubmittd t{\N f.. =