HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes Agency Partner 3/16/2022LIMBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: LAPINA Keoki < KeokiL@subutil.com> Wednesday, March 16,2022 9:20 AM LIMBIRD Andrew RE: Development lssues Mtg 811-22-000071-PRE (McKenzie SewOn) Planner:Andy Limbird I was assuming that they were planning to use the building as is and didn't have water related questions in the package Regardless, if they need more water they would have to come through us. Thanks for the info as always Andy! Keoki Lapina, P.E. I SUB Water From: Ll M Bl RD And rew <a limbird @springfield-or.gov> Sent: Wednesday, March 1.6,2022 9:L4 AM To: LAPINA Keoki <KeokiL@subutil.com> Subject: RE: Development lssues Mtg 811-22-000071-PRE (McKenzie SewOn) Planner: Andy Limbird It isn't certain whether they would generate another land use application for this proposed building occupancy. ldeally, they would annex and connect to sewer, etc. but there are ways around this if they just move into the existing space and use it as-is. From: LAPINA Keoki <KeokiL@subutil.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 76,2022 9:05 AM To: Ll M BIRD Andrew <a li mbi rd @spri ngfield-or.sov> Subject: RE: Development lssues Mtg 811-22-000071-PRE (McKenzie SewOn) Planner: Andy Limbird ls it safe to assume that they would have to submit another application when they purchase the property and get annexed into the City? And at this time they would submit their plans and address utilities? Any modifications to water service would have to come through us regardless, but I was curious if this would come up through another DlM. Thanks ! Keoki Lapina, P.E. I SUB Woter From: Ll M Bl RD And rew <a li m bird @sprinsfield-or.sov> Sent: Wednesday, March 1.6,2022 8:54 AM To: LAPI NA Keoki <KeokiL@sqbuliLeaxo> Subject: RE: Development lssues Mlg811,-22-000071-PRE (McKenzie SewOn) Planner: Andy Limbird OK thanks Keoki! I suspect they will need to upgrade their water service because I suspect the screen printing process has a higher water demand than Cash King or Big B Tire ever used. lt is likely they will need to annex to address their utility needs - particularly sewer, since an on-site septic system probably won't handle the process water used in their screen printing production. 1 [)ate ftmeiveci.-_il-4.k"D_ Andy From: LAPINA Keoki <KeokiL@subutil.com> Sent: Wednesday, March L6,2022 8:49 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew <alimbird @springfield-or.sov> Subject: RE: Development lssues Mtg 811-22-000071-PRE (McKenzie SewOn) Planner: Andy Limbird Hi Andy, Yes, SUB Water maintains and operates the Glenwood Water District system To be honest, I didn't realize this was out of the City limits and didn't catch that they were entering the annexation process. All services in Glenwood are SUB Water services on behalf of the Glenwood water district. They currently have a 1" service and 6" fireline to this property. Not sure if this helps or changes anything. I don't think we would do anything with their annexation into the City since they are already served by us. Tha nks ! Keoki Lapina, P.E. I SUB Woter From: Ll M Bl RD Andrew <a li m bird @springfie ld-or.Aov> Sent: Wednesday, March 16,2022 8:21 AM To: LAPINA Keoki <KeokiL@subutil.com> Subject: RE: Development lssues Mtg 811-22-000071-PRE (McKenzie SewOn) Planner: Andy Limbird Hey Keoki, does SUB operate the old Glenwood Water District system by default? This site isn't annexed so l'm not sure who provides water service. From: LAPINA Keoki <KeokiL@subutil.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 16,2022 7:52 AM To: Ll M BIRD Andrew <alimbird @sprinsfield-or.sov> Cc: MORRIS Shannon <smorris@springfield-or.gov> Subject: RE: Development lssues Mtg 811-22-000071-PRE (McKenzie SewOn) Planner: Andy Limbird Hi Andy - Please find attached SUB Water's response to this upcoming DlM. Thanksl Keoki Lapina, P.E. I SUB Woter -----Origina I Appointment----- From: MORRIS Sha nnon <smo rris@springfield-or.gov> Sent: Tuesday, March 75,2022 3:39 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew; RUST Mark; _SP_ConfRm616; GREENE Kyle; MCEACHERN Clayton; SINGLETON Todd; RICHMOND Joshua; PETERSEN Steven; JABUSCH Brock; LIEBLER Michael; GORDON Gilbert R; GORDON GilberU BOYCE Ladd; LAPINA Keoki; KING Sanjeev; AMANN Nick; CARPENTER Christopher; PASCHALL Jeff; WASHBURN Sunny; LENZEN-HAMMEREL Alycia B; LAUDATI Niel; KEENE Vahana; KRAAZ Kristina Subject: Development lssues Mtg 811-22-000071-PRE (McKenzie SewOn) Planner:Andy Limbird When: Thursday, April T ,2022 1.:30 PM-2:30 PM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). Where: ZOOM 2 Dato Receivecl f,lanne:": AL t//o/xzt _ A Development lssues Meeting has been scheduled forThursday, April7,20221,:30-2:3Ovia Microsoft Teams (link and participation information below) Planner: Andy Limbird Applicant submitted proposal for embroidery and screen print shop to occupy existing site. The Complete DIM Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: http://laserfiche.springfield-or.eov/weblink/Browse.aspx?startid=188193 Shannon Morris is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: DIM 811-22-000071-PRE (McKenzie SewOn) Planner:Andy Limbird Time: Apr 7,2022 0L:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://usO6web.zoo m. us/i/86 156623293?pwd= R2xSV3Vs MW9 FWWs2a U dXd ktYaWwOZz0g Meeting lD: 861 5662 3293 Passcode: 635018 One tap mobile + 197 7247 1,195,,8615 662329 3#,,,,* 6350 1 8# U S ( Po rt I a n d ) + 120 6337 97 23,,8615662329 3#,,,,1' 635 0 1 8# U S ( Se a tt I e ) Dial by your location +L 97 7 247 1.195 US (Portland) +1206 337 9723 US (Seattle) 877 853 5247 US Toll-free Meeting lD: 861, 5662 3293 Passcode: 635018 Find your loca I number: https://us06web.zoom. us/u/kcoiTVSLfY Date, Receivec{ l)lanner: AL ,6 3 SPRINGFIELD U TILI TY BOART) \\ ATIIR SER\ ICE CENTt"R 202 South 18th Street, Springfield, OR97477-5240 rel54l-726-2396 Fax547-747-7348 www.subutil.com TO:Andy Limbird City of Springfield 225 N. 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 DATE: March L6,2022 SUBJECT: SUB Water commentsfor DIM #811-22-000071-PRE, McKenzie SewOn Listed below are our comments for the above referenced development proposal: 1. The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) Water Division has no objection to the above land use action. 2. All proposed Land Divisions (lot partitions and subdivisions) shall provide a minimum 7-foot wide Public Utility Easement (PUE) along and adjacent to all City of Springfield Right-of-Way (ROW). The PUE shall grant SUB Water access to this section of the property to install/construct, operate and maintain water facilities. No buildings, structures, trees or other obstructions shall be placed or located on or in the PUE. 3. Springfield has several wellhead protection areas. Ninety percent of Springfield's drinking water comes from wells. ln every instance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contamination. Contractors/developers/owners shall be responsible for the safe handling and storage of chemicals, petroleum products, fertilizers, and the prevention of groundwater and storm water runoff contamination. Special requirements may be necessary for groundwater protection at this development. For more detailed information, contact the SUB Water Division Drinking Water Source Protection Coordinator at 54t-726-2395. Sincerely, Springfield Utility Board - Water Division S:\SITEPLAN\2022 Letters\877-22-000A77-pRt McKenzie SewOn {443A Fronklin Blvd).dacx Poge 1 af 1 Date fReceived: [)l:nner: Al